Tag Archives: legislation

UK Style Convictions For Online Posts Possible In Canada

Several individuals in the UK have been sentenced to prison for posts they made online as authorities crack down on recent protests that led to race-motivated crimes.
The laws that were used for the arrests in the UK compare as strikingly similar to Canadian laws dealing with online speech, including both existing legislation and the proposed Bill C-63.
Why It Matters: Bill C-63, which has received second reading, significantly changes the laws governing online content in Canada.

“It’s alarming that the bill [C-63] enables individuals to anonymously file complaints with the Canadian Human Rights Commission against those they deem to be posting hate speech. If found guilty, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal can impose fines of up to $70,000 cad and issue takedown orders for the content in question.

“If the courts believe you are likely to commit a ‘hate crime’ or disseminate ‘hate propaganda’ (not defined), you can be placed under house arrest and your ability to communicate with others restricted.” revolver.news

Via eurocanadians.ca/ The People’s Choice by Sean Adl-Tabatabai: The Trudeau government has introduced a potentially Orwellian new law called the Online Harms Bill C-63, which will give police the power to retroactively search the Internet for ‘hate speech’ violations and arrest offenders, even if the offence occurred before the law existed. This new bill is aimed at safeguarding the masses from so-called “hate speech”.

Revolver.news reports: The real shocker in this bill is the alarming retroactive aspect.

Essentially, whatever you’ve said in the past can now be weaponized against you by today’s draconian standards. Historian Dr. Muriel Blaive has weighed in on this draconian law, labeling it outright “mad.” She points out how it literally spits in the face of all Western legal traditions, especially the one about only being punished if you infringed on a law that was valid at the time of committing a crime.

Dr. Mureil Blaive-Historian & Researcher Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes.

The Canadian law proposal is outright mad. It is retroactive, which goes against all our Western legal tradition, according to which you can be punished only if you infringed a law that was valid at the time when you committed a crime: “And it isn’t just stuff you’ve posted after the new law comes into force you can get into trouble for – oh, no – but anything you’ve posted, ever, dating back to the dawn of the internet. In other words, it’s a gold-embossed invitation to offence archaeologists to do their worst, with the prospect of a $20,000 cad reward if they hit paydirt. The only way to protect yourself is to go through all your social media accounts and painstakingly delete anything remotely controversial you’ve ever said.”

“Although, that won’t protect you from another clause in the bill – and this is where it trips over into as yet unimagined dystopian territory. If the courts believe you are likely to commit a ‘hate crime’ or disseminate ‘hate propaganda’ (not defined), you can be placed under house arrest and your ability to communicate with others restricted. That is, a court can force you to wear an ankle bracelet, prevent you using any of your communication devices and then instruct you not to leave the house. If the court believes there’s a risk you may get drunk or high and start tweeting under the influence – although how is unclear, given you can’t use your phone or a PC – it can order you to submit regular urine samples to the authorities. Anyone who refuses to comply with these diktats can be sent to prison.”

By externalizing the defense of free speech to the right and extreme right and by endorsing repression, the liberal left is playing a very dangerous game here. For those of us who are NOT on the right and extreme right, this is rather disheartening… The left is actually shooting itself in the foot and will come back whining, ‘amazed’ that ordinary people are so ‘ungrateful.’ Indeed it seems to have forgotten that the rule of law implies to solve disagreements in the voting booth rather than by silencing those who disagree with us. How can it hope to get the support of the public for this insanity?

An online X user recently shared that his wife wrote a letter to every Canadian MP concerning this chilling bill, and only one MP responded. He posted MP Rachel Thomas’s reply, which many are now calling one of the most insightful and well-crafted summaries on this alarming issue.


My wife wrote to all Canadian MP’s about our opposition to the Online Harms Bill C-63. MP Rachael Thomas of Lethbridge is the only one who wrote back … It is the best written summary of issues I have seen yet. Long, but here it is…

“Thank you for writing to me regarding Bill C-63, the Liberal’s latest rendition of their online harms legislation.

While the federal government has touted this bill as an initiative to protect children, it does little to accomplish this noble cause, and a great deal to inhibit freedom of speech. Permit me to outline the bill in more detail.

There are four key parts to the bill: Part 1 creates the Online Harms Act; Part 2 amends the Criminal Code; Part 3 amends the Canadian Human Rights Act, and Part 4 amends An Act respecting the mandatory reporting of Internet child pornography by persons who provide an Internet service. I will focus on the first three parts of the bill in the rest of the letter.

Part 1: The bureaucratic arm will consist of three entities: the Digital Safety Commission, Digital Safety Ombudsperson, and Digital Safety Office. These new offices are made up almost entirely of Cabinet appointees and are given powers to receive and investigate complaints concerning harmful content, collect data, and develop more regulations. The Chairperson of the Digital Safety Commission would be voted on by Parliament. The Digital Safety Commission may investigate complaints and hold hearings regarding violations of the Act. The commission may act with the power of the federal court and may authorize any person to investigate compliance and non-compliance.

Penalties for violating an order of the commission or hindering anyone they authorize depend on whether a regulated service or individual commits the violation. The maximum penalty for a violation is not more than 8% of the gross global revenue of the person that is believed to have committed the violation or $25 million, whichever is greater. Cabinet and the Digital Safety Commission can make further regulations concerning the Commission’s powers and financial enforcement (fines).

Setting up a bureaucratic arm will do little-to-nothing to protect children. The last thing our system can handle right now is a stack of new complaints. It can’t even handle the existing ones.

