Tag Archives: Nature

Now In Decline- Irish Is Third Oldest Written Language In Europe

JG O’Donoghue imagines a ‘versus’ scenario to demonstrate the struggle of ‘languages at risk’

There is a mass decline in linguistic diversity happening all over the planet and in places geographically far apart and I think that if things don’t change, the loss of language diversity will be immense.

In the book, Irish in the global context, Suzanne Romaine mentions that linguists believe 50 to 90 % of the world’s estimated 6,900 languages will simply vanish over next 100 years.

At this moment in time, 85% of the world’s languages have fewer than 100,000 speakers and over half of the world’s remaining languages are spoken by just .2 % of the world’s population. These facts have informed my work and have become the wider subject of my illustrations, specifically the linguistic decline of the Irish language.

In some ways the battle between the Irish and the English languages is one of the defining features in modern Irish culture, but it is Irish which defines this island more, and the Irish language tells the entire history of Ireland in its influences and in its form.

Ruairí Ó hUiginn said in his book  The Irish language: you have influences of Latin from the Christianization of Ireland in ecclesiastical words, influences from Viking invasions in words for “seafaring, fishing and trade”, influences from the militaristic Normans [ French CP] in words for “architecture, administration and warfare”, and from English colonialism you get English in every day words.

“To create my intended mood, the english words are given a general typography while the Irish words are given a distinctive script reminiscent of Geoffrey Keating’s book Foras Feasa ar Eirinn”

Each influence shows an aspect of Irish culture. What people forget to realize is that a language is much more than something spoken to express oneself. Ancient peoples created language in an attempt to describe the world around them and the world within them, in other words their worldview.

An example in Irish is- you don’t say ‘I’m angry’, you say ‘tá fearg orm’, which means ‘I have an anger on me’.

Nevertheless, Irish is important internationally too, and Irish is the third oldest written language in Europe, after Latin and Greek, and as a spoken language it may even be older than both.

How should an artist illustrate a language? And more specifically the struggle of one language with another? I choose nature as my metaphor, from the ancient forests of Ireland, mostly gone now, to Islands which stand for thousands of years but are slowly worn away by the tide. The words that make up these landscapes are either ‘for’ or ‘against’.

My illustrations therefore visualize the real life drama of ancient language versus modern language.

I imagine a “versus” scenario. On the “against” side I chose English words plucked from peoples statements in online forums and in letters to newspapers. On the “for” side I chose Irish words, and they were chosen from recent investigations into the creation of the ancient Irish language. Irish words in my illustrations such as “dúchas (heritage), tír (country), litríocht(literature), and stair(history)” reflect the Irish language’s cultural importance, while “Todhchaí(future), féinmhuinín(self-confidence), beatha(life), and anam(soul)” reflect its importance in a metaphysical way to Ireland.

The Irish language forest- An Coill Teanga Gaeilge

The english ‘against’ words can range from the practical benefits of english within subjects such as “tourism, movies, business, and comics,” to words that reflect the interaction of English speakers with Irish. To illustrate the concept, I chose words like “conform, bend, harass, and adapt”.

To create my intended mood, the english words are given a general indistinctive typography reflecting uniform mono-linguilism, while the Irish words are given a distinctive Irish manuscript/Gaelic script reminiscent of Geoffrey Keating’s 17th century book- Foras Feasa ar Éirinn/History of Ireland.

The core message in my illustrations is a positive one, the sun is rising for a new day as the Irish language holds on, like a lot of minority languages. It is diminished but not beyond hope. I believe it can make a comeback, and this is exactly what is happening all over this country today, because of the work of people far more dedicated than myself. I hope my work can help reinforce linguistic diversity as well as all forms of heritage. I have the will to preserve these for future generations, so they too can live in a world full of diversity spending their lives discovering and exploring it in all its beautiful variety.

For the Silo, JG O’Donoghue.


Have You Heard About “Shinrin Yoku” Forest Bathing?

Stress is ever present in current society, both personal stress and workplace stress contribute to the well documented link, between stress and chronic conditions.   Data available from Statistic Canada’s – National Population Health Survey, demonstrates that personal stress is predictive of the development of a chronic health condition over the next four years (Statistics Canada, 2003).  The long term impact of these chronic health conditions can result in significant activity limitation from heart attack, diabetes, migraine, or arthritis or back problems.  Even more daunting is the higher predictive value of death for individuals suffering from cancer, bronchitis/emphysema, heart disease or diabetes.

Issaquah Forest Bathing (Shinrin Yoku) – What is it? – Issaquah Adventures

The practice of forest bathing itself is not a new concept.

Prior to the industrial revolution being “in nature” was part of everyday life.   The Japanese term Shinrin-yoku  meaning “taking in the forest atmosphere or forest bathing” was officially coined by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries in 1982. (Park et al. 2010)

This novel practice of bathing in nature, demonstrates a wide variety of health benefits from which individuals in modern society can stand to gain.  With the increasing amount of individuals living in urban settings the exposure to nature is diminishing.

Field studies performed in Japan measured salivary cortisol levels (more commonly known as “stress hormone”) in university individuals.

How to Try Forest Bathing at Home: 9 Tree-Inspired Soaps, Bath Salts ...

The students were divided into two groups, one to spend a day in a forest setting, the other in a city setting.   Lower levels of stress hormone, as well as lower blood pressure and pulse rate was found in individuals in forest location. (Park et al. 2010)

Not feeling ready to take the plunge into full force bathing? Forest sitting and contemplation of bathing can calm you.

Further evidence has been documented  to the demonstrate  the reduction of stress resulting from forest bathing, through the improvement immune function with exposure to the natural environment.  Given that immune function is key in the prevention of chronic diseases this evidence is exciting.   Natural killer cells as they are ingeniously named are cells within the immune system which kill tumors or virus infected cells, through the release of enzymes which break down the cells.   In research studies natural killer cells have been found to be elevated for seven days after the forest bathing trip (Qing, 2010).  This seven day window of improved immune function is great news for the weekend warrior in all of us.

Many of us who live in North America are blessed with exposure to forest just outside our doorsteps.  This being said it doesn’t mean we always take advantage of it: between commuting to work, family and social commitments,  going from the house to the car may be the norm.  For the Silo, Ashley Beeton. 


Park, B.J., Tsunetsugu, Y., Kasetani, T., Kagawa, T., & Miyazaki, Y. (2010) The physiological effects of Shinrin-yoku (taking in the forest atmosphere or forest bathing): evidence from field experiments in 24 forests across Japan.  Environ Health Prev Med,  15,18–26.

Statistics Canada. (2003) Stress and Well-being (No 82-003). Retrieved from http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/access_acces/alternative_alternatif.action?l=eng&loc=http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/82-003-x/2000003/article/5626-eng.pdf&t=Stress%20and%20well-being

Qing, Li. (2010) Effect of forest bathing trips on human immune function.  Environ Health Prev Med, 15,9–17.

Groundhog Day Could Be An Amazing Holiday

It’s that time of the year again…time for a perennial favorite read. Why favorite? Because we all want to know how much longer Winter will last. At this point on the calendar, at the second day of February, it feels like warm days are lost forever. But there is always hope. Hope in a critter and a shadow. Let’s begin. Again.

Maybe Groundhog Day can become a National or Provincial Stat Holiday because February 2nd isn’t officially known as Groundhog Day. Technically it isn’t a National Holiday. It isn’t a Provincial Holiday. [Is Quebec the only province with a Provincial Holiday? CP]

But maybe it should be.

Groundhog Day isn’t an exclusive celebration that targets a specific demographic such as Family Day. It isn’t religiously or  politically motivated. It doesn’t specify Muslim, Buddhist, Marxist, agnostic or atheist beliefs. It is inclusive, quirky, wacky and fun. There is no need to worry about political incorrectness.

Maybe Groundhog Day can become a rallying point for Ontarians because in many ways they are like us:  Groundhogs are robust creatures. They handle a long winter with style. Groundhogs might be cute but they are also tough!

Maybe the Groundhog can become Canada’s national animal.

Does anyone remember  the politician who wanted to make the polar bear our national animal? Most of us aren’t likely to run into polar bears. It’s that old adage: “Out of sight, out of mind” and since we’re more likely to see a groundhog and associate with a groundhog it is an ideal choice. Incidentally Canada’s national animal is the beaver. Another obscure animal that most of us have never seen.

Maybe Groundhog Day is spiritual after all.

If a Holiday needed ever to be justified on a basis of spirituality or community consider the following short list:

  • Mysticism  (Shadow casting or lack their off = Long range weather forecast)
  • Fatalism     (Let everyone believe that an animal can come out of the ground on a specific day and tell us how the next six weeks will turn out)
  • Anthropomorphism (Groundhogs can really see? Can they talk? How do we know if they have seen their shadow?)
  • Human/Animal Communication or Telepathy  (Groundhog interpreters/ Groundhog whisperers? Are they specific to Wiarton, Punxsutawney?)  Feature image- Punxsutawney Phil.  For the Silo, Rick Fess. 

Supplemental- “Pothole Pete” is a growing legend in New York City. Canada’s groundhog is an albino.

