Tag Archives: Travel

Now In Decline- Irish Is Third Oldest Written Language In Europe

JG O’Donoghue imagines a ‘versus’ scenario to demonstrate the struggle of ‘languages at risk’

There is a mass decline in linguistic diversity happening all over the planet and in places geographically far apart and I think that if things don’t change, the loss of language diversity will be immense.

In the book, Irish in the global context, Suzanne Romaine mentions that linguists believe 50 to 90 % of the world’s estimated 6,900 languages will simply vanish over next 100 years.

At this moment in time, 85% of the world’s languages have fewer than 100,000 speakers and over half of the world’s remaining languages are spoken by just .2 % of the world’s population. These facts have informed my work and have become the wider subject of my illustrations, specifically the linguistic decline of the Irish language.

In some ways the battle between the Irish and the English languages is one of the defining features in modern Irish culture, but it is Irish which defines this island more, and the Irish language tells the entire history of Ireland in its influences and in its form.

Ruairí Ó hUiginn said in his book  The Irish language: you have influences of Latin from the Christianization of Ireland in ecclesiastical words, influences from Viking invasions in words for “seafaring, fishing and trade”, influences from the militaristic Normans [ French CP] in words for “architecture, administration and warfare”, and from English colonialism you get English in every day words.

“To create my intended mood, the english words are given a general typography while the Irish words are given a distinctive script reminiscent of Geoffrey Keating’s book Foras Feasa ar Eirinn”

Each influence shows an aspect of Irish culture. What people forget to realize is that a language is much more than something spoken to express oneself. Ancient peoples created language in an attempt to describe the world around them and the world within them, in other words their worldview.

An example in Irish is- you don’t say ‘I’m angry’, you say ‘tá fearg orm’, which means ‘I have an anger on me’.

Nevertheless, Irish is important internationally too, and Irish is the third oldest written language in Europe, after Latin and Greek, and as a spoken language it may even be older than both.

How should an artist illustrate a language? And more specifically the struggle of one language with another? I choose nature as my metaphor, from the ancient forests of Ireland, mostly gone now, to Islands which stand for thousands of years but are slowly worn away by the tide. The words that make up these landscapes are either ‘for’ or ‘against’.

My illustrations therefore visualize the real life drama of ancient language versus modern language.

I imagine a “versus” scenario. On the “against” side I chose English words plucked from peoples statements in online forums and in letters to newspapers. On the “for” side I chose Irish words, and they were chosen from recent investigations into the creation of the ancient Irish language. Irish words in my illustrations such as “dúchas (heritage), tír (country), litríocht(literature), and stair(history)” reflect the Irish language’s cultural importance, while “Todhchaí(future), féinmhuinín(self-confidence), beatha(life), and anam(soul)” reflect its importance in a metaphysical way to Ireland.

The Irish language forest- An Coill Teanga Gaeilge

The english ‘against’ words can range from the practical benefits of english within subjects such as “tourism, movies, business, and comics,” to words that reflect the interaction of English speakers with Irish. To illustrate the concept, I chose words like “conform, bend, harass, and adapt”.

To create my intended mood, the english words are given a general indistinctive typography reflecting uniform mono-linguilism, while the Irish words are given a distinctive Irish manuscript/Gaelic script reminiscent of Geoffrey Keating’s 17th century book- Foras Feasa ar Éirinn/History of Ireland.

The core message in my illustrations is a positive one, the sun is rising for a new day as the Irish language holds on, like a lot of minority languages. It is diminished but not beyond hope. I believe it can make a comeback, and this is exactly what is happening all over this country today, because of the work of people far more dedicated than myself. I hope my work can help reinforce linguistic diversity as well as all forms of heritage. I have the will to preserve these for future generations, so they too can live in a world full of diversity spending their lives discovering and exploring it in all its beautiful variety.

For the Silo, JG O’Donoghue.


Groundhog Day Could Be An Amazing Holiday

It’s that time of the year again…time for a perennial favorite read. Why favorite? Because we all want to know how much longer Winter will last. At this point on the calendar, at the second day of February, it feels like warm days are lost forever. But there is always hope. Hope in a critter and a shadow. Let’s begin. Again.

Maybe Groundhog Day can become a National or Provincial Stat Holiday because February 2nd isn’t officially known as Groundhog Day. Technically it isn’t a National Holiday. It isn’t a Provincial Holiday. [Is Quebec the only province with a Provincial Holiday? CP]

But maybe it should be.

Groundhog Day isn’t an exclusive celebration that targets a specific demographic such as Family Day. It isn’t religiously or  politically motivated. It doesn’t specify Muslim, Buddhist, Marxist, agnostic or atheist beliefs. It is inclusive, quirky, wacky and fun. There is no need to worry about political incorrectness.

Maybe Groundhog Day can become a rallying point for Ontarians because in many ways they are like us:  Groundhogs are robust creatures. They handle a long winter with style. Groundhogs might be cute but they are also tough!

Maybe the Groundhog can become Canada’s national animal.

Does anyone remember  the politician who wanted to make the polar bear our national animal? Most of us aren’t likely to run into polar bears. It’s that old adage: “Out of sight, out of mind” and since we’re more likely to see a groundhog and associate with a groundhog it is an ideal choice. Incidentally Canada’s national animal is the beaver. Another obscure animal that most of us have never seen.

Maybe Groundhog Day is spiritual after all.

If a Holiday needed ever to be justified on a basis of spirituality or community consider the following short list:

  • Mysticism  (Shadow casting or lack their off = Long range weather forecast)
  • Fatalism     (Let everyone believe that an animal can come out of the ground on a specific day and tell us how the next six weeks will turn out)
  • Anthropomorphism (Groundhogs can really see? Can they talk? How do we know if they have seen their shadow?)
  • Human/Animal Communication or Telepathy  (Groundhog interpreters/ Groundhog whisperers? Are they specific to Wiarton, Punxsutawney?)  Feature image- Punxsutawney Phil.  For the Silo, Rick Fess. 

Supplemental- “Pothole Pete” is a growing legend in New York City. Canada’s groundhog is an albino.

Helsinki Has A Growing Reputation As World Class Food City

For many people, the first things that come to mind when asked about Helsinki are its northern location, the happiest people in the world, and functional design.

The Finnish capital’s high-quality and unique food culture, on the other hand, has remained a well-kept secret and often pleasantly surprises visitors to the city. In Helsinki, one can find numerous innovative restaurants, the oldest market halls in the Nordic region, the Teurastamo center of urban and culinary culture, distilleries, microbreweries and other craft companies, such as bakeries and chocolate producers.

“The strengths of Helsinki’s food culture are its versatility, personality and a certain kind of uniqueness that combines local flavours and cultural influences from both East and West with a bold and innovative approach. The level of Helsinki’s top restaurants is illustrated by the fact that one restaurant has been awarded two Michelin stars and five with one Michelin star,” says Nina Vesterinen, Tourism Director at the City of Helsinki.

Helsinki wants to focus even more strongly on food tourism

Helsinki is currently implementing its Helsinki Tourism and Events Programme 2022–2026. The programme highlights the city’s vibrant urban culture with its events, visitors and restaurants as a key strategic priority for promoting the city’s vitality and wellbeing. Internationally, food has become an important appeal factor for tourism in recent years.

Restaurants play a key role in the vitality of cities. The restaurants in Helsinki have enormous and partly untapped potential, which can be used together with partners to develop the city as an attractive destination providing wonderful experiences for visitors. Helsinki will highlight the best aspects of the city as a food travel destination at the Matka Nordic Travel Fair this month by setting up Helsinki Food Court in cooperation with Food Camp Finland and Messukeskus.

The Matka Nordic Travel Fair in Helsinki is the largest tourism industry event in Northern Europe. In connection with the travel fair, Helsinki will also launch its own food culture strategy work. The aim is to make Helsinki a world-class food city of interest.

Finnjävel brings traditional Finnish dishes into the 21st century and to London               

One of the advocates of Helsinki’s developing restaurant and food culture is Timo Linnamäki, restaurateur and Chairman of the Board of Muru Dining, which operates several restaurants in Helsinki. Representing Muru Group at the travel fair will be the restaurant Pastis, which focuses on rustic French cuisine and a casual atmosphere, as well as attentive and individual service.

“So much is happening in Helsinki’s restaurant scene, the range of offerings continues to expand, and there are real gems offering unique experiences throughout the city. Muru Group’s restaurants are a good example of their versatility – our taste worlds vary from the French cuisine at Pastis and the fish and seafood dishes at Sue Ellen to the Italian cuisine at Fiasco and the pure Finnish flavours at Finnjävel.”

Restaurant food Michelin star

Photo: Finnjävel

Finnjävel originally began as a temporary pop-up restaurant but has since established its operations and gained its first Michelin star in 2021. In the same year, Finnjävel received the acclaimed Service Award for the best service in the Nordic countries.

“The concept of the restaurant is to serve the best Nordic flavours and to bring traditional Finnish dishes that are reminiscent of your grandma’s cooking into the 2020s with a new, innovative approach. We strongly believe in Helsinki’s potential as a restaurant city at the international level, and we will be promoting this message by opening Finnjäveli’s pop-up restaurant at other locations in the future. The pop-up will also present the Helsinki Distilling Company and Finnish Gin. Our aim is to offer a unique food experience that attracts international interest in Finnish food culture, producers and ingredients and inspires people to travel to the source to experience more,” says Timo Linnamäki. For the Silo, Leena Karppinen.

Featured image: Tuukka Koski/ Koski Syväri, MyHelsinki Material Bank

Navigating Treacherous Khyber Pass In My Citroën 2CV4

It’s June 1976- I just crossed the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Because the Khyber Pass is on the Pakistani side I have to change driving from right to left in my Citroën 2CV4. As being a Dutchman, I only have a mirror on the left side of my car. That shows to be far from useful in Pakistan!

It’s not easy to master the Khyber Pass all by myself. The bad road is snaky and sometimes the side of the abyss is very near. I have to avoid using my brakes because then I will slip away on the gravel and will certainly end somewhere in the far deep.

After a couple of hours while doing my best to avoid collisions with big trucks coming towards me, I get a beautiful view on the Indus Valley. Later on I will cross this famous river.

Landi Kotal, the first settlement in Pakistan, looks like a town in a Western movie.

Wooden houses with balconies, horses and carts in the streets and everywhere there are guns for sale. I am invited by a local craftsman to have a look at his rifles and he offers me a handmade kalashnikov for not more than 100 dollars. I tell him that I prefer to spend that amount of money on petrol to drive around in his country. Although he is quite persistent in selling while shooting in the air many times, I leave him in peace without any hole in my car.

It’s not a friendly welcome in Pakistan.

Most travellers by car cross the country as quick as possible while looking for the much more “peaceful” country of India. But I was told that northern Pakistan should be one of the most beautiful parts of the Lower Himalayas. In this region there are two small rivers coming down from the snow capped mountains following their own valley, the Swat in the Swat Valley and the Kunhar in the Kaghan Valley.

The first should be rather touristic, the other one hardly visited. Heading for the last one I have to drive to Islamabad/Rawalpindi first. From there I find the turn off while following the climbing road to Murree. Although it’s summertime there are not many owners of all those beautiful summer bungalows at home.

Fortunately there is a shop to buy some simple food. I pass the two little towns of Abottabad and Mansehra,

I fill up with petrol and head for Naran in the Hazara Province. While following the steep road up I notice that it’s cooling off. I close the canvas rooftop of my 2CV4 to keep the heat in. Although the sun is shining, snow capped mountains are coming near. It’s beautiful where ever I look but the road is getting worse. It looks like snow and ice have ruined the tarmac since last year. I wonder for how long I will be able to follow the river upstream. Hopefully I will reach Naran and may be a beautiful lake further on.

I am used to park my car somewhere in free nature to spend the night but I find a small rest house in the neighbourhood of Naran where I am welcomed to park my car to sleep in while using the amenities of this simple wooden building. Just by coincidence I notice a funny car on the small parking lot nearby. It’s a Citroën 2CV4 Break. The number plate shows me the origin. The car belongs to a young Swiss couple. It’s unbelievable to see two simple Citroën cars parked next to each other in the Kaghan Valley in northern Pakistan in 1976!

We meet in harmony and they tell me special celebrations will be held in Hemis Gumpa in Leh/Ladakh in India. This celebration will be open to tourists this year for the first time but they themselves have no time left to join the festivities. When it will happen they cannot tell me but it will be somewhere in July. Then suddenly I realize that I had a talk with some friends of friends of mine in Holland about half a year before I started my trip in my “Ugly Ducky” while telling me that they are going to visit an exceptional festival far away from the well known tourist trail in a group of selected people from Holland. I did not have a clue at that time what they were talking about.

When I started my trip in my Citroën in April 1976 I had in mind to spend some time at the south coast of France, not knowing to be in Pakistan some months later. It certainly will be a miracle to meet those Dutch in Leh.

I still have a month to go so I decide to stay here for a couple of days. The Swiss are very friendly and one day we decide to follow the road leading out of Naran into the mountains. They as well were told about a beautiful lake so we leave our cosy place. The first stretch is not easy. It looks as no traffic has left Naran for quite a while.

The road is getting quite dangerous.

Not only because of steep cliffs but also the surface is rather bad and very stony. There is snow everywhere as well. We both have simple 2 wheel drive cars with just a handful of horsepower so we cannot cross the huge landslide in front of us which blocks the road completely. That is a great pity because we are eager to see the lake.

We park our cars and collect some food and water in our small backpacks. We will give it a try to reach the lake by foot. The road is completely gone by snow but some locals have made a track from branches and stones to cross. It takes us about an hour to the moment we see the lake called Saif ul Maluk (or Saiful Muluk) which is glistering in the sun although there are some clouds. It’s like a fata morgana to find this beautiful lake with snow capped mountains around it. The temperature is fine but the water of the lake will be much too cold to take a bath.

While getting nearer to the lake we find the rest of the road in rather good condition because the lake is situated in a valley. We follow this track all the way to the end of the lake. We tease each other while throwing snow balls and we enjoy the complete serenity of the nature around us. There is no people, no animals, even no birds to spot. We all wonder how this beautiful place will look like in summer time. For the next two months some snow will melt but we are not sure if cars ever can reach the lake and even beyond during July and August. After that it will start snowing again.

We walk back to our cars and in the late afternoon and we park both our “mini vans” near the rest house. The owner welcomes us with a cup of tea. With some proud I tell everybody that tomorrow it will be my 26th birthday and I like to celebrate it but I actually do not know in what way. There are no alcoholic drinks for sale, there will be no fresh fruits or vegetables, no salted peanuts or French cheese with toast, neither potatoes nor spaghetti and the owner of the house does not sell any sort of meat.

The landlord approaches me. He offers me the possibility to “catch” my own meal to please myself and the Swiss on my birthday. Tomorrow I can give it a try. If I fail, he guarantees me at least six fish, the daily maximum. I wonder where he is talking about. On my birthday I borrow on his advice a rod with some spinners from him. Unfortunately I lose all spinners and I have to pay him some money as compensation. That was the deal we agreed before.

But now it’s his turn. Within half an hour he catches 6 beautiful rainbow trout from the Kunhar river.

I get all fish for free as being a birthday present. Unfortunately I do not have a decent kitchen to fry them. For a handful of Pakistani Rupees the landlady offers us to prepare a great meal. He and his wife reject my invitation to join the three of us.

That evening I enjoy one of the best meals I ever had. Both Swiss as well. Together with the trout we get French fries and even a nice salad with onions and tomatoes. A copious and super tasty birthday meal! The only thing we miss is a glass of chilled white wine.

It is a pity that the Swiss cannot stay much longer. They are heading west, back home to Switzerland. I am heading east in search for some Dutch at a festival in Leh/Ladakh (India). For the Silo, Frank van den Berge.

Canadians to Pre-Submit Biometrics, Digital Photo, Driver’s License for USA Border Crossings 2026

Canadians driving into the United States will be asked to pre-submit photos and licence plate numbers to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) starting in 2026, according to a federal report.

The upcoming requirements will fall under the agency’s ongoing Traveller Modernization initiative, a program aimed at expediting border processing through the use of digital tools.

As part of the program, Canadians will need to “provide their biographic, biometric declaration, and other border-related information prior to arriving at the port of entry,” says the government report, which was first covered by Blacklock’s Reporter.

“Travelers will use a redesigned advance declaration mobile application to submit their digital photo, advance declaration, and license plate information in advance of arrival.”

Border officers will be provided with smartphones to access and process digital referrals, the report said.

A comparable electronic filing system will be rolled out to marine passengers in 2027 and to air passengers in 2028, the report said. 

The Traveller Modernization plan is not associated with the agency’s now-optional $59.5 million ArriveCan program, a mobile app launched by the government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which required travelers entering Canada to electronically submit travel documents, health assessments, and customs declarations. The app was later used for travelers to submit proof of COVID-19 vaccination, sparking concerns from some over privacy rights.

ArriveCan was also criticized over its high costs to develop and failure to follow standard procurement procedures. A report from Auditor General Karen Hogan found that federal agencies involved in the contracting, development and implementation of the app showed a “glaring disregard for basic management and contracting practices” and that Canadians “paid too much” for ArriveCan.

The Traveller Modernization report did not say how much the new plan would cost.

The report also didn’t indicate if the program will be mandatory or optional for travelers, but the CBSA has described it as a way to deal with security threats and economic and migratory trends as well as the ever-increasing numbers of travelers.

The border service facelift is touted as a way to cut processing times for travelers and make the process less cumbersome overall.

The CBSA said it has taken “careful steps to research and plan our actions” to alleviate travelers’ privacy and security concerns.

“When you provide your information as you enter Canada, we make sure to protect and secure it,” the agency said. “We do not keep it for any longer than we need to.”

Collection of travelers’ information isn’t new. The government in 2019 approved a legislative framework to allow the CBSA to systematically collect exit information on all travelers leaving Canada.

The Exit Information Regulations enabled the CBSA to compile complete travel history records on all travelers leaving Canada by air and land.

