It is another death knell. We spoke last year in 2011 about the awesomeness that is Netflix, and now from left field is..McCain foods and what a great fit. For years now, cereal manufacturers (they buy a lot of corn eh>) have wisely chosen to promo their boxes by including free Movie at the Cinema passes.
When my favourite cereal went on sale ( a certain granola-esque crunch recipe ) I was ecstatic. Silo Direct Link to List of Breakfast Cereals.
About a year ago it went on sale and it included a free Movie at the Cinema pass for Cineplex. There were only very minor restrictions on the pass: not valid for preview screenings ( I can wait two days for the film to run ) and not being valid for IMAX screens. So other than those, it was OPERATION POPCORN. On account of the free movie.
And this is now. Over last year’s Christmas holidays and this year’s Summer holidays the marketing gurus at McCain unleashed this consumer gotcha!: buy a McCain thin crust California Chicken pizza (surprisingly not that unhealthy) or other McCain pizza (not surprisingly that healthy) to receive a free online digital movie. The code is in the box. This sounded like a bit of fun. It wasn’t exactly emptying out a box of cereal for the prize inside but it was close, and a more adult-like treasure hunt ensued.
So it’s buy your pizza, fix your pizza (if you don’t already, try adding some shaved deli chicken, sliced olives and crushed black pepper), cook your pizza, then sink into your favorite chair in your home theater , turn on your smart t.v. and use it’s built in web browser to visit the Link to McCain Movies and use your code. If you’re feeling especially retro, I suggest the 1978 Superman. Gene Hackman as Luthor. Comic fans- is there a better onscreen comic villain performance, even now, thirty-five years later?

FYI I just had a look and McCain’s collection is small but it’s quality over quantity and using the Epson projector in our Silo office theater, I streamed The Matrix while enjoying a hot slice of Cal. Chick. pizza. For less than 5$ I had a pizza and a free movie that streamed well and projected to 5X7 feet and felt like a cinema experience. I wasn’t even missing the popcorn.
Did you know? McCain uses caramel and annatto for adding the right amount of colour to its tomato pizza sauce?
Is this the future? This is the future if you don’t think so, you’re still renting movies- perhaps on DVD or dare I say it, VHS? For the Silo, Jarrod Barker.