Tag Archives: tax payers coalition

Letters To The Silo- Idle No More


Dear Silo, We have as of late been inundated with all the bad news about the “ Idle No More “ protests by the aboriginals and how disgusting it is, and counterproductive it is and all the finger pointing that is going on, and who’s right and who’s wrong and how dare theses people disrupt our way of life.

These people have a legitimate road to hoe with their issues and have had for years now. They were the originators of this country, had at one time a huge empire here that stretched across the country and ran their affairs according to their laws. While I do not condone some of the acts that have been done it’s not hard to see why they have done so to make or stress their point. I mean is it not hard to envision that if you had been put on reserves and given second class status and had issues would you not also rail against what you felt was wrong for you and your people.

Ms. Spence may have squandered money in an incorrect fashion and may have played fast and loose with taxpayers dollars and if so well that’s just dead wrong. But who amongst us recalls that sordid affair over the “Gomery Commission “ into the now infamous “Sponsorship scandal “ which in itself was riveting stuff and played out daily in the papers and tv broadcasts across the nation. And who can forget that utterly bumbling scenario with the Prime Minister blathering on about “ golf balls “ and trying to bamboozle the taxpayers with his charm and chutzpa and everyone seeing right through that like he was the “Emperor with no clothes “ eh????

The point is there is a legitimate beef here and yes has to be corrected and things sorted out. There is no difference between this and the Gomery deal both were wrong and a travesty of the use of tax payers money and have to be corrected. Perhaps if there were better checks and balances put into place maybe this would not have happened. If the tax payers of this country want better representation for their tax dollars then maybe they should use the right to protest for better use of tax money as after all this is about tax dollars and its use or misuse. We live in a democracy and what is going on here is democratically correct and must be respected fully regardless of the warts and bumps of the system and all its flaws.