It may be hard for you to believe, but a very passionate group of game players are still contesting video game records, new and old, and vying to become champion in their particular game of skill in order to be immortalized in the on-line video game record bible “Twin Galaxies”.
Go check it out.
Maybe it’s time to limber up those fingers and go for the record. Every great wrestling match is predicated on a simple concept that holds for the ages: A ‘babyface’ (good guy’) with a seemingly overwhelming challenge vs. a ‘heel’ (bad guy), who has the cards stacked, usually unfairly, in his favor. As humans, we have an innate need to create an emotional investment in our favorite character, which in turn makes the outcome of the contest be something that we care about seeing.
That tried and true formula is fully rendered in a great documentary that I regularly watch called “The King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters”. Instead of wrestlers though, we’re dealing with elite-level, arcade-version Donkey Kong players facing off for the world record. As well, and unlike a wrestling match, our outcome is not predetermined and this reality adds oh-so deliciously to the drama as it unfolds.
Now, bring in the chief combatants in our story: social pushover Steve Wiebe, a stuck in second place, life-long loser that just can’t seem to get a break in life vs. chicken-wing sauce kingpin Billy Mitchell; he of the hypnotizing mullet and Charlie Sheen-type zeal.
Here we’ve got classic good guy vs. bad guy at its finest!
Watch how Wiebe finds great difficulty becoming accepted into the ranks of high level players even though his skill and scores are right up there with the best of the best. Billy Mitchell and his team of disciples manage to cheapen and disrespect Wiebe throughout, holding him back, and in turn making the viewer desperate for a little ass-kicking payback. Can Wiebe come through? The answer will surprise you. The climax is better than any made for Hollywood movie, and will keep you on the edge of your seats.
It doesn’t matter if you like video games or not, the emotional pull of this story cannot be denied, and I guarantee that you will dig it. “King of Kong” gets my five silo rating. There’s the full movie up above but the DVD has some great extras that get right to the root of some true video game nerd-dom. For the Silo, John McIntosh.
Nearly six out of 10 adults have suffered mental health problems during the pandemic
Stress and anxiety are the biggest concerns, international research shows
Taking more exercise and online gaming are the two main ways people globally are tackling mental health issues driven by the pandemic, new international research* from the leading digital board game publisher Marmalade Game Studio shows.
Its study across the US, France, Germany, Hong Kong, and Singapore found nearly two out of five people (38%) have turned to exercise to address mental health concerns while 30% are using online gaming to relieve stress and anxiety.
Marmalade Game Studio’s research found mental health issues have soared across all countries during the pandemic with nearly six out of 10 (57%) saying they have developed mental health concerns during the pandemic and the same number say they are currently suffering from a range of issues. People in Singapore (65%) and Hong Kong (64%) are the worst affected followed by France (57%), Germany (56%) and the US (52%).
The biggest issues internationally are stress and anxiety with 38% saying they are currently affected by stress while 30% say they are suffering from anxiety.
However more than one in five (22%) say they are depressed and 4% say they have suicidal thoughts.
Marmalade Game Studio has recently introduced a new feature on its games in response to demand from customers for more ways to stay connected with family and friends – its Bubble in-game video chat allows gamers to add friends and family to group chats, start games from these, and video chat whilst playing.
Cristina Mereuta, co-CEO at Marmalade Game Studio, said: “The pandemic has had a huge effect on mental health globally and millions have at points suffered from a range of conditions caused by worries about their own and others physical health as well as financial worries.
“Many people are clearly taking action with increased exercise and online gaming appearing to be the most popular ways of relieving stress and anxiety.
“It is important however that people seek professional help where appropriate and it’s worrying to see that some people are doing nothing.”
The mental health impact has not all been negative – around 7% of French people say their mental health has improved during the pandemic followed by 6% of Americans, 5% of people in Hong Kong, 4% of Germans and 2% of people in Singapore.
The table below shows the ways people across all countries are addressing mental health issues.
Doing more exercise
Playing online games
Trying to see friends and family more
Getting help from my doctor
Talking to loved ones
Getting help from mental health professionals
Talking to close friends
Doing nothing
Digital gaming has proved to be important for mental health – 16%** of European Union gamers say being able to play games online and connect with others particularly families helped during lockdowns and 42% say playing multiplayer games during lockdown made them happier.