North America’s Largest Convention Center Installs Bird Saving Window Film

CHICAGO (October, 2024) After receiving nearly 50,000 emails from In Defense of Animals supporters, McCormick Place Lakeside Center has taken a crucial step in safeguarding migratory birds by installing bird-safe window film on its iconic glass walls. This renovation addresses the soaring number of bird deaths caused by window collisions at the convention center, which claimed the lives of over 1,000 birds in a single night last fall.

“Windows collisions rank among the deadliest threats to birds,” said Katie Nolan, Wild Animals Campaigns Specialist for In Defense of Animals. “With wild birds in steep decline — over 3 billion lost in the past 50 years — we are delighted that the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority has taken a crucial step by installing bird-safe window film at McCormick Place. This sets a new standard for all North American buildings to follow. Building managers can save millions by installing bird-safe window film and turning off lights.”

McCormick Place, situated along the Mississippi Flyway — a crucial migration route — has long been a site of concern for bird collisions, particularly during spring and fall migrations. In Defense of Animals and its Interfaith Vegan Coalition witnessed the devastating impact firsthand when attending a conference at McCormick Place in 2023.

“The bird deaths we witnessed at McCormick Place were heartbreaking,” said Lisa Levinson, Campaigns Director for In Defense of Animals. “While a member of our Interfaith Vegan Coalition was able to rescue one injured bird, many more had perished in a single night. We couldn’t be happier that McCormick Place has stepped up to protect these vulnerable birds.”

The Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, which manages McCormick Place, announced the $1.2 million usd/ $1.62 million cad project to install bird-safe film has been completed, covering two American football fields’ worth of glass / or approximately 1.3 Canadian football fields’ worth of glass. The newly installed bird-safe window film is a critical part of reducing bird collisions, along with measures such as dimming or turning off lights during peak migration seasons. These actions help protect migratory birds, many of whom face deadly threats from light pollution and reflective windows.

McCormick Place’s efforts align with broader city initiatives like Lights Out Chicago, which aims to reduce bird deaths by encouraging buildings to dim their lights during migration periods. The installation of bird-safe window film will go a long way in ensuring that migratory birds continue to travel safely through the city. For the Silo, Jarrod Barker.

A Guide To Dressing In The Fall

Fall is one of the most beautiful times of the year.

It is also quite a bit of fun to play with fashion during this season. While the temperatures are lower, the freezing weather hasn’t set in yet. At the same time, warmer and cozier color palettes begin to set in. So, if you want to remain fashion forward during these months, then you have come to the right place. Here are all of the tips that you need to be aware of.

Get Inspiration from the Trends

This year saw a lot of ‘double denim’ on the runway at Paris Fashion Week 2024 signaling the returning trend of the “Canadian tuxedo”.

“As seen at Schiaparelli, Victoria Beckham and Dior, even brands who are known more for their elegant aesthetics and couture-grade craftspersonship than they are they’re day-to-day wearability served up double-dose denim outfits to very chic standard. Of course, this a trend you can easily re-create with denim pieces you already have in your wardrobe, they need not match perfectly, but you can absolutely expect to see more deliberate denim co-ordinates on the market from here on out.” whowhatwear.com

Sure, there is a lot to be said for going your own way when it comes to trends. However, it is often easier to include at least some of the current styles in your wardrobe. For one thing, you will find it a great deal easier to shop during the season.

Clark’s Torhill Rise Women’s Fall boot in dark green looks great and fights the elements.

Men’s Under Armor Rival Fleece Hoodie in orange makes a strong Fall statement.

So, make sure to stock up on your oranges, pinks, and purples for your clothes. And when it comes to your footwear, be prepared for the Fall with shoes from Clarks. Once you have the basics on hand, you can mix and match them clothes that are in line with your personal style.

Draw Inspiration from Nature

It isn’t just trends that can show you how to dress. The natural surroundings can be a great guide for you as well. During fall, the foliage bursts into glorious hues and shades. So, why not borrow some inspiration from these tones? Browns and oranges can be a great way to add a cozy feel to your wardrobe while also opting for a more neutral look as well.

NOTHING READS laid-back elegance in cold weather quite like cable knit sweaters.

Dress for the Cooler Weather

While you may not exactly be shivering in your flats just yet, there is no denying that the weather has gotten quite a bit cooler. Thus, you need to dress accordingly. To begin with, get yourself some durable Blundstone shoes. Classic and proven boots never go out of style and these will ensure that you remain chic yet toasty. What’s more, you can wear them with all kinds of outfits as well.

Since you may not be ready to bring on the winter jackets, consider wearing thinner layers instead. This way, you can gently peel off one or more layer, should it get too warm. Layering with thinner garments also prevents you from looking too bulky.

Don’t Forget Accessories

Your look is never fully completed without accessories. This is a rule of thumb that remains true during the fall as well. So, make it a point to switch up your jewelry during this time of year. If you are opting for warmer tones with your clothing, make sure that you follow suit with your jewelry as well. This means that you should go with gold, copper, or brassy colors.

Included in this Fall’s top jewelry trends from vogue.com are ‘bent and folded’ metallic earrings such as these shown here from Ferragamo Photo: Armando Grillo / Gorunway.com

On the other hand, if your wardrobe will be largely made up of the season’s pinks and purples, you can play it a little cooler. And, you certainly shouldn’t forget about hair accessories either! Make sure to opt for jewelry that will really make a statement with your fall hairdos and colors.

These are the top fashion tips for you to follow if you need some guidance on how to dress in the fall. So, keep these tips and tricks in mind at all times.

Ontario Storm Chasers Warn Public Through Photography

Photo shot in London, Ontario. Shot during a tornado warning for Middlesex county. photo: S. Sills

Did you know on average 12 tornadoes strike Ontario each year? That’s why David Chapman (@northof44pics) and I (@wxspencersills) commit our springs and summers to capturing severe thunderstorms on video and through photography.

My name is Spencer Sills and I am a chaser located in South Western Ontario. I have been chasing storms for about 20 years. I became obsessed with the weather and more specifically severe weather in 1996. On April 20, 1996 a tornado had hit Williamsford, Ontario. This was my first experience with a tornado and it has become a permanent fixture in my mind, partially due to the fact there was still snow on the ground the day it had hit.

Then in the summer of 2011, there were fourteen confirmed tornadoes including  the Goderich F3 tornado as well as three tornadoes during the August 24th severe weather outbreak during the late afternoon and evening. I was unable to be out during either of these days but what I was able to do was keep the public informed of the current severe weather as well as help give warning for the tornadoes.

Photo shot in South West London, Ontario. A waterspout advisory was in effect for Lake Huron and Erie, while on the way to Lake Huron I came across this Cold Core Funnel off of a early morning thunder shower. image: S. Sills

A Summer from years ago was…interesting.  I witnessed more than  my fair share of active weather. I encountered five funnel clouds, several gust fronts or more commonly known as squall lines here in Ontario, and hail from pea size to golf ball sized  in Seaforth. I’ve also encountered strong wind storms which included a storm in Birr, Ontario which uprooted several large trees.

My personal worst storm occurred on June 7, 2011 in Elora, Ontario. A large and intense cell came through late at night bringing with it 80-90 km/h winds, heavy downpours, frequent lightning and quarter-coin size hail. I was fortunate to not be injured during this storm because I was in a tent at the time and had no warning beforehand other than a loud lightning strike before it hit. There was a severe thunder storm warning with the cell but our campground chose not to relay that information to campers and I only found out about the warning once I put on my portable radio after the storm came.  That same storm went on to produce a tornado warning over Hamilton but did not spawn a tornado that night. It did however cause extensive wind damage in the city.

Cloud to Ground Lightning: photographed by D. Chapman

My chase partner is David Chapman.  David and I both grew up within minutes of each other but never met until recently due to the power of twitter.  From twitter I was able to glean that we both have similar interests and goals which will allow us to mesh well together. [ Check the hashtage #WX on twitter for tweets related to extreme weather CP ]

Hello Silo readers. My name is David T. Chapman and I am a professional photographer with a passion for storm photography. I developed an interest in weather when lightning hit my house in Guelph, Ontario, years ago. The thunder was terrifying and the rain was so heavy that even though I was only three years old at the time, I have clear, vivid memories of the storm. My interest in weather was rekindled in the late 1990’s when I spotted my first multi-vortex tornadoes with my dad and brother. Since then, I have followed the weather every day to determine the best time for photography in all kinds of conditions.

Waaaay back in 2011 , the Ontario storm season was an active one. It allowed me to get a personal record number of lightning photographs in one season with 105, not including sheet lightning shots. My first storm was in April, when a very weak storm pushed into the Niagara region. Something that you don’t see very often is a thunderstorm with snow on the ground, but that night I had both. But the storm chasing season  really didn’t start seriously until the end of May when an evening storm rolled through Southwestern Ontario right into my area. The squall line formed directly to our west and there was no way around it. We had to puncture the core of the storm to try to find a dry slot. We were hit hard with heavy rains, strong winds and continuous lightning.

