Tag Archives: Liberal Party of Ontario

Ontario Certifies Six Nation Polytech- First Aboriginal School to Award Languages Degree

Six Nations Polytechnic Aboriginal Institute to Offer Standalone Languages Degree Program

Ontario Helping to Expand Post-secondary Options for Indigenous Students


NEWS February 8, 2016


Ontario is helping to improve access to culturally appropriate postsecondary education and training opportunities for Indigenous learners by making it possible for Six Nations Polytechnic, an Aboriginal Institute, to offer a standalone degree program.


For the first time, the province will make it possible for an Aboriginal Institute, an organization that is run and governed by Indigenous communities, to offer a standalone degree program. As of January 2016, students at Six Nations Polytechnic Aboriginal Institute in Ohsweken can obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree in Ogwehoweh (Cayuga and Mohawk) Languages.


This degree will help promote and protect Ogwehoweh languages and make it possible for students to complete their degree at one institution, closer to home. It also will help students build on their linguistic skills and cultural knowledge as well as expand their opportunities to participate in the labour market. This standalone degree also supports the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which called for postsecondary institutions to create degree programs in Indigenous languages.


Investing in the talent and skills of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit learners is one of many steps on Ontario’s journey of healing and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. It reflects the government’s commitment to work with Indigenous partners, creating a better future for everyone in the province.




“Our government has made a clear commitment to learn from the past, build on our success stories, and increase our efforts to help Indigenous learners get the education and training they need. Six Nations Polytechnic is committed to creating an Indigenous environment that is grounded in culture and community, language, research, and academic quality, and this new degree program will help improve Indigenous learners’ access to, participation in, and completion of postsecondary education and training programs in Ontario.”

— Reza Moridi, Minister of Training Colleges and Universities


“I want to thank Six Nations Polytechnic for the leadership and guidance they have provided. Today’s announcement provides a tangible illustration of Ontario’s journey along the path of reconciliation. We will continue to rely on Indigenous partners as we chart a way forward that will produce tangible results.”

— David Zimmer, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs


“Language preservation and protection are at the core values of Six Nations Polytechnic. That’s why we have always had the intention of having our Ogwehoweh Language Diploma Program become a language degree program.”

— Rebecca Jamieson, President Six Nations Polytechnic


“Congratulations to Rebecca and her entire team. They have worked tirelessly to bring about the expansion of Six Nations Polytechnic programming. Education is the cornerstone of the future successes of our local Indigenous students.”

— Dave Levac, Member of Provincial Parliament, Brant




  • Aboriginal Institutes provide opportunities for students to start and complete postsecondary education credentials in a culturally appropriate and safe learning environments close to home and are completely run and governed by Indigenous communities.
  • The Ogwehoweh (Cayuga and Mohawk) Languages degree builds on the strong foundation of the current language diploma program offered in partnership with McMaster University.
  • Six Nations Polytechnic is an Aboriginal postsecondary education and training institute located in Ohsweken, a community on Six Nations of the Grand River Territory near Brantford, Ontario.
  • Six Nations Polytechnic applied for and was granted consent to offer a Bachelor of Arts degree in Ogwehoweh (Cayuga and Mohawk) Languages.
  • Ontario provides $1.5 million in annual funding through the Aboriginal Student Bursary Fund to help Indigenous learners with financial needs participate in postsecondary education and training.
  • In June 2015 the province committed stable funding of Indigenous postsecondary education totaling $97 million over three years, including an additional $5 million to support the sustainability of Ontario’s nine Indigenous-owned and operated postsecondary education and training institutes located throughout the province. In 2013-14, about 16,036 self-identified Indigenous learners attended college and university in Ontario, an increase of about nine per cent or 1,472 learners since 2009-10.




Aboriginal Postsecondary Education and Training Bursary

Aboriginal Institutes

Aboriginal Postsecondary Education and Training Policy Framework

Aboriginal Education Strategy


Belinda Bien, Minister’s Office, 647-823-5489

Tanya Blazina, Communications Branch, 416-325-2746

Public inquiries, 416-325-2929 or 1-800-387-5514

TTY 1-800-268-7095


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Offre d’un programme indépendant menant à un diplôme à l’institut autochtone Six Nations Polytechnic

L’Ontario contribue à accroître les options d’études postsecondaires des étudiants autochtones


NOUVELLES Le 8 février 2016


L’Ontario contribue à améliorer l’accès des apprenantes et apprenants autochtones à des possibilités de formation et à des études postsecondaires adaptées à leur culture en permettant à la Six Nations Polytechnic, un institut autochtone, d’offrir un programme d’études indépendant menant à un diplôme.


