Tag Archives: LRT

Ontario Ministry Of Transportation Assure “Historic Amount Of Infrastructure Being Built”

Patrick Brown spoke to the Ontario Road Builders Association where he made a number of false statements about the province. Facts Still Matter in Ontario, especially when it comes to the historic amount of transportation infrastructure being built right now across the province.


He said: I believe we’ve seen lip service to infrastructure over the last 10 years but we’re not seeing shovels in the ground”


Fact: Here are some pictures of shovels in the ground

Eglinton LRT


Spadina Subway Extension


Waterloo LRT








Highway 404 Extension


(Source: http://m.thecrosstown.ca/Text-Summary-Eglinton-Crosstown-Update?device=mobile)

(Source: http://urbantoronto.ca/news/2012/07/work-progressing-stations-spadina-subway-extension)

(Source: http://www.therecord.com/news-story/6119872-video-drone-s-eye-view-of-lrt-construction-through-kitchener-and-waterloo/)

(Source: http://www.bluestarconstruction.ca/operations-services/projects/404-2/)


He said: “You go to Gujarat, you think you’re on Canadian roads. They’ve really invested in Infrastructure. No wonder they’ve seen their economy grow. No wonder Gujarat was leading India in job growth.”


Fact: The next time he wants to make this point he’s welcome to use Ontario as an example. It’s no coincidence that our government is making the largest infrastructure investment in Ontario’s history and leading the G7 in economic growth.

(Source: https://www.ontario.ca/page/building-ontario, http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/economy/ecaccts/)


He said: We want to make sure that historic infrastructure 130 billion is actually spent on infrastructure not spent simply on, on promises, on press releases”


Fact: Cost of the new GO station in Richmond Hill: $22 million, cost of the press release announcing it was open: $0, cost of catching Patrick Brown making up facts: priceless

(Source: https://news.ontario.ca/mto/en/2016/11/ontario-making-daily-commute-easier-for-york-region-families.html)


He said: We have become the capital of red tape in North America”


Fact: The CFIB nominated has nominated the Ontario government for its golden scissors award for cutting red tape 3 years in a row. This year the government received two nominations.

(Source: http://www.cfib-fcei.ca/english/article/4786-cfib-announces-golden-scissors-award-finalists.html)


He said:Projects need to start within mandate… It’s an insincere commitment promising something for 2019 or 2031”


Fact: Meaningful projects take longer than 4 years to build. If Patrick Brown won’t build anything that takes longer than 4 years that means he wouldn’t build any new subways or LRT’s.

(Source: http://vivanext.com/blog/2009/12/01/the-spadina-subway-extension-moves-forward/)


He said: “The biggest announcement was for Hydro One, government said we’d get money for infrastructure. Of the first $4 billion sold, 0 went into infrastructure, money has been diverted to general revenue”


Fact: All of this money went into the Trillium Trust to be spent on projects like like GO Regional Express Rail, Mississauga and Hamilton LRT’s and the recently announced natural gas expansion.

(Source: https://news.ontario.ca/mof/en/2015/04/the-trillium-trust-and-moving-ontario-forward.html, https://news.ontario.ca/moi/en/2017/01/expanding-natural-gas-to-more-communities-across-ontario.html)

For the Silo, Alana Kiteley.

Ontario Boosts Transit Funding Across Province Doubles Municipal Share Gas Tax

Ontario is boosting support for nearly 100 cities and towns across the province, providing them with reliable, long-term funding to improve and expand their local transit systems and offer more travel options for commuters and families.

Premier Kathleen Wynne and Transportation Minister Steven Del Duca were at York Region Transit’s Richmond Hill facility today to announce the new investment.

The province has heard directly from people who are frustrated by their daily commute and from municipalities [Municipalities are often also incorrectly called “County”- though they are legally incorporated as a super-city Ed.]  that are struggling to meet their transit needs. In response to these concerns, starting in 2019, Ontario will be increasing funding for local transit through an enhancement to the existing gas tax program, doubling the municipal share from two cents per litre to four cents by 2021. There will be no increase in the tax that people in Ontario pay on gasoline as a result of the enhancement to the program.

Cities and towns receiving the new funding are able to plan for and make major infrastructure upgrades, buy additional transit vehicles, add more routes, extend hours of service, implement fare strategies and improve accessibility.

Ontario recognizes that commuters need reliable transit options before revenue-generating measures such as road tolls are implemented. For example, the ongoing GO Regional Express Rail project will not be completed and in service before 2024. That is why the province is not supporting plans for municipal road tolls at this time. This new investment, along with Ontario’s $31.5-billion transit and transportation investment across the province, will support more buses in cities like Thunder Bay and Windsor, new LRT lines in Waterloo and Ottawa, and GO Regional Express Rail in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, including SmartTrack in Toronto.

Supporting stronger public transit systems is part of our plan to create jobs, grow our economy and help people in their everyday lives.

