Tag Archives: The Ontario Building Code

Carbon Monoxide alarms now mandatory in all Ontario homes

It's been called the silent killer and CO (Carbon Monoxide) is a poison and found outside and within our homes CP
It’s been called the silent killer and CO (Carbon Monoxide) is a poison and found outside and within our homes CP

Keeping Ontarians Safe from Carbon Monoxide-  Ontario is taking another step to keep families and homes in Ontario safe by making carbon monoxide alarms mandatory in all residential homes.

The new regulation, which comes into effect October 15, updates Ontario’s Fire Code following the passage of Bill 77 last year. These updates are based on recommendations from a Technical Advisory Committee which was led by the Office of the Fire Marshall and Emergency Management and included experts from fire services, the hotel and rental housing industries, condo owners and alarm manufacturers.

Carbon monoxide detectors will now be required near all sleeping areas in residential homes and in the service rooms, and adjacent sleeping areas in multi-residential units. Carbon monoxide alarms can be hardwired, battery-operated or plugged into the wall.


” We want Ontarians to be aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning because these tragedies are preventable. The change to the Fire Code is all about making sure we keep our families and homes safe. I urge all Ontarians to install a carbon monoxide alarm in their homes immediately.”

– Yasir Naqvi

Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services

Road vehicles and transportation make up 85% of Ontario's CO pollution
Road vehicles and transportation make up 85% of Ontario’s CO pollution

” Mandating the installation and maintenance of carbon monoxide alarms in existing homes with a fuel-fired heating system or appliance, fireplace or attached garage under the Fire Code, and providing the authority for municipal fire services to conduct inspections and promote CO awareness, are significant steps forward for enhancing public safety.”

– Tadeusz (Ted) Wieclawek

Ontario Fire Marshal & Chief of Emergency Management

” The fatal effects of carbon monoxide left us with an irreplaceable family loss. Keep your family safe and install a CO alarm so we can combat the silent killer.”

– John Gignac

Co-Chair, Hawkins-Gignac Foundation for CO Education

Carbon Monoxide Alarm



* More than 50 people die each year from carbon monoxide poisoning in Canada, including 11 on average in Ontario.

* Bill 77, an Act to Proclaim Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week and to amend the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, received royal assent in December 2013.

* The first Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week will take place November 1-8, 2014.

* The Ontario Building Code requires the installation of carbon monoxide alarms in homes and other residential buildings built after 2001.


* Read the Technical Advisory Committee’s recommendations on carbon monoxide alarms

* Learn more about the Ontario Fire Code

* Read about the Ontario Building Code

* Read about the Hawkins-Gignac Foundation for CO Education

NOUVELLES-  ministère de la Sécurité communautaire et des Services correctionnels

L’Ontario prend une nouvelle mesure pour protéger les familles et les foyers ontariens en rendant obligatoire l’installation d’avertisseurs de monoxyde de carbone dans toutes les habitations.

Le nouveau règlement, qui entre en vigueur le 15 octobre, met à jour le Code de prévention des incendies de l’Ontario à la suite de l’adoption du projet de loi 77 l’année dernière. Ces mises à jour visent à renforcer la sécurité de la population ontarienne. Elles s’appuient sur les recommandations d’un comité consultatif technique dirigé par le Bureau du commissaire des incendies et de la gestion des situations d’urgence et composé d’experts des services d’incendie, des secteurs de l’hôtellerie et de la location à usage d’habitation, de propriétaires de condos et de fabricants d’avertisseurs.

Des avertisseurs de monoxyde de carbone seront désormais exigés à proximité des chambres à coucher dans les maisons, ainsi qu’à l’intérieur des locaux techniques et à proximité des chambres à coucher adjacentes dans les immeubles à logements multiples. Les avertisseurs de monoxyde de carbone peuvent être câblés, fonctionner sur piles ou être branchés dans une prise murale.


« Nous voulons que les Ontariens et Ontariennes soient conscients des risques d’intoxication au monoxyde de carbone parce que ces tragédies sont évitables. Cette modification au Code de prévention des incendies vise à protéger nos familles et nos foyers. J’exhorte tous les Ontariens et Ontariennes à installer immédiatement un avertisseur de monoxyde de carbone à leur domicile.»

– Yasir Naqvi

ministre de la Sécurité communautaire et des Services correctionnels

« En rendant obligatoires, en vertu du Code de prévention des incendies, l’installation et l’entretien d’avertisseurs de monoxyde de carbone dans les maisons existantes dotées d’un système de chauffage ou d’un appareil à combustible, d’une cheminée ou d’un garage attenant, et en conférant aux services d’incendie municipaux le pouvoir d’effectuer des inspections et de promouvoir la sensibilisation au CO, nous franchissons des étapes importantes pour améliorer la sécurité du public. »

– Tadeusz (Ted) Wieclawek

commissaire des incendies et chef de la gestion des situations d’urgence de l’Ontario

« Nous avons perdu des membres irremplaçables de notre famille à cause des effets mortels du monoxyde de carbone. Protégez votre famille et installez un avertisseur de CO afin que nous puissions lutter contre le tueur silencieux.»

– John Gignac

Fondation de l’éducation au CO Hawkins-Gignac


* Plus de 50 personnes meurent chaque année d’intoxication au monoxyde de carbone au Canada, dont 11 personnes en moyenne en Ontario.

