Tag Archives: Nature

Bird Eats Fruit To Get Drunk

The waxwing-

Cedar Waxwings are sleek, masked birds found year round in our area with unusual red, waxy deposits at the tips of their secondary feathers. They are cinnamon-colored, with grayish wings and tails and yellow terminal tail-bands. They have distinctive crested heads, black throats, and black masks lined with white.
The Cedar Waxwing is one of the few North American birds that specialize in eating fruit. It can survive on fruit alone for several months. They also eat flying insects and can often by seen fly-catching, particularly over Haldimand and Norfolk County streams.

Cedar waxwings are very sociable, non-aggressive birds that often travel in flocks, though they may pair off during breeding season. It is very rare to find solitary waxwings. Because they frequently feast on overripe fruit, these birds can become “drunk” on the fermented juices. For the Silo, Dixie Greenwood.


Fight Stress With Shinrin Yoku Forest Bathing

Forest bathing= "serenity now." image:homeremediesmd.com
Forest bathing= “serenity now.” image:homeremediesmd.com

Stress is ever present in current society, both personal stress and workplace stress contribute to the well documented link, between stress and chronic conditions.   The most recent data available from Statistic Canada’s – National Population Health Survey, demonstrates that personal stress is predictive of the development of a chronic health condition over the next four years (Statistics Canada, 2003).  The long term impact of these chronic health conditions can result in significant activity limitation from heart attack, diabetes, migraine, or arthritis or back problems.  Even more daunting is the higher predictive value of death for individuals suffering from cancer, bronchitis/emphysema, heart disease or diabetes.

The practice of forest bathing itself is not a new concept.  Prior to the industrial revolution being “in nature” was part of everyday life.   The Japanese term Shinrin-yoku  meaning “taking in the forest atmosphere or forest bathing” was officially coined by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries in 1982. (Park et al. 2010)

This novel practice of being in nature, demonstrates a wide variety of health benefits from which individuals in modern society can stand to gain.  With the increasing amount of individuals living in urban settings the exposure to nature is diminishing.

Field studies performed in Japan measured salivary cortisol levels (more commonly known as “stress hormone”) in university individuals.  The students were divided into two groups, one to spend a day in a forest setting, the other in a city setting.   Lower levels of stress hormone, as well as lower blood pressure and pulse rate was found in individuals in forest location. (Park et al. 2010)

Not feeling ready to take the plunge into full force bathing? Forest sitting and contemplation of bathing can calm you.

Further evidence has been documented  to the demonstrate  the reduction of stress resulting from forest bathing, through the improvement immune function with exposure to the natural environment.  Given that immune function is key in the prevention of chronic diseases this evidence is exciting.   Natural killer cells as they are ingeniously named are cells within the immune system which kill tumours or virus infected cells, through the release of enzymes which break down the cells.   In research studies natural killer cells have been found to be elevated for seven days after the forest bathing trip (Qing, 2010).  This seven day window of improved immune function is great news for the weekend warrior in all of us.

Many of us who live in Brant-Halidmand-Norfolk are blessed with exposure to forest just outside our doorsteps.  This being said it doesn’t mean we always take advantage of it, between commuting to work, family and social commitments,  going from the house to the car may be the norm.  For the Silo, Ashley Beeton. 

Ashley Beeton






Park, B.J., Tsunetsugu, Y., Kasetani, T., Kagawa, T., & Miyazaki, Y. (2010) The physiological effects of Shinrin-yoku (taking in the forest atmosphere or forest bathing): evidence from field experiments in 24 forests across Japan.  Environ Health Prev Med,  15,18–26.

Statistics Canada. (2003) Stress and Well-being (No 82-003). Retrieved from http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/access_acces/alternative_alternatif.action?l=eng&loc=http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/82-003-x/2000003/article/5626-eng.pdf&t=Stress%20and%20well-being

Qing, Li. (2010) Effect of forest bathing trips on human immune function.  Environ Health Prev Med, 15,9–17.






Our Wildlife: The (Canadian) American Bullfrog







The American Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana -CP)  is the largest of all North American frogs. They can be  found in freshwater ponds, lakes and marshes  with lots of vegetation, especially water lilies. Photograph by D. Greenwood

Bullfrogs are typically green or gray-brown with brown spots and have easily identifiable circular eardrums, or tympanum, on either side of their heads.