” People in communities across Ontario can’t afford to waste time stuck in traffic — we all need better options to get to work and home to our families sooner. This substantial boost to funding for local transit in cities and towns across the province will help them make significant improvements that will have a big impact on people’s day-to-day lives.”
– Kathleen Wynne
Premier of Ontario

” We’ve heard loud and clear from municipalities that they need more sustainable funding for public transit to keep up with the demand to provide more service. By modernizing Ontario’s gas tax program we are helping municipalities improve their local transit service so people can easily get where they need to be.”
– Steven Del Duca
Minister of Transportation

Funding will increase to 2.5 cents per litre in 2019–20, 3 cents in 2020–21 and 4 cents in 2021–22.
This year the province committed $334.5 million in gas tax funding to 99 municipalities [Municipalities are sometimes incorrectly called “County”- though they are legally incorporated as a super-city Ed.] . This amount is expected to increase to about $401.3 million in 2019–20, $481.5 million in 2020–21 and $642 million in 2021–22.
Ontario made its gas tax program permanent in 2013 to provide a stable source of funding for municipalities.
One bus takes up to 40 vehicles off the road and keeps 25 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions out of the atmosphere each year.
Research shows that every $100 million of public infrastructure investment in Ontario boosts GDP by $114 million, particularly in the construction and manufacturing sectors.

Gas Tax Funding for Municipalities

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L’Ontario accroît le financement des transports en commun des villes de l’ensemble de la province
Plus d’options pour les déplacements et amélioration du transport en commun local pour les navetteurs et les familles

27 janvier 2017 09h35

L’Ontario accroît son soutien à près de 100 villes de la province en leur fournissant un financement à long terme stable qui favorise l’amélioration et l’expansion des transports en commun locaux et offre un plus grand nombre d’options aux navetteurs et aux familles.

La première ministre, Kathleen Wynne, et le ministre des Transports, Steven Del Duca, se sont rendus aujourd’hui à la gare de transports en commun de la région de York à Richmond Hill pour faire l’annonce de ce nouvel investissement.

La province a directement recueilli les propos de navetteurs frustrés et de représentants de municipalités qui éprouvent des difficultés à répondre à la demande en services de transport en commun. Pour donner suite à ces préoccupations, l’Ontario augmentera à partir de 2019 le financement qu’il accorde aux transports en commun locaux et bonifiera son programme actuel de financement par la taxe sur l’essence en doublant la part municipale pour la porter de deux cents le litre à quatre cents d’ici 2021. Cette bonification du programme n’entraînera pas de hausse de la taxe provinciale sur l’essence.

Les villes qui toucheront ces nouveaux fonds pourront planifier et entreprendre des rénovations d’importance à l’infrastructure, l’achat de véhicules de transports en commun supplémentaires, l’ajout de circuits, la prolongation des heures de service, la modification de leur structure tarifaire et l’offre de services plus accessibles.

L’Ontario reconnaît que les navetteurs ont besoin d’options de transports en commun fiables, avant même que des mesures génératrices de revenus soient mises en oeuvre. Par exemple, le service régional express de GO Transit est en chantier et ne sera pas opérationnel avant 2024. C’est pourquoi la province ne soutient pas de plans pour installer des péages municipaux en ce moment. Ce nouvel investissement, qui s’ajoute à l’investissement de la province de 31,5 milliards de dollars dans les transports en commun et les transports à la grandeur de son territoire, soutiendra l’achat d’un plus grand nombre d’autobus dans des villes comme Thunder Bay et Windsor, la construction de nouvelles lignes de train léger sur rail (TLR) à Waterloo et à Ottawa, de même que le service régional express de GO Transit dans la région du grand Toronto et de Hamilton, dont le SmartTrack à Toronto.

Le soutien permettant l’amélioration des réseaux de transport fait partie de notre plan visant à créer des emplois, à stimuler notre économie et à améliorer la vie quotidienne de notre population.

« Les habitants des collectivités ontariennes ne peuvent se permettre de perdre du temps dans des embouteillages — nous avons tous besoin de meilleures options pour nous rendre au travail et rentrer à la maison afin d’y retrouver notre famille plus rapidement. Cette hausse substantielle du financement affecté au transport en commun local aidera les municipalités à apporter des améliorations appréciables qui auront des effets marqués pour les gens dans leur vie de tous les jours.»
– Kathleen Wynne
première ministre de l’Ontario

« Les municipalités nous ont clairement fait comprendre qu’elles ont besoin d’un financement plus durable pour le transport en commun afin de satisfaire à la demande accrue en services. C’est en modernisant le Programme de financement par la taxe sur l’essence que nous aiderons les municipalités à améliorer leurs services de transport régionaux, de telle sorte que les gens pourront se déplacer plus facilement.»
– Steven Del Duca
ministre des Transports

Le financement augmentera à 2,5 cents le litre en 2019-2020, à 3 cents en 2020-2021 et à 4 cents en 2021-2022.
Cette année, la province s’est engagée à verser 334,5 millions de dollars en financement par la taxe sur l’essence à 99 municipalités. Ce montant devrait augmenter jusqu’à environ 401,3 millions de dollars en 2019-2020, 481,5 millions de dollars en 2020-2021 et 642 millions de dollars en 2021-2022.
C’est en 2013 que l’Ontario a rendu permanent son Programme de financement par la taxe sur l’essence pour ainsi offrir une source de financement stable aux municipalités.
Un seul autobus permet de retirer jusqu’à 40 véhicules de la route et réduit de 25 tonnes par année les émissions de gaz à effet de serre de l’atmosphère.
Des recherches démontrent que chaque tranche de 100 millions de dollars d’investissement dans l’infrastructure publique de l’Ontario fait croître le PIB de 114 millions de dollars, tout particulièrement dans le secteur de la construction et le secteur manufacturier.

Financement par la taxe sur l’essence pour les municipalités

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