With this Saturday, July 1st marking the celebration of Canada’s 150th Anniversary, the country recently hired the renowned New York ad agency Juized (*satirical) to rebrand the nation as “The Greatest Country On Earth”. This phrase has typically been associated with the U.S., but America let the trademark slip and Canada has scooped it up and taken it as her own.

Juized is actively promoting the phrase and image for Canada, while redesigning the Canadian flag and revamping the national anthem to reflect this new status.
Juized has just released this short video on the challenges of rebranding Canada in anticipation of the campaign release on Canada Day.
While the rebranding of Canada may be a marketer’s dream it is actually the imaginary creation of Media-Corps,a dual-client sales agency and the largest Canadian Media Representative in the U.S. The company created the Juized video * about Americans not getting Canada with the help of 2 top funny men — CBC’s Pat Kelly and Peter Oldring as a tribute to the Canadian milestone and to show appreciation for Canada’s unique culture.

A native Canadian, Media-Corp’s founder Robert Laplante helps American advertisers understand that for a brand to be successful beyond its own borders, it’s critical to understand the different demographics and their behaviors. For the Silo, Susan Mackasey.
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