Pour la première fois, la province accepte qu’un institut autochtone offre un tel programme d’études indépendant. Les instituts autochtones sont des établissements exploités et gérés par des communautés autochtones. À compter de janvier 2016, les étudiants de la Six Nations Polytechnic peuvent recevoir un baccalauréat ès arts dans les langues ogwehoweh (cayuga et mohawk).


Ce baccalauréat contribuera à promouvoir l’usage des langues ogwehoweh et à les protéger. Il permettra également aux étudiants de faire leurs études dans un seul établissement, plus près de chez eux. Ils pourront approfondir leurs compétences linguistiques et leurs connaissances culturelles, en s’ouvrant à davantage de possibilités d’intégrer le marché du travail. En outre, l’offre de ce programme indépendant menant à un diplôme répond à la recommandation de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation voulant que les établissements d’enseignement postsecondaire créent des programmes d’études en langues autochtones.


Investir dans le talent et les compétences des apprenantes et apprenants métis, inuits et des Premières Nations constitue l’une des nombreuses étapes que l’Ontario devra franchir tout au long du processus de guérison et de réconciliation. Cela reflète aussi l’engagement du gouvernement à collaborer avec ses partenaires autochtones et à bâtir un avenir meilleur pour tous les habitants de la province.




« Il est indéniable que le gouvernement s’est engagé à tirer des leçons du passé, à amplifier ses réussites et à redoubler d’efforts pour aider les apprenants autochtones à entreprendre les études et la formation dont ils ont besoin. La Six Nations Polytechnic s’engage à créer un environnement propice à l’apprentissage des autochtones dont les fondements sont la culture, la communauté, la langue, la recherche et la qualité des programmes. Ce nouveau baccalauréat améliorera l’accès à l’éducation postsecondaire des apprenants autochtones en Ontario et contribuera à l’accroissement du nombre d’étudiants autochtones détenteurs d’accréditations ou de diplômes. »

— Reza Moridi, ministre de la Formation et des Collèges et Universités


« Je souhaite remercier la Six Nations Polytechnic pour le leadership dont elle a fait preuve et pour l’orientation qu’elle a su donner. L’annonce d’aujourd’hui illustre parfaitement le processus de réconciliation entrepris par l’Ontario et nous continuerons de collaborer avec nos partenaires autochtones en vue d’arriver à des résultats concrets. »

— David Zimmer, ministre des Affaires autochtones


« La préservation des langues autochtones est au cœur des valeurs de la Six Nations Polytechnic. C’est d’ailleurs pourquoi nous voulions depuis longtemps que notre programme en langues Ogwehoweh mène à un grade universitaire. »

— Rebecca Jamieson, rectrice, Six Nations Polytechnic


« Toutes mes félicitations à Rebecca Jamieson et à son équipe. En effet, la diversification des programmes offerts à la Six Nations Polytechnic est un travail de longue haleine. Nous savons que l’éducation est la pierre angulaire sur laquelle repose le succès des étudiants autochtones de la région. »

— Dave Levac, député provincial de Brant




  • Grâce aux instituts autochtones, les étudiants peuvent commencer et terminer leur éducation postsecondaire dans un milieu d’apprentissage près de chez eux qui est à la fois sécuritaire et culturellement adapté. Les instituts autochtones sont exploités et gérés par des communautés autochtones.
  • Le programme d’études en langues ogwehoweh (cayuga et mohawk) a comme base solide le programme de langues qui est actuellement offert en partenariat avec l’Université McMaster.
  • La Six Nations Polytechnic est un institut d’enseignement postsecondaire et de formation autochtone situé à Ohsweken, dans le territoire des Six Nations de la rivière Grand, près de Brantford, en Ontario.
  • La Six Nations Polytechnic a reçu l’autorisation d’offrir un programme de baccalauréat ès arts en langues ogwehoweh (cayuga et mohawk).
  • L’Ontario octroie 1,5 million de dollars par an par l’entremise du Fonds des bourses pour les étudiantes et étudiants autochtones. Ce fonds aide les apprenants autochtones ayant des besoins financiers à accéder à la formation ou aux études postsecondaires.
  • En juin 2015, la province a pris l’engagement de fournir un financement stable de 97 millions de dollars sur trois ans pour appuyer l’éducation postsecondaire des Autochtones. Cet investissement comprend un financement supplémentaire de 5 millions de dollars consacrés à la viabilité des neuf instituts d’enseignement et de formation postsecondaires de l’Ontario exploités et gérés par des communautés autochtones. En 2013‑2014, environ 16 036 apprenants auto-identifiés comme Autochtones ont fréquenté un collège ou une université en Ontario, ce qui représente une augmentation d’environ 9 %, ou de 1 472 personnes, depuis 2009‑2010.