Part 2: Bill C-63 creates a new hate crime offence that will make any offence under the Criminal Code, or any Act of Parliament, an indictable offence and punishable to life in prison if the offence was motivated by hatred. A definition of ‘hatred’ is introduced in s. 319(7), which is defined to mean ‘the emotion that involves detestation or vilification and that is stronger than disdain or dislike.’ s. 319 (8) includes the clarification that the communication of a statement does not incite or promote hatred, for the purposes of this section, solely because it discredits, humiliates, hurts or offends.

Furthermore, the bill increases the punishment for an offence in s. 318 (1), advocating genocide, to imprisonment for life. The current punishment is up to 5 years. The bill also increases the punishments for offences in s. 319 (public incitement of hatred, wilful promotion of hatred, wilful promotion of antisemitism) from up to 2 years to not more than 5 years.

Alarmingly, a peace bond is created for ‘fear of hate propaganda offence or hate crime.’ This will allow a person to seek a court-ordered peace bond if they reasonably fear that someone will commit a hate propaganda offence or hate crime against them in the future. If you’ve watched the movie “Minority Report” you know how scary this is.

Part 3: The bill reinstates Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act, which empowers officials at the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Canadian Human Rights Tribunal to make subjective determinations as to what forms of expression constitute hate speech, and they may also decide on remedies including fines. This will allow any individual or group in Canada to file complaints with the Canadian Human Rights Commission against users who post ‘hate speech’ online, with an accused facing fines of up to $50,000.

The legislation defines hate speech as content that is “likely to foment detestation or vilification of an individual or group of individuals on the basis of such a prohibited ground.” In other words, the content doesn’t necessarily have to directly express vilification; it only needs to be assessed as “likely to” vilify someone by a human rights tribunal. Section 13 is a punitive regime that lacks procedural safeguards and rights of the accused that exist in criminal law. Truth is no defence, and the standard of proof that will apply to Section 13 is “balance of probabilities,” not “beyond reasonable doubt,” as exists in a criminal case.

As you have rightly pointed out, Parts 2 and 3 of this bill are a direct attack on freedom of speech and will have a significant chilling effect as people fear the possibility of house arrest or life in prison. Margaret Atwood has gone so far as to say that C-63 invites the possibility of revenge accusations and the risk of “thoughtcrime.”

Furthermore, its alarming that the bill enables individuals to anonymously file complaints with the Canadian Human Rights Commission against those they deem to be posting hate speech. If found guilty, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal can impose fines of up to $70,000 and issue takedown orders for the content in question. Additionally, the tribunal is granted the authority to shield the identities of complainants and prohibit defendants from disclosing this information if uncovered. In essence, accusers of hate speech will have their identities safeguarded, while those accused face significant financial penalties.

Common-sense Conservatives believe that we should criminalize and enforce laws against sexually victimizing a child or revictimizing a survivor online, bullying a child online, inducing a child to harm themselves or inciting violence. Criminal bans on intimate content communicated without consent, including deepfakes, must be enforced and expanded. Conservatives believe that these serious acts should be criminalized, investigated by police, tried in court, and punished with jail, not pushed off to a new bureaucratic entity that does nothing to prevent crimes and provides no justice to victims. We will bring forward changes to the Criminal Code that will actually protect children without infringing on free speech.

Thank you again for writing to me, and please accept my best wishes.

Warmest regards,

Rachael Thomas
Member of Parliament for Lethbridge”


Indy MPP Brady Frustrated With Both Parties Re Bill 28

Brady stands up for educational workers and students

QUEEN’S PARK –   Haldimand-Norfolk MPP Bobbi Ann Brady over the past two days, stood in the House and implored the government and CUPE to tone down the rhetoric, work together through negotiations, and stop using education workers and students as political pawns.

“To this government, to CUPE, stop using some of the province’s lowest paid education workers and stop using our kids as political pawns,” MPP Brady stated in the Legislature.

The government declared Bill 28 to operate the notwithstanding clause during the dispute involving school board employees represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees.  The notwithstanding clause blocks the ability of the union employees to walk off the job and keep students from class.

As an Independent member of the Legislature, MPP Brady has the unique position of viewing legislation genuinely and providing honest feedback about how it will affect her constituents as well the rest of the province.   

Through her question and statement on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively, Brady expressed her frustration with both sides of the House. She then questioned which side actually cares about education workers and students. 

“I’m a bit cranky with what is happening here.  Who here actually cares about our education workers? Who cares about our students?”

Brady is fearful that if the lives of students are impacted, education workers will be blamed by Ontario parents who are frustrated with kids being in and out of school the past few years. 


In a line of questioning yesterday, MPP Brady encouraged the government to do treat educational workers fairly and do what is right for Ontario students.

For more information, contact MPP Bobbi Ann Brady at babrady-co@ola.org or 519-428-0446 Please mention The Silo when contacting.

The Strength Of The Past And Its Great Might

Within the last generation, archaeology has undergone a major transformation, developing from an independent small-scale activity, based upon museums and a few university departments, into a large-scale state organization based upon national legislation.

Dreamer by Thomas Dodd Photography

This has entailed an increase in resources on an unprecedented scale, and has drastically changed the profile of archaeology, which is now firmly fixed within the political and national domains. Moreover, decision making within the discipline has shifted from museums and university departments towards various new national agencies for the conservation and protection of the cultural heritage.

The consequences of this development for the discipline as a whole had remained largely unnoticed until …..click here to read the complete electronic essay by Kristian Kristiansen University of Gothenburg.

Also available via our friends at academia.edu

Commonwealth Sec. General- Young People Need Our Support

Our world seems to be changing faster than ever – technologically, environmentally, socially – and in so many other ways. It is hard for any of us to keep up with the astonishing pace and scale of developments, and their impact for better or for worse on our own lives and the ways in which they affect the future of our planet. 


