Tag Archives: Mexico

Living With Popocatepetl Volcano On The Horizon

From youtube user 1AmazingWorld: “Popocatepetl is one of the most violent volcanoes in Mexico and North America’s 2nd-highest volcano. The name Popocatepetl comes from the Aztec-Nahuatl words popōca ‘it smokes’ and tepētl ‘mountain’, thus Smoking Mountain.”

Mexico City, Mexico- Popocatepetl tells a náhuatl* legend about a brave warrior forced to go to war. Before he leaves on his mission, he secures permission to marry a beautiful princess named Iztaccihuatl (sleeping woman). After three long months without any messages about her love, the princess receives news that the warrior has died. Because of the sadness the princess cries constantly and finally dies of a broken heart.

There are actually several versions of the Popocatepetl e Iztaccihuatl legend.

In one of these is that the girl was a princess, what the most beautiful being be sacrificed to the gods for good harvests, but the warrior loved her and would not allow the sacrifice, so must flee to avoid with it, but they fled the guards discovered them and an arrow struck the princess.
His beloved picked her up and kept running, once away, safe, laid her on the field, vowing to take care of her forever, he would wait until she awakened from sleep, to continue living their love. But it has been so long that the fields and the snow would have covered.

After a short period of time the warrior returns home and discovers that Iztaccihuatl is no longer alive.

He carries her body up to the mountain where he buries her and falls onto his knees besides her while he screams so loudly that the entire valley of Mexico can hear him. The Gods feel compassionate and cover them with branches and snow and finally turn them into mountains, one with the silhouette of a woman and the other into a volcano that occasionally wakes up. The volcano is the reincarnated warrior from our story, named Popocatepetl.

It is difficult to feel completely safe, when even from a far-away distance, the mountain and the volcano are still visible. The volcano is to the right, in the background just behind the tree. photo: R.M. Robinson Bours

This Mexican volcano has been awake for some weeks now.

My name is Rosa Maria and I live in Mexico City not very far away from Popocatepetl. How is life for me and others living so close to the screaming warrior? I feel like running away every time Popocatepetl wakes up but most people stick to their daily routine; the volcano hasn’t had a major eruption or explosion for more than 1200 years so everybody is used to living with the sleeping Popocatelpetl and our Mexican, authorities order evacuations only in case of imminent danger. What’s really bizarre here, is that I can only see the volcano once in a while because of the pollution in the city. I know it exists and the evidence sits around me, as volcano ashes fall all over the place and on a clear day is quite a spectacle to see these two white, snowy figures through the urban building landscape.

*One of many languages from Mesoamerica culture, from Uto-Aztecan language family, most Nahuatl people live in Central Mexico.

Dice una leyenda Nahuatl que un valiente guerrero quería casarse con una hermosa princesa llamada Iztaccihuatl (la mujer durmiente), para tener el permiso del padre tuvo que ir a la Guerra.
La princesa Iztaccihuatl quedó en espera de su regreso y después de tres largos meses de no saber nada de su amado recibió la noticia de su muerte. La princesa lloró tanto que murió de amor. Después de poco tiempo el guerrero regresó a casa descubriendo el destino de su amada, la tomó en sus brazos y la cargó al monte para enterrarla. El guerrero permaneció de rodillas junto a su amada y sus gritos de dolor eran tan fuertes que se escuchaban por todo el valle de México. Los dioses sintieron compasión por ellos y los cubrieron de ramas y de nieve para finalmente convertirlos en montañas, una con la silueta de una mujer y el otro un volcán que de vez en cuando despierta; el nombre del guerrero es Popocatepetl.

Este volcán lleva varias semanas despierto. ¿Cómo es la vida de los mexicanos que escuchan el grito del guerrero? La mayoría continúa su vida diaria; la última gran explosión fue hace más de 1200 años, todos están acostumbrados a vivir junto al gran volcán y las autoridades evacuan únicamente en caso de peligro. Cada vez que el Popocatepetl presenta actividad me dan ganas de salir corriendo y me pregunto qué alcancé tendría una explosión fuerte. Curiosamente solo de vez en cuando se ven los volcanes, imagino será la contaminación, aunque el volcán te recuerda su presencia con las cenizas que esparce por todo la ciudad. En un día claro es todo un espectáculo ver estas dos figuras nevadas a través del paisaje citadino.

For the Silo, Rosa Maria Robinson Bours in Mexico City. 

Canada Should Embrace Trump Presidency Opportunities

From: Chris Christie
To: Nervous Canadians 
Date: November 6, 2024 
Re: Canada Should Embrace the Opportunities of a Second Trump Presidency

A second Donald Trump presidency, if approached strategically, offers Canada more opportunities than risks.

Donald Trump’s campaign rhetoric is often erratic, of that there is no doubt. And I, as you might have heard, am not a Donald Trump advocate.

But what happens in governance under Trump is a far cry from his provocative online posts or bombastic speeches, as I argued in the latest C.D. Howe Institute Regent Debate. His track record speaks for itself, and whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, Canada has already benefitted from Trump-era policies.

Let’s take the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement – CUSMA in the Canadian rendering – as a prime example. Trump’s renegotiation of NAFTA wasn’t just about putting “America first.” It was about reshaping trade relationships in North America to benefit all three countries. The agreement secured economic ties between the US, Canada, and Mexico in a way that ensures long-term growth for all parties involved.

Trump views that agreement as one of his crowning achievements, and rest assured, it’s not going anywhere. It is a durable platform for growth in North American trade.

Looking forward, the question isn’t whether Trump is unpredictable. It’s whether Canada can recognize and leverage the opportunities his policies present.

With Trump re-elected, his administration will continue to focus on policies that drive economic growth – lower taxes, reduced regulations, and energy independence. A booming US economy means a stronger Canada, as our two economies are deeply intertwined. When one prospers, the other stands to benefit through increased trade and investment.

Trump’s approach to trade – especially tariffs – has often been misunderstood. Yes, his speech-making is aggressive. But we need to separate rhetoric from reality. Trump’s actual policies were more measured than many anticipated. And they will be again. 

The real adversary for Donald Trump is China, not Canada. If Trump tightens the screws on China’s unfair trade practices, it could create space for Canadian companies to flourish on a more level playing field, particularly in sectors like technology and intellectual property, where China has been a major violator.

Trump’s economic philosophy – focused on cutting taxes and regulations to unleash private-sector growth – should also serve as a wake-up call for Canada. Under Prime Minister Trudeau, Canada has taken a ruinous policy road, with higher taxes and more government intervention in business.

But what if Canada aligned itself more closely with the pro-growth policies Trump advocates? 

Imagine the potential for Canadian businesses if they operated in an environment with fewer barriers to growth. A thriving private sector in Canada would strengthen the economy and create more opportunities for collaboration and trade with the US.

