Botswana’s president recently threatened to send 20,000 elephants from Botswana to Germany in a feud over stricter regulations on trophy imports. Find out why President Mokgweetsi Masisi’s claims about hunting simply don’t stack up and how animal-friendly approaches in Botswana actually help conservation goals and the economy.
Earlier this year, Germany proposed stricter limits on trophy imports, which led to controversy and claims from President Masisi that it would further impoverish Botswanans.
Trophy hunters worldwide are attempting to justify their killing by making outlandish claims to hide their conservation harms and economic exploitation.
According to Dr. Keith Lindsay, a renowned conservation biologist with over 30 years of research and hands-on experience conserving African elephants, including population management, nothing could be further from the truth.
While there are challenges for African countries that have elephant/human conflicts, many have found proven solutions that respect elephants without killing or trapping them.
The way to create harmony with elephants is to know the facts first.
Elephant populations have not “exploded,” as President Masisi claims. Botswana’s elephant population has not increased significantly for about two decades.
Trophy hunting funds corruption and does not bring in significant net revenue for conservation. The ones that profit are sports hunting companies, a few government officials, and community trust members who siphon off funds. Very little goes to the hundreds of households sharing the meager proceeds, which Dr. Lindsay says is “enough for a pair of socks.”
According to the numbers, hunting does not keep elephant populations in check, as President Masisi claims. A 2022 survey of elephants in Botswana indicated there were about 132,000. The hunting quota in 2024 is 400 elephants, which is less than 0.3%. It’s not enough to make a dent in their population, even if all 400 were killed, but it is a risk to all older male elephants and large-tusked elephants, who hunters target despite their vitally important role in elephant societies.
Botswana banned trophy hunting in 2014 but lifted it in 2019 to give the impression it would boost the economy, but elephants are much more valuable alive.
Live elephants contribute a much greater amount to the economy than dead ones. Per Dr. Lindsay, “Photographic ecotourism, even in Botswana, employs more people and contributes more to the national economy, including through multiplier effects on value chains of suppliers to the industry than does the minimal amount from trophy companies.” Only a few countries in southern Africa exploit wild animals as a resource through killing and consumption.
Conflicts from elephants eating crops and killing people are not due to elephant overpopulation but to human populations expanding into elephant territories and growing vegetation that elephants like to eat.
Many conservation experts advocate against killing keystone species on ecological grounds. The minority who stand to gain from trophy hunting often attempt to marginalize all who oppose hunting and killing elephants as “extremists” despite being the vast majority.
Organizations like Ecoexist and Elephants Without Borders are working successfully with local farmers on practical approaches to human-elephant coexistence to resolve conflicts where they exist.
Elephants are not products to buy and sell. They are majestic living beings who deserve to live free as they have for thousands of years on the lands of their ancestors.
For the Silo, Courtney Scott / In Defense Of Animals.
Featured image: German sport hunter kills old Bull elephant in Botswana. image courtesy of National Geographic.
The Canada Aviation and Space Museum is proud to support OEX Recovery Group Incorporated (“OEX”), in a project involving the search-and-recovery of nine free-flight Avro Arrow models from Lake Ontario. The project was created by OEX as a Canada 150 initiative.
As one of the three museums under the new Ingenium banner, the Canada Aviation and Space Museum – in collaboration with the Canadian Conservation Institute – will provide historical information to support the conservation, treatment, and collection of any recovered models or materials.
The Avro Arrow was the first and last supersonic interceptor designed and built in Canada. Developed between 1953 and 1959, it was produced to counter jet-powered Soviet bombers that had the potential to attack North America over the Arctic.
The nine Avro Arrow free-flight models that OEX hopes to locate and recover were test models used to evaluate aerodynamic qualities and stability of the storied aircraft’s design. They were flown over Lake Ontario between 1954 and 1957.
Through a national partnership involving the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, OEX, the Royal Canadian Air Force and the Canadian Conservation Institute, the Museum will keep the public apprised of any milestones in the search-and-recovery mission. It will also provide periodic updates on plans for conservation, preparation and public exhibition of the artifacts.
OEX holds survey and recovery permits from the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. It is financially supported by a group of Canadian mining companies and financial institutions, and is funding survey and recovery work, as well as committing to conservation work and display costs.
