Tag Archives: rack-and-pinion

LEGO Books From Worlds Leading Builder Yoshihito Isogawa

Yoshihito Isogawa believes his books should be like the LEGO brick—minimalist, colorful, and full of possibility.

In his nearly-wordless releases from No Starch Press, such as The LEGO Power Functions Idea Books (No Starch Press, $24.95 USD each, 324 pp./328pp., October 2015), Isogawa shares hundreds of creative ways to build mechanisms with Power Functions, a wildly popular LEGO TECHNIC system of electronic components. In these books, Power Functions gears, lights, motors, and control units are used to make sliding doors, walking robots, steerable tanks, and more, with each project encouraging readers to become inventive LEGO builders.

Isogawa’s previous books have been praised as “invaluable” (BrickJournal), “fantastic” (Boing Boing), “minimalistic but highly informative” (Booklist), and “indispensable” (The NXT STEP Blog), and this two-volume set is a treasure trove of tiny but surprisingly elegant creations that millions of LEGO Power Functions owners will use for design inspiration.

The LEGO Power Functions Idea Books showcase small projects to build with LEGO TECHNIC gears, motors, and other moving elements that are depicted in vibrant, detailed photographs. Each model includes a list of required parts that guides readers through the build while exploring the principles of simple machines, gear systems, and power translation.

In Volume 1: Machines and Mechanisms, readers will build-

Sliding doors

Grasping claws

Rack-and-pinion mechanisms

Ball-shooting devices

In Volume 2: Cars and Contraptions, readers will build

Four-wheel drive cars

Adorable walking bots

Steerable tanks

Robotic inchworms

Cars that can drive on the edge of a table

New LEGO Book Machines & Mechanisms

Each of these volumes continues No Starch Press’s tradition of publishing high-quality books that inspire readers of all ages to stretch the limits of their imagination and build creatively with LEGO. The LEGO Power Functions Idea Books are available now in fine bookstores everywhere.