I won’t pretend that a second term comes without challenges. But instead of focusing on the personality occupying the Oval Office, Canada should focus on how to navigate the opportunities presented by our shared future as neighbours and trade partners.

It’s time to stop seeing Trump as an unpredictable threat and start recognizing the potential opportunities his policies can bring. Canada stands to benefit if it plays its cards right. For the Silo, Chris Christie.

Chris Christie was the 55th Governor of New Jersey and a participant in the C.D. Howe Institute’s recent Regent Debate. Send comments to Chris via this link.

Why Canada On Track For Record Asylum Claims This Year

ANALYSIS: Canada Is On Track for Record Asylum Claims This Year—Here’s Why
An RCMP officer and a worker look on the demolition of the temporary installation for refugee claimants at Roxham Road Monday, in St. Bernard-de-Lacolle, Que., on Sept. 25, 2023. The Canadian Press/Ryan Remiorz

The closing of the unofficial border crossing Roxham Road last year stemmed the flow of asylum-seekers into Quebec from New York state, but overall numbers are rising in Canada with a spike in those arriving by air. The rise has many reasons behind it and can’t be accounted for by the growing scope of global conflict alone, immigration experts told The Epoch Times.

A major contributor is likely an increase in travel visa approvals.

The government has recently ramped up its visa processing to eliminate a backlog from the pandemic, Montreal immigration lawyer Stéphanie Valois told The Epoch Times. After arriving on travel visas, many people proceed to claim asylum.

A group of asylum seekers wait to be processed after being escorted from their tent encampment to the Canada Border Services in Lacolle, Quebec, on Aug. 11, 2017. Canada sees influx of 25,000 asylum seekers crossing border from US (alipac.us)

Fewer travel visa applicants have been asked to prove they will return home in recent years, said lawyer and York University international relations professor Michael Barutciski in an email. This is also likely contributing to an increase in air arrivals, he said.

From January to June this year, Canada processed just over 92,000 asylum claimants. That’s a lot more than the roughly 57,000 claimants in the same period last year—and 2023 was already a record-breaking year.

By contrast, from 2011 to 2016, the number of claimants Canada received each year ranged from around 10,000 to 25,000. The numbers began to climb thereafter, and Canada’s per-capita intake of asylum-seekers is now comparable to that of Germany, the European Union’s largest host country, according to Barutciski’s analysis of EU figures for a Macdonald-Laurier Institute paper published in July.

Nearly 28,000 claimants arrived via air in the first half of this year, compared with roughly 8,000 by land. This is a reversal of a long-standing trend of land arrivals being far more common, even before Roxham Road became a heavily used route.

The total number of asylum claimants processed by Canada Border Services Agency and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada during the first six months of 2017–2024. For 2011– 2016, only annual data is available, so we cut the annual total in half to give a rough estimate for comparison. (The Epoch Times)
The total number of asylum claimants processed by Canada Border Services Agency and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada during the first six months of 2017–2024. For 2011– 2016, only annual data is available, so we cut the annual total in half to give a rough estimate for comparison. The Epoch Times

From Land to Air

Roxham Road is an unofficial border crossing between New York and Quebec used by more than 100,000 migrants since 2017. Its use waned after Canada and the United States closed a loophole in their bilateral Safe Third Country agreement in March 2023.

The agreement says anyone seeking asylum must file their claim at the first of the two countries they enter. But the loophole was that this requirement applied only to official border crossings. Now it applies anywhere along the border: Asylum-seekers will be turned back to the United States to make their claims there.

Most of the asylum-seekers in 2023 were from Mexico—about 25,000 of all claimants that year, according to the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) of Canada.

The federal government further tightened restrictions on migrants from Mexico in February 2024 by requiring Mexicans to have travel visas.

“This responds to an increase in asylum claims made by Mexican citizens that are refused, withdrawn or abandoned,” said the federal government’s announcement at the time. “It is an important step to preserve mobility for hundreds of thousands of Mexican citizens, while also ensuring the sound management of our immigration and asylum systems.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in June, after meeting with Quebec’s premier, that his government would “improve the visa system“ in general, but he did not elaborate and it was not a major point of discussion.

The Epoch Times asked Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada for any update or specific plans but did not receive a response as of publication.  

“When people apply for a visa, it’s almost impossible to know what their intentions are when they arrive in Canada,” immigration lawyer Valois said. They may be planning to seek asylum, or sometimes the situation changes in their homeland—if a war starts, for example—and they decide to make a claim, she said.

The same is true of international students who file asylum claims, she added. Federal Immigration Minister Marc Miller has expressed alarm regarding international student claims.

The number of international students claiming asylum at Seneca College increased from about 300 in 2022 to nearly 700 in 2023. Claims from Conestoga College students rose from 106 to 450 during that same period.

These increases are “alarming” and “totally unacceptable,” Miller said in February.

As the method of entering Canada to claim asylum has changed, so have the most common countries of origin and the destinations within Canada.

Countries of Origin, Destination

The highest number of claimants so far this year have arrived from India. IRB data on country of origin is only available for January through March. It shows approximately 6,000 claimants from India. The next greatest are those from Mexico (about 5,800), Nigeria (5,061), and Bangladesh (3,016).

Given that the data is limited to only three months, it’s hard to tell how the annual total will compare to 2023. But if the number of Mexican applicants remains steady, Canada may see numbers similar to last year.

However, the number of Haitians and Colombians—which were among the highest in 2022 and 2023—appears to be on the decline. These are also groups that would have come in large numbers through Roxham Road.

The new claimants coming in now are from countries that differ from the top source countries for refugee claims worldwide, Barutciski said, referencing data he analyzed from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Canada’s spike is not following global trends, he said, which suggests it may have to do with a perception that Canada’s asylum policies are especially lenient. In other words, Canada is attracting claimants who feel they may not successfully seek asylum elsewhere.

Asylum-seekers are specifically people who arrive in the country without pre-approved refugee status. For example, although Canada has taken in many Ukrainian refugees, Ukraine is not a top source of asylum-seekers.

The majority of claimants so far this year have arrived in Ontario, whereas for years, Quebec was at the centre of the asylum issue.

Quebec has received more claimants than Ontario almost every year since 2016. The only exceptions were 2020 and 2021, but Ontario’s numbers were only slightly higher during those years (a difference of approximately 700 people in 2020 and roughly 1,600 in 2021).

In the first half of this year, Ontario received approximately 48,000 claimants and Quebec received 33,000. British Columbia and Alberta were the next highest recipients, with roughly 5,200 and 4,500 respectively.

How to distribute claimants, along with the federal funds for helping settle them, has been a hot topic.

Quebec received a pledge of $750 million in federal funds in June, and B.C. Premier David Eby was most outspoken about other provinces wanting help as well. Minister Miller replied in June that British Columbia needs to take on more asylum-seekers if it wants more money.

Manitoba and Newfoundland and Labrador have said they are willing to take on some of Quebec’s asylum-seekers.