Anvil Crawler: photographed  Southeast of Hamilton, Ontario image: D. Chapman

One of the hardest things to get is a lightning photograph when there is a downpour because it blurs the image. The first line of storms went through when we crossed an open field area and then we were hit by a strong second line of storms. Extremely strong straight lines came at us with winds easily in excess of 90 km/hr. We got into position, but unfortunately, with the rain still pounding our photography team, it made it impossible to get crisp, clear lightning shots. It wasn’t until after the storm had passed that the back end of it lit up and we were able to capture some very beautiful lightning.

The summer carried on with sporadic thunderstorm activity consisting of small thunderstorm cells with intense lightning and hail. Generally, with smaller storms, you only get 4 to 5 lightning shots. I’ve come back after chasing a storm perfectly with only 1 or 2 lightning shots to show for it. It wasn’t until the outbreak of thunderstorms that our team had a very successful night of shooting. On that night, Faith Beni and I ended up in St. Mary’s, Ontario. There were tornado watches all across Ontario, the most I had ever seen. The thunderstorm cell that we were interested in was towards Nairn, Ontario. We left the Niagara region at 5:30 p.m. and got to St. Mary’s around 7:45 p.m.

Without daylight left, the thoughts of getting a tornado quickly changed to an opportunity for lightning photographs instead. One of the most dangerous things to do is to chase a tornadic thunderstorm in the dark, which is why our team has a policy to not chase these types of storms at night. We tend to focus on weaker storm cells that don’t have the tornadic potential but still have lots of lightning. The night of the 24th, though, was different. It seemed that any storm cell had the potential to drop a tornado. We pulled back to St. Mary’s and then we started getting reports of rotation heading to St. Mary’s.

In just under 2 minutes, I saw 4 reports of rotation for St. Mary’s. We started to get pounded with large hail and the the hydro went out. We left St. Mary’s and pushed north towards what looked to be some late evening twilight. We got to the back of the storm and were able to photograph the lightning that was in it. We got some of the best anvil-crawlers that I have ever seen. Anvil-crawlers are a particular type of lightning that can either go for short distances or for distances over 100 km.

This year for the first time, Spencer Sills and I will be working together to get some very powerful images. Our biggest goal is to get a photograph of a tornado. Last year, I was close 3 times. The first was in Grimsby, where an EF0 hit and damaged a small gazebo. Eric Chapman and I were right on the storm but unfortunately we could not see the tornado because of heavy precipitation. The second was the Nairn tornado and the third was a rotating wall-cloud that I photographed towards Bryson, Quebec.

Spencer and I often hear about how tornadoes don’t happen here. We want to let the public know that they can and do occur here, in South Western Ontario so that watches and warnings should always be taken seriously. The Goderich tornado in 2011, in which one person died, is a grim reminder of just how intense tornadoes can be and that they do, in fact, affect Ontario residents.

Photo shot in Nairn, Ontario. Tornado damage in Shady Pines Campground in Nairn. A tornado touched down the previous night and bent these pine trees in half, the tornado also caused extensive tree damage in the area as well as damaged a house and destroyed a metal silo. image: S. Sills

David and I both have experience in chasing storms, and take safety very seriously. We will be travelling with a First Aid kit just as well as weather alert radios and radar to help us along our way, we hope that we don’t ever need the kit but it’s always a great idea especially if others are in need of help, we could very well be the first people on the scene of a possible tragedy so we must be prepared. We will be posting pictures and videos throughout the season but do not recommend that anyone attempt to recreate either of them and place themselves in danger.

I will be working with David Chapman in hopes to help warn others as well as capture these storms through video and photography to share with others who may not get to experience them. We are ready to combine our passion for storms to get the best results possible and share those results with others.

Canada’s Golden Eagle And The Acela-1 Express Train

The Golden Eagle is one of the best known and largest birds of prey in North America. The adult birds are dark brown in colour with golden-brown feathers on the back of their head, neck and upper wings.


Golden Eagles use their strength, agility and powerful talons to snatch up prey including mice, rabbits, squirrels and even fox and young deer.

They are very swift and can reach speeds over 240 km per hour while diving in on their target. <240 km/h is about 150 mp/h- the top cruising speed of the American Commuter Acela- 1 express train. Watch the following video clip and note at the 1m 8s mark as  the Acela passes the station at about the same speed that the Golden Eagle achieves in a dive. Wow!

Golden eagles usually mate for life.

They build huge nests in high places including cliffs, trees, or even telephone poles and may return to this same nest for several breeding years.

The Golden Eagle is listed under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act, 2007, which protects it from being killed, harmed, possessed, collected or sold, and protects the habitat from damage or destruction. For the Silo, Dixie Greenwood.

What Is The Mystery Phenomenon Of Shoe Tossing?

Shoe tossing and shoe posting are seen in most Canadian cities and rural motorways.

Its history and its symbolism are remarkably complex.

Shoe tossing is when shoelaces are tied and tossed over telephone or power lines so that the shoes hang loosely above the ground. Yet shoe tossing does not accurately describe shoes that are affixed to telephone poles or other inanimate objects using nails and staples. It seems that “shoe posting” would be a more appropriate terms for such occurrences. Nevertheless, each tossed or posted shoe represents either personal or cultural meaning.

There is a cultural meaning to each and every ‘tossed’ shoe- but what is it?

It may come as some surprise that shoe tossing holds a distressing history.

For example, many have noted that tossed shoes indicate the specific location where drugs like crack and heroin are used or sold. Moreover, others have mentioned that tossed shoes signify the physical boundaries of gang territory. For this reason the mayor of Los Angeles, California launched a campaign to remove tossed shoes from the city altogether. Further still, shoe tossing may be the product of bullying, theft and other forms of civil disobedience.

Is it safe to say that shoe tossing is primarily a form of civil disobedience or is there more to it?

On the other hand, there are some positive aspects of this mysterious phenomenon.

Shoe tossing, for instance, has been known to represent a rite of passage associated with graduation from an educational institution or a discharge from military service. While tossed and posted shoes mark our social environment in negative and positive ways they also call to mind images from the not so distant past.

Could there be a deep rooted collective unconscious meaning to shoe posting/nailing? H Joie Crockett Photos – Near the entrance to Rangeley Lake State Park you will find this oddity of a telephone pole with shoes nailed to it. The question is “Why?”

The pilfering of clothing and other possessions in extermination camps by Nazi forces during World War II included the shoes of men, women and children. These shoes were generally thrown on top of each other one by one. The result is a dense heap of shoes that were once filled with Jewish feet. Now, these shoes piles exist in Holocaust museums around the world as evidential markers of Nazi atrocity.

Holocaust shoes

Can tossed or posted shoes be thought of without considering the indelible Nazi shoe piles?

This is an idea that has not been explored and deserves further attention in visual culture discourse.
It is difficult to deny that the formal appearance of tossed and posted shoes in contemporary society reference past images of Nazi piles of Jewish shoes during the Holocaust. This may arguably be a far stretch for some; but for others, the sight of tossed and posted shoes may trigger the painful memories and agonizing reminders.
Shoe tossing is at once close to life but never far from death. The meaning one subscribes to these curious objects is, like most things, one’s own. However that does not suggest that particular objects seen in everyday life, like tossed or posted shoes, cannot allude to the images of history. For the Silo, Dr.Matthew Ryan Smith

High Altitude Fun This Spring and Summer In Colorado Mountain Towns

Colorado Come To Life Logo

Colorado’s mountain towns are known worldwide as an incredible wintertime paradise for skiers and snowboarders, but in summer, the same high-altitude ski towns become gorgeous playgrounds for outdoor adventure and family fun.

When the powder melts, popular slopes turn into verdant hiking and mountain biking trails and nearby rivers and lakes rise to new levels, ideal for fishing and boating. Colorado’s ski towns are not just about communing with nature — there is plenty for those who prefer less of a workout. The summer months welcome dozens of festivals celebrating music, food, art and more. From luxurious Aspen to historic Durango, take a look at some Colorado ski towns that shine in the summertime.

Colorado Ski Towns AspenSun salutations in Aspen

Head to luxurious Aspen for a total mind, body and spirit retreat this summer. Enjoy the fresh air and valley views with a session of mountain-top Hatha yoga at 11,000 feet, then cap off your mountain getaway with a mind-blowing body treatment at Remède Spa at the St. Regis Aspen, voted #1 spa in the world by Travel + Leisure.

Colorado Ski Towns Mountain TrainsTravel back in time in Durango and Silverton 

The Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad winds through the same tracks settlers of the Old West took over a century ago. Today, tourists climb aboard the historic locomotive for a 45-mile trip through the still-wild San Juan Mountains to Silverton, where they can lunch and shop before re-boarding for the trip home. The train climbs nearly 3,000 feet to Silverton and the high mountain air will be on average about 10 degrees cooler than in Durango, so remember to pack layers and drink plenty of water before this high-altitude ride.

Colorado Ski Towns BreckenridgeGo local in Breckenridge

Head to local watering hole Breckenridge Brewery & Pub for spectacular views of the surrounding peaks, a relaxed patio atmosphere, refreshing beer and delicious Colorado comfort food. Located in the charming and historic mountain town of Breckenridge, this favourite hotspot is worth traveling for. Since 1990, local Breckenridge Brewery has grown into one of the most successful craft beer and restaurant companies in the USA. After dessert, stroll down quaint Main St., catch some live music and shop-till-you-drop at some of Colorado’s best local boutiques.

