Tag: Playstation 3

  • The Evolution of F1 Racing Video Games

    The Evolution of F1 Racing Video Games

    According to our friends ‘over the pond’ at Select Car Leasing UK, (big time racing fans- go figure!) the history of F1 Racing Video Games began with 1982’s ZX Spectrum home computer.  Cue up the time machine and take a look at this nifty info-graphic to discover the rest.

  • Most Exciting Sci-Tech Electronics Of 2013

    Most Exciting Sci-Tech Electronics Of 2013

    2013 will be remembered for many things, but in the world of consumer electronics it will be remembered as a year when techpreneurs proved that innovation lives and the spirit of enterprise still burns strong. The technologies propping up the gadgets on display in this infographic are a product of incremental development, iterations of ideas…

  • Netflix Is The Good Life Without Cable

    Netflix Is The Good Life Without Cable

    I’d about had it with Bell Canada. My internet, home phone and basic satellite TV charges had incrementally and infuriatingly risen each month until I was red-faced steaming every time the outrageous bill appeared in my mailbox. I needed to reduce that burden, but….I needed some sort of plan. The first step, I thought, would…