Quebec has requested a federal quota system that would relocate asylum-seekers to other provinces.

The Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) in May put together an estimate of federal costs associated with each asylum claimant from a visa-exempt country.

The average cost for each claimant is $16,500 cad in 2024, the PBO said.

Asylum-seekers are eligible for a work permit, with the processing time to get it about six to eight weeks, according to the Quebec government.

The claims themselves can take years to process. The current projected wait time, according to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, is two years for a refugee claim and one year for an appeal. The backlog of cases has grown over the years to more than 186,000 as of March 31 this year. For comparison, the backlog was approximately 10,000 in 2015.

The proportion of claims that are approved is rising. The data available for 2024 so far, from January to March, shows 82 percent approved—or some 11,000 out of around 13,500 claims ultimately assessed—not counting others that weren’t assessed as they were either abandoned or withdrawn by the claimant.

Similarly, in the 2023 calendar year, roughly 79 percent were approved. That was a steep increase from the 69 percent figure in 2022, and the 71 percent in 2021. If we jump back to 2013, the number was 60 percent, which increased to 64 percent in 2014 and continued to climb.

Tara MacIsaac

For the Silo, Tara MacIsaac/The Epoch Times. The Canadian Press contributed to this report. Featured image via alipac.us : A group that stated they were from Haiti line up to cross the U.S.-Canada border into Hemmingford, Quebec, from Champlain in New York, Aug. 21, 2017.


Quebec Calls for Asylum Seekers to Be Distributed Throughout Canada via Federal Quota System

Quebec Calls for Asylum Seekers to Be Distributed Throughout Canada via Federal Quota System

How Canada Ranks In World For Thrill Seekers

With over 40% of travellers looking for heart-pounding thrills in 2024, the global adventure tourism market is predicted to grow to a staggering 2,824 billion usd dollars/ 3,840 billion cad dollars at time of publishing by 2030, as more seek adrenaline-fuelled experiences.

So if you are a relentless adventure junkie, which countries should be on your radar this year?

Our friends at BestCasinoSites.net evaluated factors including the number of roller coasters, casinos, rock climbing opportunities, mountain bike routes, hiking trails, and off-road trails in 61 countries, to compile a global index ranking the best countries to visit for thrill-seekers.

Canada among top 15 countries for adventure lovers

From biking the Gulf Islands to ziplining over Niagara Falls, Canada ranks 12th best country to get that adrenaline fix, earning a notable final score of 6.87/10. With 60,300 hiking trails and 5,980 mountain biking routes, Canada boasts a geographically diverse landscape and is home to North America’s second-highest peak, Mount Logan, topping out at 5,959 meters.

Mount Logan is a whopping 6KM in elevation and ranks sixth in the world for most prominent peak.

Adrenaline checklist in Canada: Experience Niagara Falls on a zipline, Rock or ice climb in the Rocky Mountains, Jump over the Cheakamus River with Whistler Bungee.

Whistler Bungee: offering a 160 foot jump over the glacially fed River below.

France reigns as the adventure capital of the world

According to the study, France is the world’s adventure capital, boasting an overall adrenaline score of 8.86/10. Prized for its stunning mountain ranges from the Pyrenees, Alps to Chamonix, the country offers over 720,000 hiking trails. Test your limits by conquering Europe’s highest peak, the Mont Blanc ranges, towering at 4,810 metres, or by jumping on one of France’s 227 thrilling roller coaster rides!

Adrenaline checklist in France: Cliff Jumping from the Calanques, Rock climbing overhanging limestone in Provence, Cycling on a glacier.

Trailing behind in second is Mexico, achieving a final score of 8.56/10. Your journey to this Latin American gem can be incredibly action-packed as you scale Mexico’s iconic snow-capped cone, Pico de Orizaba, with a peak of 5,636 metres above sea level; tackle one of the world’s biggest sport climbing areas at El Potrero Chico; or indulge in the thrill of games at any of the 364 casinos* Mexico boasts.

Adrenaline checklist in Mexico: Extreme urban downhill biking in Taxco; Bungee jumping at Los Cabos, Zip-lining in the Jungles of Yucatan.

The land of paella and sangria ranks as the third must-visit destination for adventurous souls, scoring 8.41/10Spain offers an enticing array of outdoorsy pursuits, boasting the highest number of thrill-seeking trails – from rock climbing (10,600)mountain biking (6,430,000), to hiking (10,300,000) – among all cities studied. Spain’s pristine landscape appears tailor-made for adventure enthusiasts.

Adrenaline checklist in Spain: Rock climbing In Picos De Europa; Canyoning at Junta de los Rios; Andalucía, Walking the El Caminito del Rey.

Argentina takes fourth place, earning an impressive final score of 8.34/10. Home to the third highest peak (6,960 metres) in the study, The Aconcagua attracts over 3,000 mountaineers annually, despite being nicknamed the ‘Mountain of Death’. With a whopping 172 casinos*, including South America’s largest casino complex, the Trilenium, Argentina offers ample opportunities for both seasoned risk-takers and casual players alike.

Adrenaline checklist in Argentina: Mountain biking in Bariloche; Ice trek on top of Perito Moreno Glacier, Paragliding with Condors in Córdoba.

From kayaking down the Grand Canyon to cliff camping in Colorado, the United States rounds off the top five adrenaline hotspots, earning an impressive final score of 8.16/10. With the highest density of casinos in the study totalling 2,937 across the country, and over 900 roller coasters – including the world’s second-fastest roller coaster, Kingda Ka – America is a must-visit if you crave the rush of adrenaline.

Adrenaline checklist in the US: Rafting in the Grand Canyon, Mountain biking the Grand Staircase in Utah, Rock Climbing in Yosemite National Park.

For the Silo, Alasdair Lindsay.


  1. The experts at BestCasinoSites.net compiled a global index ranking the best countries for thrill-seekers by considering seven factors, including: (i) Number of casinos (ii) Number of roller coasters (iii) Number of rock climbing trails (iv) Number of mountain bike trails (v) Number of hiking trails (vi) Number of off road trails and (vii) Highest peak height in each country.

Note: Countries with more than two missing values were omitted, resulting in 61 countries in the final dataset.

  1. The experts collected the data from the below sources:

(i) Number of casinos: https://www.casinocity.com/casinos/ 

Note: In countries where gambling is illegal, the average number of casinos of all countries was taken (excluding US because of being a huge outlier) to ensure fairness and avoid penalising any specific country.

(ii) Number of roller coasters: https://rcdb.com/location.htm

(iii) Number of rock climbing trails: https://www.wikiloc.com/trails

(iv) Number of mountain bike trails: https://www.wikiloc.com/trails

(v) Number of hiking trails: https://www.wikiloc.com/trails

(vi) Number of off road trails: https://www.wikiloc.com/trails

(vii) Highest peak height in each country: https://flagpedia.net/lists/highest-point 

Note: The number of rock climbing, mountain bike, hiking and off road trails were sourced from user-posted data

  1. After collecting the numbers, the experts logarithmically normalised the figures in order to reduce skewness between countries with different sizes.
  2. A final adrenaline score out of 10 was calculated for each country to reveal the top 15 adrenaline hotspots across the globe.
  3. All data was collected on 5th February 2024 and is correct as of then.