“By collecting the information from reliable partners, rather than requiring travelers to report to the CBSA when leaving Canada, the process will be seamless for travelers,” the government said.

CBSA- border services officers were not armed until their union fought for the right and won in 2006.

At land borders, the CBSA receives information from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP) shortly after a traveler enters the United States. The U.S. entry record serves as a record of exit from Canada.

The CBSA has also proposed other programs to it says will speed up the travel process, including advance declaration forms that can be filled out ahead of time and digital kiosks and eGates for travelers to verify their identity.  For the Silo, Jennifer Cowan.

New Regent Seven Seas Grandeur Ship Showcased Canada Fall Colours


Did you know Regent Seven Seas Cruises, widely regarded as the epitome of luxury ocean travel, offers a real cruising jewel: Seven Seas Grandeur.

A Heritage of Perfection.

Described by Harry Sommer, President and CEO of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd., as “breathtaking,” to which I can attest having sailed on the spectacular ship, Seven Seas Grandeur stands as a testament to refined style, matchless elegance and captivating beauty.  

The ship, designed by the award-winning Studio DADO and constructed by premier shipbuilder Fincantieri in Ancona, Italy, is a masterpiece that not just exemplifies, bit wholly embodies, luxury travel at sea. 

“Seven Seas Grandeur is the most anticipated new luxury ship to set sail this year, an achievement made possible through the combined craftsmanship and exquisite eye for design excellence by Studio DADO and Fincantieri, who together with our team at Regent, have delivered a truly remarkable work of art,” said Harry Sommer, President and Chief Executive Officer of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd.

“Each feature of this ship is more jaw-dropping than the last, from the world-class collection of art and tantalizing epicurean experiences, to the lavishly designed suites, restaurants, bars and lounges. Seven Seas Grandeur sets a new standard for service and comfort in the travel industry, and we are delighted to present this incredible new ship to discerning travelers as they explore the world with Regent.” 

The maiden season of Seven Seas Grandeur, under the command of Captain Luciano Montesanto, continues to treat guests to Caribbean exploration, two transits of the Panama Canal as well as an itinerary sailing the U.S. Eastern Seaboard before sailing back across the Atlantic from New York to Barcelona to explore the Mediterranean.

Seven Seas Grandeur witnessed the colors of Fall in Canada and New England in September and October, then finally culminated in a luxurious year of travel by exploring more of the Caribbean to close out 2024.  

With a gross tonnage of 55,500, a crew of 548 staff and a capacity for only 746 guests, Seven Seas Grandeur promises one of the highest space- and staff-to-guest ratios in the industry thus ensuring guest needs and wants will be swiftly attended to. 

All-Inclusive Opulence 

With all Regent Seven Seas Cruise, unlimited complimentary shore excursions are available in every port, making it the only truly all-inclusive cruise line. Voyage fares also include round-trip business-class air on intercontinental flights from the U.S. and Canada; gourmet cuisine in a range of specialty restaurants and al-fresco dining venues; fine wines and spirits; entertainment, unlimited internet access; free valet laundry; gratuities; ground transfers and one-night, pre-cruise hotel packages for guests staying in Concierge-level suites and higher. 

Stay, Sip & Savor 

Inspired by the past and reimagined for the future, Seven Seas Grandeur offers an array of transformative experiences from the moment guests step on board. The ship boasts 15 accommodation categories ranging between 307 square feet, to over 4,443 square feet with online virtual tours of each available. This includes the lavish $11,000 usd / $14,876 cad-a-night Regent Suite, contemporary Distinctive Suites and beautifully appointed Spacious Suites that are all designed to evoke an elevated, residential feel.  

The ship’s dining experiences offer guests an unrivaled culinary journey. Epicurean perfection has been enhanced across the ship’s eight exquisite and complimentary dining experiences, including in its five specialty restaurants, with 130 new dishes created exclusively for Seven Seas Grandeur. The unrivaled dining experience on board will be delivered by a dedicated crew including the very best chefs, sommeliers and serving professionals in the industry. In addition, the culinary experience will be enhanced with captivatingly reimagined designs for signature restaurants Compass Rose, Prime 7, Chartreuse and La Veranda. 

For guests looking to broaden their culinary skills, the ship’s Culinary Arts Kitchen offers hands-on classes, special demonstrations and more, in a professional-grade culinary teaching facility led by highly experienced chefs. A wide curriculum of classes are inspired by the global destinations explored by the entire Regent fleet and include lessons in French food and wine, the meat and seafood of New Zealand and tastes of the Pacific Northwest. 

Entertainment Extravaganza 

Guests aboard Seven Seas Grandeur can indulge in four new extraordinary productions: Pasión, Ignite the Night, Marauder’s Ball, and ICONS. These shows feature world-class performers, breathtaking choreography and the flair of Grammy Award winners and acclaimed Broadway directors, promising unforgettable moments for all on board. 

Holistic Well-Being 

The ship’s Serene Spa & Wellness experience takes luxury to the next level, offering exclusive spa treatments with indulgent options such as an amber and quartz crystal bed and a Zero Gravity Wellness Massage. For culinary enthusiasts, the Culinary Arts Kitchen provides hands-on classes and demonstrations led by highly experienced chefs, offering a diverse curriculum inspired by global destinations. 

Artistry at Sea 

Seven Seas Grandeur is home to a 1,600-piece art collection, featuring a custom-designed masterpiece – Journey in Jewels – the first Fabergé Egg to permanently reside at sea. The ship also introduces Regent’s first digital art tour, Art Experience, accessible through the new Regent Mobile App. Notable works include pieces by Picasso, a custom-made bronze and hand-cast glass Bonsai Cherry Tree sculpture, and “The Enchanted Tree,” a 40-foot-tall, hand-woven tapestry by renowned Brazilian artist Walter Goldfarb. 

As Regent Seven Seas Cruises celebrates 30 years of unparalleled experiences, for its part the Seven Seas Grandeur experience has emerged as the epitome of the cruise line’s commitment to extreme luxury. With spacious suites, impeccable service, gourmet dining, and immersive shore excursions all included, Regent continues to redefine luxury cruising.  For the Silo, Merilee Kern.
Merilee Kern, MBA is an internationally-regarded brand strategist and analyst who reports on cultural shifts and trends as well as noteworthy industry change makers, movers, shakers and innovators across all categories, both B2C and B2B. This includes field experts and thought leaders, brands, products, services, destinations and events. Merilee is Founder, Executive Editor and Producer of “The Luxe List” as well as Host of the  “Savvy Living” lifestyle TV show that airs in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Atlanta and other major markets on CBS, FOX and other top networks; as well as the “Savvy Ventures” business TV show that airs nationally on FOX Business TV and Bloomberg TV. Merilee also hosts the Savvy Ventures Podcast & Radio show available globally on W4CY Radio—the #1 ranked live streaming radio station—among others as well as all major podcast platforms, including Pandora, Audible, Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Streamyard, iHeart Radio and dozens more.  As a prolific lifestyle, travel, dining and leisure industry voice of authority and tastemaker, Merilee keeps her finger on the pulse of the marketplace in search of new and innovative must-haves and exemplary experiences at all price points, from the affordable to the extreme. Her work reaches multi-millions worldwide via broadcast TV (her own shows and copious others on which she appears) as well as a myriad of print and online publications. Connect with her at www.TheLuxeList.com and www.SavvyLiving.tv / Instagram www.Instagram.com/MerileeKern / Twitter www.Twitter.com/MerileeKern / Facebook www.Facebook.com/MerileeKernOfficial / LinkedIN www.LinkedIn.com/in/MerileeKern. 
***Some or all of the accommodations(s), experience(s), item(s) and/or service(s) detailed above may have been provided or arranged at no cost to accommodate if this is review editorial, but all opinions expressed are entirely those of Merilee Kern and have not been influenced in any way.*** 

How to Find the Best Suitcase for Your Next Adventure: Key Features to Look For

Travelling can be an exhilarating experience, whether you’re setting out on a spontaneous weekend getaway or embarking on a long-awaited international trip. One of the most important decisions to make before any adventure is choosing the right suitcase. Your luggage plays a crucial role in the ease and comfort of your travels, and selecting the best one can save you from many headaches along the way.

Fantastic Beasts released in 2016 featuring Newt Scamander’s Magic Suitcase

With the variety of options available on the market today, finding the perfect suitcase can be overwhelming. From materials and sizes to wheels and handles, there are several factors to consider to ensure you make the best choice for your needs. This guide will help you break down the essential features to look for when picking out a suitcase for your next trip.

Size Matters: Choosing the Right Dimensions

The first thing you need to consider when selecting a suitcase is its size. Suitcases come in various sizes, ranging from compact carry-ons to larger checked luggage. The right size for you will depend on the length of your trip and how much you typically pack.

  • Carry-on size: If you’re planning a short trip or prefer to travel light, a carry-on suitcase is likely your best option. It’s important to check airline guidelines as each carrier has specific size and weight restrictions for carry-on luggage.
  • Checked luggage size: For longer trips or if you tend to pack more, a larger checked suitcase may be necessary. These suitcases offer more space but can be bulky to handle. Always ensure that the size adheres to airline regulations to avoid additional fees.

For a variety of suitcase sizes and to compare top-rated models, you can explore Meilleurs.ca, which offers expert comparisons and guides to help you make informed decisions.

Spoiler alert- topping Meilleurs.ca list of suitcases is the Swiss Gear La Sarinne 28″ Suitcase.

Durability: Materials That Last

James Bond 007’s- Spy attache case.

Suitcases are typically made from one of three primary materials: soft-shell fabrics, hard-shell plastics, or hybrid combinations. Each material has its own set of pros and cons.

  • Soft-shell suitcases: Made from durable fabrics like nylon or polyester, soft-shell suitcases offer flexibility and expandability, which is ideal for squeezing in extra items. They’re generally lighter and more forgiving when you’re trying to fit your luggage into tight spaces like an overhead bin. However, they may not provide as much protection for fragile items as hard-shell options.
  • Hard-shell suitcases: Constructed from materials such as polycarbonate or ABS plastic, hard-shell suitcases provide better protection for your belongings, especially for breakable items. These suitcases are more rigid and usually more secure, but they can also be prone to scratches and cracks over time.
  • Hybrid suitcases: Some suitcases combine soft and hard-shell elements, offering the best of both worlds. These can provide flexibility while still offering a decent level of protection for your belongings.

Weight: Lighter Is Better

Airlines have become stricter with weight limits, especially for checked luggage. It’s important to choose a suitcase that is light yet durable. A heavy suitcase can quickly eat into your weight allowance, leaving you with less space for your belongings. Look for lightweight materials that don’t compromise on durability, such as polycarbonate for hard-shell suitcases or ballistic nylon for soft-shell suitcases.

An antique art deco Cheney brown crocodile skin suitcase made in England in the 1950s.

Wheels: For Effortless Maneuvering

One of the most crucial features of a suitcase is its wheel system. The last thing you want is to struggle with a suitcase that doesn’t roll smoothly through airport terminals or crowded streets. There are two main types of wheels to consider:

  • Two wheels: Traditional two-wheeled suitcases tend to be more stable when pulled in a straight line and are ideal for rough surfaces. They also don’t roll away when left on a slope. However, two-wheeled suitcases are more cumbersome to maneuver, especially in tight spaces.
  • Four wheels (spinner wheels): Four-wheeled suitcases, also known as spinners, offer a full range of motion, allowing you to roll the suitcase upright and in any direction. This can be especially useful when navigating through busy areas or small spaces. While they provide better mobility, spinner wheels can be less stable on uneven surfaces and may roll away if left unattended on an incline.

Handles: Comfortable and Sturdy

The handle of a suitcase may seem like a minor detail, but it’s vital for ensuring comfortable and easy transport. Look for a telescoping handle that can be adjusted to multiple heights and locks securely in place. A comfortable grip is also important, as you’ll be using the handle frequently while pulling the suitcase.

Additionally, consider a suitcase with side or top carry handles for when you need to lift it, such as placing it in an overhead bin or into the trunk of a car. Make sure these handles are sturdy and padded for comfort.

Compartments and Expandability: Maximizing Space

Good luggage design should include plenty of compartments and organizational features. Look for suitcases that offer:

  • Multiple compartments: Interior pockets and compartments help you keep your items organized, from shoes to toiletries to important documents.
  • Expandable sections: Some soft-shell suitcases have expandable zippers that allow for extra space when needed, perfect for travelers who tend to overpack or pick up souvenirs along the way.
  • Compression straps: These interior straps help keep your clothes in place, reducing wrinkles and maximizing the space inside the suitcase.

Security: Keeping Your Belongings Safe

Travel security is always a concern, especially when you’re carrying valuable or personal items. Look for suitcases that come with built-in locks, especially TSA-approved locks, which allow airport security to open the suitcase without damaging the lock during inspections.

In addition to locks, hard-shell suitcases generally offer more protection from theft, as they are harder to cut through than soft-shell models. Zippers should be sturdy and smooth to operate, minimizing the risk of breakage during your trip.

Style: A Reflection of You

While functionality is the most important factor when choosing a suitcase, style can’t be overlooked. Your luggage is a reflection of your personal style, and with so many colors, patterns, and finishes available, you can find a suitcase that suits your personality. Whether you prefer sleek, minimalist designs or bold, vibrant patterns, the style of your suitcase can add a touch of fun to your travel experience.

Conclusion: Invest in the Right Suitcase for a Stress-Free Adventure

Choosing the best suitcase for your next adventure requires balancing practicality, durability, and personal preference. By focusing on key features like size, materials, weight, wheels, handles, and compartments, you can ensure that your suitcase not only meets your travel needs but also enhances your overall experience.

A good suitcase is an investment in stress-free travel, and with a little research and attention to detail, you can find the perfect one to accompany you on all your future adventures. To explore and compare the best suitcases available in Quebec, check out Meilleurs.ca for expert reviews and recommendations that will guide you toward making the best choice for your journey. For the Silo, Vinayak Gupta.

Featured image- the classic holiday film Planes, Trains and Automobiles 1987.

USB Juice Jacking Is New Way Hackers Attack Travelers

How to avoid being hacked during this Fall’s travel season. 

According to a recent study by cybersecurity firm NordVPN, one in four travelers has been hacked when using public Wi-Fi while traveling abroad. However, unsecured Wi-Fi is not the only factor travelers should be worried about. 

Last year, the FBI published a tweet (see below) warning users against smartphone charging stations in public places (airports, hotels, and shopping malls). Hackers may have modified the charging cables with the aim of installing malware on phones to perform an attack called juice jacking. 

“Digital information, although it exists virtually, can also be stolen using physical devices. So it is important to take a 360-degree approach and secure your device from both online and offline threats,” says Adrianus Warmenhoven, a cybersecurity advisor.

What is juice jacking?

Juice jacking is a cyberattack where a public USB charging port is used to steal data or install malware on a device. Juice jacking attacks allow hackers to steal users’ passwords, credit card information, addresses, names, and other data. Attackers can also install malware to track keystrokes, show ads, or add devices to a botnet.


Is juice jacking detectable?

Juice jacking attacks can be difficult to detect. If your device has already been compromised, you may notice some suspicious activity – but that won’t always be the case.

For example, you may notice something you don’t recognize on your phone — like purchases you didn’t make or calls that look suspicious.

Your phone may also start working unusually slowly or feel hotter than usual. Chances are you may have picked up malware. For a full list of signs to watch out for read on and find out how to know if your phone is hacked.

How to protect yourself

Since no sign of juice jacking is 100% reliable, it is best to avoid falling victim to this attack by using the following the advice:

  • Get a power bank. Power banks are a safe and convenient way to charge your device on the go. Getting a portable power bank means that you’ll never have to use public charging stations where juice jacking attacks occur. Always ensure your power bank is fully charged so you can use it on the go.
  • Use a USB data blocker. A USB data blocker is a device that protects your phone from juice jacking when you’re using a public charging station. It plugs into the charging port on your phone and acts as a shield between the public charging station’s cord and your device.
  • Use a power socket instead. Juice jacking attacks only happen when you’re connected to a USB charger. If you absolutely need to charge your phone in public, avoid the risk of infected cables and USB ports and use a power outlet. This is typically a safe way to charge your mobile device and other devices in public.

For the Silo, Darija Grobova.

Self Driving Cars Now Reliable Via “Liquid AI”

Driving Change: Autonomous Vehicle Trust, Reliability Restored with Autobrains ‘Liquid AI’ Innovation

As the automotive industry evolves at a rapid-fire pace, trust in autonomous driving vehicles remains a critical challenge amid pervasive reliability concerns. Addressing this substantial industry pain point is automotive AI technology disruptor Autobrains Technologies. Its game-changing “Liquid AI” innovation—combining AI-assisted driving with its Autonomous Driving capabilities—directly addresses such marketplace reliability concerns, setting new standards for autonomous driving in the process.

“The safety debate surrounding AVs is more relevant than ever,” notes Autobrains Founder and CEO Igal Raichelgauz. “While AVs promise to reduce traffic fatalities by eliminating human error such as distracted driving, there are still significant reliability concerns for both manufacturers and drivers. The ongoing dialogue around AVs is critical, and we’re not only at the forefront of these discussions, but also advancing AI that prioritizes driverless car safety. We believe our Liquid AI technology offers a paradigm shift by mimicking human cognitive processes, thereby improving the system’s adaptability and decision-making in real-time. The automotive industry stands at a crossroad. We are proud to lead this charge, setting new standards for what AI in driving can achieve.”

Driving Change

Autobrains’ revolutionary Liquid AI technology enhances situational awareness and decision-making, providing a safer and more reliable driving experience. As AI continues to evolve, these advancements are crucial in building trust and adoption among drivers and manufacturers, alike. Combining AI-assisted driving with its Autonomous Driving capabilities, Liquid AI enhances situational awareness and decision-making, providing a safer and more reliable driving experience, which is crucial in building trust and adoption among both drivers and manufacturers.  As AI continues to be integrated into vehicles, the question of generating trust becomes paramount.

