Tag: mystery

  • Now You Can Own A Sasha Ivanic Jacket

    Now You Can Own A Sasha Ivanic Jacket

    The origin story of the quintessential “Slav” outfit… A True Story Goes to Hollywood Here is another fine article via friends at kommandostore.com- you can find your size and place your order here. In 1995, pilot Scott O’Grady was flying his F-16 on a mission during the Bosnian war, when his aircraft was destroyed by an…

  • True Cases Of Phantom Transmissions And Hijacked Television Signals

    True Cases Of Phantom Transmissions And Hijacked Television Signals

    The call letters KLEE-TV had not been broadcast since July 1950, more than 3 years before a viewer in London, England picked up their transmission on his television set. Adding to the mystery was the fact that while in operation KLEE-TV was based out of Houston, Texas- an entire continent and ocean away. Since this was an…

  • Spooky Missing Persons Stories

    Spooky Missing Persons Stories

    David Paulides is an ex-cop on a mission. After years of investigating missing persons and studying thousands of missing persons reports he has discovered strange coincidences and similarities that he has documented clearly and factually in several of his books including Missing 411 which was the focus of lecture at the University of Toronto a…