Scientists at the William A. Tiller Institute: “When Jim Kaszyk first asked us to determine if a sample of his product contained Subtle Energy, we were reluctant….we had been trying to prove the existence of Subtle Energy for 40 years, with only minor success and had almost given up. Attempts to measure Subtle Energy usually involved the human energy field either in the measurement or in its creation.
“Critics could say that it was all just the placebo effect or wishful thinking. The samples that Kaszyk submitted had so much Subtle Energy they allowed us to create new test procedures allowing for the first time, not just a way to prove Subtle Energy existed independent of the body, but also a way to measure it. This is huge for science because until his discovery Subtle Energy was considered a ‘theoretical energy.’” These tests concluded that Subtle Energy does, in fact, exist. Founded by William Tiller, PhD., professor emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University, the Tiller Institute is a recognized authority on alternative medicine practices.

Subtle Energy is the basis for Reiki, Energy Medicine, Acupuncture, and 4,000 year old Traditional Chinese Medicine.
“Before now, Reiki and Energy Medicine were considered pseudoscience because that type of energy could never be scientifically proven,” Kaszyk explains. “Now it is no longer pseudoscience. The implications for health and beauty are enormous.
“I created www.ReikiTruth.org as an information resource for scientists, the news media, and the general public to see and learn about my discovery of a new natural energy that is all around us, with the power to change our lives. Subtle Energy is linked to aging and this discovery is the source for my new theory of aging: The Subtle Energy Theory of Aging.” Holistic Healing News recently endorsed Mr. Kaszyk’s work here:
Jim Kaszyk is a recognized pioneer in the field of chemistry with experience in the U.S. government and major manufacturing companies. After graduating from the University of Massachusetts with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry, Mr. Kaszyk served as a medic lab tech during the Vietnam War. He went on to become a toxicologist and researcher for the prestigious Laboratory of Pathology in Texas.
His father’s illness inspired him to delve into holistic and alternative medical solutions; in 1985 Mr. Kaszyk began extensive research in vibrational medicine following the works of Dr. Richard Gerber, M.D., and renowned Yale researcher Dr. Harold Burr. Combining his vast knowledge of chemistry with his new discoveries in vibrational medicine, Mr. Kaszyk developed catalyst chemistry, an innovative method of creating natural products, and founded Kasz Enterprises in 1989.
After discovering a formula that vastly improves skin quality and elasticity, Mr. Kaszyk refined and introduced The Ageless Secret. It soon caught the eye of physicians and anti-aging experts, inspiring countless unsolicited endorsements and accolades. After moving to Palm Springs, CA, in 2006, Mr. Kaszyk and The Ageless Secret have since been prominently featured in The Desert Sun, Desert Magazine, 92260, and on the PBS special Discoveries in Alternative Medicine and Spotlight on the Desert. For more information, visit www.LightEnergySecret.com and http://agelesssecret.com
Supplemental: FAQ’s
Q: Subtle Energy is an ancient healing energy. Critics have said it was all pseudoscience. You claim to have bottled it. What proof do you have?
A: We have a lot. We have a 10 page scientific report that was the result of 2 years of rigorous experiments and was published in a peer reviewed journal. We have other independent labs who have verified the results in the report.
Q: Do your products heal?
A: The Subtle Energy in our products is part of a large spectrum of energies that mirror the entire electromagnetic spectrum of heat, light and magnetism. Some of these energies are beautifying and some are healing. The same is true for this mirror image spectrum of Subtle Energies. Our products contain beautifying energies.
Q: Can you give me an example of beautifying energies?
A: Red light is a good example. There are many companies selling red LED lights to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Q: How do you know your products contain beautifying energies?
A: By its effect on skin. We know the Subtle Energy is there by its effects on water. The concept of energy may be hard for some people to understand, but think of a magnet. We can’t see the energy but we know it is there by its effects. Skin has lots of water. The effect we see on skin is a combination of the Subtle Energy infused ingredients and the Subtle Energy in the bottle. When the product is applied to skin we see the effect on skin with the lifting, plumping and tightening as result of the Subtle Energy causing the water within to act like it did when were young. This led us to a new theory of aging.
Q: What do you mean a new theory of aging?
A: We have discovered that young children have more Subtle Energy than adults. We learned this by doing tests with the children. We had several under the age of 10, hold a glass of cold water with both hands for 30 seconds. Then we tested the water. It tasted softer and bigger than normal water and it felt smooth. Almost like a skin lotion. The result is temporary, but is shows the power of Subtle Energy in children. Some teens could do this and some could not. We found very few adults could do it and those that could looked very good for their age. So there is a decline in the amount of Subtle Energy with age. We also know the results are due to a decline in Subtle Energy because we can have adults spray their hands with our Subtle Energy infused product and then hold the glass of water and the extra Subtle Energy gives them the ability to make the water tastes soft and smooth like when they were they were young. This led us to create The Subtle Energy Theory of Aging.
Minecraft Crafting Guide: Potions- http://minecraft-craftingguide.com/potions.html