Females are slightly larger than the males, but only the male Bullfrog emits the trademark
baritone bellow Click for sounds of american bullfrog calls and their choruses can be heard during the day or night.

Nocturnal predators, Bullfrogs will ambush and eat just about anything they can fit in their  mouths, including insects, mice, fish, birds, and snakes.  Search “Dixie Greenwood” on the top of any page on our site to view more of Dixie’s nature photographs.

First Nations reader sends letter outlining FIPA Canada-China trade concerns

November 1, 2012 His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D. Governor General

Your Excellency:

I am going to start with this quote i read today “I am a Canadian, free to
speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I
think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, and free to choose those
who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold
for myself and all mankind.” – John Diefenbaker.

Now as a proud First Nations citizen of Canada, I strongly urge you to use
your discretionary reserve powers as the Head of State of this country and
to suspend Stephen Harper as Prime Minister and to dissolve Parliament in
order to preserve and protect our democracy. The method in which Prime
Minister Harper negotiated in secret the Canada-China Foreign Investment
Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) and his refusal to have any
debate or discussion on it in the House of Commons is extremely
undemocratic. There are many who believe he no longer nor ever acted in
the true benefit of Canada as a whole, i speak for myself and for my
peoples, as i know many will be, or would have wanted to, sending letters.
The First Nations are only just getting word out with regards to the full
effect this will have on our peoples. We are begging for our
Constitutional Rights given to us through our treaties. I see Elders
crying, these people lead our communities not the false leaders imposed on
us. i cry as i write this…our Elders gave a unanimous decision to reject
any deals to use our lands. We have been closed out of any trade
agreements, some based on technicalities…now to quote from of the
government documents our growing youth population (which is getting
healthier) is excepted to be “400,000” these children are what we fight
for. Our beliefs are that we are here as maintainers or caretakers of this
land. Mother Earth will be here long after we leave, our children’s
children should not have to “maintain” our messes. I was raised outside
the First Nations community, taken away as a child isolated(almost
literally) from people for around 6 years of my life, i had school and i
had my sister but i was forced to spend a lot of time alone, plus
physical/psychological abuse, i am one of the lucky ones. But our
communities are only just starting the healing process, and on top of that
educating ourselves. We need to be able to Listen to our Elders, our
Elders are begging for our Treaty rights and I do know “hear” news of our
tribal leaders asking for the same.

All citizens of Canada have a democratic right to be informed and consulted
on any such far reaching agreements especially when they have the potential
for very dire repercussions as does FIPA. In ratifying this agreement,
which provides communist run corporations the power to sue Canadian
governments at all levels should our laws and policies impede their
expected profits, it is not only completely contrary to the best interest
of Canadians it in fact serves to undermine the very core of our democracy.
By ratifying this agreement, Prime Minister Stephen Harper is providing
Chinese corporations the ability to challenge and overturn our laws and
strike down our democratic process and that is without question an attack
on our democracy and our ability to be sovereign country. The vast majority
of Canadians strongly oppose this agreement but their Conservative Members
of Parliament choose to follow party lines rather than to represent their
constituent’s wishes. The people of Canada have lost confidence in the
Harper Conservative Parliament and our elected representatives refuse to
act accordingly. One of the Governor’s General most important
responsibilities is to ensure that Canada always has a prime minister and a
government in place that has the confidence of the people who elected the
Parliament. For the sake of Canada and Canadians, please execute your
duties and suspend Stephen Harper as Prime Minister and dissolve Parliament.

The above is a quote from a fellow citizen, but I have done research.
Everything I have been looking up over the last month with regards to
environmental amendments and First Nation goals are extremely disturbing,
and to mention on top of those are budget indiscretions and the
environmental impact he has allowed to happen. I am not someone that can
sit on the sidelines and not do something or say something when you know
something being done is wrong. What the Conservative government is doing
to Canada is wrong, what he has planned for the First Nations communities
is wrong. This government can not be allowed to continue on with it’s

Lenore Gold
From the Cree Nation and a Canadian Citizen

*The Silo is a non-partisan online and print publication and welcomes open-forum debate and comments. The opinions expressed in letters to the Silo are not necessarily those of the Silo.

Suck it? Public Breastfeeding.

