Upon it’s release in 1982 Bladerunner polarized film critics and quickly divided the viewing audience. Critics had no cinematic basis on which to make a comparison and watchers were unsure what to make of it. There were a few forward thinkers who sensed its bold departure from the ordinary and they mainly focused on the mindblowing design of its imagined world. We can say the same about the Pontiac Aztek upon it’s release in 2001.
More than an exercise in design.
Bladerunner crammed a lot into a relatively short running time: a detective story (which really should used the phrase “bounty hunter adventure”), a love story (how could Deckard NOT fall for the gorgeous Rachel?) , a revenge story (Batty’s answer to the inevitable end of his four year life span was to murder his creator)and a number of subplots that are beyond the scope of this short article. As the years passed, re-cuts and re-releases proved the critics to be wrong. Bladerunner is Shakespearean.
When it was released, The 2001 Aztek GT didn’t win over automobile reviewers or the car-shopping public but in the last half decade perspectives have changed, online fan pages have sprung up and buying demand is on the rise.