Colorado Ski Towns Steamboat SpringsFill your creel in Steamboat Springs

The Yampa River begins in the Flattops Mountain Range and moves through downtown Steamboat Springs, providing easy access to almost endless flat-water. The river is one of the best northern pike and smallmouth bass fisheries in the U.S., so warm up the BBQ and cast your line. Excellent fishing opportunities can also be found in one of the most plentiful trout fisheries in Colorado just upstream from Yampa River State Park.

Colorado Ski Towns Keystone Bike ParkTwo-wheel adventures in Keystone

Nestled between three mountains, Keystone is perfect for summer visitors looking for a world-class mountain biking adventure. Keystone Bike Park is the ultimate mountain-bike destination, offering 57 trails across 88 kilometers of terrain. The infamous Drop Zone, rated one of the best in the country, has progressive terrain for all riders. With rock gardens, drops, and high-speed features there is never a dull moment on your bike. There are also more than 100 miles of single track for touring. Or, for a more relaxing afternoon, take a cruiser ride or road bike along miles of paved bike path. Have I missed one or two other attractions that are must-see-must-do? Drop your ideas in the comments section below. For the Silo, Melissa Medeiros.

Acupuncturist Explains Eastern Medicine Methods and Chi

Living the EnerQi ConnectionAs westerners we’re used to running to the doctor for a prescription when we’re sick, but the down side to this is that many pharmaceuticals come with serious side effects.

  That’s just one reason why Asians believe in helping the body heal from more natural methods. Sheri Laine studied under one of the great Chinese medicine masters and in her new book, Living the EnerQi Connection, she shares a profound understanding of Asian medicine and explains the many benefits people are realizing from switching to natural products.

Many of us have heard the words Eastern/ Chinese/Asian medicine, acupuncture, and chi, but we don’t really understand what they mean or the long tradition behind the culture of it. We are westerners. We are used to doctors in white lab coats rushing to meet with us and write a prescription for whatever problem we have at the moment. Living the EnerQi Connection (HCI Books – $12.95) presents a new idea to health, medicine, and introduces us to what those words really mean.

The book discusses Asian medicine as a whole, but one of the main points that it touches on is qi (pronounced “chee” and sometimes spelled chi). This is the energy that is constantly circling through our bodies. Sometimes the flow of our qi can become blocked in some way, because we’re tired or run down which can leave our bodies susceptible to illness. Sheri Laine, L.Ac, has developed a way through Asian medicine to help us maintain our health and keep our qi flowing.

In this book Laine presents the L.A.I.N.E. system, which stands for: Learn, Align, Inform, Natural, and Energy.

Each chapter of the book explains a part of her system to give us a better understanding of the concepts of the energy in our bodies and the energy around us. This will help us to take a more active stance on our lives, our health and our healing.

Sheri Laine Diplomat of Acupuncture

Laine shows us moments from her childhood when she loved to play doctor to her friends and family, giving them shots by sticking them with cactus needles and giving them medicine from the plants in her back yard. Many years later she is doing this again, but she is no longer playing make-believe. Acupuncture and herbal medicine are a powerful way for Laine to help enhance our qi and energy.

Doctor Richard Teh-Fu Tan LAc, OMD
Doctor Richard Teh-Fu Tan LAc, OMD

Sheri Laine studied for many years under the Chinese medicine master, Richard Teh-Fu Tan. It is a long tradition that an apprentice study under a master for many years to get such an extensive knowledge of the medicine, the science, and the tradition behind it. This is how Laine is able to help us understand the concepts for ourselves so that we may apply them in our lives. She is the president of Eastern Medical Arts, a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist and nutritionist, with a focus on Integrative Lifestyle Medicine.

Page Excerpt

“Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light. “– Theodore Roethke

Oriental Medicine draws from nature to diagnose internal medical challenges. We have all admired a great majestic tree. Your health is like that great majestic tree. The roots are your immune system, your qi essence, and the power of your qi essence. The branches of your tree are your subjective symptoms of a greater imbalance. The problem is not in a bad branch; it actually lies in the roots of the tree and within the soil that nourishes the tree, what is the underlying cause of distress?”– Chapter 2: Drawing from Nature: The Elements of EnerQi

Supplemental- Just how gentle can acupuncture be?

Defining Folk Art

Desrocher’s Whitehorse- a very nice folk art piece acquired by the author.

What is folk art? Any precise definition of art is by nature a slippery process and open to question.

“Folk art” is a term applied to diverse objects, like a highly organized Mennonite fracture drawing which expresses a collective, ethically based decorative tradition. Yet it is also applied to the more individualistic outpourings of any untrained painter, sculptor or other art practitioner.

Folk art is usually one step beyond the mundane. Not just a container to bring water to the mouth for survival (cupped hands for example), but instead a cup lovingly fashioned to bring pleasure or attract notice even when it is not being used, such as an intricately carved canoe cup.

On another level we can simply say that folk art is the art of ordinary people. It is sometimes called “primitive art” or “the people’s art” because by definition the artist has not been academically trained.

Folk art is made for one or more of three reasons: to share beliefs and traditions, to make some useful object beautiful, or to express one’s feelings.

Folk art, by definition has been produced and appreciated since cavemen and women started smearing blood and feces on cave walls, but the academic study of folk art is a relatively new thing. An English writer named William John Thomas first coined the phrase “folk lore” in 1848. At the time most anthropologists considered folklore to be worthless peasant creations. They were more interested in studying artifacts such as weapons and tools. It was through popularized folk tales by the likes of the Brothers Grimm that peasant traditions and art forms became interesting to the intellectual class.

I would argue that folk art did not show up on the radar of fine art institutions until around the turn of the century in Paris when Pablo (Picasso) and the boys flipped-out over the African art they saw for the first time, and started producing what today is called modern art. This led to a wider acceptance of all forms of art.

Folk art has become increasingly popular and more frequently studied in Canada, beginning in earnest after Expo ’67 gave us a greater appreciation of who we are as a nation.  For the Silo, Phil Ross. 

Featured image- Selections from Jim Linderman’s collection of folk art sewer pipe sculptures made by workers from leftover pipe clay. Photo: Oresti Tsonopoulos

Largest Moth In North America

Emerging soon- the Cecropia caterpillar takes two months to develop before forming their cocoon which has to last an entire winter.

The Cecropia Moth is North America’s largest native moth and is a member of the giant silk moth family. It can be found in all Canadian provinces except BC and Newfoundland. The wings are reddish brown, and crossed in the middle with a white band. In the middle of each wing there is a crescent-shaped white spot bordered with red. The moths can have a wingspan up to 160 mm (6 inches!)

Females have a large abdomen for egg production, and males have hugely feathered antennae to detect the pheromones that the female emits. The male is capable of smelling the female from over a kilometer away.

Once mated, the female will lay her eggs near host trees. Typically they choose maple trees for their host, but they can also be found on other trees like Birch, Alder, Apples and Willow. The eggs will hatch in about 2 weeks and the newly born caterpillar will eat its eggshell.

Young Cecropia larva are shedding their ‘skin’. image: courtesy www.wormspit.com

The Cecropia larva (caterpillar) has two rows of blue tubercles along each side, two rows of yellow tubercles down its back, and two pairs of large red tubercles on the thorax. It takes the caterpillar approximately 2 months to reach full size at which time they will find a dark secluded place to attach themselves to a branch or stick and form their cocoon. This cocoon will overwinter and the adults will emerge the following spring.

Adult Cecropia moths do not have mouth parts and thus are unable to eat. As a result, the lifespan for an adult is generally only about 7-10 days.  For the Silo, Dixie Greenwood.

Supplemental– http://www.wormspit.com/cecropia.htm


Make A Prairie Say No To Land Without Life

image: www.ojibway.ca

So make a prairie

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a decade since I did some work recording for Statistics Canada. The job required door-to-door visits to all the homes in a designated area, interesting because I had a chance to see what people do in their yards. One residence in particular left a strong impression on me and it continues to resonate now in 2021 all these years later.

It was a beautiful home, probably 40 years old, on a fairly large estate.

The lawns were nicely manicured and the architectural evergreens were tastefully placed. It looked like a photo in a 1970’s Better Homes and Gardens.

This architectural sketch of a late 1970’s “Dream Green Home” at least shows a bit of “greenery” and a tree. image:public domain

But as I walked to the front door, I realized that there was no movement.

Nothing swayed in the afternoon breeze. There were no herbaceous plants, no flowers, and worse, no bees, no butterflies, no birds. This place had as little movement as my imaginary magazine photo. It struck me as being uninteresting and unnatural. Land without life.

In my experience we show ourselves at our best when we interact and connect with nature and even find a kind of fulfillment in it. This completion has been lost for many of us, but paradise can be regained at any time.

There are all kinds of small ways to re-connect and to bring restoration, not just to the land, but to ourselves as well. I encourage everyone to put in a garden of some kind. A vegetable garden is of course the most practical and immediately useful. Start small and easy if you have never had a garden before.