Come on, breastfeeding is not obscene. Breastmilk has evolved into an immune-building milk tailor-made for each child to protect infants and children from illnesses in their environment. There are over 400 ingredients in breastmilk whose reasons for being there are not fully known. There is a component in breastmilk which is only there to grow the baby’s brain. That’s it. It can’t be replicated. Saying a certain non-humanmilk-based formula is ‘closer to’ breastmilk is akin to saying Michigan is closer to Hawaii than Pennsylvania. True, but one wouldn’t be closer to Hawaii’s environment, would they?

Our September Print edition cover- It is western culture that has sexualized breasts to the point where seeing a mother breastfeeding her child is obscene. image: courtesy of the author

Did you know that if you leave a naked baby on mom’s chest right after birth, they have the knowledge and ability to crawl to the breast and nurse perfectly by themselves (especially if mom was un-medicated during the birth). It is a beautiful moment to watch. That instinct is there for 3-4 months.

Should breastfeeding ever hurt? No. Just because many women do have pain in breastfeeding, doesn’t make it ‘normal.’ Most pain in breastfeeding, in my 20-year experience, is from poor latching or lack of knowledge. There isn’t enough time in a full prenatal labour/birth class to give breastfeeding instruction the time it needs. Attending La Leche League (LLL) meetings while pregnant can help prepare you (www.LLLc.ca). Or, talk with an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant if you are nervous speaking in a group. Plus, partners may feel more comfortable speaking individually. IBCLC’s are listed here: http://www.americas.iblce.org/ibclc-registry. Both LLL and IBCLC’s are available before and after you have your baby and are a tremendous resource and support.

Maternite (Motherhood) by Maria Blanchard. Due to physical conditions that prevented Maria from ever being able to have children, she powered up her paintings with sentiment and substance. CP

The World Health Organization, and the Canadian Pediatric Society both say to exclusively nurse your baby for the first 6 months of life and to breastfeed for 2 years or more. That is the world standard. It is western culture that has sexualized breasts to the point where seeing a mother breastfeed her child is obscene. There is no food on earth which can replace the vitamins, minerals, and immunities which are found in human milk. How is seeing a baby nurse in public worse than seeing the lingerie models in the mall?
Dads should not be left out of baby’s life. But, if dads were meant to feed babies, they would lactate. Skin-to-skin bonding with dad/baby increases parenting hormones and normalizes baby’s temperature, heart, and breathing.

Public breastfeeding- what’s the big dealio? image: courtesy of the author

Dads, or other support people, may use a medicine cup (like what comes with children’s fever medicine) to feed the baby. In addition, baby’s tongue works similarly to breastfeeding, so feeding a baby with cup and at the breast should not cause nipple confusion.
There are documented risks to formula-feeding (increased risks for obesity, diabetes, and general colds/flus). Plus, moms may have an increased risk of breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes if she chooses formula feed. Breasts are part of our anatomy to feed our babies. Honour that.

For the Silo by Aboriginal midwife Stephanie MacDonald, IBCLC. Contact Stephanie on twitter @StephIBCLC

Supplemental- 30$ per scoop Ice cream made from human breastmilk on sale in London, England

Protest at Marineland, Niagara Falls Gains Momentum

On Saturday August 18th- hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the main entrance gates of Marineland in Niagara Falls, Ontario. At stake was the ethical treatment of animals used for performances and entertainment. Over the past three years there have been increased reports by the media regarding the attacking of trainers by killer whales and other performing animals.

Messages on protest signs were simple, bold and clear. photos:The Silo/Mith Media

Many researchers believe that this sort of behavior is inevitable because killer whales are adversely affected by forcible confinement and pavlovian conditioning and that in turn has many questioning whether theme parks such as Marineland and Seaworld are capitalizing on animal cruelty. It’s not a new topic- zoo’s and circuses are not strangers to demonstration and protest and the relationship between humans and animals is a theme often employed by conscientious artists.