*It’s crucial to thoroughly review the rules and regulations governing gambling in various countries before engaging in any gambling activities.

How Casa Velas Hotel Puerto Vallarta Tops Inclusive Resorts

Nestled within an upscale residential neighborhood, just a short five-minute drive from Puerto Vallarta airport, the AAA Four Diamond Casa Velas  stands as a serene, adults-only boutique resort exemplifying standards in the luxury all-inclusive sector.

As part of the prestigious Velas Resorts portfolio—renowned for being the only chain with four properties in U.S. News & World Report’s list of the top 25 all-inclusive resorts in Mexico—Casa Velas continues to exceed expectations with its unique charm and bespoke hospitality. Unlike traditional hotels, this Spanish hacienda-esque resort feels like a private estate replete with attentive staff members who add a personalized touch to the guest experience.

The 80 traditional, artwork-adorned Mexican-styled suites at Casa Velas are designed for utmost comfort, each featuring a private terrace with a plunge pool or in-suite Jacuzzi, hypo-allergenic pillows, goose down feather duvets, free WiFi, satellite TV, safe deposit box, coffee maker, bathrobes and slippers and L’Occitane bath products, as well as a fully stocked mini bar. Guests can choose from five room types: Master Suite; Grand Class Suite; Ambassador Suite; Governor Suite or the Presidential Suite.

For those seeking copious privacy and space to spread out, the 3,000-square-foot, four-bedroom Presidential Suite is a haven offering a top-end luxury escape.

The space, suited for up to eight guests, boasts original artwork by Mexican artist Sergio Bustamante, a large dining room, living room, master suite with a spacious marble-laden bathroom and an expansive terrace with an oversized plunge pool and Jacuzzi. It also comes complete with its own butler and bartender. It’s worth noting that Casa Velas actually has Bustamante’s sculptures in the majority of the suites, allowing most guests to enjoy the captivatingly authentic artwork.

Amidst its Spanish-style architecture and captivating interior design, the resort is ensconced in a lush garden setting on the 18-hole Marina Vallarta Golf Course. The tropical landscaping and abundant flora and fauna woven throughout the entirety of the hotel create a breathtaking setting, attracting wildlife—including Koi ponds and “pet” snapping turtles.

For golf enthusiasts, Casa Velas guests receive special access and discounts at Marina Vallarta and Vista Vallarta Golf Clubs.

For its part, the par 71 layout of Marina Vallarta’s 18-hole golf course, designed by Joe Finger, is rife with flourishing vegetation, wildlife-laden lagoons and beautiful views of Banderas Bay. Guests can also enjoy discounted golf privileges at two other top 18-hole, 72 par golf courses designed by Jack Nicklaus and Tom Weiskopf located at the Vista Vallarta Golf Club only 20 minutes away.

Casa Velas guests can soak up the sun at its private pool cushioned in a tropical landscape that overlooks the golf course. Its swim-up Aqua Bar ensures refreshments—including local brews, tropical drinks and classic Mexican cocktails crafted from premium liquor brands—flow all day through.

The newest offering at Casa Velas in Puerto Vallarta allows guests to experience pure relaxation with their own “Wellness Cabana.” Available in the intimate space of their suite, or at the botanical garden adjacent to the spa labyrinth, wellness-focused amenities include aromatherapy, a personal speaker with calming meditation music, spa water, a MUSE meditation headband and mandala adult coloring books, among other items.

For those desiring to unwind and explore off-site, the resort also provides complimentary shuttle service to the private Táu Beach Club, offering guests a beachside retreat with cushioned loungers, cabanas, food and beverage service for lunch and dinner and a pristine infinity pool and Jacuzzi area proffering idyllic panoramic views of the sparkling sea. Plus, the property is a mere fifteen minutes from the popular downtown area, where there are art galleries and the famed El Malecon boardwalk.

Also making Casa Velas a standout is its elevated gourmet food and beverage program, which raises the bar for all-inclusive hotels globally.

The on-site, AAA Four Diamond Emiliano restaurant offers guests unlimited access to gourmet cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The intimate, romantic indoor/outdoor dining space provides lovely vistas of the pool and vibrant golf course beyond. Each evening, Emiliano features a five-course gourmet tasting menu created and overseen by head chefs from its sister resort, the AAA Five Diamond Grand Velas Riviera Nayarit. Rotating each night, menus include Mexican, French and Italian-Mediterranean.

A novel offering is the resort’s “taco therapy”—Casa Velas’ latest food and beverage offering for guests assisting in anxiety and stress relief, improving sleep quality and boosting antioxidants. The new tasting experience features four curated tacos that provide holistic benefits for the mind, body and soul.

There are an array of other activities at the resort as well. “Workshops range from arts and crafts such as natural jewelry and abanicos, to culinary workshops such as the Molcajete option, where guests explore Mexican culinary traditions,” said Enrique Sinencio, the resort’s General Manager. “Another activity is DIY Botanical Cocktails, where guests can pick their ingredients for their drink at the onsite garden. Perfect for creative beverage concoctions, the garden features rosemary, lavender, mint, basil, lemongrass, peppermint, a Mexican tea called epazote, aloe vera, sage, nopales cactus pads, thyme, tamarind, jackfruit, mango, guava and more. Our mixologist will use the selected ingredients to make a personalized botanical cocktail to enjoy on the Koi pond-dotted terrace. Varieties of fruits, herbs, vegetables and botanicals are also used in the cuisine and spa treatments at Casa Velas.”

For the health conscious, a spa food menu is available as well.

Casa Velas’ commitment to excellence extends to its impressive on-site organic botanical garden, where the resort grows its own herbs, flowers and vegetables. These fresh ingredients find their way into cocktails and culinary creations, adding a farm-to-table element to the dining experience. The beverage offerings at Emiliano, and throughout the entirety of Casa Velas, are equally impressive, featuring premium domestic and international premium wines and liquors. Also enjoyable are sprit-induced nightly events like wine pairings and beer, tequila, wine, martini and other F&B tastings that foster socialization among guests.

Relative to in-suite victuals, the resort’s in-suite mini bars also depart from the ordinary by offering healthy, freshly-made options on-demand. This includes two different selections of crudités—a “Mexican turnip” with a combination of carrots, cucumber and jicama; and another including celery, beetroot and pineapple. These come complete with three different choices of dressing: mango, chipotle or basil, to enhance flavor while keeping the snack light and healthy. Guests can also choose from a menu of freshly made juice options available year-round.