Yet too often it seems that those with the greatest stake in the future, are least empowered to shape it: young people. This is something the Commonwealth has for more than 50 years been working hard to change; and never more so than today.

Population growth means that there are now more young people in the Commonwealth than ever before, and this offers choices and challenges for all involved in planning and making policy, and for young people themselves. The combined population of the Commonwealth is now 2.4 billion, of which more than 60 per cent are aged 29 or under, and one in three between the ages of 15 and 29.

Through social media, young people are more connected, informed, engaged and globally-aware than ever before. Even so, their potential to drive progress and innovation is often overlooked or remains untapped, despite pioneering Commonwealth leadership over the decades on inclusiveness and intergenerational connection.


Since the 1970s, Commonwealth cooperation has supported member states with provision of education and training for youth workers, who have a central role to play in encouraging, enabling, and empowering young people. Practitioners may be of any age, and operate in many settings: youth clubs, parks, schools, prisons, hospitals, on the streets and in rural areas.

Commonwealth approaches and engagement recognise the dynamic role youth workers can play in addressing young people’s welfare and rights, and in connecting and involving them in decision-making process at all levels. In some Commonwealth countries, youth work is a distinct profession, acknowledged in policy and legislation to deliver and certify quality of practice, including through education and training. In others it is institutionalised less formally through custom and practice. In some countries there is little or no youth work activity – formal or informal.

To advance the cause of young people, and their direct participation in nation-building and the issues affecting them, the Commonwealth Secretariat supports the governments of member countries with technical assistance relating to policy and legislation in professionalising youth work. A pioneering Commonwealth contribution is the Commonwealth Diploma in Youth Development, which has been delivered in almost 30 Commonwealth member states.

The new Commonwealth Degree and Diploma in Youth Work provides countries with a resource for developing human capital using a consortium business model that makes the training resources accessible at low cost for persons in low income contexts.

The Commonwealth also supports the global collectivisation of youth work professionals through the emerging Commonwealth Alliance of Youth Workers’ Associations (CAYWA), an international association of professional associations dedicated to advancing youth work across the Commonwealth. CAYWA facilitates the cross-pollination of ideas and collegial support among youth work practitioners, and is developing into a unified global influence providing support to governments and all stakeholders in youth work profession.

Expertise is offered by the Commonwealth Secretariat with the design of short courses and outcomes frameworks that support just-in-time and refresher training to augment diploma and degree qualifications. Guidance is also offered on establishing youth worker associations that can help towards building and sustaining professional standards, thereby safeguarding the quality of services offered to young people.

In 2019 a conference in Malta bringing together youth workers from throughout the Commonwealth continued to build recognition and professional standards of youth work in member countries. Among outcomes was the establishment of a week-long celebration of the extraordinary services of full-time practitioners and volunteers – recognized as youth workers – who support the personal development and empowerment of young people.

Youth Work Week, with the theme ‘Youth Work in Action’, was observed 4 -10 November 2019 in the 53 member states of the Commonwealth including Canada.

Looking forward to the 2020 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Rwanda next June, Youth Work Week will bring into sharper focus the challenges young people in our member countries face, and the opportunities they are offered – including through Commonwealth connection.

By recruiting and placing appropriately trained and properly supported youth workers, communities in Commonwealth countries can help young people channel their energies and talent in positive directions, especially during the transition from education into work.

Supported by positive role models and with mentors to whom they can relate, young people can be guided towards healthy and productive lives. When equipped to develop as well-rounded individuals and to contribute to the societies in which they live, young people can make immense contributions towards transforming our communities and our Commonwealth and – above all – to their own future.

For The Silo, by Patricia Scotland, Commonwealth Secretary-General

How Canada Influenced American Civil War

This August we saw the fifth U.S. Civil War re-enactment at Circle G Ranch, east of Cayuga, Ontario. On Sept. 13, re-enactors of the ‘Blue and Grey’ will go to battle in Otterville.

The American Civil War had a tremendous influence on the British North American colonies, and continues to be of mind.

At onset of the Civil War, Canada did not yet exist as a federated nation. When the war broke out in 1861, Canada was still a subject of Great Britain and had maintained an uneasy peace with its American neighbors since the War of 1812.

William Seward, the American Secretary of State during the Civil War, was an annexationist who felt that British North America was destined to become part of the United States. As it became obvious that the North would emerge victorious there was a fear the Union army would turn its eyes north of the border.

Many in the US government were supporters of Manifest Destiny, an ideology that stated America should conquer the continent. Canadians were concerned about the possibility of a US invasion.

The tensions between the United States and Britain, which had been ignited by the war and made worse by the Fenian Raids, led to concern for the security and independence of the colonies, helping to consolidate momentum for Canadian confederation.

In the election of 1864, the Republican Party used annexation as a means to gain support from Irish Americans and the land-hungry.

In 1866, an annexation bill passed in the US House of Representatives stating the United States acquire all of what is now Canada.

The Underground Railway- major sites in Ontario,Canada.

The Civil War also had an important effect on discussions concerning the nature of the emerging federation. Many Fathers of Confederation concluded the secessionist war was caused by too much power being given to the states, and thus resolved to create a more centralized federation. It was also believed that too much democracy was a contributing factor and the Canadian system was thus equipped with checks and balances such as the appointed Senate and the power of the British-appointed governor-general.

The guiding principles of the legislation which created Canada, the British North American Act, were peace, order and good government – in stark contrast to the perceived rugged individualism of the neighbours south of the border.