Follow this exciting story as it unfolds, using the hashtag #raisethearrow or via
“Our museum is thrilled to be partnering on this historically significant search-and-recovery project. The Canada Aviation and Space Museum’s collection comprises the largest surviving pieces of the Avro Arrow: a nose section and two wingtips. A free-flight model would be a wonderful addition to our collection, and to the Arrow story we share with Canadians.”
– Fern Proulx, interim President and CEO of Ingenium
“As professional explorers in the mining business, we initiated this program about a year ago with the idea of bringing back a piece of lost Canadian history to the Canadian public. As individuals, as a company, as a group and with our partners and our project participants in this search effort, we all have the same goal in mind: to find and return these beautiful pieces of Canadian technology to the public eye during this anniversary year of our incredible country. Like Avro, our own corporate group was built on dreams, and this project is a proud reminder of what we as Canadians have done, what we do, and what we can do.”
– John Burzynski, President and CEO of Osisko Mining Inc. and head of OEX Recovery Group Incorporated
For the Silo, Zoë Lomer.
About the Canada Aviation and Space Museum
Located on a former military air base just 5 kilometres from the Prime Minister’s residence at 24 Sussex Drive in Ottawa, the Museum focuses on aviation in Canada within an international context, from its beginnings in 1909 to the present day. As Canada’s contribution to aviation expanded to include aerospace technology, the Museum’s collection and mandate grew to include space flight. The Collection itself consists of more than 130 aircraft and artifacts (propellers, engines) from both civil and military service. It gives particular, but not exclusive, reference to Canadian achievements. The most extensive aviation collection in Canada, it is also considered one of the finest aviation museums in the world.
Museum Highlights: Largest surviving pieces of the famous Avro Arrow (its nose section and two wing tips); the original Canadarm used on the Endeavour space shuttle; Lancaster WWII bomber; Life in Orbit: The International Space Station exhibition.
About Ingenium – Canada’s Museums of Science and Innovation
Launched in June 2017, Ingenium is a new national brand established to preserve and share Canada’s story of scientific and technological heritage. This corporate brand, which celebrates ingenuity, encompasses three national institutions – the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum, the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, and the Canada Science and Technology Museum. Under the Ingenium brand, these three museums are places where the past meets the future, with spaces where visitors can learn and explore, play and discover. Ingenium also has an eye to the future with a state-of-the-art Collections Conservation Centre, set to open in 2018, digital and social media platforms, and travelling national and international exhibitions to educate, entertain and engage audiences across Canada and around the world. For more, visit us:
Association entre le Musée de l’aviation et de l’espace du Canada et des partenaires nationaux pour la recherche et la récupération d’appareils Arrow de Avro à vol libre dans le lac Ontario
OTTAWA, le 14 juillet 2017 – Le Musée de l’aviation et de l’espace du Canada est fier de soutenir le OEX Recovery Group Incorporated (« OEX ») pour un projet de recherche et de récupération de neuf appareils Arrow de Avro à vol libre dans le lac Ontario. OEX a mis sur pied ce projet dans le cadre d’une initiative Canada 150.
Le Musée de l’aviation et de l’espace du Canada, l’un des trois musées de la bannière Ingenium, en collaboration avec l’Institut canadien de conservation, fournira des renseignements historiques pour soutenir la conservation, le traitement et la collecte de tout appareil ou matériel récupéré.
L’appareil Arrow de Avro a été le premier et le dernier intercepteur supersonique de conception et de fabrication canadienne. Créé entre 1953 et 1959, il a été produit pour résister aux bombardiers à turboréacteurs soviétiques qui avaient la capacité d’attaquer l’Amérique du Nord en passant par l’Arctique.
Les neuf appareils Arrow de Avro à vol libre que OEX espère repérer et récupérer étaient des maquettes utilisées pour évaluer les caractéristiques aérodynamiques et la stabilité de la conception légendaire de l’aéronef. Ils ont survolé le lac Ontario entre 1954 et 1957.
Dans le cadre d’un partenariat national entre le Musée de l’aviation et de l’espace du Canada, OEX, l’Aviation royale canadienne et l’Institut canadien de conservation, le Musée tiendra le public informé sur les étapes de la mission de recherche et de récupération. Il fournira également des mises à jour périodiques sur les plans de conservation, de préparation et d’expositions publiques des artefacts.