Speaking of health, also included in the daily rate for all-inclusive Casa Velas guests is access to its fully equipped gym. A visit to the property also would not be complete without experiencing services at its on-site ABJA Spa. The 6,500 square foot sanctuary offers a wide variety of massages, body wraps and facials, a hydrotherapy area, spa boutique and beauty salon.

Notably, Casa Velas is just as committed to the environment as it is to providing impressive guest experiences. “Our luxury resort’s environmental responsibility is a driving force behind the entire operation, from conservation efforts and recycling, to planting our own herb garden,” Sinencio notes. “From natural composting and fertilizing of our on-site gardens, to water-saving initiatives, solar heating and meticulous separation and processing of all waste and recyclables, Casa Velas sets the benchmark for green tourism and hospitality in Puerto Vallarta and beyond. We also recycle burned cooking oils to a supplier for conversion to biodegradable fuel. Local companies are in charge of processing glass, plastic, metal, cardboard and toxic material to handle their recycling, and proper disposal.”

“In addition, we clean the sand daily of any foreign debris,” Sinencio continued.”

“Teams of more than 30 employees are organized monthly to thoroughly clean, sweep, dig and sift the sand for extra cleaning. Designated containers are strategically located for the recycling garbage around the property. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Casa Velas has implemented rigorous health and safety protocols in accordance with local and international guidelines. This includes enhanced cleaning procedures, regular sanitization of common areas and the adoption of contactless services where possible. We keep our guests informed through various channels, including our website, social media and direct communication with booked guests. We want everyone to be aware of the measures in place and feel confident in choosing Casa Velas for their stay.”

So pristine the locale, it’s become a highly-coveted option for weddings and other important events. The resort boasts a 3,600 square foot Convention Center that is ideal for meetings, seminars, formal banquets, cocktail gatherings or a spectacular and elegant wedding for up to 300 people. The center of the space is adjacent to the resort’s garden area and the Marina Vallarta 18-hole championship golf course. To ensure a memorable, hassle-free event, Casa Velas provides professional services for planning weddings from beginning to end. With settings by its beautiful pool area or the Táu Beach Club terrace surrounded by sand and sea, Casa Velas offers unforgettable scenery for the special wedding day.

For utter and complete privacy, groups requiring up to 80 suites can take over the entire hotel to ensure fully private access to pools, beach areas, gardens, activities and restaurants. While at the restaurants, the “bubble buyout” offers a group their own personalized menus prepared with everyone’s diet in mind. Along with having the resort to themselves and custom cuisine, group activities range from DIY mixology with ingredients from the onsite botanical garden, yoga, Mexican wine and craft beer tastings, casino night and more.

With various international dignitaries and multiple Mexican presidents having experienced the resort’s hospitality, Casa Velas continues to redefine the all-inclusive category. This pristine property is an ideal choice for discerning travelers who value a personalized and pampered luxury travel experience.

For the Silo, Merilee Kern.

Merilee Kern, MBA is an internationally-regarded brand strategist and analyst who reports on cultural shifts and trends as well as noteworthy industry change makers, movers, shakers and innovators across all categories, both B2C and B2B.

Source: https://travel.usnews.com/hotels/best-all-inclusive-resorts-in-mexico/

The Canada Goose

CANADA GOOSE aka Branta canadensis

The Giant Canada Goose is one of the most common and widespread species of goose in North America. It is most easily identified by its brownish-grey body, long black neck with a black head, and white patches on the face.

Canada Geese live around ponds, rivers and lake shores, and have become quite a common sight in parks. It’s hard to believe that they were nearly extinct in the 1960’s!

Geese feed mostly on land and frequently spend 12 hours a day or more feeding. Their diet consists of a variety of grasses, aquatic vegetation, and various grains.

Canada geese find mates during their second year and once paired, the geese remain together for life. Females usually return to the same nesting area each year.

Although an increasing number of Canada Geese are choosing to winter in Canada, especially in urban areas, the majority fly south to the United States and even Mexico

The spectacle of Canada Geese migrating in long, honking, irregular “V” formations across spring or autumn skies is one of the most dramatic indications of the change of seasons in Canada. For the Silo, Dixie Greenwood. 

Archaeology Pioneers Of The Americas

The tradition of archaeology in the Americas (both North and South America) is defined by cross-cultural comparative research that draws heavily on an innovative tradition of regional-scale fieldwork.

Many early archaeo-pioneers worked in multiple culture areas of the Americas, seeking direct connections between the archaeological record and living or historical indigenous peoples, and fostering close ties with the related field of anthropology as a result.

WPA trowel men at work,Thompson Village Site,Tennessee. Image courtesy of the Frank H. McClung Museum, University of Tennessee (62HY5[B]
This brief overview covers seminal developments in stratigraphic excavation (the idea that time deposits artifacts in successive layers- the lower the layer, the older the artifact), regional survey, and other field methods within their historical and geographic context.

Such pioneering archaeological efforts across the globe are often lauded for their early attention to stratigraphy and the association of geological or cultural strata with change in human societies over time. In the Americas, as in other parts of the globe, such attention was often the result of non-systematic excavations into mounds of anthropomorphic origin. In other words- ‘grave robbers’. Continue reading by clicking here. For the Silo, David M. Carballo /academia.edu / Department of Archaeology, Boston University/ Jarrod Barker. 

Featured image- Archaeological Pioneers Of The Americas Gordon Willey Tula Mexico

Cahokia – Kunnemann Group submitted by durhamnature. Excavation of Kunnemann Mound, one of 6-11, from “Cahokia Mounds” via Archive.org

Supplemental- Cahokia: Ancient Village in the Great Lakes 

Ministers Call On More Countries To Put Forward Stepped-Up Climate Crisis Education Plan

Madrid, December 2019–Two pioneering countries this week committed to stepped-up climate and environmental education in order to equip a new generation with the knowledge, awareness and skills needed to navigate the emerging challenges of the 21st C.

Italy and Mexico, speaking at a press conference at COP25 in Madrid, urged other countries to follow suit in order to make strong, environmental education a world-wide phenomenon.

They proposed Earth Day in April next year as one of a series of milestones in 2020 where like-minded nations could announce higher ambition on climate and environmental education.

The plan is to have a critical mass of countries committed to the environmental and climate education agenda by the time of the UN climate conference (COP26) taking place in Glasgow, UK in November.

Lorenzo Fioramonti, Italy’s Minister of Education, Innovation and Research, said: “Young people are demanding that governments take climate change far more seriously. There are many areas of society where we must act, and act with increased ambition: compulsory education on these topics needs to be a key part of this national and international response to the big issues of our time”.

The Italian Education Minister said that Earth Day 2020 represents one of the key moments in this important year to recognize the centrality of climate and environmental education including through  ‘Teach-Ins’ as one way of raising awareness among the young.

He said he hoped other countries would take the same opportunity mark Earth Day’s 50th anniversary and the birth of the environmental movement.