Since 1793, thanks to then Lieutenant-Governor John Graves Simcoe, Upper Canada – now present day Ontario – had banned the importation of slaves.
Canadians were largely opposed to slavery, and Canada had recently become the destination of the Underground Railroad.

The Underground Railway was a network of safe houses and individuals who helped runaway slaves reach free sates in the American North or in Canada.

It ran from about 1840 to 1860. It was most effective after the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850, which enabled slave hunters to pursue runaways onto free soil. It is estimated that about 30,000 reached Canada. Several communities were established in Ontario, including one east of Cayuga, at Canfield.

The Civil War claimed 7,000 Canadians and almost 620,000 US lives.

Between 33,000 and 55,000 men from British North America served in the Union army, and a few hundred in the Confederate army. Five served as generals, and 29 received the U.S. Medal of Honour. For the Silo, Toby Barrett MPP Haldimand-Norfolk.

Tinkering Won’t Fix Crisis In Ontario Corrections And Jails

In December of 2015, I toured the aging Thunder Bay District Jail. The nearly century-old jail had recently been the scene of a riot that led to a correctional officer being taken hostage – 70 inmates took control of the upper floor for a period of 20 hours.

In Ontario, assaults on correctional officers and other staff have more than doubled over the past seven years.

Last year, a report by the Independent Advisor on Corrections Reform described shocking abuse and disorder in Ontario’s detention centres – centres that are overcrowded and violent.

After violent incidents, inmates are often held in solitary confinement without access to rehab programs, and lockdowns are often the only recourse because of short staffing.

Much of the violence in Ontario’s detention centres is derived from smuggled weapons and drugs – but officers are restricted in their ability to conduct searches.

Front-line officers tell us they feel they are in danger – they are outnumbered, and they have little recourse when they’re attacked.

Ontario’s probation and parole system is a joke — that’s exactly what criminals have called it. Our probation and parole officers are not to blame. In many cases, they are actively discouraged from checking up on criminals by making house visits because of insufficient resources. Offenders are often left to self-report but, obviously, very few do.

Over 45,000 former inmates are out on parole or probation being forced to self-report. And 60 per cent of these individuals are deemed medium to high risk, that’s 27,000 individuals free to roam  our province.

How can this out of touch government make the claim that our communities are safe?

Why did this current government allow this to happen? That’s the question that needs to be asked.

The present provincial government recently introduced Bill 6, to supposedly deal with the issue. But this government has a history of producing incomplete, skeletal and poorly-thought-out legislation, and Bill 6 is no exception.  The Correctional Services Transformation Act is supposed to be a thorough overhaul of a broken correctional system, but it has the same deficiencies as most other legislation of late.

Obviously, the Liberals are inclined to think more bureaucracy is a solution to every problem, but more paper-pushing isn’t going to solve that problem.

Minor tinkering isn’t going to fix the crisis in corrections. The government must take serious and thorough action.

Has this government decided that the needs and wants of incarcerated criminals are more important than the rights of correctional officers and the order and safety of our detention centres are secondary to making criminals feel comfortable. Obviously, this legislation – Bill 6 — must be compliant with the written portion of our Constitution and our common-law traditions. But it must be said corrections officers and all prison staff have rights as well.

As my colleague MPP Rick Nichols, our critic for the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services has been saying, there has been a crisis in corrections for years in the making. Now with an election looming, the Liberals want us to believe — with Bill 6 — they’re experiencing a deathbed conversion. For the Silo, Toby Barrett, MPP for Haldimand-Norfolk. 





Ontario Results Of November Cap And Trade Program Auction

NEWS from The Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change- Ontario has announced the results of the province’s fourth auction of greenhouse gas emission allowances, held Nov. 29, 2017.  A total of 20,898,000 current (2017) allowances were sold at a settlement price of $17.38 CAD and a total of 3,116,700 future (2020) greenhouse gas emission allowances were sold at a settlement price of $18.89 CAD. The auction generated an estimated $422,081,073 in proceeds, which by law will be invested in programs that will reduce greenhouse gas pollution and help families and businesses reduce their own emissions through the Climate Change Action Plan.

Proceeds from the province’s carbon market auctions are funding programs in 2017-18 that help people and businesses across Ontario reduce pollution, including:
 $64 million to improve energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gases and redirect savings into patient care at 98 hospitals across the province
 Up to $377 million to establish the Green Ontario Fund to help homeowners and businesses save money and fight climate change through programs and rebates
 Up to $657 million for repairs and improvements to social housing apartment buildings over five years, contingent on carbon market proceeds
 $200 million for public school energy improvements
 Up to $100 million to support municipalities in fighting climate change through projects such as renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements
 $93 million for cycling upgrades
 $25 million to establish the Low Carbon Innovation Fund to help create and commercialize new low-carbon technologies

These recent investments build upon $100 million to help homeowners make home energy upgrades, $20 million to install a network of fast-charging electric vehicle stations, $92 million for social housing upgrades, nearly $100 million to help businesses adopt low-carbon technology, and $13 million to support clean economic growth in First Nations communities, $8 million to launch a new pilot program to help fund the purchase of electric school buses, over $1 million to improve ecosystem health in urban and rural communities across the province.

The auction was administered by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change using services contracted by the Western Climate Initiative (WCI) Inc., with oversight from an independent market monitor to ensure the integrity of the process. The summary report of the results has been made available to the public.  For the Silo, Anna Milner.    Disponible en Français.