[Warning- the following video contains disturbing images. Viewer discretion is advised CP]

Segment from Umwelt (2010) exhibition catalogue- Jarrod Barker’s installation at the Norfolk Arts Centre explored the connectedness or non-connectedness (ie: the umwelt) of humans and animals. image:courtesy of the artist

Marineland denied our request (along with the Toronto Star’s request) for an interview and requested that the media respect “private [their] property”. That sort of reaction makes it difficult to investigate a story of this magnitude- and many questions remain unanswered. For example, earlier this year an infant beluga whale was attacked repeatedly by two adult belugas until it was killed. Media leaks reveal that the baby whale may have been ill and that the other animals acted out of fear since they may have detected signs of a contagious disease.

image: The Silo

Although no date has been set, The Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is planning on bringing independent Sea Mammal experts and Marine Biologists into Marineland for an inspection according to an online report at www.thestar.com CP

image: The Silo

Ontario Greens- partisan bickering brought province to “another election” edge

GPO- We almost had a Summer election (yikes!)
Ontario needs responsible leadership and instead we’re seeing partisan bickering, brinkmanship and flip-flopping from Queen’s Park politicians. Bringing us twice to the edge of another election only seven months after the last one is not responsible governance. I want to see the political establishment at Queen’s Park focus on solutions for the very real problems facing Ontarians. The people of Ontario do not want a summer election, and I welcome the cooperation that has averted one.However, the GPO remains concerned about the erosion of transparency, accountability, and public participation represented by the omnibus budget bill. Although we are pleased that our call to preserve the Endangered Species Act was answered, the budget bill still weakens environmental protections and opens the door to privatization of public services without proper oversight.

The GPO is disappointed that the parties at Queen’s Park slammed the door on an open, public discussion about merging the Catholic and public school boards. Before cutting essential services and closing schools, Ontarians need to talk about moving to a more equitable and financially responsible education system. The GPO remains opposed to the government’s misguided priority to spend a billion dollars on subsidies for wasteful electricity consumption, instead of a full-funding increase for Ontario’s most vulnerable children and investments in programs that help people save money by saving energy.

I believe minority government can work if the political establishment at Queen’s Park can put the public’s interests before their own partisan interests. The focus needs to be on long-term solutions instead of political as usual.” GPO Leader Mike Schreiner

Sent to the Silo by Jaymini Bhikha (O) 416-977-7476 (C) 416-275-8573 [1] jbhikha@gpo.ca  Green Party of Ontario PO Box 1132Toronto, ON M4Y 2T8 Canada

Unlike Quebec and United States, Ontario has no transportation budget $ for cycling infrastructure

Still from the classic Queen song- Bicycle Race

Toronto – GPO leader Mike Schreiner is calling on the McGuinty
governmentto dedicate1% of the transportation infrastructure budget
to cycling and another 1% for pedestrians. Sustainable infrastructure
is a sound investment that will help people choose healthy
transportation options.

[The song  featured is by Mercury and was supposedly inspired by his observing a leg of Tour de France. It starts with a chorus unaccompanied by instruments. The chorus is followed by two verses connected with a bridge, both followed by a chorus. Around the middle of the song there is a solo played with numerous bicycle bells. During the live performances, it was often played by the audience who specially brought the bells for this purpose. The song has a very unusual chord progression with numerous modulations, a change of meter (from 4/4 to 3/4) in the bridge, and the multitracked vocal and guitar harmonies.

The video for the song became scandalously famous for featuring 65 naked women, all professional models, racing at Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium. It was filmed by Dennis de Vallance. The group rented the stadium and several dozen bikes for one day for filming the scene; however, when the renting company became aware of the way their bikes were used, they requested the group to purchase all the bicycle seats. The original video uses special effects to hide the nudity.

“Bicycle Race “é um single da banda de rock inglesa QUEEN. Foi lançado em 1978, no álbum JAZZ e escrito pelo vocalista da Queen FREDDIE MERCURY. Ela foi lançada como um duplo lado-A única juntamente com a canção” Fat Bottomed Girls “. A canção é notável por seu vídeo com uma corrida de bicicleta com mulheres nuas em Wimbledon Stadium, que foi editado ou mesmo proibido em vários países. A canção tem uma progressão de acordes muito incomum com modulações diversas, uma mudança de metro (de 4 / 4-6 / 8) na ponte, e os vocais multipista e harmonias de guitarra.

A canção foi escrita por MERCURY e foi supostamente inspirado por sua observação de uma perna do Tour de France. Ela começa com um coro acompanhados por instrumentos. O coro é seguido por dois versos conectado com uma ponte, ambos seguido por um coro. Ao meio da música há um solo com sinos de bicicleta numerosos. Durante as apresentações ao vivo, muitas vezes era tocado pelo público, que levavam os sinos especialmente para esta finalidade.

