Tag: pyschology

  • Spooky Missing Persons Stories

    Spooky Missing Persons Stories

    David Paulides is an ex-cop on a mission. After years of investigating missing persons and studying thousands of missing persons reports he has discovered strange coincidences and similarities that he has documented clearly and factually in several of his books including Missing 411 which was the focus of lecture at the University of Toronto a…

  • Shakespeare’s Star Wars. A mash-up play in a pub, this is.

    Shakespeare’s Star Wars. A mash-up play in a pub, this is.

    A long time ago, in 1977, Star Wars started its quick and never-ending ascent to the top of the science fiction film genre.  How many people alive when the original Star Wars: A New Hope was released thought that our children (and for some, grandchildren) would still be wanting to be Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker for Halloween?…