” The goal of Ontario’s carbon market is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our largest
sources of pollution. The proceeds generated are being invested into Ontario’s economy
through programs and projects that will do even more to reduce greenhouse gases, and help
people in their everyday lives.”
– Chris Ballard
Minister of the Environment and Climate Change

 On May 18, 2016, Ontario passed landmark climate change legislation that ensures the
province is accountable for responsibly and transparently investing proceeds from the
cap and trade program.
 The Climate Change Action Plan and the cap and trade program form the backbone of
Ontario’s strategy to cut greenhouse gas pollution to 15 per cent below 1990 levels by
 On September 22, 2017, Ontario signed a cap and trade linking agreement with Quebec
and California. The linkage will become effective on January 1, 2018.
 After introducing its cap and trade program and putting a price on carbon, California’s
economy grew at a pace that exceeded the growth of the rest of the U.S. economy.
 The number of jobs in California grew by almost 3.3 per cent in the first year and a half
of the program, outstripping the national rate of job creation, which was 2.5 per cent over
the same period.
 In the United States, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) has invested more
than $1.3 billion of auction proceeds since 2009 in programs that include energy
efficiency, clean and renewable energy, greenhouse gas abatement and direct bill
 RGGI investments are projected to return more than $4.67 billion in lifetime energy bill
savings to more than 4.6 million participating households and 21,400 businesses.


Ontario Takes Historic Action To Raise Minimum Wage To $15 Hour By 2019

Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs- $15 Minimum Wage and Equal Pay for Part-Time and Full-Time Workers Part of Plan to Help People Get Ahead in a Changing Economy

May 30, 2017 10:20 A.M.

Ontario is taking historic action to create more opportunity and security for workers with a plan for Fair Workplaces and Better Jobs. This includes hiking the minimum wage, ensuring part-time workers are paid the same hourly wage as full-time workers, introducing paid sick days for every worker and stepping up enforcement of employment laws.

Over the past three years, Ontario’s economy has outperformed all G7 countries in terms of real GDP growth. While exports and business investments are increasing and the unemployment rate is at a 16-year low, the nature of work has changed. Many workers are struggling to support their families on part-time, contract or minimum-wage work. Government has a responsibility to address precarious employment and ensure Ontario workers are protected by updating the province’s labour and employment laws.

To help safeguard employees and create fairer and better workplaces, Premier Kathleen Wynne announced today that the government is moving forward with a landmark package of measures, including:

-Raising Ontario’s general minimum wage to $14 per hour on January 1, 2018, and then to $15 on January 1, 2019, followed by annual increases at the rate of inflation.
-Mandating equal pay for part-time, temporary, casual and seasonal employees doing the same job as full-time employees; and equal pay for temporary help agency employees doing the same job as permanent employees at the agencies’ client companies.
-Expanding personal emergency leave to include an across-the-board minimum of at least two paid days per year for all workers.
-Bringing Ontario’s vacation time into line with the national average by ensuring at least three weeks’ vacation after five years with a company.
-Making employee scheduling fairer, including requiring employees to be paid for three hours of work if their shift is cancelled within 48 hours of its scheduled start time.

The government will also propose measures to expand family leaves and make certain that employees are not mis-classified as independent contractors, ensuring they get the benefits they deserve. To enforce these changes, the province will hire up to 175 more employment standards officers and launch a program to educate both employees and small and medium-sized businesses about their rights and obligations under the Employment Standards Act.

” The economy has changed. Work has changed. It’s time our laws and protections for workers changed too. Too many families are struggling to get by on part-time or contract work and unstable employment. And no one working full time in Ontario should live in poverty. With these changes, every worker in Ontario will be treated fairly, paid a living wage and have the opportunities they deserve.”
– Kathleen Wynne
Premier of Ontario

” These changes will ensure every hard-working Ontarian has the chance to reach their full potential and share in Ontario’s prosperity. Fairness and decency must be the defining values of our workplaces.”
– Kevin Flynn
Minister of Labour

Today’s announcement responds to the final report of the Changing Workplaces Review, conducted by Special Advisors C. Michael Mitchell and John C. Murray, over the course of two years. It is the first-ever independent review of the Employment Standards Act, 2000 and Labour Relations Act, 1995.
The report estimates that more than 30 per cent of Ontario workers were in precarious work in 2014. This type of employment makes it hard to earn a decent income and interferes with opportunities to enjoy decent working conditions and/or puts workers at risk.

In 2016, the median hourly wage was $13.00 for part-time workers and $24.73 for full-time workers. Over the past 30 years, part-time work has grown to represent nearly 20 per cent of total employment.
Currently, half of the workers in Ontario earning less than $15 per hour are between the ages of 25 and 64, and the majority are women.
More than a quarter of Ontario workers would receive a pay hike through the proposed increase to the minimum wage.
Studies show that a higher minimum wage results in less employee turnover, which increases business productivity.
Ontario is proposing a broad consultation process to gain feedback from a wide variety of stakeholders on the draft legislation it intends to introduce. To facilitate this consultation, it is proposing to send the legislation to committee after First Reading.

The Changing Workplaces Review — Final Report

Disponible en Français

Équité en milieu de travail, meilleurs emplois

Salaire minimum de 15 $ l’heure et parité salariale pour travail à temps partiel et à temps plein afin d’aider les gens à réussir au sein de l’économie en évolution

30 mai 2017 10h20

L’Ontario adopte des mesures historiques afin de créer plus de possibilités et de sécurité pour les travailleuses et travailleurs grâce à un plan pour l’équité en milieu de travail et de meilleurs emplois. Il s’agit notamment de hausser le salaire minimum, de veiller à ce que les travailleurs à temps partiel touchent le même taux horaire que les travailleurs à temps plein, de prévoir des congés de maladie payés pour tous les travailleurs et de renforcer la mise en application des lois régissant le travail.

