Tag Archives: temple grandin

Temple Grandin

Temple Grandin, you may or may not know, is a person. I had not heard of her until recently, but I suspect her name is going to become much more recognized. Time Magazine named her one of their Time 100 for 2010. Sure that was awhile ago but consider this- she made the list of the hundred most influential people in the WORLD. She has a website. I highly suggest you check it out.

Temple Grandin (2010), the film, is the authorized movie biography of this remarkable woman and one of the first movies that treated autism with respect. She was diagnosed with autism in 1950, when the disorder was still called infantile schizophrenia. Her mother was told that Temple’s options for any measure of achievement or satisfying relationship in life were nil. Institutionalization was offered as the only practical option. But her mother wouldn’t give up. Claire Danes utterly transforms herself to tell us the story of Temple’s emergence from a relatively isolated kind of consciousness into the person she is today: author, lecturer, PHD, world renowned animal expert and autism advocate.

One of the first things we learn about Grandin is that she thinks in pictures, which makes film an especially potent medium for telling her story. Director Mick Jackson uses images throughout the film to help us understand how Grandin sees and feels the world. This is in keeping with what some have called Grandin’s greatest contribution to science- she was the first autistic person able to articulate to a wide audience what it is like to be autistic. Jackson’s film will widen the influence of her legacy further still. As well as a great story, it is a moving work of art.

I’m not sure if the brilliance of Claire Danes’ performance can be overstated, but I will simply say this: I had no idea. This woman is an ACTRESS!!  HBO films are not considered for Oscars, but  if they did she would certainly be a strong nominee. For the Silo, Junior Selector. 

A New Light On Autism

Let there be light

Have you ever noticed how experts constantly refer to Autism as a ‘learning disability’?  I contemplate this term as I watch my nine-year-old son Braydon, effortlessly scale my counter tops to filch the salt and vinegar chips I hid in top shelf.  In fact, Braydon’s problem solving skills exceed that of his ‘neurotypical’ sister.

What would I change in my son’s treatment if I considered my son to have a communication disability rather then a learning disability?  Is this just a title or is it maybe a new perspective?

I am not an expert but here is what I do know.  Individuals who are visually or hearing impaired are considered to have a communication disability.

There are so many reasons why the sensory processing centers in the brains of certain individuals do not receive the input messages from their eyes or ears (or both like Helen Keller).  Autism looks much the same to me.  The sound of my voice competes with all the other sensory information that Braydon is so sensitive to.

The ticking of the clock, the air is too warm or too cold, his seat is too hard or too soft, the bathroom door is about to open and he is going to run away to close it.  These things make up only a fraction of the information coming at my son at all the same intensity!  Braydon’s moderate-severe Autism means that unlike those of us that experts consider ‘neurotypical’, he has no way to filter this information except to create an ‘output’ to counter it.  Experts call this behavior ‘stimming’.  I realize this all sounds confusing, but my point is that High Functioning Autism, like Blindness or Deafness comes down to being a sensory processing issue rather then an inability to learn as the term ‘learning disability’ seems to suggest.


Braydon and Whoopi
Braydon and Whoopi

Perhaps this is the reason why a Certified Autism Service Dog has proven to be such an asset to our quality of life?  Service Dogs for the blind and hearing impaired are fairly common.  Is a service dog for a person with Autism a truly enormous stretch?  Trust me, it is a natural progression.

If perforated dots on a piece of paper can give a child who is born without the sense of sight an opportunity to read a book, or a computer can give Carly Fleichman, a girl with asphyxia and Autism the opportunity to find her voice, in theory my son could be able to learn the skills he is going to need to become a contributing member to his community.  Just look at all the things Dr. Temple Grandin was able to accomplish!

My goals suddenly look much different.  Instead of trying to convince my son to learn, perhaps I need only to teach him how to communicate. For the Silo, Jenny Tansley.

Supplemental- From the Silo Summer 2010 Temple Grandin article https://www.thesilo.ca/temple-grandin-a-silo-movie-review-issue2/