* Marmalade Game Studio commissioned independent research company PureProfile to interview 1,000 adults aged 18-plus across the US, France, Germany, Singapore, and Hong Kong in November 2021 using an online methodology.
Kids love to make things. Everyone is born creative – if you feel like you don’t have a creative bone in your body, it’s not because you lack some inherent trait. It’s because your natural instinct to imagine was educated out of you by a school system that values standardized testing over creativity. That’s something you can help your kids avoid.
Creativity isn’t a mysterious trait only possessed by artists and entrepreneurs. It’s something that can be encouraged and cultivated, like any skill or body of knowledge. And business today is hungry for innovation. Businesses are looking for leaders who can think outside the box and come up with their industry’s next Big Idea. That takes creativity.
Signing up your kids for classes that foster creativity helps them continue to explore and nurture their imaginative side.
1 Photography
The technology in smartphones and tablets means that kids have more access to cameras than any time in the past. A photography class can give kids skills way beyond your average selfie. Photography classes teach kids about timing, focus, perspective, and framing. They may also learn how to use editing technology and bring their digital photos to new heights.
Learning how to make a video game combines creativity with math and problem-solving skills. All creative endeavors come down to problem solving one way or another: how do you use the materials you have to create the effect you want? When it comes to making video games, the solutions lie in the coding language and what you can tell a computer to do.
You can find coding classes at Real Programming 4 Kids for a wide range of ages and ability levels. From age 7 up, coding courses for kids introduce the logic and language of coding. Intermediate and more advanced levels begin teaching kids the coding languages used by professional video game developers today.
Coding is a great way for students who are more mathematically inclined or interested in computers to exercise their imaginative muscles.
3 Painting and Drawing
Visual art requires specialized skills and learning how to use the tools of the medium: paint, brushes, pencils, charcoal. It takes discipline and patience to learn how to use your materials and transform it into the vision you see in your head on the page.
Painting and drawing starts with the imagination, but it becomes about the process of making something come to life.
Behind every creative pursuit is a valuable lesson. Not only are kids being taught skills that help them bring their projects to life, they’re also learning the patience and discipline it takes to master those skills.
An arts education is far more than time to play or imagine. PBS reports that kids who participate in the arts regularly (three hours a day at least three days in a week) are four times more likely to excel at academics and receive some kind of recognition for it.
Arts are an important part of childhood development from a young age to the teenage years. Sign your kids up for creative classes today. For the Silo, Mila Urosevic.
Thursday, 26 July, 2018 (Sydney, Macquarie Shopping Centre) – Timezone Australia was excited today to introduce the first arcade edition of the Xbox cult favourite videogame Halo to Australia. Halo: Fireteam Raven blew arcade gamer’s minds when Timezone Macquarie Centre became the first Australian venue to boast this state-of-the-art multiplayer gaming experience. Timezone stores in Melbourne, the Gold Coast and Perth will follow hot on Macquarie’s heels, with the game debuting there next month in August.
Timezone also offered fans the chance to participate in an online social media challenge Halo as part of this Australian first gaming launch. The winner, Trent John Webb (age 23) from NSW’s Central Coast, won a years worth of Timezone Power Play credit for his online entry.
“I am so happy about this incredible experience. I have been a big fan of Halo since i was young and to see if brought to the arcade has been really exciting. My girlfriend and I are ecstatic to come back to Timezone each week to play this game!” – Trent says.
The largest Australian Halo cosplay community 405th Australian Regiment joined in on the celebrations, showcasing unique and realistic costume designs spanning from different chapters in the Halo multiverse.
“Bringing the arcade game version of Halo to Timezone Macquarie Centre gives the game’s dedicated fan base a chance to play like never before. Timezone is thrilled to introduce this first-in-Australia experience to fans as part of Timezone’s 40th birthday celebrations,” says Kane Fong, General Manager of Timezone Australia.
Halo’s console-based playing experience is now brought to life in an immersive multiplayer platform, which enables four players to either play cooperatively, or compete against each other. It’s Halo, but more: this latest installment’s physical structure boasts a colossal 130-inch widescreen, 4K game play and 5.1 surround sound. It adds a tangible element to the much-loved franchise, allowing individuals the opportunity to play right alongside Master Chief in the battle to ward off the enemy forces of the Covenant and the Flood infestation. For the Silo, Adrian Falk.