“The reliability of Autonomous Driving has been a significant concern for both manufacturers and drivers,” said Raichelgauz. “We believe that our Liquid AI technology offers a paradigm shift by mimicking human cognitive processes, thereby improving the system’s adaptability and decision-making in real-time. Traditional AI, with its narrow focus, often falls short when faced with the unpredictable nature of real-world driving. Liquid AI, however, marks a significant departure from this approach. By incorporating principles of human cognition, it learns and adapts in real-time, ensuring that our driving systems are predictable and optimized for any real-world driving scenario.”

There are several key factors that differentiate Liquid AI from traditional AI systems. These include:

  • Robust Edge Case Handling: Effectively addresses the long tail of edge cases that traditional AI systems struggle with.
  • Human-Like Cognitive Processing: Mimics human decision-making, allowing for better handling of unpredictable real-world conditions.
  • Efficient Resource Utilization: Lower computational power requirements make it scalable across various vehicle models without compromising performance.
  • Real-Time Learning: Liquid AI adapts in real-time to new driving scenarios, ensuring higher accuracy and fewer false positives.

With a background in AI innovation spanning multiple disciplines, Raichelgauz is a distinguished technology executive who has co-founded several successful businesses, including Cortica—a company renowned for its self-learning technology in visual perception.  Under his leadership, the Autobrains Liquid AI technology is now driving consequential change in the automotive industry by resolving autonomous vehicle reliability.

“The automotive industry stands at a crossroad,” Raichelgauz continued. “As we continue to integrate AI into our vehicles, the question of generating trust becomes paramount. Traditional AI, with its narrow focus, often falls short when faced with the unpredictable nature of real-world driving. Liquid AI, however, marks a significant departure from this approach. By incorporating principles of human cognition, it learns and adapts in real-time, ensuring that our driving systems are predictable and optimized for any real-world driving scenario. At Autobrains, we are proud to lead this charge, setting new standards for what AI in driving can achieve.” For the Silo, Merilee Kern.

Underwater Bimini Road Suggests Advanced Ancient Humans?

There is something very strange about the crystal blue waters in the Caribbean Sea, dotted with white sand islands and coconut trees, that seems to attract unsolved mysteries.

But unless the minds behind Wikipedia or mainstream science have a change of heart, the ever-mysterious underwater highway known as Bimini Road will likely remain case-closed.

Thereby hangs a tale common to throngs of mysterious places in the Atlantic Ocean east of the Florida Keys wherein ships, divers, and other witnesses speak of the unexplained—only to be scoffed at, derided, and scorned.

As with the Bermuda Triangle, Atlantis, and the fountain of youth, the Bimini Road joined the list of Caribbean enigmas when, in 1968, Joseph Manson Valentine, Jacques Mayol, and Robert Angove dove 18 feet underwater about a mile off of North Bimini, some 80 miles northwest of the Bahamas, and saw what they described as “pavement” on the ocean floor.

A host of roughly rectangular stone slabs, they reported, rounded like loaves of bread by the sand and current over centuries, formed a flawlessly straight line. Its main feature stretched over 2,600 feet and curved like a “J” at one end. There were two smaller line features. Megalithic in size, the blocks were each 7 to 13 feet wide with right angles and seemed laid level by human hands.

A satellite view of Bimini. (<a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bimini_island.jpg">Public Domain</a>)
A satellite view of Bimini. Public Domain
A map of North Bimini showing Bimini Road. (Rainer Lesniewski/Shutterstock)
A map of North Bimini showing Bimini Road. Rainer Lesniewski/Shutterstock

The anomaly posed many questions to scientists.

How did it form? Was it made by man or nature? Could advanced civilizations have existed so early as to make this—in the Ice Age? Before the region sank beneath the sea 10,000 years ago? Or could nature have created something so fine-tuned? Thus began a clash of ideas.

There were two camps.

One dove down and saw a man-made road. Scientists and amateurs alike looked, and their eyes told them enough: this could not be natural.

The other camp was more skeptical. To avoid rocking the boat (figuratively speaking), they used science to explain the road to fit the foregoing research: it was natural.

As discoveries go, this one saw funded scientists fly in to investigate. Eugene Shinn from the University of Miami’s Department of Geology was foremost among them. Mr. Shinn dove down in 1978 and took radiocarbon core samples. Ultimately, he stated, it was beachrock—a mix of sand, shells, and cement—created by nature.

Megalithic blocks form a line on the seafloor off North Bimini. (FtLaud/Shutterstock)
Megalithic blocks form a line on the seafloor off North Bimini. FtLaud/Shutterstock

The so-called “consensus” of science that grew out of Mr. Shinn’s research, more or less, says this: Bimini Road formed under the surface of the island.

It was exposed by coastal erosion some 2,000 years ago. Its gaps at regular intervals were opened by natural jointing. This view is widely held and amplified on Wikipedia today.

The other camp is less uniform. Visiting Bimini Road, the notion was put forward: there was “overwhelming evidence that the road is made-made.” Their voices spoke from less lavish soapboxes: alternative media, websites, books, anecdotes. Much of it smacks of “New Age” and probably is sprinkled (or drenched) with misinformation to smear those brave voices speaking truth to orthodoxy. And there were voices whose minds changed.

Among the theorists, archaeologist William Donato suggested that Bimini Road isn’t a road; the line of stones forms a wall known as a breakwater, built to protect a prehistoric settlement from waves. This engendered its alter ego: Bimini Wall.

One of the strongest arguments for a man-made Bimini Road comes from Gavin Menzies’s (former British Submarine Commander and amateur historian) book, “1421: The Year China Discovered the World.” He writes: “Small stones are placed underneath larger ones, apparently to make the sea-bed level;” the structure “contains arrow-shaped ‘pointers’ that can only have been man-made;” and “some small square stones have tongue and grooved joints.”

Mr. Menzies, considered an outlier in both camps, believes ancient Chinese explorers anchored here and built the road as a slipway to repair a ship.

In 2022, British author Graham Hancock appeared on Joe Rogan’s podcast to discuss the road. He said it was artificially “propped up” and “leveled out” with smaller rocks. “When you dive on it,” he told Mr. Rogan, “it’s impossible to believe it’s entirely the work of nature.”

And there have been accounts that got their wires crossed.

Stones ranging from 7 to 13 feet in width pave the underwater road at North Bimini. (FtLaud/Shutterstock)
Stones ranging from 7 to 13 feet in width pave the underwater road at North Bimini. FtLaud/Shutterstock

Ironically, both Wikipedia and Mr. Menzies offer polar opposite arguments but cite the same man.

Mr. Menzies noted David Zink, who explored Bimini Road in 1974, mentioning “small stones” under the larger ones being a second layer beneath the Bimini Road. Wikipedia also cited Mr. Zink but with a reversal: the conclusion about this second layer “was likely incorrect.”

Amid all the clashing, we managed to obtain exclusive insight into the debacle.

Bimini Road, also called Bimini Wall, is believed to have been built to protect a prehistoric settlement from waves. (FtLaud/Shutterstock)
Bimini Road, also called Bimini Wall, is believed to have been built to protect a prehistoric settlement from waves. FtLaud/Shutterstock

Psychologist Greg Little, author of “Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis,” revealed to the newspaper another flip-flop. He claims to have evidence of scientists altering core samples to support that Bimini Road was naturally formed. He says they admitted being pressured to do so by “all the craziness” surrounding Bimini Road, that it was “done for fun,” and it was done “to make a good story.”

To verify Mr. Little’s claims, the scientist in question was contacted directly who replied they were “not going to nit-pick over Little’s concerns.”

If true, the claim raises questions: Why would the orthodoxy mislead? What do they stand to gain by disproving ancient man’s involvement in the creation of Bimini Road?

This was posed to Mr. Little, who drew on psychology to explain:

“All contradictions to their beliefs are probably perceived as a direct threat to them professionally and psychologically,“ he said. ”The long history of science has countless examples of widely held beliefs that were proven wrong by research. But even in the face of incontrovertible proof that these beliefs were wrong, many so-called scientists refused to accept the new evidence.”

As for Bimini Road—whether it’s case-closed, as the “consensus” says, or mysterious as ever—there’s perhaps a way to know: Visit Bimini Road. Swim the crystal blue waters. Witness its wonders yourself with your eyes. For the Silo via Michael Wing & friends at theepochtimes.com.

Canadian Numi Transformative Bamboo Undergarments

It may only be the start of September but we Canadians know that the days are indeed growing shorter.

As we approach Fall and Winter (sorry!) and the weather starts becoming cooler, one of the best ways to layer is using Numi’s bamboo undergarments and basics under your clothing.

“Originally on the market as Nudy Patooti, this brand launched in 2013 and quickly changed its name to better reflect their customer base. Focusing on sustainability, peace, and kindness, Numi works with women for women. Each detail of design is done to make life easier for the working gal.

Founded by Michelle Shemilt, this company was born out of necessity. As a former equity trader, Shemilt was tired of losing her work clothes to sweat and deodorant stains that affected every top. Rather than shell out the money for constant dry cleaning, Shemilt went to work on a solution to benefit not only her but other working women who suffered the same issue.  

Alongside a pro-woman mission, this brand also works for the world. Sustainability is a core goal for the company that works solely in eco-friendly fabrics and practices, Numi wants to leave a mark on their customers, but not the planet.” honestbrandreviews.com

The secret to layering, even in Fall and Winter, is to look stylish, not bulky.

Because their innovative collection consists of ultra-soft bamboo, you can seamlessly layer your fall fashions and holiday outfits in a multitude of ways. If that isn’t enough their transformative undergarments wick away sweat before it becomes an embarrassing stain or damages your clothes. 

Each piece is made with high tech fabric that absorbs perspiration and protects your outfit to keep you feeling fresh as you go between any kind of event such as from the office to holiday parties.  A Numi undergarment will get your favorite clothes back into regular wardrobe rotation while offering perks such as extending the life of your clothes, creating less laundry, lowering drying cleaning costs, and helping to regulate your body temperature.

Undergarments feature patented Sweat-Secret Technology, a high performance fabric in the underarm area to absorb moisture to help you stay dry and comfortable and your clothes clean.

Numi’s basic tees and tanks are also super comfortable essentials for layering, loungewear and sleepwear, and are perfect pieces to have in your wardrobe as the weather gets colder.

Both lightweight and stylish, their garments and undergarments will keep your body feeling fresh and fabulous underneath everything from your weekend sweaters to work silk blouses to holiday party dresses.

Transformative Highlights

  • Keep clothes clean and like new longer
  • Prevent embarrassing sweat stains from ruining an outfit (and your day)
  • Comfortably smooth the figure without being constrictive
  • Patented fabric technology absorbs and whisks away moisture from the body
  • Organic bamboo regulates body temperature, keeping you cooler when warm and warmer when cool (perfect for fall layering!)
  • Save money by not having to dry clean as often and save time by reducing laundry
  •  Eco-friendly: made of organic bamboo and sustainably manufactured in Canada

Great for all shapes and sizes.

Fitted and ultra-soft, you can choose from a variety of classic feminine styles to keep you comfortable and worry-free during the weekends, in the office, or anytime! For the Silo, Katie Guest.

We Should Be Consuming Fats Not GMOs

Archaeological studies have confirmed that ancient humans broke open bones for marrow and based on fossilized coprolites, ate a diet rich in fat. CP

When Dr. John Salerno – a protégé of “Atkins Diet” creator Dr. Robert Atkins – testified before the U.S.D.A. about plans for its most recent Food Pyramid revision, he spoke his mind: The food industry is corrupt and has supported recommendations that do not support the population’s health.

 “Hidden sugar, preservatives and highly processed white starch are what are really causing our health epidemic in the United States and Canada, Mexico, Australia and the United Kingdom,” says Salerno, author of “The Silver Cloud Diet,” (www.thesilverclouddiet.com). “Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease are killing this country, and it’s not because people are eating too much organic natural fats.”

Since the initial popularity of the Atkins food plan some years ago, however, there have been critics of the low-carbohydrate diet.

The science was and is sound, says Dr. Salerno, who worked closely with Atkins on research. The problem was that the diet itself was not sustainable.

After the terrorist bombings of September 11, 2001, Dr. Salerno served as the Medical Director for the World Trade Center Landfill, a position that earned him a commendation from then-mayor Rudy Giuliani. In this capacity, he was charged with monitoring the health of the public workers assigned to manage the landfill where debris from the World Trade Center was transferred.
After the terrorist bombings of September 11, 2001, Dr. Salerno served as the Medical Director for the World Trade Center Landfill, a position that earned him a commendation from then-mayor Rudy Giuliani. In this capacity, he was charged with monitoring the health of the public workers assigned to manage the landfill where debris from the World Trade Center was transferred.

“The basic principles needed revision both to make the diet sustainable and to take into account the foods available today,” he says. How does a low-carb diet work? Salerno answers the most frequently asked questions:

 • How is a low-carb diet today different from the Dr. Atkins plan? Thirty years ago, the food supply was less degraded. Now, low-carb dieters have to be more proactive about selecting chemical-free foods that are not highly processed. There are many more farming techniques today that introduce unnatural elements into our meats and vegetables, and there are many, many more highly processed foods on store shelves. We need to be vigilant about preservatives and additives; hormone-infused meat can wreak havoc on a body.

  • What’s the first step? The Fat Fast Detox quickly puts one’s body into fat-burning mode. Adhering to the carb-free diet for two weeks will have participants losing five to 15 pounds and two inches from the waistline. Breakfast, for example, could include two large organic eggs and a side of bacon, sausage or ham, which can be washed down with coffee or tea with cream and sweetener.
  • What about eating out? Sustaining a low-carb diet is pretty simple when eating at restaurants. Take the burger out of the bread and skip the French fries. You’re good to go with grilled fish, roast chicken, pot roast, pork tenderloin, shrimp, scallops and pates.

  • How can you eat on the run? A small amount of planning goes a long way. Boil eggs and keep them on hand for long car trips and office snacking. Add to that list jerky salmon, nuts and string cheese. These foods are dense with nutrients.

  • Where can you find “clean” foods? Buy as “close to the ground” as possible, meaning choose organic produce, eggs and dairy. Inquire at farmer’s markets where they grow crops. Find a local provider for meats and fish if possible.

  • Can you eat cake on a low-carb diet? As your health and vitality improves with lost weight and increased activity, you can introduce more carbohydrates into your diet.

  • Are low-carb meals safe for family members who do not need to lose weight? What’s good for you – a broad and varied diet of unprocessed foods – is good for your family!

  • When is the diet over? Eating foods that are healthy, unprocessed and natural is something you should never stop doing. However, if you feel you’re starting to gain excess weight, go on a detox regimen by cutting out carbs completely for one week.

  • So, fat is good for you? Natural fat is the most nutrient-dense food there is. It’s lubricates your joints and helps your brain function at its best. It also keeps your hair shiny and helps prevent wrinkles. When you cut out processed carbs from your diet, you don’t need to worry about natural fat, which is an appetite suppressant.
 For the Silo, Dr. John Salerno.

What Is Argentina Week In Miami?

For starters, The Argentina Country Brand highlights distinctive values and attributes to promote exports, attract foreign direct investment, and boost inbound tourism.

Let’s begin with cooking.

Cooking is more than a daily practice: it is a gateway to understanding a country’s history, culture, and diversity. This is what Argentina is presenting right now at Argentina Week in Miami ending this Friday June 28 in Miami-Dade and Broward counties in Florida. The event will offer the opportunity to experience Argentine culinary culture and its most representative products, creating a unique experience that connects Miami’s culinary enthusiasts with potential consumers.

Considered one of the best cuisines in the world, with Italian and Spanish influences due to immigration, Argentina will showcase its most iconic dishes ahead of the Copa América through more than 80 establishments participating with exclusive promotions and prices. By visiting the Argentina Weekportal, www.argentinaweek.ar , participants can find each day’s value proposition from each establishment, making Argentina Week a unique experience.

The event launch began in the afternoon on Monday, June 24, at La Cabrera Grill in Sunny Isles. The following day, in keeping with the Euro 2024 Soccer excitement the Chile vs. Argentina match was broadcast live at La Birra Bar, and today, Wednesday, June 26, will feature a pizza night at the traditional Banchero pizzeria in Miami Beach.

On Thursday, June 27, Casa Vigil will host the week’s events, and on Friday, June 28, the new La Cabrera location in Coconut Grove will be the meeting point.

With unparalleled cultural heritage, great biodiversity, and a perfect blend of flavors and history, Argentine cuisine offers many recipes, traditional dishes, typical flavors, and high-quality local products.

In this regard, Argentina seeks to diversify its export offerings by strengthening the positioning of sustainable and competitive value-added products. Exclusive promotions and prices for participants to immerse themselves in Argentine cuisine will be available as Argentina seeks to diversify its export offerings and consolidate national products and ingredients. For the Silo, Kat Fleischman.

Home – Semana Argentin

Queen Baton Rouge Elevated Casino Overlooks Mississippi River

A blue and black logo

Description automatically generated 

The Queen Baton Rouge offers an all-new, elevated casino, dining and entertainment experience spanning 100,000 square feet overlooking the Mississippi River. The city’s first land-based casino, The Queen is just north of downtown and within walking distance to Capitol Lake. Thrilling casino games include more than 30,000 square feet of electronic and table games; plus the DraftKings Sportsbook offers a state-of-the-art sports wagering experience curated by the global gaming leader.

A look at the Casino floor. photo: Collin Richie.

Restaurants include signature dining at 1717 Kitchen + Cocktails and casual dining at Shaquille O’Neal’s Big Chicken, 3 Woks Noodle Bar, and Capitol Coffee. Launching Thursday, June 13, the reimagined Loft at 1717 will offer an upscale cocktail and board-focused bar menu, as well as live entertainment on Saturdays. The property boasts flexible catering and event spaces that can accommodate more than 500 guests.


