• Threat to Prosperity: Canada Should Mind Business Investment Gap

    Threat to Prosperity: Canada Should Mind Business Investment Gap

    August, 2022 – Business investment in Canada is so weak that capital per member of the labour force is falling, and the implications for incomes and competitiveness are ominous. Governments, particularly the federal government, need to get serious about growth to get workers more of the tools they require to compete and thrive, according to…

  • Renewable Energy Outlook for 2040 Includes Cancelling Your Print Newspapers

    Renewable Energy Outlook for 2040 Includes Cancelling Your Print Newspapers

    Hey Silo readers! This infographic courtesy of FuelFighterUK demonstrates how production could look in 2040 and what is being done to make our world a greener place. The infographic covers the projected worldwide growth in energy demand, what is being invested to change the renewable outlook and some awesome eco-friendly innovations that have been made…

  • Peter Robinson On Job Obsolescence- Government Should Not Protect Jobs

    Peter Robinson On Job Obsolescence- Government Should Not Protect Jobs

    A recent OECD report finds that low and middle income earners have seen their wages stagnate and that the income share of middle-skilled jobs has fallen. Rising inequality has led to concerns that top earners are getting a disproportionate share of the gains from global “openness and interconnection”. During a Summer 2017 meeting of OECD,…

  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Are Shared Vision Of Humanity

    United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Are Shared Vision Of Humanity

    A few years ago, in September 2015, 193 countries signed up to support the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals for our planet and the people that live on it. The all-encompassing plan included promises to end poverty, feed everyone, create stability and peace, provide quality education and protect the future of our world. Every man,…

  • Best Countries In Which To Be A Doctor

    Best Countries In Which To Be A Doctor

    Working abroad is an exciting and appealing prospect, but for the medical field there are differences that are worth considering. This infographic compares the top 5 countries in which to be a Doctor and looks at the cost of living as well as the quality of life to be found there. It’s important to make a…