Weather has been used for dramatic effect since fiction began, so much so that the term ‘pathetic fallacy’ is probably one of the main things you remember from your English Literature classes. But how does this apply to Hollywood cinema and film?
Hands down, the most dramatic of all meteorological phenomenon is fog.
It can be used to ratchet up tension, conceal terrifying creatures and even provide important characters with a suitably dramatic entrance.
Spanning genres from horror to sci-fi, mist and fog are more versatile than mere set dressing; they dominate scenes and often make them the most memorable part of their respective movies.
So, without further ado, let’s investigate the importance (not forgetting the scare-factor) that fog brings to the silver screen in this infographic from our friends at vapingman.
Which films are we missing? Which scenes have stood out for you? Please comment below.
With legal ‘weed’ readily available from licensed dispensaries in Canada, more states to the South of us are legalizing marijuana for use in America and as such, the demand is increasing.
A good example is Colorado.
The state opened the first regulated recreational marijuana market in the world. A 2014 study also showed that 30% of the heaviest “pot” users in Colorado were responsible for 87% of the demand for the drug. Judging from these stats, we can see that the demand for marijuana is steadily rising as it is becoming accepted and legalized in more places around the world. The marijuana market is getting bigger by the day as Americans spend roughly $40 USD billion annually on legal and illegal marijuana. There is so much more to these impressive figures and the rest of this article and info-graphic will discuss these factors. Let’s dive in, shall we?
Typically, only two countries in the world allow the recreational use of marijuana – Uruguay and Canada. Although marijuana is still illegal under federal law in the United States, there are state laws that make it legal to consume under certain conditions. Marijuana is legal in 12 states for recreational use, and in 33 states for medical use. In the states where marijuana is legalized for medical use, there are licensed dispensaries that distribute it. These states restrict the number of dispensaries and they are usually non-profits. If we take into consideration the fact that the majority of Americans (62%) support legalizing marijuana, we can surely expect even more states to adopt new marijuana-friendly laws. As the public learns more about proven marijuana benefits, the support increases.
Sales and Demand
The rising demand for marijuana keeps driving it to record high sales as 55 million people use marijuana regularly. Studies show that by the end of 2022, recreational marijuana sales in the U.S are projected to more than triple. The average price per ounce of marijuana differs in the U.S by state and it may vary greatly. For example, the District of Columbia has the highest price at $600.7 USD per ounce while Oregon’s price is $210.6 USD for the same quantity. Also, research shows that the cannabis market is projected to grow at a rate of 21% per year.
With the escalating demand, there is a corresponding rise in the need for greater production, and the industry provides jobs and opportunities for investments. People with degrees in pharmacology, botany, and chemistry can be very beneficial in the industry. As for the salaries, the starting pay is $40,000 for growers and pharmacologists. The three factors above paint a clear picture of the state of the marijuana market. It is very lucrative and expected to keep thriving.
Vaping, which is the act of using e-cigarettes, is more popular in young adults and it is feared to lure them into smoking. On the flip side, it is thought to help adults who are already smoking to quit. Confusing, right? Indeed, it is. All of this is attributed to the presence of nicotine in the vape juice. Apart from this, the use of e-cigarettes is also linked to some other effects like on user’s health.
Effects of E-Cigarettes on Youths
As hinted, vaping might lead youths into using tobacco products in the long run. First, the majority of the vaping juices on the market today contain strong nicotine, which causes addiction. Users claim that it has the best experience, but they do not know that it will affect them eventually.
Youths are also known to be experimental, and hence, they like to try different flavors at the same time. This introduces them to different types of nicotine levels and increases the chances of addiction. They also vape out of peer pressure and they may end up becoming chain vapers.
E-puffer electronic cigar.
Eventually, youths might be tempted to smoke tobacco in search of more satisfaction. After all, it is believed that tobacco satisfies nicotine addiction in a better way than vapes.
What Youths Should Do
Young people need a lot of information to understand vaping in the best way. From this, they can know the best e juice to consume to avoid possibilities of addiction. They should know that peer pressure can lead them to making poor decisions that will cost them later.
Young people should also know that vaping has tons of health effects that they can avoid if they vape responsibly or quit. This means using products from reputable sellers and reading the labels to ensure that they are buying the right thing, which is low or medium nicotine vape juices.
How E-Cigarettes Helps Adults Quit Smoking
You have probably heard that vaping can help you to quit smoking. Many adults who are already tired of cigarettes or have health issues caused by tobacco wish they could quit, but the addiction is heavy. According to research, such adults can try vaping and gradually reduce the nicotine levels. E-juice ranges from strong nicotine levels to low and even zero nicotine.
Studies are showing that addiction to tobacco starts to reduce when one starts to vape cautiously. Many adults have finally stopped tobacco use by switching to vaping then other therapies like the use of gummies.
Is Vaping Good or Bad?
From the above insights, one might wonder whether vaping is good or bad. The truth is that it has its pros and cons, and this boils down to how people use it. As seen, youths tend to abuse it and they end up getting addicted or trying tobacco products. On the other hand, adults take advantage of e-cigarettes to quit smoking.
E-puffer electronic pipe.
It is up to the users to make use of electronic cigarettes in the right way to enjoy the experience they give and also help them to quit tobacco. Whether you are a teen or an adult, you can achieve this. Good luck! For the Silo, Bailey Merton.
Did Hollywood glorify smoking? Sophia Loren sharing an on screen moment of smoking.
Yes, I have quit smoking . . . again. I know – I know, you have lost your faith in me because I have stopped and started and stopped and started over and over and over. You have to give me props for my perseverance though right?
It is now day 16 and I am feeling great although I have to admit, cravings still come over me, especially when I have a glass or two of wine and I realize that I have smoked for far too long.
I had my first cigarette when I was a teenager and now that I am midway through my life I am motivated for my health and for my children.
For the last five years I wasn’t a heavy smoker and to be honest I would never have classified myself as a heavy smoker in all the 26 years that I was smoking. Wow, I can’t believe I have smoked for that long. You know, I gave up a couple times? – when I was pregnant with both my children and last year I quit for a couple of months as well.
My incentive and push was the Quit and Get Fit Program which is sponsored by the Lung Association of Ontario. “Quit and Get Fit is based on scientific studies that demonstrate how physical activity, and even deep breathing, can help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms.” I will readily admit that I do not consider myself to be very fit, although my trainer has expressed his amazement at how strong I am, considering I have never really followed any type of fitness regime on a regular basis.
It must be my First Nations blood.
Whatever the reason, the program allows “get fitters” to take part in personal training sessions at a participating health and fitness club. Basically, you get a sponsored two-month membership and 16 sessions with a trainer. It is a really good opportunity to get familiar with your local fitness center staff and equipment. Many successful quitters will tell you that after stopping smoking they inevitably gain weight and training is a perfect way to prevent this from happening.
If it’s too late to register or your local fitness center is not participating I would highly recommend taking up some type of fitness activity. For me, I hope that these two months will turn into years of taking care of myself and becoming a happier and healthier Julie. For the Silo, Julie Mallon.
Have you ever wondered what kind of vaping device fictional characters from the movies would use if they started vaping? Our friends at have and they sent us this infographic! Below is a selection of some of the most well-known fictional movie characters and how they imagine their vaping device would look. They’ve also added in a few special features that you could only find in the fictional world.
Are there any missing characters that you would like to see? Leave your comments at the end of the post below or upload us a video message using this handy recorder button- [vidrack align=”right”]