Tag: publishing

  • What Is The Future Of Book Libraries?

    What Is The Future Of Book Libraries?

    “Libraries are our friends” said famed writer Neil Gaiman. Katharine Hepburn once asked “what in the world would we do without our libraries?” When last polled about a decade ago in 2011, Toronto was home to ninety-eight public libraries and two book mobiles; with approximately thirty thousand programs hours and more than 19 million in…

  • Unique Angles view How We Communicate

    Unique Angles view How We Communicate

    Look with great honesty at your inner life Contemplate the ways in which you approach and communicate with the world. Our interactions are shaped by context at all times, one moment calls for gentleness while the next requires a firmer approach. It becomes second nature navigating these nuances, we stop giving thought to the many…

  • Audiobooks Are A Quickly Growing Industry In Canada

    Audiobooks Are A Quickly Growing Industry In Canada

    Canada is in the midst of an audiobook boom. Though sales numbers aren’t available yet, they’ve been growing rapidly in the United States, and north of the border, there’s been a substantial influx of publishers entering the audiobook market. Why Do Canadians Listen to Audiobooks? What’s behind their growing popularity? It all comes down to…

  • Mediocrity Prevents A Peoples Revolution Against Publishing Giants

    Mediocrity Prevents A Peoples Revolution Against Publishing Giants

    When I was growing up, I imagined being a novelist meant I would write for a living.  This is not always the case.  There is a darker side to the writing and publishing profession, even more disturbing than the constant criticism, rejection and pirating of e-books.  We’re not all dedicating our lives to the manipulation…

  • The Long Road To Self Publishing

    The Long Road To Self Publishing

    It is amazing to me how many of us aspire to write and publish a book. If you don’t believe me, try this experiment. Mention to five people “I’m thinking of writing a book…” and then wait for the response. Among the (hopefully) positive comments you get back, I bet that three or four people will…

  • Hole Up And Create Is Best Advice For Aspiring Writers

    Hole Up And Create Is Best Advice For Aspiring Writers

    For aspiring writers-  I thought very hard about what to write, and decided to settle on a little advice for aspiring writers. Because if you’re one of those hopefuls, you might get scared too easily and give up. The world of book publishing is changing. It looks frightening. The big publishers are fighting for survival,…