If the practicality of a vegetable garden isn’t appealing, then plant something in to nourish your soul.

‘Miss Ruby’ Butterfly Bush-Buddleia image: www.green-living-made-easy.com

Rick’s home butterfly garden photo:M. Larmand

A couple of years ago I put in a no-maintenance garden specifically to attract hummingbirds. The thank-you’s come at dusk when increasing numbers of my little buddies do their end-of-day rounds. Scarlet runner beans, red monarda, salvia, tithonia, and crocosmia – they did the trick.

And copying the garden of a friend , I have also put in a small butterfly garden.

Milkweed, Echinacea, and butterfly bush (Buddleia) are good starter plants. I’m doing my small part to help save the monarch butterfly population. The nice thing about both these gardens is that they require almost no attention, just observation and enjoyment.

I’ve often thought about theme gardens. “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance…” Ophelia’s mad scene in Hamlet is a great starting point for a Shakespearean garden and a study of plant symbolism in literature. A biblical garden would also be an interesting exercise, though the plants themselves would be local approximations of Mediterranean species but the life lessons would be endless. Consider the lilies of the field. What about a cutting garden, a scented garden, a night garden?

Poets and painters have found inspiration in gardens. Like them, let nature take your breath away. Start small. To quote the American poet, Emily Dickinson:

To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee.
One clover, and a bee.
And reverie.
The reverie alone will do,
If bees are few.

It doesn’t take much to make a prairie – or your own personal sanctuary. For the Silo, Rick Posavad.

Supplemental: http://www.carolinian.org   tallgrassfactsheet

The Canada Goose

CANADA GOOSE aka Branta canadensis

The Giant Canada Goose is one of the most common and widespread species of goose in North America. It is most easily identified by its brownish-grey body, long black neck with a black head, and white patches on the face.

Canada Geese live around ponds, rivers and lake shores, and have become quite a common sight in parks. It’s hard to believe that they were nearly extinct in the 1960’s!

Geese feed mostly on land and frequently spend 12 hours a day or more feeding. Their diet consists of a variety of grasses, aquatic vegetation, and various grains.

Canada geese find mates during their second year and once paired, the geese remain together for life. Females usually return to the same nesting area each year.

Although an increasing number of Canada Geese are choosing to winter in Canada, especially in urban areas, the majority fly south to the United States and even Mexico

The spectacle of Canada Geese migrating in long, honking, irregular “V” formations across spring or autumn skies is one of the most dramatic indications of the change of seasons in Canada. For the Silo, Dixie Greenwood. 

Prehistoric Trails Across Southern Ontario Farm Lands

Haldimand Norfolk Archaeology

For over 25 years archaeological efforts have been ongoing to delineate where potential prehistoric trails exist across the landscape of southern Ontario.   Trails were created and used by the earliest inhabitants of the region after glaciers disappeared some 15,000 years ago.  One of the roles for a trail system was to help keep people alive.

The challenge to identify the existence of these trails is that they existed approximately 10,000 years ago.  The primary region for this research has been Haldimand-Norfolk County.  In the past seven years the search for prehistoric trail systems in these two counties has become increasingly intensive as part of the Haldimand-Norfolk Archaeological Regional Project (HNARP) http://www.hnarp.ca/ .

The premise of the regional project is to better understand how early people lived and managed their lives on a  landscape once rich with animal, plant, and raw resources such as rock for making stone tools.

A critical activity that has assisted this regional project is permission to walk over farm lands from supportive agricultural land owners to help find these trails.  Access to farm lands assists archaeologists to identify where people lived in the region.  The land mass of the two counties combined covers approximately 2,000 square kilometers.

Historically, it was always possible to read information written down and recorded about trails in the region.  This would include place names and popularly used trails.  Even oral history in Haldimand County by senior land owners some 30 years ago mentioned trails used by people to walk across the landscape to neighbouring farms, villages, and the shores of Lake Erie.

Haldimand Norfolk Archaeology

To date, archaeologists have identified artifacts left behind by people still exist after 10,000 years of changes to the landscape.  One piece of evidence has been the type of stone used for making tools.  Throughout the world people searched out different types of rock for making stone tools.

In Haldimand County, chert formations created over tens of millions of years ago can be found.  These chert formations have different identifying markers such as colours and fossils that make chert distinct from others.  It is these identifying markers that help chert to be identified from its original source and help to develop new evidence to show where and when people lived and crossed the landscape.

It is hoped that finding and identifying the different colour cherts and fossils in the rock will help archaeologists piece together Haldimand-Norfolk County’s long forgotten past.   For the Silo, Lorenz Bruechert.

When Planting Native Ontario Trees Use This Tree Atlas

There are many reasons to plant a tree – to shade your home, help the environment, or just for the pleasure and beauty it brings. There are many questions when it comes to choosing the right tree. What kind of tree will thrive in my community, and on my property? How fast will it grow? Should I worry about choosing a native Ontario tree?

The Tree Atlas

You can get answers to those questions and much more information from an online Tree Atlas (ontario.ca/treeatlas).

The Tree Atlas shows you which trees will work where you live, your soil type, and other conditions to consider. It can also help you find the kind of tree that helps you achieve other goals, like offering shade to keep your home cool in the summer, attracting birds, or a fast-growing, bushy species to hide an unsightly view.

The Tree Atlas describes trees that are native to Ontario, so you’ll be planting a tree that’s adapted to the province and supports a healthy environment. You’ll also find tips on when and how to plant a tree to give it the best chances to thrive on your property.

Trees clean our air and water, help fight climate change, increase wildlife habitat, provide shade and help prevent flooding.  When you plant a tree, you’re helping the environment.

The Tree Atlas was developed by the Ministry of Natural Resources, so you can be confident that the information provided is accurate and reliable.

 Many Ontario towns and cities have tree planting programs – check with your municipality for tree planting information and assistance in your area. For the Silo, Emmilia Kuisma, District Strategic Officer Ministry of Natural Resources.

Get Dirty And Grow Organic

Rick’s lettuce- yummylicious

We’re too fat.  That’s what the media tell us.

We’re too lazy.  They say that too.  And North Americans in general are pretty unhealthy.  I’m saying that. Yet at the same time there are daily press releases about eating healthier, supporting local agriculture, the 100-mile diet, and buying organic produce.  Of course, that requires some thought and decision-making.  The default setting is to support economies of California or China, which we do, pay for the increasing cost of importing,which we do, and wonder what residual chemicals are in our salad greens, which we should.

I was at a high-end organic market in the GTA recently and I hate to say it, but the organic vegetables were a great disappointment.  I felt it was a misrepresentation of what organic produce should be.  But what if you grew your own? Or at least tried?

You don’t need a degree in agriculture, and don’t have to be intimidated by those who have been gardening for years.  It’s OK to be new.  It’s fun to be new.  There are all kinds of health benefits derived from gardening, aside from the produce itself.   And it gives you some time alone with your thoughts.

My advice is to just do it. 

Time and experience will be your best teachers.  Start simple, start small.  I had mini-gardens in townhouse patios and on apartment balconies for years.   At this point, I’m a big supporter of raised bed gardening for almost endless reasons. If you don’t want to go it alone, find a friend or two and have a competition. Like – who will have the first ripe tomato, (Grow the heirloom variety called stupice to win), or the biggest carrot, (oxheart will win, if you can find seed). The first thing to do is select your site.  Simply, the more sun the better.

The second step:  Prepare the bed. 

If you are going to put in a raised bed, you can just mound up the soil into a kind of plateau, or actually construct a container.  Avoid using pressure treated wood since the chemicals could leach out into the soil.  I’ve seen beds built with bricks and patio stones stood up on their edges.  I am
experimenting with various-sized lumber.

The next step is to add or amend the soil. 

The key is to add organic matter, and not just fertilizer pellets.  I think of it like feeding a child – you would never give your kids just water and vitamin pills and expect them to thrive.  Mixed organic matter (leaves, composted kitchen waste, composted manure, old straw…) builds the soil, feeds the worms, and adds the micro-nutrients that will eventually find their way into your vegetables.  Shortcuts are not sustainable. The most important rule is this:  feed the soil, and the soil will feed the vegetables.

If the soil is healthy, the plants will also tend to be healthy and be less susceptible to infestation by insect pests.  It’s one of the laws of nature that the sick and the weak are targets for the predator.  So it is in the garden.   Also consider “companion planting” for plant health.  Among other things I plant strategically-placed marigolds, nasturtium and herbs for insect control.

In selecting the plants for your garden, in the beginning start with what your family likes.  Even for the small garden you can get a pretty good yield in a small space.  For early spring grow leaf lettuce.  You can extend the season by picking off the outer leaves or cutting off the entire head about an inch above ground.  It will push more tender leaves until the summer heat arrives.

Love peas?

Try early bush snow peas, inter-planted with carrots and radishes.  All of them are great for small spaces. Grow herbs for your salads and seasoning.  You’ll decrease the desire for salt and sugar on your plate which will help you stay healthy. You just have to grow tomatoes. Locate a source for an heirloom variety.  Nothing compares with the taste of an old-fashioned vine-ripened tomato still holding the sun’s heat. For the Silo, Rick Posavad.