Halo: Fireteam Raven was created and fine-tuned by 343 Industries over several years and is set in the timeframe of 2001’s Halo: Combat Evolved game. Players will take on the roles of the Fireteam Raven – an elite group of Orbital Drop Shock Troopers.
You’ll not only able to battle it out with your friends, competing against them for the highest score – you can scan a QRC code with your phone to upload your stats and progress to your Halo Waypoint account. Exactly what you’d expect from a true 2018 arcade game experience!
COSTA MESA, Calif. — BenQ announces the ZOWIE EC1-B and EC2-B which come equipped with the 3360 sensor, providing gamers with a different mouse tracking feel.
In addition to a different sensor, the EC-B series has a USB report rate switch with indicator lights at the bottom of the mouse. This makes adjusting your settings more convenient and allows you to check your mouse rate without the need for additional software.
Two other changes in the EC-B series are the position of the DPI indicator light and the mouse feet. The DPI indicator light is now on the bottom of the mouse while the two large mouse feet have been replaced with four smaller ones.
On top of the EC-B release, we have another piece of good news to share. In our continuing commitment to the Counter-Strike series, we have collaborated with Valve and will release a CS:GO version of EC-B series for fans of both CS:GO and ZOWIE later. Please stay tuned to our social media for information regarding both versions in your region.
ZOWIE is a brand dedicated to the development of professional e-Sports equipment.
Frank Lloyd Wright designed over 1,000 structures (532 were completed) in his 70-years-plus career – mostly homes but also hotels, schools, churches, the Johnson Wax Headquarters and the Guggenheim Museum. This iconic American architect’s final design was the Norman Lykes House in Phoenix in the same year of his death in 1959. It is now for sale priced at USD$3.6 million and profiled at
The Guggenheim cameo in Men In Black (1min 25secs)
Wright had been working with his apprentice, John Rattenbury, on the Lykes House sketches and had already chosen the building site for the home when he died. Having come full circle from his start in Prairie style, to textile block, to organic and, towards the end, the functional Usonian for the masses, his last designs showed a new interest in circles and curves as he created buildings in the round such as the Guggenheim and the house he built for his son, the David and Gladys Wright home also in Phoenix.
With a site on top of Palm Canyon with views of the valley, Wright began the Lykes design by replicating the curves of the mountainsides, making the home an integral part of its environment and providing big views for its owners and visitors. Though Wright passed away before finishing the working plans, the Lykes hired his apprentice, Rattenbury, to complete the plans according to the details set forth by Wright. The couple loved the completed plans, though it was another seven years before they started construction. When they did, Rattenbury oversaw the build and the home was completed in 1967. In addition to the structure itself, Wright also designed the furniture and built-ins for the home.
In 1994, new owners wanted some updating, so they called back Rattenbury to do the redesign by expanding the master bedroom, converting a workshop into a media room and combining two other bedrooms into a guest room – all without disrupting the overall design. Rather futuristic for its time, the circular and curvilinear design has become a timeless piece of architecture that continues to be copied by today’s designers and builders.
Now for sale and registered with the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, the 2,849-square-foot home on one acre of desert plateau has three bedrooms, three bathrooms, the signature large living room fireplace intended to bring families and friends together, a lower-level media room, two home offices with built-ins of desk, cabinet storage and walls of shelving, a distinctive curved kitchen with Wright-designed island and unique under-cabinet windows and timeless stainless-steel counters, contemporary tiled large baths, and a privacy walled crescent pool patio viewed from inside through glass walls. There is also a separate large office in the round with all built-in furnishings encircled by half-moon windows. Views of valley and mountains can be seen from almost every room.
Classic last Wright design before his death, contemporary for today including lots of storage space with furniture and built-ins designed by the famous architect, the Lykes House is now for sale and priced at USD$3.6 million. For the Silo, Terry Walsh.