Au cours des trois dernières années, le rendement de l’économie de l’Ontario a surpassé celui de tous les pays du G7 sur le plan de la croissance réelle du PIB. Certes, les exportations et les investissements des entreprises sont à la hausse et le taux de chômage est à son plus bas en 16 ans, mais nous constatons aussi que la nature du travail a changé. De nombreux travailleurs éprouvent de la difficulté à subvenir aux besoins de leur famille avec un emploi à temps partiel, contractuel ou au salaire minimum. Le gouvernement a la responsabilité d’agir face à la précarité de l’emploi et de veiller à ce que les travailleurs de l’Ontario soient protégés en actualisant les lois provinciales qui régissent le travail et l’emploi.

Pour contribuer à protéger les employés et créer des milieux de travail plus équitables et plus conviviaux, la première ministre Kathleen Wynne a annoncé aujourd’hui que le gouvernement va de l’avant avec un train de mesures inédites, dont les suivantes :

hausser le salaire minimum général en Ontario à 14 $ l’heure le 1er janvier 2018, puis à 15 $ le 1er janvier 2019, ce qui sera suivi par des hausses annuelles correspondant au taux d’inflation;
rendre obligatoire la parité salariale des employés à temps partiel, temporaires, occasionnels et saisonniers qui font le même travail que les employés à temps plein, et une paie égale pour les employés des agences de placement temporaire qui font le même travail que le personnel permanent de leurs entreprises clientes;
élargir le droit à des congés d’urgence personnelle pour inclure un minimum général d’au moins deux jours rémunérés par an pour tous les travailleurs;
faire correspondre la durée des vacances annuelles en Ontario à la durée moyenne nationale en accordant au moins trois semaines de vacances après 5 ans d’emploi avec le même employeur;
rendre plus équitable la planification des horaires de travail, ce qui comprend exiger que les employés soient payés pendant trois heures si leur quart de travail est annulé dans les 48 heures précédant l’heure de début planifiée.

Le gouvernement proposera aussi des mesures pour rendre plus équitable la planification des horaires du personnel, augmenter les congés familiaux et prévenir la classification erronée d’employés en tant qu’entrepreneurs indépendants, de manière à ce qu’ils obtiennent les avantages sociaux qu’ils méritent. Pour appliquer ces changements, la province embauchera jusqu’à 175 agentes et agents des normes d’emplois et lancera un programme de sensibilisation des employés et des petites et moyennes entreprises concernant leurs droits et obligations aux termes de la Loi de 2000 sur les normes d’emploi.


« L’économie et le marché du travail d’emploi ont évolué. Il est temps d’adapter aussi nos lois et les mécanismes de protection de notre main-d’oeuvre. Trop de familles ont du mal à joindre les deux bouts avec du travail à temps partiel, contractuel ou instable. Aucun travailleur à temps plein en Ontario ne devrait vivre dans la pauvreté. Grâce à ces changements, les travailleuses et travailleurs de l’Ontario seront traités avec équité, toucheront un revenu décent et auront les possibilités qu’ils méritent.»
– Kathleen Wynne
première ministre de l’Ontario

« Ces changements feront en sorte que les Ontariennes et Ontariens qui ont du coeur à l’ouvrage puissent avoir la chance de réaliser tout leur potentiel et de partager la prospérité de l’Ontario. L’équité et la cordialité doivent être des valeurs définitoires de nos lieux de travail.»
– Kevin Flynn
ministre du Travail


L’annonce d’aujourd’hui va dans le sens du rapport final de l’Examen portant sur l’évolution des milieux de travail que les conseillers spéciaux C. Michael Mitchell et John C. Murray ont mené pendant une période de deux ans. Il s’agit du tout premier examen indépendant de la Loi de 2000 sur les normes d’emploi et de la Loi de 1995 sur les relations de travail.
Le rapport évalue que plus de 30 % des travailleurs ontariens avaient un emploi précaire en 2014. Ce genre d’emploi fait qu’il est difficile d’obtenir un revenu suffisant et compromet les chances de profiter de conditions de travail décentes, en plus de faire subir des risques aux travailleurs.
En 2016, le salaire horaire moyen était de 13 $ pour les travailleurs à temps partiel et de 24,73 $ pour les travailleurs à temps plein. Au cours des 30 dernières années, le travail à temps partiel a augmenté de sorte qu’il représente près de 20 % de tous les emplois.
À l’heure actuelle, la moitié des travailleurs en Ontario qui gagnent moins de 15 $ l’heure ont de 25 à 64 ans et la majorité de ces effectifs sont des femmes.
Plus du quart des travailleurs de l’Ontario recevraient une hausse salariale grâce à l’augmentation proposée du salaire minimum.
Des études démontrent qu’un salaire minimum plus élevé réduit le roulement du personnel, ce qui accroît la productivité des entreprises.
L’Ontario propose un vaste processus de consultation afin d’obtenir la rétroaction d’une grande variété d’intéressés concernant le projet de loi envisagé. Pour faciliter cette consultation, il est proposé de soumettre le projet de loi à un comité après la première lecture.


Examen portant sur l’évolution des milieux de travail — rapport final

Reader Letter To The Silo Regarding Motion 103 And Hamilton Protest Rally

Dear Silo, there was a protest rally held at City Hall in Hamilton this past weekend. The purpose was to discuss or protest “Motion-103 “the motion put forth by one Ms. Iqra Khalid to stop as she sees it “Islamophobia.” For many the idea of “M-103” seems almost redundant as hate speech and any sort of hate crime based on religion is already under the “Criminal Code, The Charter of Human Rights & The Constitution.” Some have opined that Ms. Khalid is grandstanding & perhaps they may be correct.