The Queen Baton Rouge spans more than 30,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor gaming space with more than 700 gaming machines and 18 table games, including blackjack, craps and roulette; numerous electronic table options; a state-of-the-art DraftKings Sportsbook with the latest sports wagering technology via 20 kiosks and four betting windows; and a dedicated smoking patio, LIT Casino & Bar with more than 100 slot machines and six table games.

Gaming Promotions: 

  • Dad’s Summer Essentials Gift Giveaway
    • Sundays: Qualifying Queen Rewards members will receive a select gift from a curated collection of summer essentials, including a portable cornhole set, a 23-piece BBQ set, a floating cooler and more.
    • Diamond and Crown members may claim their gift starting at noon; all other tier levels may claim beginning at 1 p.m. Guests must pick up their gift before 7:59 p.m. by presenting a valid photo ID at Queen Rewards Players Club. Gifts will be available while supplies last and selection may vary.
    • Patrons who do not receive the free gift offer may earn 500 points to receive a gift before 7:59 p.m.
  • Baskets for Bucks Drawing Bonus Entries
    • Mondays, June 3, 10, 17 and 24 and Saturdays, June 8, 15 and 22: From 8 a.m. to midnight, all Queen Rewards members may swipe their Queen Rewards cards to receive bonus entries for the Baskets for Bucks Drawing, with 500 additional entries awarded to Ruby members, 1,000 to Emerald members, 2,500 to Diamond members and 5,000 to Crown members.
  • 10X Point Multiplier
    • Tuesdays: From 6 a.m. to midnight, all Queen Rewards members may swipe their Queen Rewards card to receive a 10X point multiplier. A maximum of 100,000 points may be earned, and points will be added to accounts the following day. 
  • Fab Fifty Drawings
    • Tuesdays, June 4, 11, 18 and 25: Queen Rewards members 50 years and older may participate in a drawing to win Royal Free Play. From noon to 6 p.m., five winners will be drawn every two hours for the chance to win up to $250 in Royal Free Play.
    • Queen Rewards members may swipe their Queen Rewards card at any kiosk to print their free entry ticket. Guests may earn up to five additional entries, with every 50 points earned equaling one additional entry.  
  • Baskets for Bucks Drawing
    • Fridays, June 7, 14, 21 and 28: From 6 to 9 p.m., Queen Rewards members may participate in a drawing for the chance to win up to $3,000usd / $4,100 cad in Royal Free Play. Five winners will be selected every half hour and given three chances to shoot basketballs into baskets to win Royal Free Play. For each missed shot, participants will earn $50 in Royal Free Play. 
    • Queen Rewards members will receive 10 free entries for the month and can earn one additional entry for each point earned.
    • Guests may activate their entries beginning one hour before drawing times and prizes must be redeemed within five minutes with a valid picture ID and Queen Rewards player card.
  • Reign in the Riches Table Games Drawing
    • Saturdays, June 8, 15, 22 and 29: Queen Rewards members may earn entries into the 9 p.m. weekly Reign in the Riches Table Games Drawing for the chance to win up to $11,000usd in promo chips, by achieving predetermined hands of play as outlined below.
  • One entry awarded for all blackjack game hands as follows:
    • Any suited blackjack with a table minimum or greater wager.
    • Any top-three winner at a $10usd or greater wager.
    • 21+3, $5usd or greater wager with a straight flush or three of a kind.
  • One entry awarded for roulette with any $10usd or greater straight-up winner.
  • One entry awarded for craps hands winning a $5usdor greater wager on “all tall,” “all small,” “make ‘em all” or a combination thereof, as well as any $5usd hard way winner.
  • One entry awarded to any Cajun Stud pocket bonus winner with the table minimum or a greater wager.
  • One entry awarded for any winning Ultimate Texas Hold ‘Em bonus hand of a flush or better on the “trips” wager, with the table minimum or a greater wager.
  • One entry awarded for Three Card Poker hands with any pair plus the wager of the winning hand of a straight, with the table minimum or a greater wager.
  • Two entries awarded for Three Card Poker hands with any pair plus the wager of the winning hand of a straight flush, with the table minimum or a greater wager.
  • Birthday Kiosk Game
    • Queen Rewards members may enjoy a free game the month of their birthday to win up to $1,000usd in Royal Free Play. Every game is guaranteed a prize. 
  • New Member Golden Wheel Kiosk Game
    • New members who join Queen Rewards will get a free kiosk game. Every game is guaranteed to win a prize of up to $2,500usd in Royal Free Play. 

1717 Kitchen and Cocktails. photo: Collin Richie.

DraftKings Sportsbook 

Sportsbook open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday to Thursday; 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday

Bar open 10 a.m. to midnight Sunday to Thursday; 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. Friday and Saturday  

Developed in collaboration with leading digital sports entertainment and gaming company, DraftKings Inc., the sportsbook offers a state-of-the-art gaming destination with contemporary design, a full bar with 10 beers on draft, 20 betting kiosks and four over the counter betting windows. Lounge-style seating, a 28-foot video wall and oversized high-definition TVs will provide optimal viewing for sports fans. 


1717 Kitchen + Cocktails

Open 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sunday to Thursday; 11 a.m. to midnight on Friday; and 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Saturday

The Queen Baton Rouge’s signature dining, drinking and entertainment destination, 1717 Kitchen + Cocktails, serves rustic American cuisine with a twist. Spanning 5,200 square feet, the outlet offers a spacious dining room and bar with a stage for live music and other entertainment. An expansive menu features classic American favorites including sandwiches, flatbreads, salads, entrees, desserts and more. 1717’s bar offers craft cocktails, beer and wine in a social atmosphere. 

  • Father’s Day
    • Sunday, June 16: 1717 Kitchen + Cocktails will celebrate dads with a featured entrée of a 12-ounce Creekstone Farms ribeye accompanied by balsamic-roasted Brussels sprouts and loaded mashed potatoes and paired with a 16-ounce draft beer of choice. The featured offering will be priced at $20usd.
    • Dine-in only.  Limited to one order per person.  
  • Blue Plate Specials
    • Tuesdays: Queen Rewards members may swipe their rewards card at any promotional kiosk to receive a discounted Chef’s special of the week at 1717 Kitchen + Cocktails. Dishes will be priced at $17.99usd, with special pricing of $12.99usd available for Queens Rewards members 50 years and older. June specials will include:
      • Tuesday, June 4: Chicken and dumplings  
      • Tuesday, June 11: Salisbury steak and gravy
      • Tuesday, June 18: Shrimp creole
      • Tuesday, June 25: Spaghetti and meatballs
  • Crab Legs
    • Thursdays: 1717 Kitchen + Cocktails will feature two pounds of snow crab clusters priced at $24.99usd and priced at $19.99usd for Queen Rewards members. Available on dine-in orders only.
  • Entertainment
    • 1717 will host a variety of entertainment acts from 9 p.m. to midnight. Admission is free, unless otherwise noted. The full lineup includes:
      • Friday, June 14: Press 1 For English – Wide variety of covers
      • Friday, June 21: Beaucoup Boogie – Timeless classics to contemporary covers
      • Friday, June 28: Run for Cover – 90’s and 00’s covers

The Loft at 1717 

The loft at 1717. photo: Collin Richie.

Will open to the public on Thursday, June 13

Will be open 5 to 10 p.m. on Thursday; 5 to 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday after Thursday, June 13

Overlooking 1717 Kitchen + Cocktails, The Loft at 1717 spans 1,600 square feet offering a full bar between an indoor space and an outdoor patio with views of the Mississippi River. A dedicated bar serves a variety of beer, wine and handcrafted cocktails. The space will be available to reserve for private events.  

  • Entertainment
    • The Loft at 1717 will host a variety of entertainment acts from 6 to 9 p.m. Admission is free, unless otherwise noted. The full lineup includes:
      • Thursday, June 13: Matt Tortorich
      • Saturday, June 15: Joey Holaway
      • Saturday, June 22: Charlston Bourgeois
      • Saturday, June 29: Joey Holaway

Big Chicken 

Open 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sunday to Thursday.; 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday 

Big Chicken, the star-powered fast casual chicken concept founded by legendary basketball Hall of Famer Shaquille O’Neal, serves signature chicken sandwiches and tenders packed with BIG flavor, including The Original Big Chicken topped with Shaq sauce and pickles; Uncle Jerome’s Nashville Hot, featuring lettuce, mayonnaise and pickles; Shaq Attack, topped with pepper jack cheese, jalapeño slaw and spicy chipotle BBQ sauce. Popcorn Chicken served with Shaq sauce; a selection of savory sides, including Lucille’s Mac N’ Cheese topped with Cheez-It crust; and boozy milkshakes hand-crafted with all-natural southern vanilla ice cream produced using hormone-free milk from California can be enjoyed while overlooking the Mississippi River.

3 Woks Noodle Bar 

Open 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Sunday to Thursday; 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Friday and Saturday 

An exciting quick-service restaurant, 3 Woks Noodle Bar features an open kitchen to watch chefs freshly prepare a variety of authentic pan-Asian dishes or seating for up to 15 at the bar. The menu spans small plates to noodles and rice, along with shareable appetizers and soups, among others.  

Capitol Coffee Baton Rouge 

Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily  

Located just steps from the casino floor, Capitol Coffee offers a selection of hot and cold coffee, modern teas, smoothies, pastries, items for breakfast, lunch and more. Paninis and sandwiches are available from early morning until late night, while Blue Bell Ice Cream is exclusively scooped by the single and double.  

LIT Casino & Bar 

Open 24 hours daily  

Craft cocktails, beer and wine complement the lively atmosphere within Lit, the casino’s 1,600-square-foot dedicated smoking patio with more than 100 slots and six table games.  


The Queen Baton Rouge offers a flexible event space to accommodate more than 500 guests for corporate gatherings, weddings, private parties and more.  For the Silo, Bridget Calcagno.

“Rhythm and Resilience: The Artistry of Sam Middleton” Exhibition

If you are able to travel to Georgia this Spring, the Hammonds House Museum located at 503 Peeples St SW Atlanta, GA continues its 2024 exhibition season with “RHYTHM AND RESILIENCE: THE ARTISTRY OF SAM MIDDLETON”. Curated by Halima Taha.

About the Exhibition

You’re invited to embark on a mesmerizing journey through the life and works of Sam Middleton, a pioneering mixed-media artist whose vibrant creations echoed the rhythms of Harlem jazz and the landscapes of Europe’s Low Countries. Born in New York in 1927, Middleton’s artistic odyssey transcended borders and he left an indelible mark on both sides of the Atlantic. Rhythm of ResilienceThe Artistry of Sam Middleton opens at Hammonds House Museum on May 17 and runs through August 18, 2024.

In Rhythm of Resilience, Middleton’s artistic evolution unfolds, tracing his self-taught beginnings amidst the vibrant culture and pulsating beats of jazz and classical music in Harlem. His encounters with creativity at the Savoy Ballroom ignited a lifelong passion for self-expression.

Venturing beyond his hometown, Middleton’s voyages with the US Merchant Marines provided him with inspiration, infusing his art with a global perspective. From the sun-soaked shores of Mexico to the tranquil landscapes of Sweden, each destination left an imprint on his ever-evolving aesthetic. Moving to the Netherlands in 1961, Middleton, joined a wave of African American artists drawn to its creative environment. Settling in Schagen, amidst the serene North Holland polder landscape, Middleton’s work blossomed, blending the vibrancy of jazz with the tranquility of his surroundings.

A master of collage, Middleton’s compositions pulsate with energy, weaving together musical scores, photographs, and graphic elements in a dance of color and form.

His art is a testament to the enduring influence of jazz, intertwining with the visual influence of his adopted homeland.

Through teaching positions at esteemed institutions Atelier 63 in Harlem and the Royal Academy of Visual Arts in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands, Middleton’s legacy extended beyond his own creations, nurturing a new generation of artistic talent.

Featured Image: Newport by Sam Middleton, 1992.

This is Where Canadians Want to Travel to This Summer

The trending destinations Canadians want to go on vacation this summer based on Google searches.

Where do Canadians want to go on their summer vacation in 2024?

With soaring inflation prices and the cost of essential shopping skyrocketing, millions of Canadians will plan to cut back on vacation spending. According to data from Ipsos*42% of Canadians say they plan to minimize their spending on vacations in 2024 as a way of dealing with the increased cost of living. Now, as the season changes into spring, more people are wondering what this summer has in store for them from a vacation perspective.

Are Canadians really looking to cut costs when it comes to their annual trip? Or has the economy got us looking outside of our usual go-to destinations?

Our friends at Top10casinos.ca, have used Google search data looking at terms around ‘summer vacations’ to find out which destinations around the world are most in-demand by Canadians looking to book their summer vacation in 2024. So, whether you need some inspiration for your next big trip, or just love a good list, here are the trending destinations Canadians want to go on vacation this summer based on Google searches.canada's favorite summer vacation

Revealed: Canada’s Top 10 Most in Demand Summer Vacation Hotspots in 2024

Research Reveals New York Will Be Canada’s Favorite Summer Vacation in 2024 – Getting 1.9 Million Searches Every Month

With 1.9 million monthly searches and a 6% increase in searches in the last 30 days, the metropolis of New York is officially Canada’s most desired destination for a summer vacation this year. Analyzing individual attractions that Canadians are most interested in visiting, searches for ‘new york broadway shows 2024’ are up 9,900% and people searching for ‘new york yankees schedule 2024’ are up 5,800%. For Canadians looking for an early Spring vacation, searches for ‘new york weather in April’ are up 750% in the last 30 days.

City Break Destinations Incredibly Popular for Canadian Summer Vacations in 2024

Half of the top 10 most-searched for summer vacation spots by Canadians are city break destinations with San Francisco, Las Vegas and Honolulu topping the list. The data shows that Vancouver residents are getting heart eyes for San Francisco. In the last month, there were 16,550 searches for summer vacations in the Golden Gate City and searches for ‘Vancouver San Francisco cruises’ are up 29% since the same time last year.

  • The Cold European Country of IcelandThe Cold European Country of Iceland Has the MOST Search Increases – Ranking Above Beach Favorite, Mexico Beaches, relaxing by the pool and all you can drink cocktails are usually synonymous with summer, but according to our study, Canadians want to escape the heat in favor of colder climes. With an average of over 689,980 monthly searches and a huge 122% increase in 30 days, Iceland surprisingly ranks in front of Mexico as a go-to vacation destination this summer. Looking at why Canadians might be interested in visiting the land of ice and fire, searches for ‘northern lights’ are up 10,900% and people looking at ‘portugal v iceland’ have increased 1,043% on Google. According to the regional data, Niagara Falls residents in particular are looking for a totally unique experience this summer, with searches for ‘Iceland summer vacation’ up 200% since the same time last year.
  • Cuba Revealed as Canada's Most Desired Beach DestinationCuba Revealed as Canada’s Most Desired Beach Destination This Summer – Ranking Above Mexico and Costa RicaWith more than 712,000 monthly searches and an increase of 36% in 30 days, Cuba is revealed as Canada’s most desired beach vacation destination for summer 2024. According to the data, Canadians are researching long distance swimming in the country, with searches for ‘swim from cuba to florida’ up 3,500% and ‘vacations to cuba’ up 333%.
  • The Dominican Republic Ranks in Top 10The Dominican Republic Ranks in Top 10 With over 97,000 monthly searches for ‘The Dominican Republic summer vacation’ and a 35% increase in the past month – it’s evident the Caribbean Island will be one of the most coveted destinations by Canadians this summer, which is why it features in the top 10. When analyzing search trends on a city level, Montréal has seen a 25% increase in residents’ searching for the beautiful beach spot, and Ottawa shows a 20% surge.

trending destinations canadians want to go on vacation

Mapped: Most Desired Vacation Destinations Across Canada, Revealed

  • Las VegasLas Vegas Named the Most Desired Destination The gambling capital of the world is the most searched for city across the 10 cities of Alberta with searches spiking by nearly half (48%) since the same time last year. With 1.7 million monthly searches and a 12% increase in Canadian’s searching for the desert oasis summer vacation, Las Vegas has seen a 6% increase in search increases than topspot New York, the city also ranks above favorites Cuba and Mexico.
  • GreeceGreece Ranks Second as Research Reveals European Summer Vacations Most Popular with Ontario ResidentsThe data shows there’s a rapid number of Canadians looking to experience a European summer vacation this year, with both Greece and Italy coming up top in Ontario. Looking at the most searched for destinations, searches for Greece’s picturesque Santorini have increased by 67% since the same period last year across Canada, and Italy’s Rome have spiked 25%.
  • Costa RicaCosta Rica is the Most Desired Destination by Two ProvincesFilled with rugged rainforests, pristine lagoons and beautiful beaches, it’s little wonder the Central American country of Costa Rica is the most desired by two parts of Canada. Provinces of Quebec and Manitoba both had Costa Rica as their favorite destination, with searches for the tropical country up by an average of 81% across 10 cities in Quebec since the same time last year. Looking at locations on a city level, searches for ‘all inclusive Costa Rica vacations’ are up 300% in Quebec City, highlighting a need to escape busy metropolitan life.
  • Toronto's 3 Favorite Summer Vacation SpotsToronto’s 3 Favorite Summer Vacation Spots are all City DestinationsResidents hailing from Ontario’s capital, Toronto, are interested in keeping the summer city spirit alive, with 3 favorite destinations also being city spots. According to the data, Toronto’s favorite destination is Dubai with a 49% increase in searches since the same time last year. Closely followed by Rome (22%), and Miami (20%).


  1. Using articles around the topic of “bucket list travel destinations”, “best vacations in 2024” we were able to collect a list of approx 100 dream global travel destinations. To allow for us to make sure we’re focusing on those who want to holiday in these locations we assigned the prefixes “summer vacations in” to all locations. These terms were then entered into keywordtool.io to collect the average monthly search volume and search trends (over the last 12 months) per state.
  2. Search volumes and trends were gathered using https://keywordtool.io/
  3. All data correct and accurate as of 11th April 2024



For the Silo, Amanda Evans

Overcome Travel Anxiety Ahead Of This Years Season

A whopping 1.3 billion international tourist arrivals were recorded in 2023.