OEX détient des permis de reconnaissance et de récupération du ministère du Tourisme, de la Culture et du Sport de l’Ontario, et est soutenu financièrement par un groupe de sociétés minières et d’institutions financières. L’organisme finance le travail de reconnaissance et de récupération, et s’engage à soutenir les coûts de conservation et d’exposition.
Suivez le déroulement de cette passionnante histoire à l’aide du mot-clic #rechercherArrow ou en cliquant sur
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« Notre Musée est ravi de son partenariat pour ce projet de recherche et de récupération d’importance historique. La collection du Musée de l’aviation et de l’espace du Canada compte les plus grandes pièces restantes de l’Arrow d’Avro : une partie avant et deux extrémités d’ailes. Un appareil à vol libre serait un merveilleux ajout à notre collection ainsi qu’à l’histoire du Arrow que nous partageons avec les Canadiens. »
– Fern Proulx, président-directeur général par intérim d’Ingenium
« En tant qu’explorateurs professionnels du secteur minier, nous avons lancé ce programme il y a environ un an dans le but de présenter un morceau perdu de l’histoire canadienne aux citoyens. En tant qu’individus, qu’entreprise, que groupe et avec nos partenaires et les personnes participant à ce projet de recherche, nous avons un seul objectif : retrouver et retourner ces magnifiques pièces de technologie canadienne au public pendant l’année anniversaire de notre superbe pays. Tout comme Avro, notre propre groupe de sociétés s’est bâti sur des rêves, et ce projet rappelle fièrement ce que nous avons fait, ce que nous faisons et ce que nous pouvons faire en tant que Canadiens. »
– John Burzynski, président-directeur général de la minière Osisko et chef du OEX Recovery Group Incorporated
Le Musée de l’aviation et de l’espace du Canada
Le Musée : Situé sur une ancienne base militaire à seulement cinq kilomètres du 24, prom. Sussex à Ottawa, résidence du premier ministre, le Musée concentre ses activités sur l’aviation au Canada dans un contexte international, des débuts de l’aviation au Canada en 1909 jusqu’à nos jours. Comme la contribution à l’aviation du Canada a évolué pour inclure les technologies aérospatiales, la collection et le mandat du Musée se sont aussi élargis pour inclure les vols spatiaux. La collection comprend plus de 130 aéronefs et artéfacts (hélices, moteurs) militaires et civils. L’accent est mis, mais n’est pas exclusif, sur les réalisations canadiennes. Il s’agit de la collection d’aéronefs la plus importante au Canada, et l’un des plus beaux musées mondiaux de l’aviation.
Pièces de résistance: Le plus gros élément du fameux Avro Arrow encore disponible (le nez de l’appareil); le Canadarm d’origine de la navette spatiale Endeavour; le bombardier Lancaster WWII; l’exposition Vivre en orbite : la station spatiale internationale.
À propos d’Ingenium : Musées des sciences et de l’innovation du Canada
Dévoilée en juin 2017, Ingenium est une nouvelle identité qui a été adoptée pour préserver et raconter l’histoire du patrimoine scientifique et technologique du Canada. S’inspirant de la racine latine du mot « ingéniosité », cette identité corporative englobe trois institutions nationales, soit le Musée de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation du Canada, le Musée de l’aviation et de l’espace du Canada et le Musée des sciences et de la technologie du Canada. Sous l’identité Ingenium, ces trois musées deviennent des lieux où le passé rejoint le futur, et où les visiteurs peuvent apprendre et explorer, s’amuser et faire des découvertes. Ingenium se tourne aussi vers l’avenir grâce à son Centre de conservation des collections à la fine pointe de la technologie, dont l’ouverture est prévue en 2018, à ses plateformes numériques et sociales, ainsi qu’à ses expositions itinérantes d’envergure nationale et internationale qui sauront éduquer, divertir et captiver des publics de tous âges partout au Canada et dans le monde entier. Pour en savoir davantage, visitez-nous à
National Geographic Traveler recently released its tenth annual ‘50 Tours of a Lifetime,’ a curated list of the best-guided trips offered by today’s top adventure tour operators around the globe. This year’s collection includes Adventure Canada’s Mighty Saint Lawrence expedition cruise, an incredible voyage that begins in historic Québec City and travels down the Saint Lawrence seaway to the French territory of Saint-Pierre. Travellers will search for beluga and blue whales in Saguenay Fjord, hike Anticosti Island, photograph the famous red cliffs of the Magdalen Islands, and discover the rich geological and natural histories of the region. The expedition departs June 14, 2015.
