Back in February we wrote about the superb Oculus Rift virtual reality sailing app MarineVerse Cup. This fully immersive and accurate simulation surprised us with its physics based playset and incredibly realistic sense of actually sailing. (Add a fan moving air into your face and body for an even more visceral experience.) It is a most welcome virtual reality experience.

MarineVerse started development with a focus on regattas while aiming to create what the developers called “a chill sailing game”. Like all robust apps, the developments and updates continued and I wouldn’t be surprised if one day we might see knot tying or rigging etc. as part of their sailing school.

Night Sailing!
The latest update allows VR mariners to try night sailing & boating and experience relaxing sailing under the stars at Akalana Island while testing navigation skills like never before.

Night Navigation Practice
Have you ever sailed at night? Can you distinguish safe water from an isolated danger mark by just looking at its lights? Often a feared outing for a novice sailor in the real world, you can learn safely, at your own pace, and without the fear of grounding your boat and risking your life.
Test your skills in MarineVerse Cup:

( The video doesn’t do it full justice; make sure to try it in VR yourself. )
To access – visit NauticEd Training Room in the MarineVerse Cup and select Navigation Rules. ( If you need a general refresher on Nav Rules, don’t miss this free NauticEd course )
Are you a MV VR skipper or a real world sailor interested in joining MarineVerse? Let them know via Discord.