Tag Archives: Toledo

Toxic Algae Blooms in Lake Erie Cause Water Emergencies

Toxic algae. The Silo @thesiloteam · 1m
Lake Erie toxic algae bloom causes water emergency in Toledo, OH -citizens scramble for bottled water http://patch.com/michigan/novi/lake-erie-toxins-leave-southeast-michigan-ohio-residents-without-water#.U94tq7fD_IU#Silo #Earth
It doesn't take a lot of imagination of smarts to understand that toxins can travel in water. Ohio and Southwestern Michigan which have notified the public of the water crisis are dangerously close to other Lake Erie shoreline communities. Some communities such as Norfolk County already have beaches posted with bacteria warnings and notices that the water is NOT tested by local health officials.
It doesn’t take a lot of imagination of smarts to understand that toxins can travel in water. Ohio and Southwestern Michigan which have notified the public of the water crisis are dangerously close to other Lake Erie shoreline communities. Some communities such as Norfolk County already have beaches posted with bacteria warnings and notices that the water is NOT tested by local health officials.

he Silo @thesiloteam · now
What are implications for #Oxford #NorfolkCounty #Haldimand County communities water supply? Bacteria/ Algae signs already posted on beaches