Bourses pour l’éducation postsecondaire et la formation autochtones

Établissements autochtones

Cadre d’élaboration des politiques en matière d’éducation postsecondaire et de formation autochtones

Stratégie d’éducation autochtone

Greens Say Merging Ontario School Boards Will Better Fund All Students

"For many years, the GPO has called for the merger of the Catholic and public school boards into one English board and one French board. The cost savings of this merger could fund special education needs, protect communities from school closures, and address persistent human rights concerns. GPO"
“For many years, the GPO has called for the merger of the
Catholic and public school boards into one English board and one
French board. The cost savings of this merger could fund special
education needs, protect communities from school closures, and address
persistent human rights concerns. GPO”


Green Party of Ontario leader Mike Schreiner is calling for the Liberal government to immediately make funds available so that kids with special needs can go to school every day.

“It is unacceptable for the Liberals to fail kids with special needs when the money is there,” said Schreiner. “Right now we are wasting it on duplicate services and empty chairs. If Ontario ended school segregation and merged the public and Catholic boards, we could save more than $1 billion a year.”

According to a study conducted by People for Education, 49% of school principals have asked parents to keep children with special needs at home, mainly staffed.    In elementary schools there is only one special education teacher per 37 students with special needs. In high schools the number falls to one for every 74 students.

“I have to say I’m ashamed. How can we be failing these kids in this way?” said Schreiner. “I’m not even sure it’s legal,” he added. The
Education Act requires that children attend school unless they are ill.

For many years, the GPO has called for the merger of the Catholic and public school boards into one English board and one French board. The cost savings of this merger could fund special education needs, protect communities from school closures, and address persistent human rights concerns.   For the Silo, Amy Watson. To learn more contact 416-977-7476 Please mention the Silo when contacting.

Liberals: Ontario remains on track to eliminate deficit by 2017-18

“20th Century Limited Train on Tracks” by Alfred Eisenstaedt

The deficit projection for the current fiscal year has improved by more than $400 million from the 2012 Budget forecast to $14.4 billion. The province remains on track to meet the 2012 Budget deficit targets in 2013-14 and 2014–15 and for the deficit to be eliminated by 2017–18.

Ontario is projecting growth in real gross domestic product (GDP) of 2.0 per cent in 2012, 1.9 per cent in 2013, 2.3 per cent in 2014 and 2.4 per cent in 2015.

As of September 2012, Ontario employment was 356,000 net new jobs above its recessionary low in June 2009. Ontario is expected to create nearly 350,000 net new jobs by 2015, reducing the unemployment rate to 6.8 per cent from a high of 9.4 per cent in June 2009.

The fiscal plan provides no funding for incremental compensation increases for new collective agreements. The government is currently consulting on draft legislation that proposes to freeze compensation for executives and managers across the Ontario Public Service, and the Broader Public Sector (BPS) who are eligible for performance pay. It also proposes to ensure future BPS collective agreements are consistent with the province’s goals to eliminate the deficit and protect jobs and public services. The proposed draft legislation would support avoiding increased spending in the BPS of $2.8 billion over three years and help to protect roughly 55,000 public sector jobs.


“Despite ongoing global economic uncertainty, Ontario is ahead of its targets for lowering the deficit for the fourth year in a row. We will work with anyone who is willing to work with us to meet the objectives of eliminating the deficit and protecting jobs and public services.”
— Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance


• The 2012–13 revenue projection of $113,019 million is $445 million above the 2012 Budget outlook, largely reflecting a higher estimated 2011–12 tax base. Consistent with the government’s continued effort toward managing the growth in expenses, total expense for 2012–13 has decreased by $3.7 million compared to the 2012 Budget plan.

• Robust business capital investment, a rebound in net trade and increased consumer spending will be key contributors to growth. Over the past two years, business investment spending on plant and equipment has risen by more than 22 per cent, or
$11.1 billion.

• In the 2011–2012 Public Accounts of Ontario, the government announced the deficit for 2011–12 was $13.0 billion, marking the third consecutive year in which the province has improved on its fiscal projections. This result is also 47 per cent lower than the 2009–10 deficit of $24.7 billion forecast in the fall of 2009, at the depth of the global recession.

• The government has brought together business, labour and public sector leaders to form the Jobs and Prosperity Council. Reporting to the Premier, and headed by RBC President and CEO Gordon Nixon, the council will explore additional opportunities in the next few months for a path to sustainable growth that will also help inform the 2013 Ontario Budget.
• The 2012 Budget extended the pay freeze for MPPs by a further two years — for a total of five years.


Read Ontario’s Mid-Year Update on Economic and Fiscal Performance for 2012–13.