The protest was as it went peaceful & low key. The police presence was minimal and well placed. Directly on site there were six uniforms, but a bit further back there were two mounted units, and further back out of sight behind city hall were three more mounted units.

The speaker at this event was a Muslim woman who was well spoken and exhorted the crowd with slogans, chants & political sayings, touting the Liberal regime and downplaying the Conservative aspect.It was my understanding that there would be both aspects of this motion represented at the protest, but for the near 3 hours I was present I only heard one side of the story [but] perhaps another side spoke later. I saw on the 6:00 pm news, things turned a bit ugly, and the police stepped in to quell any further incident, so who knows.

For many, it seemed a “ family event,” and I saw a few children there, [but] in my humble opinion [this] is no place for kids. In the “ Vietnam” years when the protest was clearly in many cases, a daily event, there never were any children present, mostly due to the fact protests can at any given time turn from something sedate to an angry, ugly mess, ergo no kids. I for one seriously have to ponder the parental abilities of such an action.

There was a few tables set up, all proffering their political views, the Communist Party, ( the mainstay at any protest), a painting table where you could add your hand to a large almost like paint-by-numbers setup where you could if so inclined could add your hand to it. There was a Muslim table set up and two young men who would engage you in conversation about their faith and handed out books & pamphlets, one of them at the time I stopped by, was engaged in a somewhat intense conversation with a Christian young man. Several people were working the crowd by handing out flyers, pamphlets and flash cards with their message on it. The “ Socialist group”, ever present at any event, was handing out small flyers promoting  worker solidarity,” the Marxist group was there too, handing out flyers to combat racism, the “ No Borders Manifesto,” an 18 point small booklet promoting a “ grassroots movement “ to promote the movement to the “ new world.” There were “ Stop the War Coalition,” the “ Know your Rights,” group & “ Hamilton Against Fascism,” and regarding [this]protest it seemed a well-rounded outpouring that way.

As I said, as protests go it was for the 3 hours I was there a peaceful, almost fun event. Later after things went south and everyone had done their barking and bitching sessions, they packed up their wares, printed material and children, and went home to read the tea leaves of the event and to generally pat themselves on the back for a job well done.

Protests are an integral part of the Canadian fabric and should be allowed at all times. The message I received from this one was that the potential for “ free speech,“ could be quashed possibly if this motion is put into a bill and becomes law. Do we have concern?? Perhaps as many feel we do, and it becomes the responsibility of all of us, to be open-minded, observant of what our government says and does. It falls to us to yes question what they tell us so that democracy as we live it will be ongoing and ever present so that we may all move forward with a proper sense of things for all who live and come to this great country we know it.


James R. Charlton

Circular Economy Is New Direction For Waste Free Ontario

In late Spring 2016, Ontario passed legislation to divert more waste from landfills, create jobs, help fight climate change and lead towards a waste-free province. Currently, Ontario is producing too much waste, and not recycling enough. Over eight million tonnes of waste is sent to landfill each year. Absolute greenhouse gas emissions from Ontario’s waste have risen by 25 per cent between 1990 and 2012 as the amount of waste disposed in landfills has increased.

The Waste-Free Ontario Act  will: encourage innovation in recycling processes and require producers to take full responsibility for their products and packaging, lower recycling costs and give consumers access to more convenient recycling options to help fight climate change by:

-reducing greenhouse gas pollution that results from the landfilling of products that could otherwise be recycled or composted
-overhaul Waste Diversion Ontario into the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority, a strong oversight body with new compliance and enforcement powers that will oversee the new approach and existing waste diversion programs until transition is complete.

Solid Waste No More

The province will also be finalizing its draft Strategy for a Waste-Free Ontario: Building the Circular Economy, within three months of the legislation coming into effect. The strategy outlines Ontario’s vision for a zero waste future and proposed plan to implement the legislation.
Harnessing the value of waste as a resource is part of the government’s economic plan to build Ontario up and deliver on its number-one priority to grow the economy and create jobs. The four-part plan includes investing in talent and skills, including helping more people get and create the jobs of the future by expanding access to high-quality college and university education. The plan is making the largest investment in public infrastructure in Ontario’s history and investing in a low-carbon economy driven by innovative, high-growth, export-oriented businesses. The plan is also helping working Ontarians achieve a more secure retirement.

“Ontario is moving in an exciting new direction for managing waste in the province. The Waste-Free Ontario Act is an important step in creating Ontario’s circular economy — a system in which products are never discarded, but reintroduced and reused or recycled into new products. Managing our resources more effectively will benefit Ontarians, our environment and economy and support our efforts to fight climate change.”
Glen Murray, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change

Every 1,000 tonnes of waste diverted from landfill generates seven full-time jobs, $360,000 in wages (paying above the provincial average) and $711,000 in GDP.
Every year in Canada, an estimated $1 billion in valuable resources is lost to landfill.
Eventually the Waste-Free Ontario Act will eliminate industry funding organizations such as the Ontario Tire Stewardship and Ontario Electronic Stewardship.
The Blue Box program is available in about 95 per cent of Ontario households and keeps approximately 65 per cent of residential printed paper and packaging from landfills.