Chasing Ontario’s Tornados

Part One

I have seen many storms in my life. Most storms have caught me by surprise, so I had to learn very quickly to look further and understand that I am not capable of controlling the weather, to exercise the art of patience and to respect the fury of nature”

My name is Spencer Sills, and I am a storm chaser, some of you may remember a few years back reading about my good friend David Chapman and myself in this very newspaper and our journeys on the road to capture Nature’s fury through our lenses. Not much has changed since then, we are both still on the hunt for the elusive supercell and what fury may come with it.

In 2014 my overall goal to capture a tornado in Ontario was once again successful, on July 7th I teamed with Scott Burlovich of Restless Skies photography and his chase partner Harry for the day and we set out to capture some pulse storms that were flaring up in the afternoon, most of these cells were just rain makers but on the way back to my home I had noticed a wall cloud that was lit up by the sun, we pulled off to the side of the road directly South of Norwich and briefly documented a EF0 tornado in a farmers field before it lifted causing no damage since it was in a dry field. This was my only tornado of the year, in a busy season. I did however get to document several gorgeous storm cells throughout the year, including several beautiful stacked shelf clouds and a great Wall cloud early in the season that brought golf ball sized hail to the area.

A Wall cloud in SW Ontario approaches my location as the RFD cuts around with hail starting to fall.
A Wall cloud in SW Ontario approaches my location as the RFD cuts around with hail starting to fall.

In 2015 I hope to achieve a few goals, one of which is to capture yet another tornado in this province, hopefully just like 2014 in an open field away from any properties. I also have set my sights on some goals with lightning and capturing it in a different perspective, I can’t go into much detail but it will be a stunning sight if I can achieve it. As far as how I believe the season will go, I do believe it will be a slow start, April and May will bring the return of storms, but I don’t expect anything too severe until June and July once the humidity and warmth really have a chance to build in. I do however once again stress to leave chasing to the pros, if you’re interested in storm spotting, please look into Canwarn, the more spotters in the province the quicker warnings can be issued thanks to verified ground reports.

Lightning by Chapman

I will be working alongside another photographer and storm spotter this year, Scott Burlovich of Restless Skies, please feel free to check out his amazing work at restless-skies.com and give him a follow on twitter @restless_skies , you can also follow my journey for the year at Lightningfastphotography.com or on twitter @spencersills. I also want to send my best wishes to David Chapman for a great 2015, and as always look forward to meeting him in the field under the Meso, stay tuned for more updates and stay sky aware this summer!

Part Two

Another winter has come and gone, although perhaps slower than a lot of us would like. At least this means that the storm season is once again upon us in Ontario. As usual, Brian Chapman and I, a father and son chase team, will be back out on the roads looking for the best images of lightning and searching for Ontario’s tornadic super cells.

We will also be in close communication with our good friends and fellow chasers, Spencer Sills and Scott Burlovich, as we tend to share a lot of information about the biggest potential storms before we go chasing. You’ll notice when you look through their photography collections that they are a couple of the best for chasing down the biggest storms in our province.

You might be curious on what we do when it comes to chasing the actual storm. Brian’s job is to be the driver. This is his first priority. Once we are parked and in a safe but photographic position for the storm, he is our main videographer. As for myself, I choose where I think the biggest storm will form from looking at weather models that meteorologists use as well as talking to fellow storm chasers in the area. I am also the main photographer. I do some video work and navigate us to the most photogenic side of the storm. This is usually right next to the most dangerous part of the storm but still in the safest position possible.

Rapidly Rotating wall-cloud photo being documented by Brian Chapman)
Rapidly Rotating wall-cloud photo being documented by Brian Chapman)

In the past 2 years, our team has seen and recorded a number of funnel clouds, 2 confirmed tornadoes and 4 waterspouts. One of the tornadoes was near Arthur, Ontario on August 7, 2013 and the landspout tornado was near Listowel, Ontario on May 14th 2014. The Arthur tornado was a really great one to document. It lasted for close to 15 minutes and we were able to see it from start to finish. The best part about it was the fact that  no one was injured and it caused very little damage. Those are the kinds of tornadoes we love to see because they allow you to enjoy the pure power and beauty that they possess but without injuries or major destruction.

Tornado by Chapman

Another thing that was interesting with the tornado that hit near Arthur was the fact that it tried to form a second tornado at the same time the first one was on the ground. If that funnel had reached the ground, it would have been called a satellite tornado. They are typically smaller and weaker but not always. In Pilger, Nebraska in 2014, two EF-4’s were on the ground at the same time. Sadly they hit a town, killing 5 people and injuring 19. Those are the days I dread as a chaser and hope I never see first hand. As for the second funnel near Arthur, it didn’t quite have the energy to make it the rest of the way to the ground. This probably wasn’t such a bad thing with so many people focusing on the main, larger tornado just to its north.

A Funnel Cloud
A Funnel Cloud

Fortunately, a lot of Ontario’s tornadoes hit open areas that cause little to no damage. There have been some exceptions, as the tornadoes that hit both Durham, Ontario on August 20, 2009 and Goderich on August 21, 2011 showed, both killing one person in each of them. That is why many storm chasers as well as dedicated weather enthusiasts in our province have a direct line to Environment Canada that allows us to contact them when we see threatening weather approaching the area we are in. It can help Environment Canada confirm what they are seeing on radar so that they can issue the proper watches and warnings accordingly. Refer to Spencer Sills’ Part One above for more details on how you can become a spotter. Lightning will also be a big focus for our team this year. We continue to work to get lightning photos as close as possible in order to capture the positive leaders that come up to meet the main negative current coming down from the cloud. The leaders can come from the ground, hydro poles, houses and even people.

Although this may be risky and dangerous, we have worked out ways to minimize the risk to us. We stay in the car when lightning is close with the windows up. We also won’t park under a tree, not so much from the fear of a direct lightning strike but in case lightning hits and splits the tree causing it to fall on the vehicle. I remember seeing one like that when I was young and it has had an everlasting impression on me. One of the first big wind storms I chased along Lake Erie on November 1, 2013 knocked down a tree onto a woman‘s car and unfortunately she was in it and was killed. So debris is always a concern and something to be very aware of when it comes to storm chasing.

You can follow our storm chasing throughout the year on our social media pages. https://twitter.com/DTChapmanPics https://www.facebook.com/pages/David-T-Chapman/173134962767601?fref=ts https://twitter.com/WeatherHunters

Toby Barrett


Places To Pick Provincial White Trillium In Ontario

Trillium photo: D. Greenwood

The white trillium is a spring wildflower with 3 distinct leaves and petals.  It has been the provincial flower of Ontario since 1937 and is also the logo of the Ontario Government.  It’s white flower is seen as a symbol of peace and hope.

While it is a popular belief that it’s illegal to pick the White Trillium in Ontario, in reality they are only protected in provincial parks and land owned by conservation authorities.  However, if the leaves as well as the flower are picked, the plant could die as it no longer has any means to produce the energy it needs to take it through the winter into another spring.

Sometimes mutant plants with green striped petals are found in White Trilliums.  These plants are diseased — infected with parasitic mycoplasmas that cause the greening. Over time, the mycoplasmas will cause deformity in the petals and eventually the death of the plant. For the Silo, Dixie Greenwood.

Mutated Painted Trillium. by Roger Grinnell (Burnsville, NC) NOTE- the four leaves courtesy: www.dougsgreengarden.com

Acupuncture Found Everywhere In Nature

Hoy Chi Master Mike Mah and the Developer of the Hoy Chi Technique has successfully used acupuncture to treat stroke recovery patients.

Acupuncture, a word that literally means, “puncture with needle”, has been practiced around the world for over 2500 years. The historical origins of acupuncture are rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and one of key fundamental is the intrinsic balance of energy or “qi” within the body. The best way to visualize this balance is by looking at the well-known yin yang symbol.

Yin [According to urbandictionary.com  ying-yang is an erroneous spelling CP] and yang are found everywhere in nature, as complementary opposites, neither exist without the other. Humans are always in a dynamic balance, and optimal health requires the body to be able to adapt to various internal and external changes. Illness arises when this balance is disrupted, and homeostasis is now longer intact.

Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners found they were able to access the vital energy of the body through the insertion of acupuncture needles into points along the 12 different energetic meridians within the body. These “points of insertion” or “where the needle goes” have been developed over many years of pattern recognition and diagnosis. The goal of acupuncture is to restore normal functions by stimulating certain points on the meridians to restore the body’s flow of energy.

There are more than one meaning offered for the symbol Yin-Yang but most meanings suggest this symbol represents the ancient Chinese understanding of ‘how things work’. fly.cc- “The outer circle represents everything while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies, called ‘yin’ (black) and ‘yang’ (white), which cause everything to happen. They are not completely black or white, just as things in life are not completely black or white, and they cannot exist without each other.’ It goes on further to state that the shape of each section suggests a movement of these two contrasting energies, which models natural conditions such as the rising and falling of tempertature, the expansion and contraction of glaciers etc. Think of it as a visual model of the character of nature. CP


Contemporary evidence- based medicine looks to understand the acupuncture from the reductionist perspective focusing on determining the mechanism of the concern, and diagnosing a neurological dysfunction in the individual. This new type of clinical knowledge has made acupuncture increasingly popular within the western medicine.