Undoubtedly, travel has become an integral part of many people’s lives. And while it can bring many joys, it can also cause stress.

With travel season fast approaching, the experts and our friends at HAYPP wanted to help those struggling with travel anxiety by providing helpful tips on how to best overcome it.

Five healthy ways to overcome travel anxiety

1. Understand your anxiety 

To be able to best cope with your travel anxiety, you need to have a good understanding of the things that actually cause it. Pinpoint specifically what is making you feel anxious about your trip – is it that you’ll be on the road for hours, that there would be things out of your control, that you would have to be surrounded by a lot of people at an airport? Once you understand what triggers your anxiety, you can ensure to plan ahead for the best ways to handle those triggers.

2. Create a detailed plan for your trip

One of the reasons for experiencing anxiety when travelling is that you’re being taken out of your comfort zone and won’t have full control over everything. To help ease that anxious feeling, try to plan out your trip in as much detail as possible. Write down an itinerary, either on paper, or you can make use of a trip planner app like TripIt, Wanderlog, or Sygic Travel, for every day that you can follow, which will give you a sense of control, but it’s equally as important to think of alternative plans of action for anything that could potentially not go as planned, so that you’re prepared.

3. Learn to use relaxation techniques  

Deep breathing by taking long breaths through the nose and then exhaling slowly through the mouth is a technique proven to help reduce any feelings of stress. Another useful way to calm your mind is by meditating, which can take many different forms from listening to music to focusing on your breath. To make sure you find the mindfulness technique that works best for you, try out a few different ones before your trip, so when the time for travelling comes you can use the most efficient one to set your mind at ease.

4. Ensure you have things that bring you joy  

Having things with you that generally bring you joy can be extremely useful in distracting you from your negative feelings. These can include physical items like a journal in which to write your thoughts, a book to read, or a game to occupy your attention. Alternatively, you can create a playlist of songs you love or make sure you have your favourite TV show (or movie) with you, as these will keep your mind occupied, decreasing your feelings of anxiety.

5. Take care of your physical health  

Being physically active is a great way to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress. Even if it’s just a long walk, make sure to incorporate physical activity in your days, especially the days leading up to your trip and if possible, during the trip as well. Spending some time outside and connecting with nature, be it only by visiting a park, can have a positive effect on your physical and mental being, which in turn will help reduce your anxious thoughts. 

For the Silo, Caitlin Purvis.

Astrocartography Means Travel Destinations Based On Astrological Sign And Time Of Year

With spring on the horizon,  you may be scratching your head about where to vacation this year. Luckily, according to astrology, your star sign could be the key to whether you are destined for sun or slopes

With this in mind, our friends at BonusFinder Canada sought to discover the ideal holiday destination for each zodiac sign based on their astrocartography lines (a form of locational astrology which allows people to decipher which physical locations are best suited to them based on their birth chart) with the help of celebrity psychic and astrologer Inbaal Honigman.  Do you agree or disagree with these suggestions? Leave us your thoughts at the bottom of the post.

Psychic and Wiccan Priestess Inbaal Honigman.

Your star sign’s dream destination according to astrocartography lines:

  1. Aries (March 21-April 19): Alaska

Active and unusual Aries would be best adventuring through the idyllic landscapes of Alaska. Home to some of the world’s most beautiful views and the largest national park, Aries will always have somewhere to explore here.

Copyright: (Maridav) / Shutterstock.com

  1. Taurus (April 20-May 20): Los Angeles

Great food and extensive views are a true joy to a Taurus, and it doesn’t get bigger and bolder than Los Angeleswith over 30,000 restaurants and stunning wide-open beaches, Taurus will love everything about LA.

  1. Gemini (May 21-June 20): New York

Always awake and ready to party, Geminis will fall in love with the city that never sleeps, New York! From visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art to watching an extravagant Broadway show, Geminis will never be bored day or night. 

  1. Cancer (June 21-July 22): Iceland

For a dreamy and easygoing CancerIceland is the destination of choice. Between magical views of the northern lights and geothermal lagoons, Cancer will never tire of relaxing in one with nature.

Copyright: (Thampitakkull Jakkree) / Shutterstock.com

  1. Leo (July 23-August 22): Bordeaux 

The luxury fiend Leo must visit Bordeauxthe historic capital of Aquitaine, famous for its excellent wine culture. Between scenic beaches and exclusive vineyard tours, Leos will be able to find their true self. 

  1. Virgo (August 23-September 22): Rome 

The ideal destination for the neat and traditional Virgo is Rome, where they will undoubtedly relish an enlightening guided tour of the city’s ancient architecture and feel at home in the chic modern shopping areas.  

Copyright: (AlexAnton) / Shutterstock.com

  1. Libra (September 23-October 22): UAE

Classy and elegant Libras would adore the high rises in the desert of the United Arab Emirates; between luxury hotels and a mass of incredible culture, Libras will love discovering what this country has to offer. 

  1. Scorpio (October 23-November 21): Sri Lanka

Mysterious and original Scorpios can enjoy going off-grid in the temples of Sri Lanka. While exploring the rich heritage of the Gangaramaya Temple or coming up close to wildlife, Scorpios may find a little serendipity. 

Copyright: (Sergii Figurnyi) / Shutterstock.com

  1. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21): Tokyo

The adventurous and well-traveled  Sagittarius will love the unique streets and incomparable cuisine of Tokyo. Between climbing the Tokyo tower and sightseeing Mt. Fuji, Sagittariuses will always have things to explore. 

  1.  Capricorn (December 22-January 19): Melbourne 

Mature and hardworking, a Capricorn likes diversity and friendliness, and the best place for this is Melbourne. Named the friendliest city in the world* and home to the exotic Royal Botanical gardens, a Capricorn will feel right at home here. 

  1.  Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18): New Zealand 

January is the month of Aquarians  – unique and free-thinking, they will want to get truly lost in nature in New Zealand. With luscious open spaces and an abundance of beautiful scenery, Aquarians  can do just that. 

Copyright: (Daniel Huebner) / Shutterstock.com

  1.  Pisces (Feb 19-March 20): Hawaii

Romantic and shy Pisces‘ ideal travel destination is Hawaii, surrounded by water and an expanse of warm beaches. With volcanic national parks and surfing clear waters, Pisces will love getting back in touch with their aquatic roots. 

 Copyright: (photopmh) / Shutterstock.com

Inbaal Honigman, celebrity psychic and astrologer, explains:

“Applying astrology to well-being, romance or shopping is increasingly popular, but astrocartography isn’t often consulted… yet.

“Astrocartography is an extension of each individual’s star chart so that you can find the best locations for yourself worldwide. For example, the ‘Sun Line’ would be where you feel most yourself. Your ‘Venus Line’ is the best place to build your home, and Jupiter is the best place for holidays.”

For the Silo, Eve Loffman.

Canada Garden Ranks Seven for Most Beautiful Spring Flowers

The Butchart Gardens, Canada, is the seventh most beautiful spring flower spot in the world, according to a new study.

#7 worldwide- Butchart Gardens, Victoria, British Columbia.

With springtime on the horizon, there are beautiful gardens all around the world filled with flowers getting ready to bloomBut which of these spots deserve a place on your travel bucket list?

Looking at flower locations across the globe, our friends and experts at Japan Rail Pass analyzed a variety of factors – including Google reviews and ratings, Instagram hashtags, and the vibrancy of the flowers in spring – to give an overall score and determine which flower spots you absolutely should not miss this spring.

The most beautiful spring flower spots around the world

RankFlower spotLocationRatingReviewsInstagram hashtagsVibrancy/10Score/10
1Keukenhof Tulip GardensLisse, NL4.752,812692,1469.969.7
2Shinjuku GyoenTokyo, Japan4.636,115856,0567.299.3
3Royal Botanic Gardens, KewLondon, UK4.744,465764,9966.499.2
4Nabana no SatoMie, Japan4.45,327507,0089.349.0
5Dubai Miracle GardenDubai, UAE4.675,704139,1658.788.9
6Island MainauKonstanz, Germany4.728,977170,8957.908.7
7The Butchart GardensB.C., Canada4.721,596102,2587.548.3
8Valley of Flowers National ParkChamoli, India4.73,432115,9408.438.3
9Yangmingshan National ParkTaipei, Taiwan4.524,267129,5466.638.3
10Kirstenbosch National Botanical GardenCape Town, South Africa4.829,00351,5267.788.2

Please find the full dataset here.

  1. Keukenhof Tulip Gardens, Lisse, Netherlands – 9.7/10

Credit – Sutterstock_Marina Datsenko

According to the research, the most beautiful flower spot in the world is the Keukenhof Tulip Gardens of Lisse, Netherlands, which has exhibited spring flowers to the public since 1950. 

The tulips in spring achieve an almost perfect vibrancy score of 9.96/10, proving just how bright and colourful these stunning gardens are.

  1. Shinjuku Gyoen, Tokyo, Japan – 9.3/10

Credit – Sutterstock_Benny Marty

Next in the rankings, is the beautiful Shinjuku Gyoen in Tokyo, Japan. From the wide variety of cherry blossoms in the national garden, it is the Somei (Yoshino cherry) that bloom in spring.

The beautiful Japanese garden has over 856,000 Instagram hashtags, more than any other spot in the top 10, with people all over the world travelling to view the cherry blossoms.

  1. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London, UK – 9.2/10

Credit – Sutterstock_Charles Bowman

The third most beautiful spring flower spot according to the study is in London, England: The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

With almost as many Instagram hashtags as Shinjuku Gyoen (764,996) and 44,465 reviews, it is clear that the flowers found here, cherry blossom, bluebells, and magnolias to name a few, are beloved by many.

  1. Nabana no Sato, Mie, Japan – 9.0/10

Credit – Sutterstock_martinho Smart

In fourth place is the Nabana no Sato flower park, located in the Nagashima resort in Mie, Japan.

The spot is known for its illuminations throughout the park in winter through to spring, as well as the blooming cherry blossoms and tulips which scored a 9.34/10 for vibrancy in the study.

  1. Dubai Miracle Garden, UAE – 8.9/10

Credit – Sutterstock_Sergii Figurnyi

The fifth most beautiful spring flower spot in the study was found to be the Dubai Miracle Garden in the United Arab Emirates, which occupies over 72,000 square metres, making it the largest natural flower garden in the world.

With over 75,000 reviews since its opening in 2013, and a vibrancy score of 8.78/10, it is clear that this impressive garden deserves its place in the top five rankings.


1. Japan Rail Pass wanted to find out which are the best flower spots around the world to see in Spring.

2. To do this they collected data on 25 popular flower locations around the world including the following variables:

  • Google ratings and reviews.
  • Instagram hashtags (using all relevant hashtags including where applicable local language versions)
  • Vibrancy score.

3. Finally, all 4 variables were combined using weighted averages of percentrank/normalization to give an overall  score out of 10.

How Casa Velas Hotel Puerto Vallarta Tops Inclusive Resorts

Nestled within an upscale residential neighborhood, just a short five-minute drive from Puerto Vallarta airport, the AAA Four Diamond Casa Velas  stands as a serene, adults-only boutique resort exemplifying standards in the luxury all-inclusive sector.

As part of the prestigious Velas Resorts portfolio—renowned for being the only chain with four properties in U.S. News & World Report’s list of the top 25 all-inclusive resorts in Mexico—Casa Velas continues to exceed expectations with its unique charm and bespoke hospitality. Unlike traditional hotels, this Spanish hacienda-esque resort feels like a private estate replete with attentive staff members who add a personalized touch to the guest experience.

The 80 traditional, artwork-adorned Mexican-styled suites at Casa Velas are designed for utmost comfort, each featuring a private terrace with a plunge pool or in-suite Jacuzzi, hypo-allergenic pillows, goose down feather duvets, free WiFi, satellite TV, safe deposit box, coffee maker, bathrobes and slippers and L’Occitane bath products, as well as a fully stocked mini bar. Guests can choose from five room types: Master Suite; Grand Class Suite; Ambassador Suite; Governor Suite or the Presidential Suite.

For those seeking copious privacy and space to spread out, the 3,000-square-foot, four-bedroom Presidential Suite is a haven offering a top-end luxury escape.

The space, suited for up to eight guests, boasts original artwork by Mexican artist Sergio Bustamante, a large dining room, living room, master suite with a spacious marble-laden bathroom and an expansive terrace with an oversized plunge pool and Jacuzzi. It also comes complete with its own butler and bartender. It’s worth noting that Casa Velas actually has Bustamante’s sculptures in the majority of the suites, allowing most guests to enjoy the captivatingly authentic artwork.

Amidst its Spanish-style architecture and captivating interior design, the resort is ensconced in a lush garden setting on the 18-hole Marina Vallarta Golf Course. The tropical landscaping and abundant flora and fauna woven throughout the entirety of the hotel create a breathtaking setting, attracting wildlife—including Koi ponds and “pet” snapping turtles.

For golf enthusiasts, Casa Velas guests receive special access and discounts at Marina Vallarta and Vista Vallarta Golf Clubs.

For its part, the par 71 layout of Marina Vallarta’s 18-hole golf course, designed by Joe Finger, is rife with flourishing vegetation, wildlife-laden lagoons and beautiful views of Banderas Bay. Guests can also enjoy discounted golf privileges at two other top 18-hole, 72 par golf courses designed by Jack Nicklaus and Tom Weiskopf located at the Vista Vallarta Golf Club only 20 minutes away.

Casa Velas guests can soak up the sun at its private pool cushioned in a tropical landscape that overlooks the golf course. Its swim-up Aqua Bar ensures refreshments—including local brews, tropical drinks and classic Mexican cocktails crafted from premium liquor brands—flow all day through.

The newest offering at Casa Velas in Puerto Vallarta allows guests to experience pure relaxation with their own “Wellness Cabana.” Available in the intimate space of their suite, or at the botanical garden adjacent to the spa labyrinth, wellness-focused amenities include aromatherapy, a personal speaker with calming meditation music, spa water, a MUSE meditation headband and mandala adult coloring books, among other items.

For those desiring to unwind and explore off-site, the resort also provides complimentary shuttle service to the private Táu Beach Club, offering guests a beachside retreat with cushioned loungers, cabanas, food and beverage service for lunch and dinner and a pristine infinity pool and Jacuzzi area proffering idyllic panoramic views of the sparkling sea. Plus, the property is a mere fifteen minutes from the popular downtown area, where there are art galleries and the famed El Malecon boardwalk.

Also making Casa Velas a standout is its elevated gourmet food and beverage program, which raises the bar for all-inclusive hotels globally.

The on-site, AAA Four Diamond Emiliano restaurant offers guests unlimited access to gourmet cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The intimate, romantic indoor/outdoor dining space provides lovely vistas of the pool and vibrant golf course beyond. Each evening, Emiliano features a five-course gourmet tasting menu created and overseen by head chefs from its sister resort, the AAA Five Diamond Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit. Rotating each night, menus include Mexican, French and Italian-Mediterranean.

A novel offering is the resort’s “taco therapy”—Casa Velas’ latest food and beverage offering for guests assisting in anxiety and stress relief, improving sleep quality and boosting antioxidants. The new tasting experience features four curated tacos that provide holistic benefits for the mind, body and soul.

There are an array of other activities at the resort as well. “Workshops range from arts and crafts such as natural jewelry and abanicos, to culinary workshops such as the Molcajete option, where guests explore Mexican culinary traditions,” said Enrique Sinencio, the resort’s General Manager. “Another activity is DIY Botanical Cocktails, where guests can pick their ingredients for their drink at the onsite garden. Perfect for creative beverage concoctions, the garden features rosemary, lavender, mint, basil, lemongrass, peppermint, a Mexican tea called epazote, aloe vera, sage, nopales cactus pads, thyme, tamarind, jackfruit, mango, guava and more. Our mixologist will use the selected ingredients to make a personalized botanical cocktail to enjoy on the Koi pond-dotted terrace. Varieties of fruits, herbs, vegetables and botanicals are also used in the cuisine and spa treatments at Casa Velas.”

For the health conscious, a spa food menu is available as well.

Casa Velas’ commitment to excellence extends to its impressive on-site organic botanical garden, where the resort grows its own herbs, flowers and vegetables. These fresh ingredients find their way into cocktails and culinary creations, adding a farm-to-table element to the dining experience. The beverage offerings at Emiliano, and throughout the entirety of Casa Velas, are equally impressive, featuring premium domestic and international premium wines and liquors. Also enjoyable are sprit-induced nightly events like wine pairings and beer, tequila, wine, martini and other F&B tastings that foster socialization among guests.

Relative to in-suite victuals, the resort’s in-suite mini bars also depart from the ordinary by offering healthy, freshly-made options on-demand. This includes two different selections of crudités—a “Mexican turnip” with a combination of carrots, cucumber and jicama; and another including celery, beetroot and pineapple. These come complete with three different choices of dressing: mango, chipotle or basil, to enhance flavor while keeping the snack light and healthy. Guests can also choose from a menu of freshly made juice options available year-round.

Speaking of health, also included in the daily rate for all-inclusive Casa Velas guests is access to its fully equipped gym. A visit to the property also would not be complete without experiencing services at its on-site ABJA Spa. The 6,500 square foot sanctuary offers a wide variety of massages, body wraps and facials, a hydrotherapy area, spa boutique and beauty salon.

Notably, Casa Velas is just as committed to the environment as it is to providing impressive guest experiences. “Our luxury resort’s environmental responsibility is a driving force behind the entire operation, from conservation efforts and recycling, to planting our own herb garden,” Sinencio notes. “From natural composting and fertilizing of our on-site gardens, to water-saving initiatives, solar heating and meticulous separation and processing of all waste and recyclables, Casa Velas sets the benchmark for green tourism and hospitality in Puerto Vallarta and beyond. We also recycle burned cooking oils to a supplier for conversion to biodegradable fuel. Local companies are in charge of processing glass, plastic, metal, cardboard and toxic material to handle their recycling, and proper disposal.”