O vídeo para a canção tornou-se famoso por escandalosamente com 65 mulheres nuas, todas as modelos profissionais, competindo em Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium. Foi filmado por Dennis de Vallance. O grupo alugou o estádio e várias dezenas de bicicletas durante um dia para filmar a cena,. Porém, quando a empresa que alugou tomou conhecimento da forma como as suas bicicletas foram usados​​, eles pediram ao grupo para adquirir todos os assentos das bicicletas, o vídeo original usa efeitos especiais para esconder a nudez.  Courtesy of http://www.youtube.com/user/lcsRamone CP ]


“If Premier McGuinty can find $1 billion dollars to build his
‘people’s highway,’ why can’t he find a few million dollars to make
streets safe for people?” asks Schreiner.

Today marks the launch of Bike Month in the City of Toronto. Cycling
plays an important role in the health of our citizens, strengthening
our local economies and our general quality of life.

Quebec spends $200 million on cycling infrastructure and earns $135
million each year from bicycle tourism alone. The US dedicates 1.6% of
its transportation budget for states to invest in cycling
infrastructure. Ontario has no dedicated funding to support cycling or
pedestrian infrastructure.

“Ontario needs infrastructure if we are serious about making our
streets and roads safe,” says Schreiner. “A small investment to
support cycling will reap big rewards — combating gridlock, reducing
health care costs and supporting local businesses.”

Two Danish studies showed that when 1% of car drivers switched to
riding bicycles, health care costs were reduced by 1%. Copenhagen
saves $300 per person per year on health costs because almost 80
percent of its population bikes regularly. Cycling and walking
projects create 11-14 jobs per $1 million spent, compared to just
seven jobs created per $1 million spent on highway projects. These and
other studies show that Ontario cannot afford not to invest in cycling

The GPO’s 1% percent solution would create two funds for
municipalities to access the dollars they need for cycling and
pedestrian infrastructure. By doing so, Ontario would finally
recognize that cycling and walking are important forms of
transportation for growing numbers of Ontarians.

“We need a Complete Streets Act in Ontario to ensure that our streets
are safe for all users: cars, trucks, bikes, pedestrians, wheeled
mobility devices, and transit users” says Trinity-Spadina candidate
and GPO critic for transportation Tim Grant.

Jaymini Bhikha
(O) 416-977-7476
(C) 416-275-8573 [1]

For the Silo by Green Party of Ontario
PO Box 1132
Toronto, ON M4Y 2T8

Ontario Energy Board/Green Party – Rising electricity costs due to Nuclear; not so much Wind/Solar

A few examples of the fantastic Cooling Tower art found at: http://weburbanist.com Did you know Cooling Towers (the nuclear style) predate nuclear power?

Ontario Energy Board report reveals nuclear causing rising electricity rates. “We need an honest discussion about rising electricity prices in Ontario. The misleading rhetoric blaming green energy for rising electrical rates is a disservice to the people of Ontario. According to the Ontario Energy Board, since 2006, 45% of the increase in our electricity costs are from subsidies for the nuclear industry, while only 6% are due to subsidies for green energy.

This will only get worse if the McGuinty Liberals proceed with their $33 billion nuclear spending spree. We still have not paid off the $19.8 billion debt from our last nuclear fiasco.  The bottom line is that the cheapest and greenest kilowatt is the one we save. We have to stop burning money and deliver a long-term energy plan that prioritizes energy efficiency programs.

The stakes are too high to have politically partisan rhetoric derail an adult conversation about our energy future. We need to protect our pocketbooks with an honest look at the causes of rising electrical rates.”
The full OEB report is available here-  OEB MSP green report [ It’s not a ‘light’ read at 106 pages but it’s quite detailed CP ]

Jaymini Bhikha
 Cell: 416-275-8573
 Office: 416-977-7476
Green Party of Ontario  PO Box 1132 Toronto, ON M4Y 2T8 Canada

Supplemental: http://weburbanist.com/2010/07/18/nuclear-coverup-10-cool-examples-of-cooling-tower-art/?ref=search


Ontario Greens: Liberal budget excludes public input on important environmental protections

Don't they want to listen anymore? The Green Party of Ontario believe that the recently passed budget bill " muzzles public input onchanges to important environmental protections."