“It is a great privilege to be included in National Geographic Traveler’s 50 Tours of a Lifetime in 2015,” said Cedar Swan, CEO of Adventure Canada. “We’ve worked hard to curate an incredible team that will enhance the rich natural landscape and history that played such a key role in formation of Canada. We’re thrilled to help shine the spotlight on Quebec’s Maritime region and we look forward to connecting our guests to the people, culture, and natural wonders of this region for years to come.”
Sailing down the nation’s historic waterway, the 198-passenger Ocean Endeavour introduces guests to the best of la belle province. Accompanied by an expert team of expedition leaders—as well as renowned naturalists, historians, artists, and photographers—travellers will discover seldom-visited coastal communities by Zodiac, accessing remote areas unreachable by car or large cruise ship.
Featured activities include visits to bird nesting colonies, whale-watching, trekking through national parks, sampling French wine and cheese in Saint-Pierre, and learning about the region’s French and aboriginal heritage. Adventure Canada also debuts its new photography programming aboard the Mighty Saint Lawrence expedition, including interactive workshops with Fujifilm photographers Billy Luong and Dan Bailey.
The ten-day adventure starts at $2,595 USD per person, and includes the itinerary and educational program, all shipboard meals, entry and park fees, most shore excursions, service charges, and port fees.
For more information, email or visit or call 1-800-363-7566. About our new friends- Adventure Canada
Founded in 1987, Adventure Canada is a family-owned and operated adventure travel company specializing in land-based and small ship cruise adventures in Canada’s Arctic and east coast regions, Greenland, and select wilderness destinations. Adventure Canada’s trips feature a wide array of special guests including musicians, authors, biologists, and historians.
Up to 15,000 dolphins are being killed every year in Peru’s waters — for bait to catch endangered sharks. A new report has forced the government to respond but they’re not taking enough action yet and meanwhile the dolphins and the sharks are being killed. We can stop the massacre by threatening Peru’s international reputation as a tourism destination. Sign now and share:
I just saw a report on the news in Peru showing how fishermen are slaughtering up to 15,000 dolphins every year — for bait to catch endangered sharks. The entire story made me sick — and now I’m fighting to end this nightmare.
My government is starting to react, but they’re not taking enough action yet. Dolphin hunting is already illegal and punishable with several years in prison, but authorities are turning a blind eye — allowing thousands of dolphins and sharks to be butchered. The government cares a lot about Peru’s international reputation, especially for tourism, and if we can make them feel embarrassed with a massive global campaign, I’m sure they’ll start taking action to end the massacre.
Once I deliver a million signatures from all over the world to the government of Peru,Avaaz will place ads in tourism magazines in countries where most of our tourists come from and the government won’t be able to ignore us! Help me stop the brutal slaughter by signing now:
When I saw this horrific hunt I realised I needed to do something about it before our dolphins and sharks are gone forever. So I decided to set up a petition and shared it with my friends and in less than 24 hours over 10,000 people had signed it!
Partially butchered Dolphin, found on Bujama beach on 1.24.13 image:
Our oceans are under attack. Sharks and dolphins already face threats from pollution, climate change and entanglement in fishing gear. They play an important role as ocean predators and need to be protected — not butchered. Many marine ecosystems are on the verge of collapse from which they won’t recover and they will not wait while our politicians dither around making empty statements.
Tourism is Peru’s third largest industry, growing faster than any other South American country. Visitors are coming to see our pristine wilderness and eco-tourism is very important. We can create a serious threat by taking out hard-hitting ads in key countries where most visitors are coming from. Our government will realise people not only love our country because of the Machu Picchu and local gastronomy but also because they love our oceans and wildlife. Sign now and share this with everyone:
As an Avaaz member I’ve been truly amazed at our ability to help protect our oceans. At first, I wanted to get 15,000 signatures to represent the 15,000 dolphins that are killed every year but together we can represent all the dolphins and the sharks that can be saved in Peru’s waters!
With hope and excitement,
Zoe — together with the Avaaz Community Petitions Team