“In addition, we clean the sand daily of any foreign debris,” Sinencio continued.”

“Teams of more than 30 employees are organized monthly to thoroughly clean, sweep, dig and sift the sand for extra cleaning. Designated containers are strategically located for the recycling garbage around the property. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Casa Velas has implemented rigorous health and safety protocols in accordance with local and international guidelines. This includes enhanced cleaning procedures, regular sanitization of common areas and the adoption of contactless services where possible. We keep our guests informed through various channels, including our website, social media and direct communication with booked guests. We want everyone to be aware of the measures in place and feel confident in choosing Casa Velas for their stay.”

So pristine the locale, it’s become a highly-coveted option for weddings and other important events. The resort boasts a 3,600 square foot Convention Center that is ideal for meetings, seminars, formal banquets, cocktail gatherings or a spectacular and elegant wedding for up to 300 people. The center of the space is adjacent to the resort’s garden area and the Marina Vallarta 18-hole championship golf course. To ensure a memorable, hassle-free event, Casa Velas provides professional services for planning weddings from beginning to end. With settings by its beautiful pool area or the Táu Beach Club terrace surrounded by sand and sea, Casa Velas offers unforgettable scenery for the special wedding day.

For utter and complete privacy, groups requiring up to 80 suites can take over the entire hotel to ensure fully private access to pools, beach areas, gardens, activities and restaurants. While at the restaurants, the “bubble buyout” offers a group their own personalized menus prepared with everyone’s diet in mind. Along with having the resort to themselves and custom cuisine, group activities range from DIY mixology with ingredients from the onsite botanical garden, yoga, Mexican wine and craft beer tastings, casino night and more.

With various international dignitaries and multiple Mexican presidents having experienced the resort’s hospitality, Casa Velas continues to redefine the all-inclusive category. This pristine property is an ideal choice for discerning travelers who value a personalized and pampered luxury travel experience.

For the Silo, Merilee Kern.

Merilee Kern, MBA is an internationally-regarded brand strategist and analyst who reports on cultural shifts and trends as well as noteworthy industry change makers, movers, shakers and innovators across all categories, both B2C and B2B.

Source: https://travel.usnews.com/hotels/best-all-inclusive-resorts-in-mexico/

Study- Most Stolen Hotel Items

Study: Theft in Hotels

Which items are stolen the most?

 German version

Fig. 1: Distribution of items most frequently stolen in hotel rooms © Wellness Heaven
Fig. 1: Distribution of items most frequently stolen in hotel rooms. 1,376 hoteliers took part in the survey. Click to enlarge.
Source: Wellness Heaven | Download Image | Download Data

Munich, February, 2024 — Stealing soaps or pens seems harmless for many hotel guests, however, some are so bold that they carry TVs, pianos, mattresses or even stuffed animals out of the hotel. Wellness Heaven has asked 1,376 hotel managers which items are most commonly stolen. In particular, we observe a striking difference in the theft behavior between guests in 4-star and 5-star hotels.

Friends: Chandler & Ross Load Up on Hotel Amenities

Ross Teaching Chandler the 101 on Theft in Hotels
“You have to find the line between stealing and taking what the hotel owes you.”
Source: YouTube.

The main result of the study: towels and bathrobes are stolen the most – perhaps as a goodie for the next spa break? These two objects of desire are closely followed by hangers, pens and cosmetics. In addition to these “ordinary” items, there is a number of spectacular outliers that suggest a brisk imagination of the delinquents:

The most bizarre stolen goods

Bathroom Fittings

Highly skilled craftsmanship was required of those guests who managed to steal bathroom fixtures, the head of a rain shower, a hydromassage shower, a toilet seat, a drainpipe or even an entire sink, as reported by a Berlin hotel.

A Grand Piano

A hotelier from Italy: “Once I walked through the lobby, I noticed that something was missing, and soon after I learned that three unknown men in overalls had taken away the grand piano, and it never reappeared, of course.”

Room Numbers

In a hotel in England a guest had unceremoniously removed the numbers from his hotel room door. “We didn’t notice until the next guest could not find his room”, the hotel director declares.

Stuffed Hunting Trophies

In a hotel in France, a guest was caught trying to steal a stuffed boar’s head. At a later date, he did receive this trophy: friends bought the precious piece from the hotel and gave it to him as a wedding gift.

Sauna Benches

In a hotel near Salzburg, the wooden benches from a sauna were stolen. The “private sauna” was located on the terrace of a spa suite. The benches were made of fragrant pine wood, which probably stirred up the guest’s desire. Only when a subsequent guest criticized the absence of the benches (“Where should I sit in the sauna? I can’t relax while standing.”), the hotelier noticed the theft.

HiFi System

A hotel owner from Germany reports on how the entire stereo system of the spa area disappeared: Thieves had apparently dismantled the entire sound equipment overnight and loaded it in their car before they left.


The management of a resort in the Maldives reports that it buys new flower arrangements several times a week to replace the missing ones. Maybe the demand for flowers is simply too high due to the many marriage proposals?

Thieving preferences by nationality

When classifying the delinquents by nationality, a different picture emerges. It turns out, for example, that German and British hotel guests follow a rather boring theft behavior: In addition to towels and bathrobes, primarily cosmetics and toiletries are in the focus.

In contrast, Austrians snitch in a more pleasure-oriented way: dishes and coffee machines appear high up in their theft ranking. It seems they cannot get enough to satisfy their thirst for coffee. For US Americans, pillows and batteries appear as the prime objects of desire.

Italians seem to prefer wine glasses as a hotel souvenir, while the hair dryer ranks high up in the Swiss ranking. The French, on the other hand, steal in a more spectacular manner: they represent the nation that is attracted mainly to TV sets and remote controls.

Dutch hotel guests see in their souvenirs above all the practical benefit: Their favorites include light bulbs and toilet paper.

Fig. 2: Differences in theft behavior between guests of 4-star and 5-star hotels.© Wellness Heaven
Fig. 2: Differences in theft behavior between guests of 4-star and 5-star hotels. Click to enlarge.
Source: Wellness Heaven | Download Image | Download Data

Guests of 5-star hotels prefer expensive items: TVs & mattresses

A total of 740 hoteliers from 4-star hotels and 636 from 5-star hotels were surveyed to determine the behavior of thieves depending on their wealth. As it turns out, “Greed is good” seems to be a reliable motto especially for the well-heeled 5-star clientele.

The probability of tablet computers being stolen in 5-star hotels, is 6 times higher in comparison to the 4-star segment. Similarly, artworks are popular objects of desire in luxury hotels (4.3 x higher theft probability). TV sets (4.9 x) and mattresses (5.4 x) are also being stolen a lot more frequently in 5-star hotels. This is quite astonishing: 11.8% of 5-star hotel managers mourn the loss of mattresses, while only 2.2% of 4-star hotels seem to be affected. In total, 91 hoteliers indicate the theft of mattresses in our survey, so at least that many were stolen in their hotels.

4-star hotel guests are content with less spectacular gifts: towels and hangers tend to be in higher demand than in 5-star hotels. The typical 4-star hotel guest is especially fond of practical items such as batteries and remote controls (theft probability 2.8 and 4.4 x higher, respectively).


The coffeemaker, which is so popular among Austrian guests, is also sought-after by luxury-minded 5-star guests, as we observe a 4.8-fold increase in theft statistics.

Toilet Paper

Hoteliers’ theft reports about toilet paper rolls only reach us from the 4-star segment. For luxury travellers, there seems to be no additional need for hygiene in this area.

Luxury Mattresses

Even expensive luxury mattresses (often worth several thousand euros) are not immune to disappear: the probability for their theft is 5.4 times higher in 5-star hotels. How exactly the bulky goods are transported unnoticed out of the hotel remains a mystery. On request, some hoteliers informed us that this only happens in the middle of the night – using elevators which lead directly to the underground parking.

Tablet Computers

Tablet computers, often referred to as “SuitePads” in the high-priced room categories, are stolen 6.0 times more frequently in 5-star hotels. Such tablets usually have a value of approx. 480 euros and tend to be a popular souvenir among luxury travelers.


To complete their sleeping experience at home, some luxury oriented guests add the hotel’s blanket to their luggage. Theft of this object is 1.9-fold increased in 5-star hotels.

Trends in hotel thievery

Comparing data with our 2019 survey on theft in hotels, “Mini Fridges” have emerged as a new item of desire. 3.3% of surveyed hoteliers indicate theft of this device, leaving the mini bar not only empty, but also warm. Not cool! The theft of mini fridges is 2.5 x more probable in 4-star hotels.
In comparison with 2019, several items of theft are on the rise: coffee makers (6.9% -> 11.4%), mattresses (4.2% -> 6.6%) and tablet computers (12.0% -> 18.3%) have increased significantly. On the other hand, phones (4.8% -> 3.4%), cutlery (33.6% -> 27.5%) and lamps (4.3% -> 4.1%) have decreased in theft probability.


On the methodology of this survey: The multiple-choice answers were randomized, multiple answers were possible. For example “Towels” in Fig. 1: 79.2% of surveyed hoteliers have indicated that towels were stolen at their hotel. The survey was conducted in September and October 2023.

A total of 1,376 responses were evaluated, the result can be considered as representative. The 1,376 hotels whose management participated in the survey are located primarily in Europe. 740 hoteliers were surveyed in the 4-star segment, and 636 in the 5-star segment.

Wellness Heaven

Wellness Heaven (https://www.wellness-heaven.de) was founded in 2006 by quantum physicist Dr. Tassilo Keilmann. The hotel portal reviews spa and luxury hotels in Europe und Asia. With 53 million page impressions annually, Wellness Heaven is the leading spa hotel guide in German-speaking countries. The 18 Wellness Heaven hotel testers regularly evaluate selected hotels and rate them on the basis of a standardized test procedure. The website focuses on hotels in Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and the Maldives.

Biometric Sensory Art Experiences Inspired By Four Cities

PURPLE are now working on a multi-city arts project in China and Hong Kong with The House Collective, a collection of uniquely intimate luxury hotels that includes Upper House in Hong Kong that was just listed as part of World’s 50 Best.

‘Encounters Across Cultures’ will be an immersive journey that travels across four dynamic cities: Hong Kong, Shanghai, Chengdu, and Beijing with The House Collective taking a stance on the importance of creativity within Chinese tourism.

The projects will feature singer-songwriter Vicky Fung, music producer TJoe, erhuist Chu Wan Pin, and the visionary new media artist, Keith Lam. Together, their work will harness the power of biometric data to craft mesmerizing musical compositions and awe-inspiring data sculptures that capture the very soul of each city. Below is a quick snapshot of the key elements of ‘Encounters Across Cultures’:

·        Vicky Fung and Keith Lam have created a series of multi-sensory data sculptures that follow four traveling artists – TJoe, Chu Wan Pin, and themselves – as they tour each city.

Data sculpture rendering

·        Creating a tangible journey for audiences, ‘Encounters Across Cultures’ will weave together these stories to create four musical pieces and data sculptures, designed with soundscape recordings of the musicians’ movements and biometric data, such as pulse and skin resistance.

Graphic Notation Keith’s Biometric data

·        The process includes Lam’s representation of this biometric data into emotive graphics, which Fung reshapes into musical tracks; the biometric data is then transformed into data sculptures that embody each traveller’s visceral sense of the city.

·        The House Collective’s four Houses will host the installations, capturing these private journeys into one shared experience for visitors.

This journey begins in October and continues until January, with specific dates for each location as follows:

• The Upper House in Hong Kong: October 9th to October 23rd

• The Middle House in Shanghai: October 30th to November 13th

• The Temple House in Chengdu: November 20th to December 6th

• The Opposite House in Beijing: December 14th to January 15th, 2024


Artists and travelers collaborate to capture the heartbeat of four cities, inviting viewers to experience their emotive journeys across each city soundscapes through art, music, and technological forms.

The multi-sensory installations combine numerous art mediums to question whether technology is always a force disconnecting us from one another, or if it can reveal our innermost emotions.

October , 2023 – The House Collective, a collection of intimate luxury hotels, announces the third iteration of its biennial program ‘Encounters Across Cultures’ , which celebrates the immeasurable creativity fostered through multicultural and multidisciplinary collaboration. This year’s program explores the intersection of technology and the creative arts through four multi-sensory data sculptures and music tracks, inspired by biometric data captured during journeys across four cities — ‘Encounters Across Cultures’ will open at The Upper House in Hong Kong, travelling to The Middle House in Shanghai, The Temple House in Chengdu, and The Opposite House in Beijing.

“Art and culture are part of The House Collective’s core DNA and values. Since the launch of Encounters Across Cultures in 2019, we’ve worked with global artists to stimulate creativity and showcase the power of collaboration across borders. This program is not only an extension of The House Collective’s values, but we also hope to invite our guests to explore the beauty of cross-cultural connections, and to be immersed in this unique and sensory art experience together.” – Teresa Muk, Head of Brand and Strategic Marketing at Swire Hotels.

In their first ever collaboration, Hong Kong-based artist and music producer Vicky Fung and media artist Keith Lam have created a series of multi-sensory data sculptures that follow four travelers – guitarist TJoe, erhuist Chu Wan Pin, and themselves – as they tour the four cities. Creating a tangible journey for audiences, ‘Encounters Across Cultures’ weaves together all of these stories to create four musical pieces and data sculptures, designed with soundscape recordings of the musicians’ movements and biometric data, such as pulse and skin resistance. The process includes Lam’s representation of this biometric data into emotive graphics, which Fung reshapes into musical tracks; the biometric data is then transformed into data sculptures that embody each traveler’s visceral sense of the city. The four Houses will host the installations, capturing these private journeys into one shared experience for visitors. 

“I do not see the biometric data that we have collected as cold and lifeless data points – instead, each biometric moment is a representation of the traveler’s thoughts and feelings through their movements, and their changing reactions as they enter new environments. We wanted to share our heartbeats, our senses of touch and sight, with everyone through this immersive installation so that they could really feel exactly as we did in each city.” – Keith Lam, Program Artist.

“While we may come from very different backgrounds and live in different places, when I studied the biometric data, I instead found that we were all experiencing many of the same feelings and emotional journeys. The installation brought us closer together, as I felt totally connected to the person on the other side.” – Vicky Fung, Program Artist.

“Earlier this year, we celebrated the brand’s expansion in Tokyo through a cross-disciplinary dance performance that tells the story of honored tradition, modernity, harmony and new possibilities. For this year’s Encounters Across Cultures, The House Collective continues to tell cross-disciplinary stories, pushing the boundaries of innovation and delving into the dynamic realm of Art Meets Tech. Through these programs, we aim to share unforgettable experiences with our guests and expose them to locally curated artistic flavors, where we offer the comfort of being Houses not Hotels.” – Dean Winter, Managing Director of Swire Hotels

Viewers are invited to take a seat on the multi-sensory data sculptures, where they can be immersed in the music created from the biometric data. The result allows viewers to interact with their sense of touch, sight, and sound as they explore the installation.

Spread across the four Houses, ‘Encounters Across Cultures’ will run at The House Collective throughout October, until the beginning of next year. For more details, please visit the website at https://www.thehousecollective.com/en/art-and-culture/encounters-across-cultures-2023/.

The Upper House Hong Kong

The Middle House Shanghai

The Temple House Chengdu

The Opposite House Beijing

Keith Lam Programme Artist

Vicky Fung Programme Artist

About The House Collective

The House Collective by Swire Hotels is a group of refined, highly individual properties that defy comparison. Each uniquely imagined, The Opposite House in Beijing, The Upper House in Hong Kong, The Temple House in Chengdu and The Middle House in Shanghai were designed for seasoned travelers who seek a different, intimate and personalised experience in luxury travel. Each House is a sophisticated, singular piece of design, created by talented architects and designers, that reflect the unique qualities of their surroundings.

Program Creators

Keith Lam – Media Artist

Media Artist and Co-founder and Artistic Director of Art & Technology studio Dimension Plus. His works have won awards at international art festivals, including Prix Ars Electronica and Japan Media Arts Festival. His works have been shown around the world at top museums and art festivals including Hong Kong Museum of Arts, The National Art Centre at Tokyo, OK Center for Contemporary Art, Ars Electronica Festival, The New Technological Art Award Biennial at Belgium, FILE, ISEA, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, National Taichung Performing Arts Center and Hong Kong Art Festival.  

Vicky Fung – Artist and Music Producer

Artist, music producer, singer-songwriter and curator, Vicky has always presented uniqueness and novelty in her works with a strong sense of emotional synchronicity. A Clore Fellow of 2023, she has worked with many prominent music artists in Hong Kong with an impressive list of music awards from media and professional associations and seeks to develop her interest in socially engaged art projects. In recent years, she has ventured into multi-media creation, including “Utopia…Momentarily” (2016) in the New Vision Media Festival, interactive virtual reality experience “Silili and The Tree” (2021) and immersive art and music performance “Soul Walk” (2022). 

Joel Kwong – Media Art Curator

Joel Kwong is a media art curator, writer, producer and educator based in Hong Kong. She is currently the Program Director for Microwave International New Media Arts Festival, and the founder of SIBYLS – a creative Arts x Tech consultation and production agency. Most recent produced and curated projects include Reimagines Heritage (online portal) (2023), Out of Thin Air – HK Film Arts & Costumes Exhibition at Hong Kong Heritage Museum (2023). Juried around Asia include VH Award (South Korea) (2022), and Siggraph Asia 2020 (South Korea) etc. She has given lectures in many Hong Kong tertiary institutions and universities and has also given talks at international art festivals including Ars Electronica in Linz, Transmediale in Berlin, and ACT Festival in Gwangju, South Korea. 

Tjoe Man Cheung – Guitarist

Tjoe Man Cheung, London-based musician and producer working across with artists across UK and Europe, including Brown Penny and PYJÆN, and in different festivals across the world. Alongside, Tjoe also initiated his own solo music projects and has founded NTBM (a jazz collective formed by emerging musicians from around the world) and his solo music projects. A graduate from the Musicians Institute, Tjoe was inspired and nurtured under the tutorship of Scott Henderson, Allen Hinds, Brad Rabuchin and Daniel Gilbert, with influences of jazz, funk, blues and pop. 