Teach-ins, in which students organize debates and propose solutions to environmental challenges, was a key feature of the first Earth Day where over 20 million young people and citizens protested in 1970, triggering in the process new laws and action by the then US administration.

Martha Delgado, Vice Minister of Global Affairs in Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said her country had now incorporated mandatory environmental education into Mexico’s constitution as the first step in a new comprehensive plan.

“Mexico is now committed to mandatory environmental education at home, but we are also committed to promoting environmental education internationally. The challenges we are facing are national but also global. Young people everywhere need the knowledge to fully respond to what is unfolding on in our world,” he said.

“Great transformations can only be achieved through knowledge, awareness and the sense of collaboration. We are convinced that environmental education is the route to meeting Sustainable Development Goals, an essential tool to fight the climate crisis and can prompt a profound cultural change to contribute to our planet’s sustainability,” said Vice-Minister Delgado.

Kathleen Rogers, President of the Earth Day Network, said environmental literacy had been at the core of Earth Day since its inception in 1970 but that governments had not gone far enough.

“Young people, through movements such as Fridays for Future, have been asking governments to tell the truth about the climate and environmental emergencies that we are now facing—‘telling the truth’ needs to happen in the schools and universities, and needs to happen now,” she said.

Rogers said that while globally climate and environmental education exist across the spectrum, from decades of formal implementation to continued exclusion of the topic as a whole, it is time to make these critical subjects compulsory and to link them to civic education so that students will develop both the knowledge and the civic skills they need to fully engage in the solutions to climate change.

 “These are the core elements of transforming our societies so that a new, far better informed and active generation can emerge to ensure governments truly respond to the challenges of our time,” she said.

Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), welcomed the announcements of Italy and Mexico as a key contribution to realizing the aims of the Paris Climate Change Agreement.

Under the Agreement governments are looking to enhance their Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs) in 2020 as contribution to climate action but also the Sustainable Development Goals.

From Madrid and COP25, focus will also be on the Congregation for Catholic Institutes of the Holy See which has chosen Earth Day 2020 as a preparatory meeting for the Global Compact on Education that Pope Francis will launch on May 14th.  It aims to promote a global commitment that also teaches new generations respect for humankind and nature.

Earth Day Italia is working together with the Italian Ministry for the Environment and the Festival for Sustainable Education to support this initiative. For the Silo, Denice Zeck.

Buckminster Fuller’s Manhattan Dome And Other Concept Buildings

Fascinating Unbuilt Buildings

Mexico City Bill Outlaws Whale And Dolphin Performances

Mexico City, Mexico – In Defense of Animals has welcomed a landmark bill that prohibits the use of dolphins for entertainment. The Legislative Assembly of Mexico City passed a bill on Tuesday August 1, 2017, that outlaws cetacean performances and training, as well as whale and dolphin use in research or therapy.

“This landmark ban will spare generations of animals from cruelty and sends a clear message that the public increasingly rejects dolphin captivity,” said Dr. Toni Frohoff, Cetacean Scientist for In Defense of Animals. “We thank Mexico City officials for recognizing our Ten Worst Tanks list and acting swiftly to end the abuse. We urge Six Flags to retire the dolphins at a seaside sanctuary where they may recover.”

Mexico City Six Flags photo: Martin Lewison

Dolphin advocate Yolanda Alaniz, of Comarino Mexico, held a press conference with Environment Commission President, Xavier López Adame. “All parties, from rights to strong lefts voted just as one,” said Alaniz. “Deputies recognized dolphins as sentient beings who suffer living in concrete tanks. Politics spoke with ethics, and marked a new way to follow for our country, and we will follow this path.”

Two bottlenose dolphins and two sea lions will be directly affected by the new law. The dolphins are confined to a barren tank set in the middle of the Six Flags Mexico amusement park, the only facility in Mexico City that currently holds cetaceans captive. Previously known as Reino Aventura, the park is infamous for holding Keiko, the now-deceased orca used in the film “Free Willy”. The park ranked second worst in Mexico and sixth place overall on In Defense of Animals Ten Worst Tanks list.

photo: Martin Lewison

Dr. Toni Frohoff

For years, the dolphins have been regularly forced to perform circus acts as loud music blares. The dolphins have also been used for swim-with programs, where they are trained to perform contrived behaviors that simulate affection and sociability toward the paying public. The animals are coerced to give rides where people grab and hang onto their dorsal and pectoral fins and to give “kisses,” “hugs” and “handshakes.”

Six Flags Mexico is owned by Dolphin Discovery, a Mexican company that runs at least 24 captive dolphin facilities internationally.  For the Silo, Toni Frohoff, Ph.D.

For more information, please see www.idausa.org/10worsttanks

Featured image- Martin Lewison.

In Defense of Animals is an international animal protection organization with over 250,000 supporters and a 30-year history of fighting for animals, people and the environment through education, campaigns and hands-on rescue facilities in India, Africa, and rural Mississippi.

IN DEFENSE OF ANIMALS • 3010 KERNER BLVD. • SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901 • 415-448-0048 Please mention the Silo when contacting.


Explore The World This Summer Via 12 Trendy Family Homes From HomeExchange

Traveling with kids can be challenging, especially when restricted by a tight budget. As families begin to reevaluate their own homes and hometowns, they are discovering that what they once took for granted can be a huge destination for someone else. Providing travelers with the additional comfort of bedrooms for each family member, a kitchen, garden, pool, toys, bikes and more, a family home away from home can be the perfect base camp to explore a region.

The list below includes 12 family-friendly homes available this summer for families looking to discover the world via HomeExchange:

USA – Colorado – Evergreen

Nestled in the foothills of the Colorado Rockies, this beautiful home is within driving distance of Denver, ski mountains, and Evergreen Lake which is best known for its all-season recreational activities such as boating, fishing, and birding. Bordered by mountain parks with miles of trails for hiking, biking and horseback riding, the home is equipped with bunk beds, toys, and video games for young children. A Jeep Wrangler and a Kia Sorento are also available for exchange.

Thailand – Phuket

The ultimate in discreet luxury and privacy, this villa comes outfitted with an ocean-facing spa and “concierge.” Overlooking Surin Beach, and only a few steps from two of Phuket’s top beaches, families can enjoy picturesque sunset views over the Andaman Sea in between horse and elephant rides.

Mexico – Manzanillo

Outfitted with a vast collection of Mexican folk art, this Mexican style three-bedroom home overlooks the Pacific Ocean. Miles of beaches with balmy ocean breezes and warm water year-round, Manzanillo is widely known as the sea fishing capital of the world. The house is about two miles from the great beach of Santiago Bay where house guests will be treated to a beach club membership.

France – Seignosse

This large Basque Landes-style house is located right on the beach. The five bedroom home boasts several terraces and is located less than two miles from the seaside town of Hossegor. The area is internationally renowned for its Atlantic surf spots and gastronomy, as well as golfing, surfing, and cycling.