Physiotherapists and chiropractors commonly use acupuncture for musculoskeletal problems. This type of acupunctures needling induce a chain of events that results in the release of neurotransmitters and neurohormones resulting in widespread and measurable effects on pain, and tissue healing.

In addition, clinical studies have demonstrated efficacy [the capacity to produce an effect ] for treatment of irritable bowel disorder, insomnia, fertility and support with assisted conception.

While the use of acupuncture has been increasing in popularity, it is important to continue to respect the vast amount of clinical knowledge Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture point indications are based in.
Naturopathic Doctors are a wealth of knowledge regarding use of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. We are trained from the Traditional Chinese Medicine background, but embrace the modern scientific explanations of acupuncture to treat a variety of conditions. Training for Naturopathic Doctors incorporates understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine, clinical case taking, and hands on clinical practice utilizing various acupuncture needling techniques. For the Silo, Ashley Beeton ND.





The Big Year Is A Fun Comedy For Bird Enthusiasts

I first took notice of this film because of where I live- which is not that far away from Long Point, Ontario, a mecca for birdwatchers. I find that it’s a more immersive experience to watch a movie that is connected thematically in some way to the sorts of activities that the area I live in has to offer. This reinforces the suspension of disbelief while watching and serves to supercharge the imagination.  If you live in a seaside community and you’ve ever watched Jaws followed by a bit of swimming you know exactly what I mean.

Back to the birds 

The main story arc of The Big Year goes a little like this:  A ready-to-retire-but-not-quite-sure-its-the-right-time-to-retire businessman and a mid-thirties-divorced-unemployed-savant (he can identify any bird just by hearing a few notes of its birdsong) aim for beating the current single year record of bird sightings. In the parlance of the ‘birding’ community, this is known as doing a ‘big year’. The current record holder, played by Owen Wilson, is the rock-star of the ‘birding’ community and is completely obsessed with stopping anyone else from beating his record- even if this means missing the birth of his child and ruining his second marriage.

Highly competitive obsession

Jack Black, Steve Martin and Owen Wilson in the The Big Year.

I always believed that birding was a slowly paced albeit serious hobby but this movie turns the notion on its head. The story develops and moves quickly. The characters are highly  competitive and race against each other as the suspense and intensity builds.

The Big Year is satisfying, clever and funny . If you are a birder there is a good chance that you will love this movie (especially if you can relate to the obsessive compulsive behavior of the main characters) but then again you might end up blaming this movie- you might decide on doing a big year and to hell with anything and anyone in your path. For the Silo, Doug McKenzie.

Jack Black’s character feeling bad (but not that bad) about Steve Martin’s character picking up the dinner tab.

Supplemental- The Big Year:A Tale of Man,Nature and Fowl Obsession by Mark Obmascik.  http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june04/bird_04-12.html

New Way Of Experiencing New York Adirondack Mountains

Wild Walk, or the “High Line of the Forest” is changing the way people experience and interact with nature, and is just another reason to travel to the revered Adirondack Mountains this summer.

Adirondack Mountains Hollow Tree Platform

An elevated path that takes visitors up a winding trail of bridges and platforms from ground level to breathtaking treetops, Wild Walk gives visitors a novel and one-of-a-kind perspective on nature from groundbreaking angles such as a four-story twig tree house, swinging bridges, a human-sized spider’s web hovering 24-feet off the ground and a walk through a giant dead tree to see the amazing life thriving within.

Wild Walk Preview Video from The Wild Center on Vimeo.

Demonstrations at vantage points throughout the walk bring everything to life, such as how spiders can 3D print different threads for different uses, that within a dead tree is actually something more like a high rise building filled with life, and more.

Quick Facts:

  • This summer marks the 11th anniversary of The Wild Center, a pioneering “un-museum” that helps people not only explore the Adirondacks but their relationship with nature.  
  • Gas Prices: If gas prices decrease as predicted and with travelers heightened interest in exploring the US – this is the summer for road trips
  • The Power of Awe: Studies show that a sense of awe (often caused by majestic, natural landscapes) can make you happier, less-stressed, and more creative – one more reason to make nature a focus for summer travels this year
  • Adirondacks: The untouched and authentic Upstate New York experience for all ages with additional attractions including camping, glamping, kayaking, local breweries, wineries, farmer’s markets, Lake Placid and more
  • Family Travel: Educational and entertaining trips where kids are safe to run free and explore; the boardwalk is also wheelchair and stroller accessible
  • Accessibility: Wild Walk is accessible to people of all generations and abilities. There will be side paths and options to take, suspension bridges, and stairs down, but the entire main structure, from the trail leading to Feeder Alley all the way to the viewing pod on the final tower platform was built specifically so that it would afford everyone the chance to experience the Walk.

For the Silo, Alexis Chernoff


The Fuss About Archaeology Conducted On Ontario Farmlands

Farmland development throughout wind-powered Ontario has resulted in the hiring of many consulting archaeologists by developers of solar panels and wind turbine farms and the public continues to wonder why so much attention is given to archaeological sites several thousand years old that hold little or no cultural value to the people who live there today. One reason is simple to explain: developers closely follow the laws of the Ontario Heritage Act, which promotes the protection, and conservation of heritage sites before and after European Contact and therefore are bound to archaeology. The Heritage Act came into force in 1975 as a way to protect archaeological sites. Even architectural structures built over a century ago come under the protection of the Heritage act if deemed of historical significance.

This photo shows a ‘feature’- where stone flakes were recovered from a flintknapping moment about 7,000 years ago.

But other than the legal issues, what is all the fuss about these archaeological sites in Ontario rural municipalities? Well, a lot has to do with how little the public knows about the earliest people who began to inhabit the Great Lakes region over 10,000 years ago. Increased development has resulted in many archaeological sites being uncovered, which helps to answer questions such as: who were these early people? How did they survive? [Especially during a time of mammoths and glaciers CP] Where did they come from? How were they impacted by climatic changes? How long did they live on the landscape before being replaced by other groups of people? Which leads to another, penultimate question: How can these questions be answered?

Complying with the Heritage Act- solar and wind power developers are hiring more and more consultant archaeology firms to conduct studies of Ontario farmland. This picture taken on July 17, 2012 at an area East of Nanticoke, Ontario. photo: The Silo

Here is one way. Archaeologists working on a site discovered a location where an ancient person was breaking stone into smaller pieces for making stones tools. Archaeologists found a location below the ground surface where pieces of stone fell and remained for over 7,000 years. One of the first questions archaeologists tried to answer is was that person standing or sitting down at that particular location when they dropped the pieces of stone.

The best way to answer that question was to do “experimental archaeology”. In this case, stone tools left in a forest are observed to determine how natural processes move and cover artifacts over time. Some stone tools are ‘dropped’ or left while standing and others while sitting down on a log or other structure. The difference in posture and stance and the difference in the height of the drop affect the way the pieces of stone fall, land and how they orient themselves on the ground.

Click to view on I-tunes
Click to view on I-tunes

This affects the way that they are weathered, covered and deposited. After a long period of experimenting and observation, it was determined that a person likely sat on a log while making their stone tools. The broken flakes of stone, covered and protected by forest debris, resulted in a well-preserved location where someone once sat down to made stone tools.
So the next time you come across a scatter of broken stone try to imagine who sat there as they made their stone tools and what the land once looked like long ago. For the Silo, Lorenz Bruechert. /Jarrod Barker.


Roadside Memorials Of Loss Are On The Rise

One of Toronto based photographer Erin Riley’s series of photographs depicting roadside memorials in and around the GTA

Indeed, the prevalence of roadside memorials has increased significantly over the past several decades and there is little doubt that each of us has encountered them at some point. Roadside memorials are essentially visual manifestations of profound suffering and loss. They mark the site where a motor vehicle accident has occurred and the death that resulted from it (however , many memorials, especially in major cities, have little to do with motor vehicle accidents and more to do with cycling accidents, innocent bystanders or anything else that faithfully marks the site of passing).

In areas where large gravestones or plaques cannot be placed, for a variety of reasons, makeshift memorials take their place. These sites grow with each flower, ribbon or object and deplete with the wind, rain or snow; they are in a continuous state of flux. The organic quality of roadside memorials may directly reference the very epehemerality of life itself. Moreover, in their various forms and inclinations, they challenge Western society’s visual seperation of the living from the dead; therefore, as they subsist, roadside memorials carry the spectre of mortality into the public sphere, a space where even speaking of death remains taboo.

Post-mortem/momento mori photography during the Victorian age is a fascinating though dark and unsettling movement.

Roadside markers are a rural and urban feature- this marker is located on Front Road, near St. Williams, Ontario, Canada image: www.thesilo.ca

Encountering the idea of death may be one of the reasons why people take issue with the appearance of roadside memorials. For them, they represent a veritable “distraction” while driving, are considered “unsightly” or a “vandalism of public property”. For the families of the deceased, roadside memorials allow the opportunity to mourn their loved one(s) at the very place of their passing. The level of emotion generated by being near the actual site where a loved one has died is different from standing beside their final resting place in segregated communities of loss that are the modern cemetery.