COSTA MESA, Calif. — May, 2016 — BenQ America Corp., a globally renowned LED and gaming monitor expert, recently announced that ZOWIE, the company’s eSports brand, would be the official monitor sponsor of DreamHack Austin 2016. Making its first-ever stop in North America as part of the DreamHack ZOWIE Open World Tour, the event took place May 6-8 at the Austin Convention Center. Pro gamers competed using the XL Series eSports monitors for all PC gaming tournaments. Additionally, ZOWIE extended its partnership to supply its RL eSports console monitors for the Capcom Pro Tour’s Street Fighter V and Pokkén Tournament matches.
The North American eSports market has seen phenomenal growth, attracting millions of gamers and online viewers. Committed to eSports, ZOWIE is pleased to partner with DreamHack to deliver the ultimate pro gaming experience with its XL and RL monitor lines.
“BenQ ZOWIE is created for eSports and only eSports. We believe that gaming is all about the experience, whether it’s PC or console eSports. Our relentless pursuit to provide the most professional experience drives us to craft eSports products, including the XL and RL monitors, that are based on a deep understanding of the sport and fine-tuned to meet the pros’ specific usage scenarios,” said Lars Yoder, president of BenQ America. “With our XL and RL monitors, professional players will have the high performance they expect for competition.”
ZOWIE EC2-eVo Gaming Mouse
DreamHack Austin 2016 attendees were able to test-drive the full range of ZOWIE products at booth 135. The complete ZOWIE lineup includes the XL and RL series monitors, SR and TF mousepads, as well as the EC, ZA, FK, and newly released FK1+ mice series. ZOWIE mice fit every particular gaming style with options for right- and left-handed players in addition to ambidextrous ones. As a sneak peek, visitors also had an opportunity to experience the soon-to-be-released ZOWIE VITAL audio system, an intuitive, driverless device that provides convenient adjustments to improve both sound and audio communication for games.
ZOWIE also conducted its own Counter-Strike: Global Offensive death match tournament at its booth three times per day each day — noon, 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. — to give players a chance to win a custom ZOWIE G-SR mousepad.
Follow @DreamHackOpen and @DreamHack on Twitter and stay tuned to @ZOWIEbyBenQ for other deals.
Introduced in late 2008, ZOWIE is a brand dedicated to the development of the best competitive gaming products to improve eSports athletes’ combat performance. In 2015, the ZOWIE brand was acquired by BenQ Corp. to aggressively lead the company’s eSports product line with products that deliver true competitive advantages. More information is available at
About BenQ America Corp.
The BenQ digital lifestyle brand stands for “Bringing Enjoyment and Quality to Life,” fusing lifestyle with technology, enjoyment with productivity and aesthetic design with purpose-built engineering. It is this mantra that has made BenQ the No. 1-selling projector brand powered by TI DLP® technology in The Americas(1). BenQ America Corp. offers an extensive line of visual display and presentation solutions that incorporate the very latest technologies. The company delivers a broad range of Colorific™ projectors, ZOWIE eSports gear and monitors, interactive large-format displays, mobile audio products, cloud consumer products and lifestyle lighting for any application and market — education, home, gaming, enterprise, government, house of worship, digital signage, A/V and IT — with cutting-edge models that lead the industry in performance, reliability, environmental sustainability and aesthetics. Whether it’s interactive digital whiteboards for classrooms, full HD 3D projectors for home theaters, short-throw projectors for boardrooms, interactive flat-panel displays for digital signage or LED backlight monitors for professional gaming, BenQ continues to defy the limits of digital displays. The company’s products are available across North America through leading value-added distributors, resellers and retailers.
(1) Based upon Q1’15 – Q3’15 data from the Quarterly Projector Shipment and Forecast Report from PMA Research
About BenQ Corporation
Founded on the corporate vision of “Bringing Enjoyment and Quality to Life,” BenQ Corporation is a world-leading human technology and solutions provider aiming to elevate and enrich every aspect of consumers’ lives. To realize this vision, the company focuses on the aspects that matter most to people today — lifestyle, business, healthcare and education — with the hope of providing people with the means to live better, increase efficiency, feel healthier and enhance learning. Such means include a delightful broad portfolio of people-driven products and embedded technologies spanning digital projectors, monitors, interactive large-format displays, audio products, cloud consumer products, mobile communications and lifestyle lighting. Because it matters.