Read the Ontario Economic Accounts — Second Quarter of 2012

Read a Long Term Plan for Public Sector Compensation.

Read the McGuinty government’s announcement on freezing salaries for Ontario Public Service Managers.

Read the 2012 Ontario Budget.

Read about the strong actions the McGuinty government took in the 2012 Budget to reduce the deficit further.

Read the

Addendum to the 2012 Ontario Budget: Report on Expense Management Measures.


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Ontario Greens: Liberal budget excludes public input on important environmental protections

Don't they want to listen anymore? The Green Party of Ontario believe that the recently passed budget bill " muzzles public input onchanges to important environmental protections."

[Ontario]Liberals have voted to pass a budget that muzzles public input on changes to important environmental protections. With these changes buried in the budget bill (Bill 55), the government has in effect exempted them from the public participation process normally required by law.

The Ontario Legislature at Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario Canada

“The GPO is all in favour of working together, and we applaud the cooperation that has averted another election. But it’s wrong for the Liberal government to use the budget bill to silence public input on changes to environmental protections,” says GPO leader Mike Schreiner. “The public has a right to comment on legislation that protects Ontario’s natural legacy.”

The GPO is calling on the Liberals to remove changes to laws prescribed under the Environmental Bill of Rights from Bill 55 before final passage. Greens oppose using omnibus legislation to avoid the mandatory 30-day public comment period.

“Changes to environmental protections have no place in a budget bill,” says Schreiner. “Solving a financial deficit by creating an ecological one isn’t sound management or good leadership. It’s time for the Liberals to do the right thing and address changes to environmental laws separately from the budget.”

Jaymini Bhikha (Office) 416-977-7476  (Cell) 416-275-8573  jbhikha@gpo.ca

Green Party of Ontario  PO Box 1132 Toronto, ON M4Y 2T8 Canada



TORONTO, ONTARIO–(Marketwire – April 19, 2012) – The Quetico Foundation is deeply concerned that the Ontario Government’s omnibus budget bill will impact Ontario endangered species and parks. Significant amendments to dozens of important pieces of legislation are contained within Bill 55, Strong Action for Ontario Act. These changes being proposed, without consultation, include serious modifications to the Endangered Species Act, 2006 (ESA) that allow for exemptions, and to the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act, 2006 (PPCRA) that threaten and weaken the process for preparation and review of park management plans. These modifications have no relevance to budget matters!

The Foundation is concerned that Bill 55 both weakens crucial global initiatives to preserve biodiversity and relieves government of its duties with respect to proper management of our Ontario Parks.

Further, inclusion of multiple legislative amendments in a budget bill disregards the process that normally opens such changes to public consultation. The standard process of the posting of changes on the Environmental Registry has been ignored.

The Foundation urges Ontarians to demand that the proposed endangered species and parks legislation amendments to the PPCRA and the ESA, along with a number of other Acts that fall under the Environmental Bill of Rights, be removed from Bill 55. Citizens need to insist that due process be followed and that any proposed amendments be posted on the Environmental Registry and be open to public discussion in accordance with the normal government process.

About The Quetico Foundation:

The Quetico Foundation was formed as a not-for-profit organization in 1954 with a mandate to protect the wilderness values and ecological integrity of Quetico Provincial Park and other wilderness areas in Ontario for the benefit of future generations.



Bill 55: The proposed changes are enabled in Schedule 69 of Bill 55, Strong Action for Ontario Act, “to enact and amend various Acts”. (Specific changes to the ESA are in schedule 19, and to the PPCRA are in Schedule 58): http://www.ontla.on.ca/web/bills/bills_detail.do?locale=en&Intranet=&BillID=2600

ESA: http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_07e06_e.htm

PPCRA: http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_06p12_e.htm

EBR: The Environmental Registry is available at: http://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-External/

The Quetico Foundation: The Text of the letter that the Foundation sent to the Ontario Minister of Finance, The Honourable Dwight Duncan, is available at: http://www.queticofoundation.org/pdf/2012_budget.pdf

The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario has issued a report criticizing the procedure being used to amend the ESA and the PPCRA acts. See: http://www.eco.on.ca/blog/2012/04/02/the-omni-budget-surprise/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-omni-budget-surprise

The Green Party position on this legislation is at: http://www.gpo.ca/blog/2012-04-11/budget-bill-threatens-environmental-protections-transparent-and-accountable-governme

ORA: Ontario Rivers Alliance’s position on this issue can be found at: http://ontarioriversalliance.ca/strong-arm-tactics-to-take-away-protection-for-our-environment-and-endangered-species-press-release/

Law Firm: The Toronto based law firm, Iler Campbell’s opinion on this issue can be found at: http://www.ilercampbell.com/blog/