[Ontario]Liberals have voted to pass a budget that muzzles public input on changes to important environmental protections. With these changes buried in the budget bill (Bill 55), the government has in effect exempted them from the public participation process normally required by law.

The Ontario Legislature at Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario Canada

“The GPO is all in favour of working together, and we applaud the cooperation that has averted another election. But it’s wrong for the Liberal government to use the budget bill to silence public input on changes to environmental protections,” says GPO leader Mike Schreiner. “The public has a right to comment on legislation that protects Ontario’s natural legacy.”

The GPO is calling on the Liberals to remove changes to laws prescribed under the Environmental Bill of Rights from Bill 55 before final passage. Greens oppose using omnibus legislation to avoid the mandatory 30-day public comment period.

“Changes to environmental protections have no place in a budget bill,” says Schreiner. “Solving a financial deficit by creating an ecological one isn’t sound management or good leadership. It’s time for the Liberals to do the right thing and address changes to environmental laws separately from the budget.”

Jaymini Bhikha (Office) 416-977-7476  (Cell) 416-275-8573  jbhikha@gpo.ca

Green Party of Ontario  PO Box 1132 Toronto, ON M4Y 2T8 Canada



TORONTO, ONTARIO–(Marketwire – April 19, 2012) – The Quetico Foundation is deeply concerned that the Ontario Government’s omnibus budget bill will impact Ontario endangered species and parks. Significant amendments to dozens of important pieces of legislation are contained within Bill 55, Strong Action for Ontario Act. These changes being proposed, without consultation, include serious modifications to the Endangered Species Act, 2006 (ESA) that allow for exemptions, and to the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006 (PPCRA) that threaten and weaken the process for preparation and review of park management plans. These modifications have no relevance to budget matters!

The Foundation is concerned that Bill 55 both weakens crucial global initiatives to preserve biodiversity and relieves government of its duties with respect to proper management of our Ontario Parks.

Further, inclusion of multiple legislative amendments in a budget bill disregards the process that normally opens such changes to public consultation. The standard process of the posting of changes on the Environmental Registry has been ignored.

The Foundation urges Ontarians to demand that the proposed endangered species and parks legislation amendments to the PPCRA and the ESA, along with a number of other Acts that fall under the Environmental Bill of Rights, be removed from Bill 55. Citizens need to insist that due process be followed and that any proposed amendments be posted on the Environmental Registry and be open to public discussion in accordance with the normal government process.

About The Quetico Foundation:

The Quetico Foundation was formed as a not-for-profit organization in 1954 with a mandate to protect the wilderness values and ecological integrity of Quetico Provincial Park and other wilderness areas in Ontario for the benefit of future generations.



Bill 55: The proposed changes are enabled in Schedule 69 of Bill 55, Strong Action for Ontario Act, “to enact and amend various Acts”. (Specific changes to the ESA are in schedule 19, and to the PPCRA are in Schedule 58): http://www.ontla.on.ca/web/bills/bills_detail.do?locale=en&Intranet=&BillID=2600

ESA: http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_07e06_e.htm

PPCRA: http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_06p12_e.htm

EBR: The Environmental Registry is available at: http://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-External/

The Quetico Foundation: The Text of the letter that the Foundation sent to the Ontario Minister of Finance, The Honourable Dwight Duncan, is available at: http://www.queticofoundation.org/pdf/2012_budget.pdf

The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario has issued a report criticizing the procedure being used to amend the ESA and the PPCRA acts. See: http://www.eco.on.ca/blog/2012/04/02/the-omni-budget-surprise/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-omni-budget-surprise

The Green Party position on this legislation is at: http://www.gpo.ca/blog/2012-04-11/budget-bill-threatens-environmental-protections-transparent-and-accountable-governme

ORA: Ontario Rivers Alliance’s position on this issue can be found at: http://ontarioriversalliance.ca/strong-arm-tactics-to-take-away-protection-for-our-environment-and-endangered-species-press-release/

Law Firm: The Toronto based law firm, Iler Campbell’s opinion on this issue can be found at: http://www.ilercampbell.com/blog/

Iowa Farm Robots Prospero And Aquarius

In a future where all flora is extinct on Earth, an astronaut (Bruce Dern) is given orders to destroy the last of Earth’s plant life being kept in a greenhouse on board a spacecraft. His robotic farmer friends Huey, Dewey, and Louie factor heavily into the storyline.