Wan Pin Chu – Erhuist

Wan Pin CHU is an international award-winning Erhuist and film composer based in Hong Kong. Wan is recognized as a versatile performer with rich emotions and limitless virtuosity in his music. In the UK, he is the first Chinese instrumentalist to perform in The Duke’s Hall in Royal Academy of Music and have performed in over hundreds of concerts all over the world including UK, US, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Mainland China, and won an impressive list of national and international music competitions. Chu is is also a dedicated composer and have participated in the scoring of many films, televisions, games and commercials. 

15th Anniversary of Audiocosm

Loafers And Flats Are Perfect For Fall

Attract attention to your feet with these two new VENUS additions to the 2568’s collection.

Are you a shoe junky? If you are, you might take a special interest in 2568’s men’s and women’s new footwear line.

These shoes are comfortable classics with a twist: moccasins, loafers and boots, ballet and pointy flats, in unexpected materials and pattern featuring distinctive fabrics and leathers. Unique details also include colorful laces and decorative tassel bows. 2568 Shoes http://2568shoes.com  are inspired by Guatemalan creativity found in garments, handbags and small leather goods.

Fun,bold and funky colour patterns. The Venus line from 2568 Shoes.

The Venus loafers and Vanessa flats come in five different patterns with colors ranging from dark blues and blacks to reds and oranges. The colorful fabrics can make any outfit and can easily transition throughout the seasons.

The Vanessa line from 2568

Sizes range from 8.5 to 12. Price points range from $79 [USD]  and up, and for every shoe purchase, 2568 will send a free Guatemalan friendship bracelet. About the owners: Lorenzo Castellon  is the Manufacturing/Business Manager and Jamie Lawenda  is the Creative Director. The couple met on a job interview and thirty years later are married, have a child and own a sourcing and shoe Design Company.

Another Vanessa example

At first they created shoes and boots for other brands, including Sendra, a Goodyear welted high-end line of leather boots made in Spain. The couple continues to design and sell Sendra in the US.

The SAMOSA boot has a decidely Guatemalan influence. #goodlooking #boot

Cross-border shopper alert! The Venus loafers and Vanessa flats can be purchased at PiperLime, ThomShoes, ShoeInn and FreePeople. The Newman is available in four other colors: patent leather black and red, silver snakeskin embossed leather, and white leather.

World Travel Ranking For Foodie Destinations

As many dedicated foodies will know, hunting for the most incredible food spots when traveling requires a savvy approach. There are plenty of bustling food markets, charming eateries, and hidden culinary gems around the world to explore – but where are the best cities to be a foodie?

To find out, our friends at Spin Genie looked at various factors, such as the average cost of visiting a restaurant in different parts of the world, the cities with the most restaurants, and the most Instagrammable food spots.

Whether you’re looking to try out sizzling street food in Bangkok or seeking the ultimate Michelin-star experience in Paris, we’ll reveal the ultimate travel guide for food lovers and unique spots to indulge in flavourful cuisines from across the globe.

The Best Foodie Cities Around the World

Best Foodie Cities

1. George Town, Malaysia – 7.86/10

George Town takes the crown as the best foodie city, scoring 7.86 out of 10. The colourful, multicultural capital is surrounded by stunning colonial streets and is described as a center for vibrant culture, street art, and the country’s best street food. 

Also in the top place for its wide range of affordable food spots, George Town has plenty to offer food lovers, from Michelin-starred feasts to street eats. Teksen Restaurant is a top choice, serving delicious dishes since 1965. The well-known Chinese restaurant among its locals has won the hearts of serious foodies with its traditional Cantonese cuisine infused with a local twist.

2. Taipei, Taiwan – 7.31/10

Taipei follows closely behind, scoring 7.31 out of 10. The food capital of Taiwan offers an array of things to experience and explore, from the island’s fascinating temple culture and architecture to its indulgent food at affordable prices.

Some of the best food spots for quality, flavourful dishes and good service in the capital include Din Tai Fung, which has been serving traditional Chinese dishes since its opening 

in the 1980s. Another top-rated restaurant is Raw, a French-style restaurant with vibrant cuisine infused with Taiwanese flavours.

3. Osaka, Japan – 7.24/10

Described as the economic powerhouse of the Kansai Region, Osaka is a large port city known for its modern architecture, vibrant nightlife, and hearty street food. If you’re looking for some of the best food spots in Japan, Osaka has plenty to offer.

Osaka Cuisine Asai is a Michelin-star restaurant that serves various course meals made with fresh, seasonal ingredients daily. With such a vibrant food scene, it’s no wonder the popular city completes the top three, scoring 7.24 out of 10.

The Most Affordable Foodie Cities for a Quick Bite

Most Affordable Foodie Cities

1. Chiang Mai, Thailand

Average cost at a cheap restaurant: C$1.98

Chiang Mai grabs first place as the foodie city with the most affordable meals at a cheap restaurant. On average, meals are incredibly inexpensive, costing just C$1.98. Some of the best cheap eats in Chiang Mai include The Breakfast Club, a bakery restaurant at the heart of Chiang Mai, and Tong Tem Toh, a popular restaurant specializing in Northern Thai cuisine.

The Most Expensive Foodie Cities for a Quick Bite

Most Expensive Foodie Cities

1. London, England

Average cost at a cheap restaurant: C$34.70

London tops the list when it comes to the foodie city you’ll most likely pay more for, even while dining at a cheap restaurant. The capital city harbours some of the world’s best hotels, bars, and restaurants, but sometimes at a hefty price.

With over 300 Michelin-star restaurants in the city alone, it’s no surprise London has a wide range of food hot spots that tend to be more expensive. In fact, on average, you can expect to spend C$34.70 for a meal.

Foodie Cities with the Most Affordable Mid-range Restaurants

Most Affordable Mid-range Restaurants

1. George Town, Malaysia

Average cost at a mid-range restaurant: C$13.46

George Town tops the list for having some of the most affordable meals at a mid-range restaurant. On average, a meal for two costs as little as C$13.46, much lower than in many other major foodie cities.

One of the most popular areas for street food is New Lane; here, you can find stalls selling everything from BBQ chicken wings to rice noodle rolls at highly affordable prices.

Foodie Cities with the Most Expensive Mid-range Restaurants

Most Expensive Mid-range Restaurants

1. Copenhagen, Denmark

Average cost at a mid-range restaurant: C$160.21

Described as a classy city with many small independent galleries and cafés, Copenhagen offers diverse worldwide cuisines, from Taiwanese to Ethiopian food spots. There are also around 68 Michelin-starred fine dining restaurants within the city.

It comes as no surprise that the city is the most expensive for a meal. As a matter of fact, it costs as much as C$160.21 for a three-course dinner for two. If you’re seeking a Michelin-star experience for a moderate price, Selma is a great restaurant to experience traditional Danish lunch.

The Foodie Cities with the Most Cheap Restaurants

Most Cheap Restaurants

1. George Town, Malaysia

Total number of cheap restaurants: 280

Number of cheap restaurants per 10,000 population: 17.7

With many favourites, such as Siam Road Charcoal Char Kuey Teow, New Lane Street Food stalls, and the Tai Tong Restaurant, it is no surprise that George Town grabs first place as the city with the most affordable joints. There are just under 300 cheap eats to discover in George Town, with roughly 17.7 cheap restaurants per 10,000 population.

The Foodie City with the Most Mid-range Restaurants

Most Mid-range Restaurants

1. Paris, France

Total number of mid-range restaurants: 8,410

Number of mid-range restaurants per 10,000 population: 36.6

The capital of France and a major European city, Paris, is one of the global centers for art, fashion, culture, and, of course, food. Known for its cafe culture, there are plenty of opportunities to grab a bite.

Le Truffaut, Maison, and Le Cadoret, which serve classic French food, are just some of the hottest restaurants in Paris right now.

The Foodie City with the Most Fine-dining Restaurants

Most Fine-dining Restaurants

1. Paris, France

Total number of fine dining restaurants: 709

Number of fine dining restaurants per 10,000 population: 3.1

Once again, Paris tops the list for the foodie city with the most fine-dining restaurants. The city has, on average, 3.1 fine-dining restaurants per 10,000 of the population. From Odette to Atelier Maître Albert, the city has an impressive 709 fine-dining restaurants in total. This comes as no surprise as the famous capital is home to some of the most renowned restaurants in the world.

The Most Instagrammed Foodie Hotspots

Most Instagrammed Foodie Hotspots

1. Melbourne, Australia

Instagram hashtags: #Melbournefoodie

Number of Instagram hashtags: 2.8 Million

Melbourne takes the crown for the most Instagrammed food spot with a whopping 2.8 million posts for the hashtag #Melbournefoodie. Some of the most Instagrammable dining experiences include Sebastian, a restaurant reminiscent of the sunny shores of San Sebastian; The Kettle Black, a café featured in Vogue Living; and Higher Ground, a one-of-a-kind location with three levels of dining space and 15-meter high ceilings.

Highest-earning Influential Foodies

Highest-earning Influential Foodies

1. Gordon Ramsay

Potential earnings: C$64,965 (£37,740)

When it comes to the highest-earning foodie influencer in the world, it comes as no surprise that the British celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay tops the list with an impressive potential earnings figure of C$64,965 (£37,740) per sponsored post on Instagram. 

During his career, the multi-Michelin-starred chef has opened a string of successful restaurants worldwide, including the UK, France and Singapore. Also a star on the small screen, Gordon Ramsey has been featured in shows such as MasterChef US, Kitchen Nightmares, Hell’s Kitchen, and Hotel Hell.

Thriving as one of the most famous restaurateurs today, the MasterChef has some top-tier restaurants for foodies to visit, such as the Restaurant Gordon Ramsay located on Royal Hospital Road in Chelsea, London. Holding three Michelin stars, foodies can expect nothing but the finest seasonal ingredients for the most elegant modern French cuisines. 

The Best Foodie Cities in the US and Canada

Best Foodie Cities US Canada

1. Savannah, Georgia – 7.86/10

Savannah tops the list as the best foodie city, scoring 7.86 out of 10, known for its beautiful coastal landscapes, charming architecture, and its rich, vibrant history. The city’s food scene is just as impressive. From plentiful coastal cuisines to flavours from around the world – Savannah knows how to serve a good time and a good meal.

A top foodie destination in Savannah for locals, tourists, and celebrities alike is the Olympia Cafe. After more than three decades in business, the dining establishment thrives, serving up a storm with its much-loved traditional Greek and Mediterranean menu.

2. Las Vegas, Nevada – 7.78/10

In second place is Nevada’s finest – Las Vegas, with a score of 7.78 out of 10. The food scene in Las Vegas has grown to become a so-called “Gourmet Rooms” galore hailed by celebrities.

From Bardot Brasserie to Wing Lei, the first Chinese restaurant in the United States to be awarded a Michelin star, the city has every genre of food imaginable, all at various price points.

3. Atlanta, Georgia – 7.26/10

Ranking in third place is Atlanta, scoring 7.26 out of 10. From century-old diners to award-winning eateries, Atlanta offers some of the best dining experiences in the country and is described as one of the nation’s best food cities. The city caters to all tastes and palates, whether you prefer classic southern cuisines or top-tier modern dishes.

Bacchanalia is one of the top-rated restaurants in the city, offering guests a complete dining experience. You will not be disappointed if you opt for their signature dishes or divine four-course tasting menu.

Foodie Cities in the US and Canada with the Most Affordable Quick Bites

Most Affordable Quick Bites US Canada

1. Savannah, Georgia

Average cost of a meal at a cheap restaurant: C$16.26 (US$12.00)

When it comes to foodie cities with the most affordable meal at a cheap restaurant, Savannah grabs first place with an average of C$16.26 (US$12.00) for a decent plate of food.

If you’re looking for a new dinner spot to try out, Savannah has an array of places to add to your list, including southern favourites such as The Olde Pink House. Whether you’re in search of classic southern cuisines such as shrimp, grits, and buttery biscuits or a  plant-based brunch, you won’t run out of options.

Foodie Cities in the US and Canada with the Most Expensive Quick Bites

Most Expensive Quick Bites US Canada

1. Saint John, New Brunswick

Average cost of a meal at a cheap restaurant: C$35.41 (US$26.13)

Home to a variety of cafes and restaurants that offer an array of colourful cuisines, international dishes, and the ultimate Canadian comfort foods, Saint John tops the list as the foodie city with the most expensive meals at a cheap restaurant. On average, you can expect to pay C$35.41 (US$26.13).

Foodie Cities in the US and Canada with the Most Affordable Mid-range Restaurants

Most Affordable Mid-range Restaurants US Canada

1. Winnipeg, Manitoba

Average cost of a meal at a mid-range restaurant: C$75.89 (US$56.00)

Winnipeg has many great food spots. In fact, a couple of the city’s restaurants are seen as some of Canada’s best eateries, with an average price of C$75.89 (US$56.00). If you’re looking for a trend-setting eatery in Winnipeg, Deer and Almond is the perfect blend of global and local flavours.

Foodie Cities in the US and Canada with the Most Expensive Mid-range Restaurants

Most Expensive Mid-range Restaurants US Canada

1. Seattle, Washington

Average cost of a meal at a mid-range restaurant: C$162.63 (US$120.00)

Surrounded by the Olympic mountains and evergreen forests, Seattle is a hub for many attractions, entertainment, and food and drink spots. The beautiful food scene in the city offers visitors anything from local seafood to downtown gems. 

Whether you want to try classic or unique cuisine, Seattle offers it all, from Pacific Northwest cuisine inspired by Filipino-American flavours to contemporary dishes bursting with rich seasonings. However, these delicious cuisines come with a hefty price tag. The average meal cost at a mid-range restaurant in Seattle is C$162.63 (US$120.00).

The Foodie Cities in the US and Canada with the Most Cheap Restaurants

Most Cheap Restaurants US Canada

1. Victoria, British Columbia

Number of mid-range per 10,000 population: 11.2

A great place for food lovers to explore and enjoy the local culinary scene is Victoria. The Canadian city has a host of hidden foodie gems and fine dining hotspots that will leave you spoilt for choice.

The city not only has a thriving culinary scene, but it is also the top destination with the highest number of cheap restaurants in both the US and Canada, with an estimated 11.2 affordable restaurants per 10,000 population.

Foodie Cities in the US and Canada with the Most Mid-range Restaurants

Most Mid-range Restaurants US Canada

1. Victoria, British Columbia

Number of mid-range per 10,000 population: 36.7

Also the top foodie city with the highest number of cheap restaurants, Victoria once again tops the list with the highest number of mid-range restaurants in both the US and Canada.

Whether it’s mouth-watering Chinese cuisine or Danish baked goodies, the city has enough colour and flavour to satisfy culinary cravings at any price point. As a result of its large, diverse range of eateries, Victoria has approximately 36.7 mid-range restaurants per 10,000 population.

The Foodie Cities with the Most Fine-dining Restaurants in the US and Canada

Most Fine-dining Restaurants US Canada

1. Las Vegas, Nevada

Number of fine dining per 10,000 population: 2.3

From Michelin-starred restaurants to world-class cuisine, Las Vegas offers a memorable dining experience. The city tops the list with an estimated 2.3 fine dining establishments per 10,000.

Whether it’s indulging in traditional French fare at Joël Robuchon or immersing yourself in the mouth-watering experience of Japanese delicacies at the world-famous Nobu in Caesars Palace, even the most demanding culinary appetite is guaranteed satisfaction.

The Most Instagrammed Foodie Hotspots in the US and Canada

Most Instagrammed Foodie Hotspots US Canada

1. New York City, New York

Instagram hashtags: #NYCfoodie

Number of Instagram posts: 2.1 Million

As a city bursting with character, it is no surprise that New York City takes the top spot for the most Instagrammable dining experiences. From floral-covered interior designs to chic modern rooftops, the Big Apple really does have something for everyone.

Filled with iconic landmarks, the popular city bagged over 2.1 million posts on Instagram using the hashtag #NYCfoodie.

Highest-earning Influential Foodies in the US and Canada

Highest-earning Influential Foodies US Canada

1. Chrissy Teigen

Potential earnings: C$182,849 (US$135,150)

With several best-selling cookbooks under her belt, the American model and TV personality Chrissy Teigen is crowned first place as the highest-earning foodie influencer on Instagram across the US and Canada.

The popular star has also been featured on several cooking channels, such as Cookies and Cocktails and Chrissy Teigen’s Hungry. She also launched her own cooking website back in 2019. Therefore it’s no wonder that the well-known star is estimated to make a whopping sum per sponsored post on the social media platform.

Some of Teigen’s favourite food spots include Giorgio Baldi, a popular restaurant on the Pacific Coast and Via Veneto, a lively Italian eatery in Santa Monica that combines organic and locally sourced ingredients with its creative cuisines.


Using a list of articles such as Time Out and Luxury Columnist, we created a seed list of the top foodie cities around the world. With this list, we then used Numbeo to source the average cost of a cheap restaurant as well as the cost of a three-course meal for two people at a mid-range restaurant. Please note that each currency used was also taken from Numbeo. This data was collected on 01/08/2023.

Then, using Trip Advisor, we gathered data on the number of cheap, mid-range, and fine-dining restaurants by using the relevant filters on the site. The data collected was solely based on the number of restaurants from within each city, not including nearby areas. Data collection of this was completed on 21/08/2023.

To calculate per 10,000 population, we used City Population to search for each city’s population. We took the most current data available for each location and only considered cities with more than 50,000 population. This data was completed on 16/08/2023.

To find out which cities are the most Instagrammable, we used Instagram to search for various hashtags relating to each city e.g. #[CITY]foodie. This data collection was completed on 22/08/2023.

Using various articles from Google, our friends also compiled a list of the top foodie influencers, considering how many followers they have on the social media platform. We then calculated their highest estimated potential earnings per sponsored post by using the Instagram Influencer Sponsored Post Money Calculator. The data collection for this section was completed on 23/08/2023.