USA – California – Santa Monica

Vibrant both inside and out, this ocean view four-bedroom house is full of light. Situated in a quiet neighborhood of Santa Monica, families will have easy access to shopping, restaurants, bike paths, and the beach. For families looking to venture further into the state of California, a Ford Expedition that can fit up to eight passengers is included in the exchange!

United Kingdom – London

Nestled on a quiet residential road in the middle of East London, this spacious Victorian family home has a lovely garden and plenty of toys for children. The vibrant neighborhood is only a bus ride or train away from Central London.

Australia – Kingscliff

Beachfront luxury on the magical Gold Coast, one hour from Brisbane City. With miles of beach, bicycle tracks, and local restaurants within a two-minute walk, this home is a perfect holiday for families.

Canada – West Vancouver

This waterfront seven bedroom villa with beach access, a private deck, spacious swimming pool, boats, and three cars are all located within a half hour drive from downtown Vancouver and mere minutes from parks, mountains, shopping, and restaurants.

Costa Rica – Puntarenas

This literal treehouse is situated in the canopy of the jungle that National Geographic called “the most bio-diverse place on earth.” This home is the perfect respite after a day of ziplining, swimming, waterfall hiking, and bird watching. Providing a true sense of adventure and an off-the-grid feel, this abode is free of televisions, hair dryers, and internet access.

Ireland – Stradbally

A kid-friendly home located one-hour away from Dublin, this modern home comes with a separate nanny studio in the garden, swings, slide, playroom, and lots of toys and bicycles. Nearby historic castles, beautiful woodlands, an equestrian center in Stradbally, a fishing lake and a championship golf course designed by golf legend Steve Ballesteros make this a must-stay neighborhood.

South Africa – Cape Town

This golf course estate boasting breathtaking views of Table Mountain and modern architect is only 15 minutes away from the city center. With direct beach access to Sunset Beach, the internationally-renowned windsurfing and kitesurfing hotspot of Africa, families will not have to venture far to create lifelong memories.

USA – New York – Montauk

Located directly across the street from the ocean, Montauk represents a classic and relaxed old American lifestyle. For those looking to juxtapose their stay with a trip to the bustling city of New York, several means of transport are available to get to Manhattan. Travelers can also opt for a seaplane for a quick forty-five-minute flight into the city.

For the Silo, Alexandra Origet du Cluzeau.
About HomeExchange  Founded by Ed Kushins, a pioneer of the “collaborative consumption” movement, HomeExchange has facilitated over one million home swaps since 1992. “It was the inspiration for the still popular 2006 movie “The Holiday” starring Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet and Jude Law. In 2016, 67,000 HomeExchange members made 135,000 home swaps across 150 countries. HomeExchange makes it easy to plan and enjoy a home exchange vacation and offers travelers a memorable, authentic experience. Last year, it was awarded “Best Site for Booking Your Stay” by USA Today readers.

Canada Migrant Worker Program Not Perfect But Seen As World Model

Migrant WorkerTORONTO, CANADA – The world’s most successful program connecting seasonal workers with agricultural employers has kicked into high gear.

Administered by Foreign Agricultural Resource Management Services (F.A.R.M.S.), the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP) links approximately 14,000 requests for seasonal workers with jobs at Ontario farms this growing season.

Not only does the 52-year-old program provide a long list of benefits to the workers and the farmers, but also it creates two Canadian jobs in the agrifood industry for every worker employed through SAWP at Ontario agricultural operations, says Ken Forth, president of F.A.R.M.S.

“Governments and agricultural organizations around the world are looking at this program as a model,” Forth says.  “For decades, this program has provided Ontario farmers a steady source of reliable labour as a supplement to local labour. At the same time it gives the seasonal workers well-paying employment, benefits and educational opportunities not available at home.”

Not without critics- the Seasonal Agri-worker program has been linked to the continued decline of the "family farm" and the continued trend of "farm industrialization"- See supplemental section link below CP
Not without critics- the Seasonal Agri-worker program has been linked to the continued decline of the “family farm” and the continued trend of “farm industrialization”- See supplemental section link below CP

Seasonal workers employed at Ontario farm operations through SAWP:

  • Sign contracts that guarantee them all the protections and benefits that Canadian workers receive, including WSIB, certain EI benefits and provincial health care coverage.
  • Receive an hourly wage rate set by Human Resources & Skills Development Canada.The hourly rate is not less than the provincial minimum wage rate or the local prevailing rate paid to Canadians doing the same job, whichever is greatest.
  • Earn up to five times more than they could in their own countries, which enables them to support their families, educate their children and buy and operate businesses and farms in their own countries.

Farmers have also realized great benefits from the program for more than 40 years, enabling them to hire staff that would otherwise be extremely challenging to find because of the ongoing shortage of suitable and available local Canadian workers.

Social justice groups point to concerns over health and safety
Social justice groups point to concerns over health and safety

“Ontario farmers pay the highest farm worker wages in North America and face intense competition from low-wage competitors,” Forth says. “Without this program, many Ontario farmers simply couldn’t continue to grow fruits and vegetables. They’d stop growing altogether or move into less labour-intensive crops.

About the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program:

More information about Canada’s Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP) can be found at www.farmsontario.ca

Supplemental- NSI study highlighting concerns related to the program’ http://www.nsi-ins.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/2006-Migrant-Workers-in-Canada-A-review-of-the-Canadian-Seasonal-Agricultural-Workers-Program.pdf

Afraid to speak out? Some workers report that they are reluctant to address concerns out of fear of job loss
Afraid to speak out? Some workers report that they are reluctant to address concerns out of fear of job loss

What Was Wrong With Canada Membership In Trans-Pacific Partnership?

“For the Canadian government, the TPP offers cover for major reforms to supply management, the combination of tariffs, quotas and price supports that increase costs for dairy, eggs, chicken, turkey and broiler hatching eggs. The system has been politically untouchable for decades, but using a backdoor approach of mandating change through trade agreement might provide the mechanism to garner the necessary popular support.” University of Ottawa researcher Michael Geist image:20thCenturyFox

Egg and dairy farmers take note…..If you haven’t heard about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (aka TPP) you’re not alone. This major, multinational trade agreement, conducted in private closed-door meetings had already voted on several key issues even before President Obama invited Canada to join this spring.

The TPP now includes the United States, Australia, Brunei, Chili, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore , Vietnam, Mexico and now Canada. Some economists have argued that since Canada already has free trade agreements with 4/10 of the TPP members we are not likely to see much ‘return on our buck’.

So the question then: Why has our Federal government shown so much interest? Is there a chance that by signing on to TPP, Canada could use the agreement conditions to make sweeping regulator changes in our country? And if the media reports circulating are to be believed (enter “Canada joins TPP” into your fave search engine) it seems inevitable that Stephen Harper’s government will soon announce Canada’s membership.

