Superhero movies used to dominate the box office but these days we are seeing a slip of sorts. But whatever genre is at the top, recent advancements in technology are allowing studios to produce high quality special effects that captivate viewers in ways that other films just can’t. Perhaps this is because we all secretly hope we too have a special power. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Flight? Invisibility? Time travel?
Our friends at Ranker, the #1 destination for crowdsourced rankings of everything, has released the results of its public poll asking voters to rank the superpowers they most wish they had. Healing Ability won the majority of the votes. It may not be as sexy as the ability to fly, but can you imagine not having to worry about healthcare? For the Silo, Jillian Nannery.
The international poll (now closed) was based on 193,000 votes on 141 superpowers. The results are as follows:
1. Healing Ability (eg- The Wolverine) 2. Teleportation 3. Time Manipulation (eg- Dr. Who) 4. Shapeshifting (eg- Plasticman) 5. Invincibility (eg- Sue Richards) 6. Flight (eg- Supergirl) 7. Super Speed (eg- The Flash) 8. Mind Control (eg- Jean Grey) 9. Super Intelligence (eg- Howard the Duck.. okay this one might be a stretch) 10. Super Strength (eg- She Hulk)
In addition, the poll results revealed:
-Millennials voted time manipulation as #1
-Women voted Teleportation as #1
What super power would you want to add?
About Ranker:
Ranker is a data-driven media company, the #1 online destination for opinion-based, crowdsourced rankings of everything. The company’s technology is centered on user engagement, turning its lists into the “best possible rankings” via the wisdom of crowds. Supplemental- Wikia’s Superpower listing
Is Tom Cruise the poster boy for alternative religion?
In most western-world countries, laws protect consumers from fraud and unethical business practices. But to date, there are no laws on the books that recognize destructive mind control, much less prohibit the use of it by cult-like groups of religion. However, if my colleague Steven Hassan, the pioneer of exit counseling for cult members and a critically acclaimed author, and thousands of other ex-cult members have any say about it, that may soon change.
The mind, despite all of its strengths, depends on a stream of coherent information for it to function properly. Put a person into an environment where the senses are overloaded with incoherent information and the mind becomes numb. In this confused state, critical thinking skills don’t work and the mind becomes suggestible to those who would replace an individual’s self-interest with the group’s best interests.
Everyone, like it or not, is vulnerable to mind control. Everyone is looking for something better in life: more happiness, more meaning and more security. Recruiters prey upon these basic human needs. People don’t join; they are recruited, and more often than not, during a stressful time in their lives.
Mind-control religions use our fantasies of an ideal world to draw us in. The “love bombing” and the sincere, committed members that newcomers initially encounter prove far more attractive and convincing than the doctrines.
Recruitment doesn’t just happen.
“It’s a process,” Hassan says, “imposed on people by other people.”
During that orientation process—it could be a seemingly innocuous six-month Bible study—irrational phobias are placed in the potential member’s unconscious mind. The first is that no one can really be happy and successful if they’re not a member of that particular religion.
After they become members, life is about sacrifice and living in a fantasy world created by the group. The need to live in the present is continually reinforced with warnings like “Armageddon is just around the corner,” giving members a sense of urgency about the tasks at hand. Those who begin to doubt will find leaving painful, as one of the penalties will be extreme shunning.
Children raised in these groups typically receive an inferior education, are taught that the world is an evil place controlled by the devil, and must rely on church leaders’ interpretation of reality.
Mind-control clichés like “we alone have the truth” or “all non-members will die at Armageddon” are continually reinforced, which puts up an invisible wall between believers and outsiders. This makes members feel special, believing they are counted among God’s chosen few.
Behavior control, Information control, Thought control and Emotional control (the BITE model) has great power and influence on the human mind. Together, these four control mechanisms are used by destructive religious groups to form a totalistic web, which can manipulate even the strongest-minded people. (Hassan provides a thorough explanation of how BITE works in his three best-selling books.) And if that’s not enough, mind-control religious members are required to proselytize; research in social psychology shows that nothing confirms one’s beliefs better than trying to sell those beliefs to other people.
Given freedom of choice, people will choose what they believe is best for themselves. However, the criteria for determining what is “best” should be one’s own, not someone elses.
Freedom of choice is the first thing that one loses when one becomes a member of groups like Scientologists, Moonies and Jehovah’s Witnesses. Unchecked, these groups will continue to wreak untold psychological and physical damage on millions of people who have no idea of what constitutes unethical mind control. Unless action is taken to make destructive religious groups accountable to society for their violations of the basic civil rights of their members, in particular the children of members, they will continue to deceive the public into believing they are a harmless group of people, deserving the same constitutional guarantees as benevolent religions.