The Protected Origin And Definition Of Spanish Cheese

One of my newest cheese loves is not a new cheese at all, but, actually, the traditional cheese of Spain. Manchego is a smaller wheel of Spanish sheep’s milk cheese that just makes the mouth water. It is regulated by Spain under the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin), which was granted through the European Union. (in a nutshell, PDO allows for exclusive food/geographical production so for example, in Europe, Parma Ham can only be sold and labelled as Parma Ham if it originated in Parma see link below for more CP ) This means that it must meet specific regulations in order to be called Manchego. It must be made from whole sheep’s milk taken from animals that have grazed in autumn in La Mancha province. Finished cheese must be aged from 60 days to 2 years. The milk must contain at least 6% fat and each stone, or wheel, of cheese must weigh between 2 and 3.5 kg.

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There is a distinctive pattern engraved in the inedible brown rind of the cheese.

Originally, the Manchego curd was hand pressed in plaited esparto grass baskets. The grass was taken from the same fields where the sheep grazed, and  the grass-flowers pressed into the top. Today, however, press moulds are formed using the traditional pattern and the grass baskets have been phased out of production. Still, the traditional zigzag is how you can recognize Manchego at your favourite cheese shop—and always look for the PDO label.

The inside of the cheese, or the paste, is an off-white that hints at golden. As the cheese gets closer to the rind, the colour progresses to more of an umber. Very small pockets of air are produced as the cheese ages and releases co2.

But enough of all this—the important part of Manchego is the taste. It has a wonderful, mellow flavour that is rich and subtle at the same time. There are slight hints of smoke, woody nuts, tobacco, honey and leather, and it finishes with the distinctive taste that only sheep’s milk can give you. Manchego can be served with olives, sundried tomatoes or hearty crusty bread. It pairs easily with a fine Rioja red wine or a fruity sherry—a wonderful way to stay warm on a winter’s evening.

Recently I heard that Manchego, cut in smaller chunks and dipped in honey poured on a plate, makes a fine conclusion to full meal. I tried this desert idea and the flavours of honey and cheese together are just wonderful. The smoky taste that coats the taste buds is a joy.

For the more daring, this traditional dessert of Spanish Manchego and honey also pairs well with a fine Cuban cigar. Enjoy your cheese.

Waaay back in 2007 the “Govinator” raised a few eyebrows at Ottawa’s Westin Hotel. After taking in a Sen’s hockey game, Arnold made an unscheduled stop for a 16$ Partagas Cuban

For the Silo, Scott Jensen.

Supplemental- Protected Designation of Origin Labelling, Terroir and the implications for Ontario agriculture: www.sustainontario.com/2010/05/11/2180/food-processing/protected-designation-of-labelling

Parma Ham and PDO:  www.prosciuttodiparma.com

Arnold enjoys Cuban Cigar while in Ottawa: www.activerain.com/blogsview/114533/-arnie-partakes-in-the-luxury-of-a-fine-cuban-stogie-after-hockey-game-in-ottawa

Fossil Shows Canada Had 400 Day Long Year

Haldimand and Norfolk Counties in Ontario, Canada have become an attractive area to explore for marine fossils.

The Great Lakes Basin, once inundated by a vast ancient, shallow sea that covered much of central North America, is today revealing an abundance of fossil corals, invertebrates, and marine organisms found within many limestone formations uncovered by glaciers and erosion.

Haldimand and Norfolk County have especially become an attractive area to explore for fossils of marine organisms by both scientists and amateur fossil collectors who can travel to local locations such as Rock Point Provincial Park near Dunnville, Ontario.

However, these fossils represent more than just evidence of unique life forms that once numbered in the tens of thousands of species co-existing in a marine ecosystem. They are scientific evidence of marine ecosystems in ecological transition, shifting continents, changing climates, and a record of our planets’ every day rotation around the sun.

Many fossil corals found in Haldimand and Norfolk County date around 410 to 360 million years ago. It is a time geologically known as the “Devonian Period”, the “Devonian Reef” or the “Age of Fishes”. During this period, fishes of many different species became abundant in the fossil record. A partly submerged North America, or as yet to be formed Great Lakes Basin, was colliding with Europe close to the equator. Reef building environments began to develop and produce some of the largest reef complexes in the world.

The reef complexes were in large areas of shallow equatorial seas that existed between the continents.

Evidence of a saltwater sea supporting a vast coral reef system once covering southern Ontario over 400 million years ago in the form of fossilized coral deposits support the theory that a coral reef system existed for a very long time. It was in the basins of these former shallow seas that great quantities of rock salt, gypsum, and other types of minerals precipitated, and today, mining industries dig well below the lowest depths of Lake Erie to recover these minerals.

The “Heliophylum halli” is a fossil particular to the Great Lakes region and studies of its growth rings revealed 400 days in one Earth year when this coral was alive.

Exposure of reef basins varies and depends on how glaciers or water erosion has pushed or washed soil off bedrock. Under these conditions, a geologist’s field magnifying glass can help find very small fossils such as radiolarians and diatoms. Otherwise, larger fossils such as different varieties of bivalves (clams), trilobites, and even large fragments of fossilized coral are exposed. In some case, there are discoveries of fossilized marine organisms that are both rare and some times difficult to identify.

The fossilized remains of a Devonian Reef. Rock Point Provincial Park, Ontario.ROCK POINT PROVINCIAL PARK (Dunnville) - 2022 What to Know BEFORE You Go

What ended these reef complexes and created one of the greatest mass extinction events of earth’s biota was a combination of events that took place over a period of 25 million years.

Since species rely on a warm water marine ecosystem for their survival it would seem that a slow and gradual continental shift north from the equator would over time impact a large variety of marine species, including those supported by coral reefs. Therefore, events such as shifting continents, lowering of sea levels, climatic changes influencing land and sea ecologies, and/or possibly a glaciation had significant roles in the extinction of earth’s biodiversity.

Devonian Period - Geology Page
The large deposits of fossil corals and invertebrates found in Norfolk and Haldimand County has been of great interest to scientists and fossil collectors for many decades. However, fossil collecting took on a new importance in the last 50-60 years when it was determined there was a connection between growth rings of coral skeletons with the number of days in a year.

Scientists studying samples of coral skeletons from contemporary coral reef systems discovered growth rings on the outer surface of coral skeletons.

By studying a large sample of coral skeletons and determining how many growth rings represented a year’s growth of calcium carbonate, scientists were able to calculate an average of 360 rings per year. Thereby, approximately one growth ring represented one day’s growth for each day of the year. Taking this new information, scientists began collecting large numbers of exceptionally well-preserved coral fossils belonging to the Late Devonian Period. One particular species, found in the Great Lakes region, called a “Heliophylum halli” (see above) exhibited many growth rings developing in one year during this period. The result surprised even scientists.

Fossil coral showed there were approximately 400 growth rings per year 370 million years ago. Therefore, there were about 400 days in a year in the Devonian Period. Astronomers who have calculated that our earth’s rotation has been slowing at a rate of about 2 seconds every 100,000 years have since supported the new information.

Exposures of ancient reef basins can be discovered in dried up stream beds and even under farmers fields.

Despite Haldimand and Norfolk County being a small example of a region once holding a thriving coral reef system, existing over 400 million years ago, the number of fossils of different species exposed is vast. Fossil corals, invertebrates, and species of marine organisms exist in many different shapes, sizes, and can be very fragile. Therefore, whether you are a scientist or amateur fossil collector, the next time you take a walk across the landscape to explore and search for fossils be sure to take along a fossil guide. You never know what new fossil discoveries you might make just walking across the countryside for an afternoon. For the Silo, Lorenz Bruechert.

Euro Holiday Destination Searches Skyrocket By 6700 Percent

As searches for “European holidays” skyrocket by 6700%¹, a must-visit list of the best cities in Europe has been announced. 

Our friends at Spin Genie  analyzed the average price and the number of days it would take to view the tourist attractions of major European cities to create a list of the 11 best places to visit in Europe. 

11 of the Best Places to Visit in Europe:

City Country Average Hotel Price (per night) Recommended Length Of Stay 
RomeItaly €70-€2005-7 days 
LondonEngland £100-£300 4-5 days 
Paris France €100-€300 4-6 days 
Amsterdam Netherlands €80-€2003-5 days
PragueCzech Republic €60-€1503-4 days 
BarcelonaSpain €80-€150 5-6 days 
SantoriniGreece €150-€3003-5 days 
BudapestHungary €70-€150 4-5 days 
ReykjavikIceland €100-€200 3-4 days 
Berlin Germany €70-€150 3-4 days 
ViennaAustria €80-€150 3-4 days 

Dom Aldworth, Head of Brand Marketing at Spin Genie says “As one of the most influential continents in the world, Europe is home to a vast range of diverse and culturally rich countries. From impressive historical architecture to quaint towns and delicious foods, every country offers travelers a unique and vibrant experience.

“Whether you want to indulge in fine French cuisine, relax in ancient baths or transport yourself back in time, Europe is the perfect place for bucket list adventures.”  

Dom continued “Budget-conscious travelers will be pleased to discover that several affordable cities offer incredible experiences without breaking the bank. 

“Budapest is often regarded as one of the most budget-friendly destinations in Europe. With its affordable accommodation options, reasonably priced dining choices, and inexpensive public transportation, visitors can explore the city’s stunning architecture, relax in its thermal baths, and indulge in its vibrant nightlife without straining their wallets.” 

The team also named their top 5 un-missable tourist attractions. 

Trevi Fountain, Rome

“One of Rome’s most famous landmarks, the Trevi Fountain is a bucket list attraction.” Dom at Spin Genie comments “Toss a coin into the stunning Trevi Fountain, one of Rome’s most famous landmarks. Admire its Baroque design, intricate sculptures, and cascading waters, and make a wish for your return to the Eternal City.” 

The London Eye and Tower Of London, London

London has a range of iconic landmarks, from historic buildings such as Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London to Big Ben, Tower Bridge and the London Eye. 

Eiffel Tower, Paris

No visit to Paris is complete without a visit to the iconic Eiffel Tower. Ascend to the top for panoramic city views or enjoy a leisurely picnic in its surrounding gardens.

Bloemenmarkt, Amsterdam

The world’s only floating flower market, Bloemenmart is the perfect place for lovers of colour, beauty and flowers to visit. Admire colourful displays of flowers, bulbs and souvenirs and take home a piece of Amsterdam’s floral heritage. 

Santorini Volcano, Santorini

Take a boat trip to Nea Kameni’s and Palea Kameni’s volcanic islets. Hike up to the active volcano’s crater, bathe in the hot springs, and learn about the volcanic geology that shaped the island.


What are the most beautiful cities in Europe?

Beauty is subjective; however, there are a few European cities that are renowned for their beauty.

Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance, boasts a wealth of artistic and architectural treasures. The city’s historic centre is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and attractions like the Florence Cathedral, the Uffizi Gallery, and the Ponte Vecchio showcase its artistic grandeur.

Other beautiful cities include Paris, Prague, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Vienna, Santorini, and Rome.

What are the largest cities in Europe?

The largest cities in Europe by population include Moscow, London, Saint Petersburg, Berlin and Madrid.

Moscow, the capital of Russia, stands as the largest city in Europe, both in terms of population and geographical expanse. This thriving metropolis blends a rich history with modern cosmopolitanism. From the iconic Red Square and the majestic Kremlin to the opulent St. Basil’s Cathedral, Moscow showcases a fusion of grandeur, architectural marvels, and cultural treasures

What are the oldest cities in Europe?

Europe is a treasure trove of history, and it’s home to some of the oldest cities in the world. These cities have witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the birth of civilizations, and the shaping of European culture.

Plovdiv, located in Bulgaria, is one of Europe’s oldest cities, with evidence of settlement dating back over 8,000 years. The city’s Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site, boasts well-preserved Roman ruins, including an ancient theatre that is still in use today.

Other cities include Athens, Rome, Cadiz, Argos, Larnaca, and Byblos.

Which are the cheapest cities in Europe to visit?

Budget-conscious travellers will be pleased to discover that several affordable cities offer incredible experiences without breaking the bank.

Budapest is often regarded as one of the most budget-friendly destinations in Europe. With its affordable accommodation options, reasonably priced dining choices, and inexpensive public transportation, visitors can explore the city’s stunning architecture, relax in its thermal baths, and indulge in its vibrant nightlife without straining their wallets.

Some of the most affordable cities in Europe to visit include Krakow, Lisbon, Warsaw, Athens and Bucharest.

What are the safest cities in Europe?

Europe is generally considered safe, but some cities have lower crime rates than others.

Zurich, Switzerland’s largest city, is often ranked as one of the safest cities in the world. With its efficient public transportation system, well-maintained streets, and low crime rates, Zurich offers a safe environment for travellers to explore its beautiful Old Town, enjoy the pristine Lake Zurich, and immerse themselves in the city’s vibrant cultural scene.

Other safe cities include Copenhagen, Vienna, Helsinki, Stockholm, Munich, Amsterdam, Geneva and Oslo.

What are the most romantic cities in Europe?

When it comes to romantic cities in Europe, certain destinations evoke a sense of enchantment and timeless love. Paris, often called the “City of Love,” tops the list. With its charming cobblestone streets, beautiful parks, and stunning landmarks, Paris provides the perfect backdrop for romantic strolls, candlelit dinners, and unforgettable moments.

Other cities include Venice, known as the “Floating City,” which is a dreamlike destination that exudes romance; Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance, captivates with its timeless beauty and artistic heritage; Santorini, a picturesque Greek island and Prague, with its fairytale-like architecture.

These cities have an irresistible charm that evokes romance and captivates the hearts of couples seeking a truly enchanting experience.

Visit Our Friends to the South in Buffalo & Take In July 4 Celebrations

The Obelisk- MacKinley Monument near Buffalo City Hall

If you’re looking for a spur-of-the-moment day trip from Niagara, Canada side, I have the answer for you.

A visit to downtown Buffalo can be your answer. It’s about an hour away nestled on the American side of the Peace Bridge and it’s a place still oozing with charm. The older downtown area offers a step-back-in-time experience. Forget the Chicken wings; the historic buildings here make a statement about style and sophistication.

July Fourth Fireworks Galore!

There are many places to catch amazing fireworks displays in and around the city core.

Canalside Fireworks, Fourth of July, Fireworks in Buffalo NY
Canalside Fireworks, Fourth of July, Fireworks in Buffalo NY

Cool Architecture and Art Deco Stylings

Fantastic architecture abounds in Buffalo- here is Buffalo City Hall, a fine example of Art Deco styling

Old City Hall
Start your day of exploring with a visit to Buffalo’s Art Deco City Hall. It dominates everything in the downtown area. Built during the early 1930’s (at the height of the great depression) this is a must see. The building is open free of charge Monday to Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. Take the elevator to the 22tnd floor, and then walk the stairway to the observation area. You’ll feel like you’re on top of the Empire State building in New York City. You’re rewarded with an awe inspiring view of the city, Niagara River and nearby Fort Erie. Free tours of City Hall are offered Monday to Friday at noon. Just meet in the lobby and a volunteer will put you through your paces as he or she walks and talks about the history of this Buffalo charmer. I was convinced, I was in a time warp. Docent (an American term which usually refers to a historic tour guide),

The term docent is an “Americanistic term” but has roots in the Germanic language

Rick Smyth, a retired teacher explained the meaning behind the many murals and statues that adorn the inside of the building. He said, “They tell about the friendship between Canada and the United States that has extended since the end of the War of 1812″.
Niagara Square
Outside City Hall is Niagara Square .Dominating the square is a monument built to honour the memory of William McKinley, the 25th president of the United States (1897-1901) who was assassinated in Buffalo at the Pan American Exposition in 1901. If you love old architectural buildings and their history you’ve hit the jackpot. Take your pick, the perimeter of the square beckons you. All of these century old buildings have stories to tell. Escorted walking tours can be arranged at www.buffalotours.org or 716-852-3300.
Lafayette Square
Lafayette Square is three blocks to the east of City Hall. It’s a park in the centre of the downtown. The block, which was once square, is lined by many of the city’s tallest buildings including the Liberty Building, and Rand Building. The Buffalo and Erie County Public Library (www.buffalolib.org) is an interesting place to explore. You can a get a first hand glimpse of the manuscripts of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. by Samuel L. Clemens, better know by his non de plume, Mark Twain lived in Buffalo between 1869 and 1871. The library is open daily at 8:30 am, except Sunday, free of charge. This block is surrounded by the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority’s Metro Rail light rail rapid transit, which runs about 12 blocks above-ground along Main Street in what is called the Free Fare Zone. Try it you’ll love it. The ride really is free.
Live Theatre
You’d be hard-pressed to leave this area without visiting one of the many historical theatres that offers touring Broadway shows, concerts, opera, dance and classic film series. Shea’s Performing Arts Center (www.sheas.org) on Main Street, built in the style of 1926 European Opera House, has an outstanding line-up of live entertainment. Greats like George Burns and Frank Sinatra have performed here in the past.

Find a tall building downtown (like the City Hall building) for a great panoramic look of the skyline.

Where to Eat
When the hunger pains start to come on I recommend the Spot Coffee Restaurant (www.spotcoffee.com) at the corner of Delaware Avenue and Chippewa Streets. This independently owned coffee shop is more authentic than places like Starbucks. They have good reasonably priced food and plenty of it. Uneven floors, wood tables and exposed brick make this the perfect neighbourhood eatery. They open at 7 am and close at 11 pm. It’s where I like to hang out during the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The parade takes place this year on Sunday, March 18 and begins at 2pm.
Downtown Parking
Street parking is reasonable here. Be sure to carry lots of American 25 cent coins to feed the $1 an hour meters. Lot parking is about $8.00 for the day.
For More Information TELL ’em The Silo sent ya ;>
www.visitbuffaloniagara.com or 1-800-283-3256.

For the Silo, George Bailey.