(Originally published in print and online April5, 2012) Will the new Robot Farmers being launched this July, at the 2nd annual Canada’s Fruit & Veg Tech X-Change, become the future of farming? That question may be answered during planned robotic demonstrations.

Iowa based engineer, David Dorhout believes the Robotic Farmers he invented can help the modern farmer more efficiently produce food.
Increasing labour costs, new stringent health and safety regulations plus the increase of average farm size, are all factors that will measure the practicality and economics for early adopter producers. Dorhout suggests, “Agriculture has been at the forefront of innovation and demand has led to better efficiencies. I think robotic support will become mainstream, starting in the high value horticulture sector”.

Dorhout R&D will be showing off their field and row crop concept Robotic Farmer – “Prospero”. This spider like robot is the working prototype of an Autonomous Micro Planter (AMP) that uses a combination of swarm and game theory. It is meant to be deployed as a group or “swarm”. Dorhout says, “Prospero will eventually have the ability to plant, tend and harvest – autonomously transitioning from one phase to another”. This might not be so far off when you consider that robots are now milking, feeding and cleaning dairy operations around the world. The first milking robot in North America was installed in Ontario in 1999 and just 12 years later they are mainstream with thousands in operation. Thus the question, “Can robotics work on-farm?” has been more than adequately answered if the economics support it.

In addition to Prospero, another highlight of this July’s horticulture trade show in Norfolk County will be Dorhout R&D’s global launch of the new “Aquarius” robot, designed to aid greenhouse operators with dispensing water and other nutrients to plants. Astonishingly enough, this robot will be ready for pre-order at our event.

Have Your Own Farm Invention, Or Know Someone That Does?
Canada’s Fruit & Veg Tech X-Change will be recognizing innovative equipment and tools directly related to on-farm applications.
Enter your custom fabricated tools and equipment for a chance to win one of three cash prizes!

–  FREE to enter
–  Max 3 items per producer
–  Items will be displayed in an outdoor setting
–  Cash Prizes for the top 3 entries:
1st – $500, 2nd – $250, 3rd – $100
–  Judged by attending producers – based on most creative and best implemented
–  Equipment is to be dropped off during the days of Saturday July 7th – Wednesday July 10th
–  All equipment must remain at the site for the 3-days of the event – July 12, 13, 14  2012
–  Equipment can be picked up during the days of Sunday July 15th – Wednesday July 18th
– Winners will be included in post show press release!


Additional Highlights…
Other event highlights included in the price of admission are:
–  “Meet the Buyers” Complimentary Brunch
–  “The Wealthy Barber” Celebrity Speaker, David Chilton
–  Irrigation Demos
–  Cover Crop and New Variety Plots
–  Organic XPO, Woodlot XPO
–  Educational Speaker Series
–  Various equipment demos and much more!

Supplemental- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silent_Running   http://www.dorhoutrd.com/about_us

Green Party of Ontario: “Conservative Kill-Green Energy Bill will damage economy and environment”

TORONTO: Green Party of Ontario (GPO) leader Mike Schreiner is calling on MPPs to vote against Tim Hudak’s bill to nuke the province’s long-term, green energy strategy.

“Mr. Hudak’s willingness to sacrifice homegrown green jobs in a politically expedient attempt to exploit fears over rising energy prices is just bad economics,” says Schreiner. “I want him to look farmers and small business owners in the eye and explain how he wants to kill their businesses and their chance to earn income producing pollution-free electricity.”

Mr. Hudak’s Bill 42  [this Bill was defeated on second readinghttp://www.ontla.on.ca/web/bills/bills_detail.do?locale=en&Intranet&BillID=2587 CP ] , being considered in the legislature today [ March 22nd CP ] , would abolish the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) program. The FIT program provides stable fixed-rate, long-term contracts to green energy producers.

“Let’s not kill the FIT program, but fix it so that it better benefits communities,” says Schreiner. “The GPO will continue to push for a community-based green energy program with local ownership, decision-making and benefits.”

Although Conservatives claim that green energy is causing prices to rise, the reality is this — most cost increases are due to infrastructure upgrades and nuclear cost overruns. The Liberal and Conservative support for new nuclear will drive up costs far more than FIT contracts for green energy.

