Tag Archives: sun exposure

Must Do Sun Safety Tips For Wintertime

Preventing, Minimizing and Repairing Damage from Exposure 

I hope you didn’t pack away the sunblock with your swimsuit and other summer accessories because believe it or not, the winter’s sun is just as dangerous as summer’s, says Adam J. Scheiner, M.D, an eyelid and facial cosmetic surgeon who’s been featured on The Dr. Oz Show, The Howard Stern Show and The Doctors. In fact, in certain wintry conditions the sun is actually more dangerous. Read on….

“The snow reflects the glare of the sun – and the damaging UV rays,” he says. “People who like skiing and snowboarding in the mountains are getting 4 to 5 percent more UV damage for every 1,000 feet they ascend above sea level.”

The winter sun sits much lower than the summer sun and one reason why it’s harmful rays are a threat.

And then there are all those holiday cruises and escapes to warm-weather climates where beaches are packed year-round. “It’s not OK to lie baking in the sun for hours, even if it’s just one week out of the winter, while you’re enjoying your tropical getaway.” Dr. Scheiner says.

No matter how comfortable or cool the temperature feels, don’t be fooled.

Adam Scheiner
Adam Scheiner

“Just a few years ago, in 2020, the United States surgeon general predicted 9,000 people would die from melanoma. Those deaths were all preventable,” Dr. Scheiner says. 

“And if skin cancer doesn’t scare you, think with your vanity. Sun exposure is the number one cause of wrinkles, discoloration, age spots and festoons, among other disfiguring problems.”

Dr. Scheiner shares tips for preventing, minimizing and repairing sun damage:

•  Prevention: You’re not just exposed when you’re skiing, hiking, or taking a beach vacation.

“Anytime you go outside, you’re exposing yourself to damaging UVB and UVA rays, and the result is cumulative. A little bit here and a little there adds up,” Scheiner says.

Simply driving a car can result in serious sun damage. A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found more skin cancers on the left side of patients’ faces – the side exposed while driving – then the right. Scheiner says he’s seen truckers and others who spend years on the road with severe wrinkling on the left side of the face.

“Always wear sunscreen, which protects against UVA and UVB rays. I recommend a Broad Spectrum Sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 30, preferably higher,” he says. “You can also protect yourself from UVA rays, which cause deeper damage, by applying UV-protective film to your car windows. Also, wear clothes with a UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) rating of at least 30.”

•  Minimizing: Good nutrition and topical products can help minimize signs of damage, such as wrinkles and age spots, Dr. Scheiner says.

Eat foods rich in antioxidants — carrots and other yellow and orange fruits and vegetables; spinach and other green leafy vegetables; tomatoes; blueberries; peas and beans; fatty fish, and nuts. An American Society for Clinical Nutrition study found that women ages 40 to 75 who consumed more vitamin C, an antioxidant, had fewer wrinkles.

Use exfoliate creams to remove dead skin cells. Prescription creams including Avita, Avage, Renova and Retin-A have been shown to reduce wrinkles and age spots caused by sun exposure.

•  Repairing:  Lasers can resurface facial skin by stripping away the outermost layers. Some “non-ablative” lasers also stimulate collagen formation, which helps smooth wrinkles.

“I use RESET® Laser Skin Resurfacing, which reverses the damage and removes many pre-cancers and even active skin cancers,” Scheiner says. “RESET uses an advanced Dual Pulsed Erbium Laser, and my proprietary healing protocol. “

The RESET® treatment Dr. Scheiner has vaporizes the old skin and causes the collagen in the underlying layers to tighten.

Reset Skin Laser Resurfacing

The No. 1 best thing you can do for your skin starting today is to start making application of a broad spectrum, UVB/UVA sunscreen part of your daily routine. Apply it to all areas of the skin that can be directly exposed to the sun, the best scenario is preventing sun damage in the first place. For the Silo, Jarrod Barker. 

Why Canadians Must Get More Sunlight

TORONTO – Following restrictive sun exposure advice in countries with low solar intensity like Canada might in fact be harmful to your health, says the co-author of a new study on sunlight and vitamin D.

VitaminD from Sun Exposure

The published study Sunlight and Vitamin D: Necessary for Public Health by Carole Baggerly and several academic researchers, examines how organizations such as World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer and the U.S. Surgeon General call for sun avoidance, but ignore the fact that cutting out sunshine will reduce vitamin D, an essential vitamin for bone health, and create probable harm for the general population.

Canada sunshine map - Map of Canada sunshine (Northern America - Americas)

“Humans have adapted to sun exposure over many thousands of years and derive numerous physiological benefits from UV exposure, in addition to vitamin D,” said Baggerly, executive director of Grassroots Health and breast cancer survivor.

“These benefits are in addition to those derived from vitamin D alone and cannot be replaced by vitamin D supplements and therefore sun avoidance being recommended by the US Surgeon General, the Canadian Cancer Society, the Canadian Dermatology Association and others, is unnecessarily putting Canadians at risk.”