Grant money for research projects and treatment of mind-control victims is needed now. Reform within public education must be made to encourage people to think for themselves, to understand the psychological principles of mind control and to teach students to be suspicious of any environment that discourages them from asking critical questions. If you would like to help, go to and For the Silo, Richard E. Kelly.
Elon Musk is one step closer to connecting a computer to your brain.
Neuralink is building a brain-machine interface as well as a little robot that installs the necessary wiring directly into your skull. Neuralink, the mysterious neuroscience company backed by Elon Musk, revealed more details about its plans to connect computers to human brains recently.
Musk explained that his off-the-radar neuroscience company Neuralink continues to push the boundaries of science with its latest model: the aim being not only for a smaller interface but for a vastly more powerful interlink.
The size of the flexible threads, attached to a fingertip for scale. Image: Neuralink
In 2019, using tiny wired pathways or neural links implanted directly into the head , a discrete behind the ear ‘controller’ received the wired pathway signals wirelessly. Computers running proprietary software are able to track the brain activity in real time. The latest version, just announced is a coin size device that sits on top of your head and is wired to go directly into your brain.
The chip in the last years’behind the ear’ receiver.
Unlike last years behind the ear model, the new model on the right is almost impossible to notice.
Cyber Frankensteins
This technology in a cruder form, has been used already to enable amputee control over prosthetic robotic limbs but the neural link was not hard wired or physically connected to the body.
Musk stressed the wide variety of spinal and neurological conditions — including seizures, paralysis, brain damage, and depression — that Neuralink technology could help treat. “These can all be solved with an implantable neural link,” said Musk. “The neurons are like wiring, and you kind of need an electronic thing to solve an electronic problem.”
Woke Studios designed Surgical Robot that inserts neural threads.
However, this new hard wired development changes things- not only in terms of faster and more accurate tracking of brain impulses but in the implications of what may be possible using hard wire. How about human pilots directly wired into the flight and combat systems of an advanced flying craft? Or a neural link human network where brain impulses can be transmitted and received between linked in people? Or a monkey that can control an advanced computer? Oh wait, that last one actually happened….
I was sitting in the drive-thru at the McDonald’s on Rymal Road and Upper James St South in Hamilton a few nights ago and I found myself drawn towards a large advertisement set up on the wall between the two drive-thru windows. (see below) The ad wasn’t radical in any way- it showed some French fries, a pop and ice cubes and a Big Mac along with a few menu items in graphic type fonts.
I was a bit confounded because at first, I couldn’t understand what was drawing me into the advertisement- then I remembered a well worn paperback book I have called Media Sexploitation by Wilson Bryan Key, sitting on a book shelf somewhere back home. That book is all about subliminal advertising and its photo section showing examples of ‘hidden words and symbols found in ice cubes’ has stayed with me. So I studied the McDonald’s ad again, this time paying special attention to the ice cubes and that’s when I saw it: “Sex”.
We’ve copied and enhanced a portion of the advertisement to help illustrate where the word “SEX” can be found. The left side of the image is unaltered and ‘as found’- this ad was much larger than can be shown here in our post and the ice cubes were easier to “read”. CP
Did you know? Subliminal advertising is banned in the UK and Australia but is legal for use anywhere except television and radio in the USA and Canada.
I turned to my 15 year old son- (the reason for the McDonald’s visit in the first place was to buy him an after- Summer Hockey root beer) and asked him if he could see the words “Sex” in the ice cubes. It didn’t take long for him to get excited because he saw it immediately.
That’s when the drive-thru line was getting ready to move ahead and I jumped out of the car, grabbed my iPhone and took the photograph you see above.
“On January 27 2007, viewers watching the Food Network’s Iron Chef America may have noticed a brief flash of red that appeared for a split second towards the end of a show when the challengers’ entries were being assessed and two men raised their glasses. What had audiences seen but barely been aware of – all but invisible to the naked eye? A McDonald’s logo that popped up for a single frame together with the hamburger giant’s slogan, ‘I’m lovin’ it.’ Following the revelation, accusations of subliminal advertising were met with claims that it was a “technical error” by the television network, but skeptics unsurprisingly weren’t convinced. How could such a thing occur accidentally? A McDonald’s spokesman said: “We don’t do subliminal advertising.” Sure, just an accidental glitch – a supersized one. ”
So you be the judge- these drive-thru advertisements are probably found in most Southern Ontario McDonald’s drive-thrus and you can take a look for yourself. We’d love to hear back from you on what you find. For the Silo, Jarrod Barker