“The establishment parties are completely out of touch with the true causes of rising electricity prices,” says Schreiner. “Energy efficiency, combined heat and power, hydro imports from Quebec, and a diverse mix of other renewables provide our most flexible, low cost options.”

Jaymini Bhikha Cell: 416-275-8573 Office: 416-977-7476 jbhikha@gpo.ca

Ontario Green Party Vows To Protect Our Water



Toronto – The Green Party of Ontario promises to continue to promote positive change during this minority session of government.
“I am proud of the Green Party’s campaign. The historic gains we made in terms of volunteers, membership and fundraising are accomplishments that build for the future,” said Mike Schreiner, Leader of the Green Party of Ontario.
“I’m disappointed, but not discouraged by the outcome of the election,” said Schreiner. This election saw the lowest voter turnout in Ontario’s history, and created a minority government.

“We’ve established a solid foundation for the Green Party to grow. The policies articulated in our platform are what Ontario needs, and our organization grows stronger by the day. Unfortunately, vote totals don’t always reflect the strength of a party. I am especially committed to strengthening our democracy by re-engaging the people who didn’t vote this time.”
The Green Party will continue to promote solutions that move the province forward toward a sustainable future for ourselves, our children and future generations. “Our campaign focused on key issues that won’t go away. We will continue to challenge the old parties on tackling tough challenges including local job creation; climate change; access to healthy local food; and responsible government that protects our water, preserves our farmland and puts the needs of our communities ahead of special interests,” says Schreiner.


Becky Smit
Green Party of Ontario
(c) 647-830-6486
(o) 416-977-7476
(e) beckysmit@gpo.ca Sent from Green Party of Ontario

PO Box 1132
Toronto, ON M4Y 2T8

Ont. Green Party Offers Top 10 List – It’s Easy Being Green

Toronto, ON – Today, the Green Party of Ontario launched a campaign to dispel the myth started by Kermit the Frog, that it’s not easy being Green.

“We wanted to take this opportunity to let folks in Ontario know that it actually is easy to be Green,” said Rebecca Harrison, Director of Communications. “We know Kermit the Frog started quite the rumour, but we know that our team continues to grow as our message reaches more and more people across Ontario.”

The Green Party compiled a list of top 10 reasons why it’s easy being Green, and has started a online campaign to promote the reasons that it is easy being green. Ontarians can contribute their own reasons at Silo Direct Link To Green Party It’s Easy Being Green Webpage [1] or on Facebook Silo Direct Link To Green Party Of Ontario Facebook Page

The Green Party of Ontario’s membership has more than doubled this year, and the party is running a full slate of 107 candidates in this election.


10. We get to answer questions about Kermit the Frog at least once every four years. (More often with a minority government!)
9. There is one party that knows how important healthy local food [3] is for our families and communities.
8. Ontarians are already going green. Whether it’s recycling, buying local food or switching off lights, people in Ontario are already choosing sustainable options. It’s time for Queen’s Park to catch up.
7. Only the Green Party has a plan to reduce taxes on the things we want [4] – income and jobs, and put a price on the things we don’t want – waste, pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
6. Birkenstocks are comfortable. Come on – you know they are!
5. The old parties have energy plans that reward energy hogs. The Green Party has a plan that saves you money by saving energy. [5]
4. Only one party is calling for an end to corporate and union political donations [6]. Corporations and unions don’t vote – people do.
3. Everyone likes the underdog! We have to work hard to earn your trust and your vote, which is why our sleeves are rolled up and we’re knocking on doors in communities across Ontario.
2. The words “Local Food”, “Mega-Quarry [7]” and “Climate Change [8]” didn’t cross the lips of the old party Leaders in the televised debate once. You know that debate, the one with no clear winner? (Or new ideas?)
1. Because even one Green MPP can make a difference at Queen’s Park. Look at Elizabeth May, Canada’s first Green MP now sitting in the House of Commons, the first Green MPs in Australia and Great Britain, and the first Green State Government in Germany.

Media Contact:
Rebecca Harrison
Director of Communications
Green Party of Ontario
(905) 999 – 5479
Sent from Green Party of Ontario
PO Box 1132
Toronto, ON M4Y 2T8