Not only are roadside memorials, as markers of loss, important to the families and groups that maintained a relationship to the deceased, but they powerfully address the living by acting as memento mori (reminders of death). It is through them that one may better appreciate the present.

Toronto-based photographer Erin Riley’s series of photographs depicting roadside memorials in and around the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) specifically engages the publicization of loss and its visual manifestation. Riley’s images are strikingly beautiful and skillfully composed, yet they raise ethical questions precisely because they aestheticize markers of death sites by transforming them into visual objects to behold.  This theme was explored  in Jarrod Barker’s April 2010’s  Umwelt at the Norfolk Arts Center with a central piece depicting a virtual gallery memorial in conjunction with projected audio/video loop of a recently deceased Deer- struck down by a motorist, the piece becoming essentially a rural memento mori.

Happening upon a recently struck deer- Artist Jarrod Barker aestheticized the site by placing a white linen ‘shroud’ over the victim. This would later become a central piece in the installation of Umwelt April 2010 photo: J. Barker

Another question concerns the identification of deceased individuals and whether or not their names should be made public through the vehicle of art. That being said, Riley’s photographs do provide an eloquent record of roadside memorials within the GTA and speak to their social and cultural value. Ask yourself: where do you stand on this issue?

It would seem that, for the families of the deceased, roadside memorials serve the purpose of exactly that: the memorializatin of a life. [ “even” an animal life CP ] They also serve a function for the living, reminding us that life is fleeting and that the dangers of the road are real. Ultimately, rather than causing drivers to collide, roadside memorials may force drivers to more aware of the consequences of speed, negligence and drunk driving. May roadside memorials continue to stand where lives have fallen. For the Silo, Matthew Ryan Smith. 




Ask Ontario To Grow Greenbelt To Protect Vital Water Supplies

Dear Silo, I share with you and your readers both good news and not so good news. The Province has launched a consultation process on expanding the Greenbelt to protect critical water resources. Several hydrologically significant areas are included in the proposal, but vulnerable areas are missing.

Ontario Oak Ridge Greeenbelt Map

We need to get this right. Ask the Ontario government to expand their proposal and protect a “Bluebelt” of 1.5 million acres to ensure clean water supplies for future generations.

Over 1.25 million people in the region rely on groundwater for their drinking needs. And, our lakes and wetlands are home to numerous at-risk species of fish and wildlife. We urgently need features like moraines, wetlands and headwaters that filter and store water protected from development.

Oak Ridges Moraine Ontario
Oak Ridges Moraine Ontario, Canada

Photo credit: Shezamm

9 in 10 Ontarians support the Greenbelt’s protection of water, farmland and nature. You can be one of them.

Together we can grow the Greenbelt to protect our precious resources.

To learn more, you can read our latest blog.

Susan Lloyd Swail
Livable Communities, Senior Manager

Winners Of Earth Day Canada Hometown Heroes Awards

Earth Day Canada is thrilled to announce the five winners of our Hometown Heroes Award Program 2017. This program recognizes and celebrates environmental leaders at the community level with a Youth, Individual, Teacher, Group and Small Business award.
Earth Day Canada’s (EDC) Hometown Heroes Award Program has become one of Canada’s most prestigious environmental awards. Established in 2004, the program recognizes and celebrates environmental leaders, groups and small businesses fostering meaningful, long-term community awareness and action. Local heroes, working at a grassroots level and often with very limited resources, can make an enormous difference to the health of our planet – they deserve our recognition. Learn more at http://www.earthday.ca/hometown.

CLICK to view this year’s Winners

Celebrated every year on April 22, Earth Day is the largest environmental event in the world. Founded in 1990, Earth Day Canada is a national charity that inspires and supports people across the country to connect with nature and build resilient communities. We lead an annual Earth Day campaign in conjunction with free, year-round, award-winning programs that get people outside, interacting with the natural environment — this, in turn, fosters an intrinsically motivated, enduring commitment to stewardship and conservation. EDC works closely with school-aged children and youth through our renowned EcoKids program and new EarthPLAY initiative, and recognizes via our Hometown Heroes Awards those who are leading the way in solving environmental challenges.
Le Jour de la Terre du Canada est ravi d’annoncer les cinq gagnants du prix de notre programme les Héros de chez nous 2017. Ce programme reconnaît et célèbre les leaders environnementaux engagés au sein de leur collectivité en décernant des prix jeunesse, individuel, pour enseignant(e), de groupe et pour petite entreprise ayant pour but d’encourager leurs efforts exceptionnels.
À propos du programme de prix Les Héros de chez nous
Le programme de prix Les Héros de chez nous de Jour de la Terre Canada est devenu l’un des prix environnementaux les plus prestigieux du Canada. Lancé en 2004, le programme reconnaît et célèbre les chefs de file individuels, les groupes et les petites entreprises férus d’environnement qui encouragent une prise de conscience et une action significative et durable au sein de leur collectivité. Les héros de chez nous, en travaillant à l’échelle communautaire et souvent avec des ressources très limitées, peuvent influer de manière concrète sur la santé de notre planète – ils méritent notre reconnaissance. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site jourdelaterre.ca/heros.

HH2017-Winners-PSA_FR French PDF

À propos de Jour de la Terre Canada
Célébré chaque année le 22 avril, le Jour de la Terre est l’événement environnemental le plus important de la planète. Fondé en 1990, Jour de la Terre Canada (JTC) est un organisme de bienfaisance national qui inspire et soutient des gens de partout au pays dans leur effort de se rapprocher de la nature et de bâtir des collectivités résilientes. Nous menons une campagne annuelle pour le Jour de la Terre au moyen de programmes annuels gratuits et primés qui encouragent la population à sortir à l’extérieur et à interagir avec l’environnement naturel, démarche qui suscite à son tour un engagement durable et une motivation intrinsèque envers la conservation et la saine gestion. JTC travaille de près avec les enfants d’âge scolaire et les jeunes dans le cadre de son programme renommé Écoapprentis et sa nouvelle initiative JEU de la Terre, et il reconnaît, au moyen de son programme de prix Les Héros de chez nous, ceux et celles qui ouvrent la voie en relevant des défis environnementaux.

Words A Spoken Word Poem

“Words”. Thoughtful contemporary poetry from Allen Minor.


Allen Minor is From Utica, New York and lives in Daytona Beach, Florida

@allen_minor (Twitter)

allen minor (YouTube)

allen-minor (Tumblr)

allen_minor (Instagram)

Website  http://Amazon.com/author/asminor

Alcohol Inks in place of Oil Paint has become my new Addiction

All Alcohol Paintings shown in this post by the Author- Dawn Bank
All Alcohol Paintings shown in this post by the Author- Dawn Bank

While searching for ways to expand “the oil painting experience” I came across tiny bottles of Alcohol Inks in all the basic colours, with an extender (strictly rubbing alcohol at 99%) as well as some clean-up solution.

Painting with oils has always been my favorite medium but on occasion I find it kind of rigid- you do this…then that and poof you have a beautiful tree. That’s why using alcohol inks as my new medium has become a new addiction. While doing so, I feel like I am being controlled without the ability to stop working. I have probably used up 3 sets so far.

I had never used inks before and I found myself in uncharted territory. Using inks changed everything. I discovered that they created many outcomes and endless possibilities which then opened up new means of expression to me.

Taking advantage of the translucent qualities of Alcohol Ink- lit (L) & unlit (R) candle holder by the Author
Taking advantage of the translucent qualities of Alcohol Ink- lit (L) & unlit (R) candle holder by the Author

When I begin to ink, I sit down at my table the same way I would when using oils. I Toss little droplets of colour and rotate the tile. Next, I spray rubbing alcohol for a spatter effect and I add a sponging technique that forms a multitude of tiny blotches. I pick out a brush and paint with the alcohol itself paying attention to watching the delicate lines that form as the brush hits the nearly-dry ink. It’s a gentle process and I enjoy the thinning of colour effect from the alcohol spray . For more fun I sometimes go out and buy a can of compressed air. I blow the ink and watch as it begins to layer itself. This is almost magical. It’s so amazing how it all comes together. I think the greatest addiction with this technique is the fact that the results are unpredictable and will never be the same. This whole process takes about half an hour but to me it seems like mere seconds.

Even though the finished ink works are fully dry within a matter of minutes, extra time is required if you choose to work in more detailed designs.

Another view of the Author's candle holder.
Another view of the Author’s candle holder

Speaking of time….I am amazed that while I work with the inks I completely lose all track of time. I am in a completely different space. My house could be burning down and I’m not sure that I would notice because using this medium makes me extremely focused and relaxed. Peacefulness has added to my life and that is just amazing. I have become so “in tune” with the way that the inks move without totally blending together. It’s an exciting time. I have discovered a new way to express and share my world with the whole world. For The Silo, Dawn Bank of One Lady’s Art. To view more alcohol ink work please visit me at https://www.facebook.com/groups/OneLadysArt/.