Tag Archives: wifi

Discover Life with Less Pain, Better Health, More Strength, Mobility and Improved Performance

The Bod-e-Tune Naturopathic Health Aid is designed to protect you from interference from electronic devices that may alter your body’s natural electrical frequencies and can potential cause many health issues.  

You are at risk, your children, loved ones and even your pets are all being affected by EMF’s. 

Bod-e-Tune tunes the cells of your muscles, bones and nervous system optimizing cell function and allowing the body to do what it should naturally. 

Bod-e-Tune utilizes the latest in Nano Technology Research and people world-wide are reporting exciting results with conditions, such as; 

* Arthritis 

* Joint Pain 

* Muscle Pain 

* Carpal Tunnel 

* Fibromyalgia 

* Migraines 

* Chronic Fatigue 

* Old Injuries 

* Neuropathy 

* Increased Strength 

* Increased Stamina 

* Better Nights Rest 

* And Much More 

We are continuously exposed to electrical pollution from cell phones, wifi, tv’s, lights, microwave and other electrical frequencies. Bod-e-Tune is a tune-up to the electrical frequencies of the cells of your muscles, bones and nervous system. It puts your frequencies where they should be and protects you from interference. 

This allows your body to achieve a significant improvement in cell function instantly and allows your body to function at a significantly higher level. 

Daily functions such as getting up out of a chair, walking, lifting, anything requiring the use of strength, balance and flexibility become easier. Within days of wearing your Bod-e-Tune Health Aid, you may experience less pain, greater flexibility, possibly more energy and improved game play allowing you to perform daily activities as you did years earlier. 

So whether you simply want to be protected, you have a pain that you would like to get rid of or you are a sports enthusiasts who is looking for better game play, the Bod-e-Tune Health Aid may be just what you have been missing. 

Results of an independent blind study show an average of 48.9% increase in strength and stamina alone from wearing the Bod-e-Tune Health Aid. 

In the laboratory, chronic exposure to low level electromagnetic fields clearly affects growth and development, stress response, immune response and many neurological functions. This is not surprising because at the cellular level we are all electrical beings. Epidemiologic studies relate electromagnetic fields to birth defects, psychosis, childhood leukemia and to other cancers, especially brain and reproductive tumors. 

Close up view of a frequency tuning disc.

The Bod-e-Tune Health Aid does not do the healing, it tunes your frequencies and allows your body to do what it should do naturally and do it better. Bod-e-Tune works in much the same way as tuning up your car for better performance. By tuning up and enhancing the functioning of the cells of your muscles, bones and nervous system your body works faster, better and stronger, the way it was meant to. 

Be sure to visit our website for more details and watch our information videos and our customer testimonials.