Tag Archives: the holiday season

How To Find Meaning Of Christmas In Our Politically Correct World

Once again it’s Christmas Eve and time for our perennial Christmas post which seems to gain more relevance and urgency with each year. Merry Christmas to you all!

It seems that every where you turn these days, it is becoming incorrect to celebrate the Christmas holidays in “the manner in which you have become accustomed”- at least in the manner in which I have become accustomed.

To truly celebrate the Christmas season, and that’s what it is, no matter what anyone says, I have become open-minded and willing to accept EVERYONE’S ideas for the holiday season. If you disagree, please refrain from attending any “holiday” parties or dinners, taking the day off on December 25th or 26th (should you work for a company that still acknowledges these days as holidays) and carry on as usual. Should you happen to work for the government you are safe (for now) as they would never legislate against their own days off, although when it comes to politicians, I don’t believe never is in their vocabulary (particularly when it comes to matters involving taxes).

merry fucking whateverThe true “spirit” of the holiday season (oops, I meant to say Christmas) is for people to pause and give thanks. According to the man-made calendar of months and years, we are getting ready to start a New Year.

We give thanks for the things we have received in the past (not to be confused with Thanksgiving, another man-made tradition) and offer gifts to the people that have blessed us over the past year.

Being the humble (not humbug, Mr. Scrooge) creatures that we are, we also accept gifts from others (although for most it is not OUR birthday), all the while muttering that we aren’t worthy. Once these gifts are exchanged, a significant amount of “Why would she buy me this?” and “I don’t NEED another scarf” or “Does he think I’m that big?” are voiced in private, to be repeated over the next month or so. In the days immediately following Christmas, our thankful spirit has usually been diminished significantly.

The greatest reason for pausing at the end of the year (and any time, for that matter) is to be grateful for what you have.

Being grateful does not mean that you have to thank every one in your life personally, and you DON’T have to buy them a gift. If you are expecting a gift from someone you are probably going to be disappointed, and if you don’t reciprocate in kind you are going to be REALLY disappointed. If you have chosen to be open-minded I want to thank you for getting this far. I hope that you will also be open to a spiritual suggestion that will make you feel happy inside even though you may have received nothing outside.

Whether it is Christmas, Rosh Hashanah, the Chinese New Year, Hanukkah or Guy Lombardo’s Rocking New Year’s Eve, let those people who enjoy these festivals enjoy them. When someone acknowledges you with a holiday greeting that you are unfamiliar with, don’t believe in or if it makes you blow a gasket, pause for a moment and reply with a hearty “That’s The Spirit!”. Unless they have an aversion to ghosts, that reply should be fairly safe no matter what the season.

Let others grumble and complain that Christmas is too commercialized, the spirit of giving has been lost (or is too expensive), kids are spoiled today, no one appreciates anything and the holidays are just too much of a hassle anymore. Bellowing “That’s The Spirit!” right back at them is a great stress reliever, and at the very least will allow them to walk away from you (quickly, perhaps) in much the same way Lucy was bowled over by Charlie Brown’s enthusiastic “That’s It!” in “A Charlie Brown Christmas”.

At the risk of revealing my upbringing, I wish everyone a “Merry Christmas”, “Happy New Year” and a “God bless us, everyone”. By the way, for me it truly IS a wonderful life… For the Silo, Rick Fess.

Holiday Hints For Moms To Reduce Stress

Busy moms share a common stress during the holiday season. There is too much to do, and not enough time to do it. The best way to reduce stress levels is to reduce expectations. The only woman obligated to entertain like Martha Stewart is Martha Stewart. By lowering personal expectations and opting for timesaving options, moms can reduce the pressure they put on themselves. The following are a few of Kleven’s holiday tips and tricks for busy moms:

Purchase holiday baking at fundraising bake sales or from community-based charities. Moms can stock up on a supply of festive treats while supporting worthwhile organizations. Get together with girlfriends for an afternoon of baking. Each woman bakes enough batches for herself and the others. Once cooled, everyone has a selection of festive baking that can be combined on disposable platters ready for gifts giving or holiday get-togethers. Offer to watch a friend’s children while she does her gift shopping. Get her to do the same for you. Shopping without children is faster and less stressful. Moms can also do their gift shopping online, in the comfort of their own homes.

Arrange to have the items shipped to a nearby neighbour or friend, where they can be stored away from prying eyes until just before the big day.

Money doesn’t have to be an issue. Re-gifted items make perfectly acceptable presents. So do homemade treats like cookies, flavoured popcorn, or peanut brittle. Check the internet for quick and easy recipes. Another gift that is sure to please the other moms on the list is an I.O.U. for a free afternoon of babysitting. The only cost to the giver is a few hours of her time, while her friend enjoys a quiet afternoon all to herself.
Simplify entertaining wherever possible. Meet friends for coffee and dessert at a local restaurant instead of at home. The holidays are about spending time with loved ones. Holding the festivities somewhere else ensures that everyone, even the hostess, gets to sit down and enjoy the visit.

If you do decide to invite friends and family to your home, have them drop by in the afternoon. Daylight get-togethers are far less formal. Ask guests to bring finger foods or purchase them ready-made. The selection and quality of hors d’oeuvres, vegetable and fruit platters available at grocery stores has come a long way in the past few years.

Author -Colleen Kleven

Rather than creating a pile of dirty dishes for afterward, pick up plastic cutlery, disposable plates, paper tablecloths, and napkins in festive patterns. For best selection, shop early. This holiday season, prepare for a house full of guests in advance. Borrow sleeping bags and air mattresses from family and friends and tell children they are all “camping out” in one bedroom. This creates extra sleeping areas for grandparents, aunts and uncles.
Over the next several weeks, make double batches of dinners like spaghetti sauce, chili, soups and casseroles. Freeze leftovers to thaw and serve during the holidays.
When planning for meals, go for the easiest alternative. Pick up a mixture of lunch meats and buns for self-serve lunches, and order pizza for dinner one night. By taking a more relaxed approach to the holiday season, busy moms stand a better chance of actually enjoying themselves instead of starting the New Year exhausted and disappointed. For the Silo, Colleen Kleven.