Law Professor Michael Geist image:cybera.ca

This from an online  feature by University of Ottawa researcher Michael Geist :
“With Canada already surrendering negotiation leverage and few important markets at stake, our participation is less about other TPP countries and much more about us. Business groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce applauded Canada’s entry into the TPP, (http://www.uschamber.com/press/releases/2012/june/us-chamber-applauds-canada%E2%80%99s-entry-trans-pacific-partnership-negotiations) expressing the hope that it would force further changes to Canadian intellectual property laws less than 24 hours after Bill C-11 passed in the House of Commons.

[From 2011, NDP MP Andrew Cash points out concerns regarding Bill C-11 CP]

For the Canadian government, the TPP offers cover for major reforms to supply management, the combination of tariffs, quotas and price supports that increase costs for dairy, eggs, chicken, turkey and broiler hatching eggs. The system has been politically untouchable for decades, but using a backdoor approach of mandating change through trade agreement might provide the mechanism to garner the necessary popular support.

While backers maintain that the TPP will open up new markets to Canadian companies, the reality is that the agreement’s biggest impact is likely to come from major domestic legislative reforms that would otherwise face considerable opposition and serious political risk.”
(http://www.thestar.com/business/article/1216011–what-s-behind-canada-s-entry-to-the-trans-pacific-partnership-talks )

So, is this a move towards governmental controls and legislative reform? Time will tell but will John and Jane Q Public even notice when it does?  CP

Supplementalhttps://www.eff.org/issues/tpp     http://www.michaelgeist.ca/

Ontario Girls Camp Stands Apart Via Social Action And Self Esteem

Our future- values and esteem guide young girls development at Camp Stella Puella

Camp Stella Puella (“star girl” in Latin) is a summer camp “with a higher purpose,” says co-founder Mina Kazemi. Since she began in Dunnville,Ontario in 2008, along with cousin and co-director Julia Salco, the goal has been to provide young girls with a fun environment in which to explore issues of self-esteem, as well as introduce them to social action on a global scale, in hopes of instilling a passion to make positive change in the world.

It wasn’t long before Mina’s older sister Yasmin joined the team, two young women uniquely qualified to bring the world to Dunnville’s children. Mina is studying global health at the University of Toronto, has taken a world literacy trip to Ek Balam Mexico, and travelled to Kenya in 2009 with the Me to We program who, along with their charitable partner Free the Children, seeks to empower youth through activism at home and across the planet.

Yasmin also studies science and global health, has spent time in Ecuador volunteering at a childcare centre, and has been active since 2009 with Community Living. Last year she was president of the Best Buddies program, which matches a university student with a developmentally disabled adult to provide mentoring and friendship. All three young women are lifeguards with National Life Saving and first aid certification.

An emphasis on self-esteem and social action is what “sets us apart from other summer camps,” Yasmin says. Here’s how it works: at the beginning of the week, counselors introduce their campers to three issues of global significance—could be child labour, global warming, and how to find slave and sweatshop-free merchandise for more conscientious consumption. Or, perhaps, why girls can’t go to school in India. Through the process of building consensus with the children, a theme for the week is chosen, and the kids begin learning through age appropriate activities. Always they are taught that thinking globally begins with how we act locally, right here at home. Every week, as well, the children help plan a fundraiser based on their chosen theme. As an example, last year, after a week of learning about environmental issues, they organized an eco-spa with proceeds going to the World Wildlife Fund to help save endangered species.

After 5 summers, things are going well. This year a sister camp is active in Hamilton, and the Dunnville contingent is adding some overnight trips to their agenda. When I asked Mina what her motivation for all this work was, she told me that when she was a little girl, she loved going to camp. “It’s a place where long lasting friendships can be forged. And it can be character building too.” It sounds like these three ambitious young women have come up with a formula for a summer camp experience that can be both fun and formative. Every day there is some self-esteem building activity. Building on that foundation of self-love, a bunch of young girls are discovering there is a whole world out there waiting for people of conscience, just like them. For the Silo, Chris Dowber.

UPDATE March1, 2017– Camp Stella Puella does not currently have an active camping program but they continue to engage and offer services. There are plans in place to renew the camp program to learn more, visit www.stellapuella.ca or call 905-774-8601. Please mention The Silo when contacting.  

Early Canadian Artist Decorated Ceramics From Nuttal Codex

Example of Eva’s work influenced by Aztec design.

Eva Brook was born in 1867, the year of confederation and, interesting as well, the incorporation of Moosehead Beer. Auspicious beginnings. Her Simcoe family owned The Brook Woollen Mill, and like many privileged children of her time she attended private school. She was fortunate to study art under Frederick Bell Smith, the renowned Canadian-Victorian painter, at Alma College in St. Thomas. Brook would later return to Alma as a teacher, and in fact headed the art department there.

In the 1890’s Eva emigrated to Mexico, where it seems she operated a bookstore, and where she may also have re-connected with her soon-to-be husband A.W. (Will) Donly, who she had known from school. After their marriage in Norfolk, the couple returned to Mexico where Will had taken the post of Canadian Trade Commissioner.

Eva’s skill as an artist continued to develop against the backdrops of her upper-class life in a diplomatic household, as well as the unrest following the 1910 Mexican revolution (though her paintings, as shown, do not reference the violence of that time). She made friends with the archaeologist Zelia Nuttal, who had developed a system for decoding the symbols of pre-Colombian art, and the current exhibition contains ceramics Brook-Donly decorated based on the Nuttal codex, as well pieces from her collection of Aztec pottery and artifacts.

After the Donly’s return to Canada Eva embraced the emerging, modern painting style of Tom Thomson and The Group of Seven, and her work began receiving more attention. In The Review of the Royal Canadian Exhibition, an article which appeared in Canadian Forum, December 1920, she is mentioned alongside Arthur Lismur, Franklin Carmichael and A.Y. Jackson. There are some hilly landscapes in some of her work that appear to directly quote Jackson’s treatment of the same.

It may be hard to fathom now but in 1920 The Group of Seven represented a revolution in Canadian painting, rankling the sensibilities of many  established and more naturalistic artists. That Eva was attracted to their work, and understood it, suggests a progressive spirit–that is if picking up and moving to Mexico in the 1890’s was not enough for you. Any doubt will surely be erased by her decision to study with the American artist and designer Ralph Johonnot. His use of colour was vivid and idiosyncratic and his images, as one writer of the time put it, were like “illustrations for a fairy tale.” Brook Donly’s experiments with this style veritably leap out from among her other paintings as if they were sitting under a black light.

The impact of Mexico continued to feature in her art through the 20’s as well. If she picked up an interest in pattern design from Johonnot, she combined it to great effect with Aztec and Maya motifs to create striking, two-colour images for ceramics.

Eva Brook Donly was an early figure of the Simcoe establishment and one of the first members of the Norfolk Historical Society. For the Silo, Chris Dowber.