* Le Projet de loi 77, Loi proclamant la Semaine de sensibilisation au monoxyde de carbone et modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur la prévention et la protection contre l’incendie, a reçu la sanction royale en décembre 2013.

* La première semaine de sensibilisation au monoxyde de carbone se déroulera du 1er au 8 novembre 2014.

* Le Code du bâtiment de l’Ontario exige l’installation d’avertisseurs de monoxyde de carbone dans les maisons et autres immeubles d’habitation construits après 2001.


* Recommandations du Comité consultatif technique sur les avertisseurs de monoxyde de carbone <http://www.mcscs.jus.gov.on.ca/french/FireMarshal/Legislation/TechnicalGuidelinesandReports/OFM_COAlarms_fr.html>

* Le Code de prévention des incendies de l’Ontario (disponible en anglais seulement)<http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/regs/english/elaws_regs_070213_e.htm>

* Renseignements sur le Code du bâtiment de l’Ontario <http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/Page5847.aspx>

* La Fondation de l’éducation au CO Hawkins-Gignac (disponible en anglais seulement)<http://endthesilence.ca/>

Lauren Callighen Bureau du ministre

416 325-5982

Carol Gravelle Bureau du commissaire des incendies et de la gestion des situations d’urgence

416 325 3138

Disponible en ligne<http://news.ontario.ca/mcscs/fr/2014/10/proteger-les-ontariens-et-ontariennes-contre-le-monoxyde-de-carbone.html>

Available in English<http://news.ontario.ca/mcscs/en/2014/10/keeping-ontarians-safe-from-carbon-monoxide.html>

Green Party Leader Schreiner:Our Plan To Create 20,000 Jobs


Schreiner announces Green Building Program to create 20,000 good local jobs and reduce energy bills

Guelph, Ontario – Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner announced the Green Party’s plan for a Green Building Program today. A Green Building program will reduce energy bills and create thousands of jobs in the construction and trades sector in communities across the province.

“Only the Green Party will deliver sensible, long-term solutions that create jobs and save us money by saving energy,” said Schreiner. “We will not borrow money, like the old parties, to offer short term subsidies that mostly benefit the biggest energy users.”

The Green Building plan would provide $1.6 B in refundable tax credits for homeowners, tenants and businesses over 4 years to invest in energy efficiency and building retrofits.

“When we decrease our consumption we provide real relief to rising energy costs for all Ontarians,” added energy entrepreneur and Guelph Green Party candidate Steve Dyck who’s own retrofits have helped him invest in his local economy and save money. “Eliminating waste and increasing efficiency will make our province more competitive.”

The Green Building Program would create an estimated 20,000 jobs across the province, according to estimates by Robert Pollin Professor of Economics and Co-Director, Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) University of Massachusetts-Amherst and Heidi Garrett-Peltier PERI Research Fellow entitled Building the Green Economy: Employment Effects of Green Energy Investments for Ontario.

“These investments will create green jobs in communities across Ontario,” added Schreiner, “This is something that cannot be achieved with the short term energy subsidies offered by the other parties.”

Ontario is home to numerous businesses that focus on energy efficiency and conservation products and retrofits.

“The kind of Green Building Program that the Ontario Green Party is proposing will create more jobs, have a positive impact on the environment and take Ontario’s economy into the 21st century,” says Stephen Carpenter President of Enermodal Engineering of Kitchener.

The Green Building Program will:

* Provide $800 million in refundable tax credits for home owners and tenants over four years for investments in energy efficiency and building retrofits. This will include an Electric Hot Water Conservation Program for conversion of electric hot water heaters to solar thermal.

* Provide $800 million in refundable business tax credits over four years for businesses to invest in energy efficiency and building retrofits, making our businesses more efficient and competitive.

* Strengthen energy efficiency standards to ensure new buildings use less energy for heating and cooling by revising the Ontario Building Code.

* Set a minimum EnerGuide Rating of 86 for all new buildings by 2013 and ensure all new homes and buildings are solar-ready so owners have the option of easy and affordable installation of future solar investments.

* Develop a long-term strategic plan to move our homes and buildings towards Zero Net Energy, with a time table to raise Ontario’s minimum legally-binding energy efficiency standards for new homes, buildings, appliances and equipment to help reduce our energy bills.

* Make it easier for Ontarians to obtain information and advice on energy efficiency, conservation and building retrofits.

* Require home energy efficiency audits and make the results available to potential home buyers and renters so people can make informed choices regarding the operating costs of their homes and apartments.

* Work with the banking sector to design a provincial program that facilitates “energy saver” mortgages and loans at preferential rates for homeowners investing in energy efficient retrofits.

* Develop an Ontario wide framework for a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing program, as an innovative local government solution to help property owners finance energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements – such as energy efficient boilers, upgraded insulation, new windows, solar installations, etc. – to their homes and businesses.

Press Conference Information:

9:30am Press Conference – Guelph

Mike Schreiner will join Guelph candidate Steve Dyck in making an important announcement about energy savings.
Location: 39 Hearn Ave. Guelph, ON

12:00pm Press Conference – Kitchener

Mike Schreiner announces Green Building Program in Kitchener. Steve Carpenter from Enermodal will attend.
Location: Enermodal, 582 Lancaster St. West, Kitchener, ON


Media Contact:
Rebecca Harrison
Director of Communications
Green Party of Ontario
(c) 905-999-5479
(e) rebeccaharrison@gpo.ca Sent from Green Party of Ontario

PO Box 1132
Toronto, ON M4Y 2T8