When searching for your true identity in life, who you are as a person, it can be beneficial to figure out who you are NOT, as well.
You’re probably not perfect, because face it, none of us are. But being PERFECT may not even really be possible. Being PERFECT may not be what we want in life. Don’t we just want to be who we are? Don’t we just want to be seen as individuals, and valued members of earth? But if we can’t see who we are, how can we expect others to?
Finding ourselves isn’t just as simple as waking up one day and realizing who we are. It takes time. It could even take a LIFEtime. But if you are dedicated to the task, eventually when you look in the mirror your image will be clear. It’s almost like trying to find a lost set of keys, you know that at the moment you don’t know where there are, but eventually they have to show up. And once they do, you will be able to drive your car wherever you would like. In other words, once you find yourself and are comfortable in your own skin, and your own mind, you will be able to take control of your life, and go in any and every direction that you’ve always wanted to.
Now that being said, LOSING yourself again is always a possibility. Be honest, you’ve lost your keys more than once, that’s for sure. When our situation changes, we have to change and adapt, but knowing the core of who we are can help us quickly reign our true being back in.
Often, if not always, we want everything to be perfect. We want love, we want peace, we want a successful career, but hitting rock bottom can be the best antidote for finding yourself. When you feel like you’re in the dark, and nothing seems even remotely right, and you feel all alone, you only have yourself to talk to. You have an opportunity to peer deep into your soul, and pull out the contents that have never seen the light of day. In your darkest hour, you may find the light that will guide you for the rest of your years.
As Tom Cochrane once said, “Life’s like a road that you travel on/ When one day’s here and the next day gone.” All you have to do, is find those keys, and drive that car. For the Silo, Brent “B-FLIX” Flicks.
Supplemental- The Neuroscience of finding your lost keys https://www.salk.edu/news/pressrelease_details.php?press_id=602
What is existentialism? http://www2.webster.edu/~corbetre/philosophy/existentialism/whatis.html