From mercola.com -studies suggest we need more sunlight than currently recommended dosages
From mercola.com -studies suggest we need more sunlight than currently recommended dosages

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that enables calcium absorption and is critical for good bone health. Low levels are linked to bone conditions such as rickets in children and osteomalacia and osteoporosis in adults.

In Canada, vitamin D from sunlight can only be synthesized in the skin during the spring, summer and fall months, around midday, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., when the UV index is above three and your shadow is shorter than your height.

Statistics Canada reports that 12 million Canadians, or 35% of the population, have insufficient vitamin D levels, including 10% who are severely deficient, which sets them up for higher disease risk.

Dr. Vieth University Of TorontoAccording to Dr. Reinhold Vieth, Scientific Advisor for the Canadian Vitamin D Consensus and professor at the University of Toronto in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, “If organizations warn people to stay out of the sun, then they should also let people know that they will not be producing vitamin D. Both the risks and benefits of UV exposure need to be addressed in the best interest of health. Unfortunately, the message Canadians keep hearing lately is that there is no benefit to being in the sun. The paper by Baggerly et al presents a clear case that good overall health does correlate with spending time in the sun.”

VitaminD and MS

A group comprised of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Vitamin D Society and Pure North S’Energy Foundation, have endorsed a draft Canadian Vitamin D Consensus which recommends that Canadians enjoying the sun safely, while taking care not to burn, can acquire the benefits of vitamin D without unduly raising the risk of skin cancer.

Vitamin D deficiency is an indication of sunlight deficiency.

“People today work less outdoors and spend less time outdoors than at any previous time in history, which is why vitamin D deficiency is rising globally. In addition, when people are outside, many use sunscreens, which can significantly prevent the production of vitamin D in the skin,” said Dr. Vieth. “With increasing amounts of evidence suggesting that vitamin D may protect against cancer, heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and other chronic diseases, it’s more important than ever to examine this issue more closely.”

Learn more at sciencedaily.com
Learn more at sciencedaily.com

“We urge public health entities to re-evaluate their current sun exposure policies and recommend UV exposure levels that promote a balanced, moderate approach that are both beneficial and safe,” said Baggerly.

About the Vitamin D Society:

The Vitamin D Society is a Canadian non-profit group organized to increase awareness of the many health conditions strongly linked to vitamin D deficiency; encourage people to be proactive in protecting their health and have their vitamin D levels tested annually; and help fund valuable vitamin D research. The Vitamin D Society recommends people achieve and maintain optimal 25(OH)D blood levels between 100 – 150 nmol/L (Can) or 40-60 ng/ml (USA).

How to Refresh A Toddler On Hot Summer Days

Toddlers are great. They are curious, active, and love learning. For them, every moment is an exciting opportunity to learn something new. Toddlers are continually focused on experiencing positive emotions. They are not focused on negativity, nor do they hold grudges for a lifetime. That is why it’s so fun to be around them.

No matter how fun they might be, it is up to their caretakers to provide them with the best possible surroundings.

When playing, toddlers don’t think much about food and drinks, no matter how hot it may be outside. This is why it is up to adults to mind their nutrition and to keep them hydrated all year round.

Here is how to keep them fresh on hot summer days and create safe playtime.

Hydration Comes First

Drinking enough water every day is important for many reasons, no matter the temperature, as it helps regulate body temperature, keeps joints lubricated, and helps organs function properly. If you live in a hot climate, you already know how important it is to have a bottle of water of your own.

To help your toddler refresh, keep a bottle of fresh spring water by your side and give him some sips on a regular basis, especially if you notice less energy and lower playfulness. Sometimes toddlers can not tell that they are thirsty so their bodies will try to communicate it.

Put A Hat On

Most effective tips are usually the most simple ones. Use a hat to keep your toddler well-protected. When shopping for the perfect hat, focus on finding the one with a wide brim and a flap to cover the neck.

When you are there shopping, get a hat for yourself as well. Seeing you with your own hat, your kid will understand that it is important to wear one and will do the same as you.

If Possible Avoid The Car

Cars are heat traps. On hot days it is really challenging to sit cool inside your car – it is easier if you have the right air conditioning. If possible, on hot days, walk to the park. If you have to use your car, think about traveling earlier in the morning or later throughout the day. If you have a dog, the same car rules apply.

Extra Tips On How To Refresh A Toddler On Hot Summer Day

1. Fill up the paddling pool

2. Get a nursery thermometer

3. Create a breeze

4. Ventilate your home

5. Use appropriate bedding

6. Give them a quick bath

7. Check toddlers temperature

Put yourself in their shoes. Treat your toddler as you would treat an adult. Do not overdress your toddler just because you think it’s too cold for him.

Ask yourself – is it really that hot? Would I be comfortable wearing this? Don’t forget to talk with your pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns about keeping your toddler safe in the heat.

No matter where you might be, or if you are staying all day indoors, make sure that you have fresh spring water on you – it will keep both you and your toddler well-hydrated and active.