Read about the draft Strategy for a Waste-Free Ontario: Building the Circular Economy
Learn more about Ontario’s current waste programs

BACKGROUNDER via Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
The Waste-Free Ontario Act and Strategy
Ontario has passed the Waste-Free Ontario Act and will be finalizing the draft Strategy for a Waste-Free Ontario: Building the Circular Economy, within three months of the legislation coming into effect.
Together, the proposed legislation and strategy would:
-Foster innovation in product and packaging design that encourages businesses to design long-lasting, reusable and easily recyclable products
-Boost recycling across all sectors, especially in the industrial, commercial and institutional sectors, which will reduce waste and lower greenhouse gas emissions
-Incent companies to look for ways to make their recycling processes more economical while staying competitive
-Shift the costs of the blue box from municipal taxpayers to producers while continuing to provide convenient collection services for Ontarians.
-Develop an action plan to reduce the amount of organic materials going to landfills.

The draft Strategy embraces a vision of “an Ontario where we have zero waste and zero greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sector and where all resources, organic or non-organic, are used and reused productively, maximizing their recovery and reintegrating recovered materials back into the economy.”
Ontario’s vision would be fulfilled with the draft Strategy’s two goals: a zero waste Ontario and zero greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sector. To achieve these goals Ontario would work towards systematically avoiding and eliminating the volume of waste, while maximizing the conservation and recovery of resources. This would also help the province meet its climate change commitments and help Ontario build a low-carbon economy.
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Ontario Passes Landmark Climate Change Legislation

Today, Ontario passed landmark climate change legislation that lays a foundation for the province to join the biggest carbon market in North America and ensures that the province is accountable for responsibly and transparently investing proceeds from the cap and trade program into actions that reduce greenhouse gas pollution, create jobs and help people and businesses shift to a low-carbon economy.

Under the Climate Change Mitigation and Low-Carbon Economy Act, money raised from Ontario’s cap and trade program will be deposited into a new Greenhouse Gas Reduction Account. The account will invest every dollar in green projects and initiatives that reduce emissions.

Following extensive consultation with industry and other groups, the legislation was strengthened by now requiring enhanced accountability and public reporting on the province’s upcoming Climate Change Action Plan and investment of cap and trade proceeds.

From J. Magnuson's Book on the approaching post-carbon economy. Link below.
           From J. Magnuson’s Book on the approaching post-carbon economy. Link below.

Ontario will post its final cap and trade regulation upon royal assent of the legislation. The regulation covers detailed rules and obligations for businesses participating in the program. The final design was also informed by extensive consultation https://www.ontario.ca/page/cap-and-trade-consultations-summary with businesses, industry, the public, environmental organizations and Indigenous communities.

Climate change is not a distant threat – it is already costing the people of Ontario. It has damaged our environment, caused extreme weather like floods and droughts, and hurt our ability to grow food in some regions. Over the near term, climate change will increase the cost of food and insurance rates, harm wildlife and nature, and eventually make the world inhospitable for our children and grandchildren.

Minister of Climate Change Glen Murray
         Minister of Climate Change Glen Murray

Fighting climate change while supporting growth, efficiency and productivity is part of the government’s economic plan to build Ontario up and deliver on its number-one priority to grow the economy and create jobs. The four-part plan includes investing in talent and skills, including helping more people get and create the jobs of the future by expanding access to high-quality college and university education. The plan is making the largest investment in public infrastructure in Ontario’s history and investing in a low-carbon economy driven by innovative, high-growth, export-oriented businesses. The plan is also helping working Ontarians achieve a more secure retirement.


“Passing the Climate Change Mitigation and Low-Carbon Economy Act marks the start of the next chapter in Ontario’s transformation to an innovative and prosperous low-carbon economy — one that will benefit households, businesses, industry and communities across the province. This legislation is about enshrining in law our resolve and action to protect and strengthen our environment for generations to come.”

— Glen Murray, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change


§ Ontario’s Climate Change Action Plan is the next step in Ontario’s ongoing fight against climate change and is expected to be released in spring 2016. The plan will describe actions that will help more Ontario households and businesses to adopt low- and no-carbon energy in homes, vehicles and workplaces.

§ Ontario’s $325-million Green Investment Fund http://www.ontario.ca/greeninvestment , a down payment on the province’s cap and trade program, is already strengthening the economy, creating good jobs and driving innovation while fighting climate change — a strong signal of what Ontarians can expect from proceeds of the province’s cap and trade program. These investments will help secure a healthy, clean and prosperous low-carbon future and transform the way we live, move and work while ensuring strong, sustainable communities.

§ The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Account will receive proceeds from auctioning allowances under Ontario’s cap and trade program. The first auction will be held in March 2017.

§ Ontario intends to link its cap and trade program with Quebec and California.


Ontario’s Climate Change Strategy https://www.ontario.ca/page/climate-change-strategy

Learn How Cap and Trade Works https://www.ontario.ca/page/cap-and-trade

Green Investment Fund https://www.ontario.ca/page/green-investment-fund

Supplemental- Joel Magnuson’s Book- The Approaching Great Transformation: Toward a Livable Post-Carbon Economy

A Second Look At Ontario Bill83 AKA SLAPP

Dr Evil Canadian free speech, journalistic powers or lack there of are back in the news. Here is a related story  about Ontario’s Bill 83 from last year that deserves a second read.

Bill83. The threat of abusive lawsuits claiming damages like slander and defamation is deterring  a significant number of Ontarians from speaking out against big business on issues of public interest.

Our tweet from Feb22 2015 shows an interest in related freedom of expression concerns.
Our tweet from Feb22 2015 shows an interest in related freedom of expression concerns.

Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP) are lawsuits brought by companies with the specific aim of distracting or silencing defendants. The defendants, usually ordinary citizens or public interest groups, feel threatened by the prospect of paying legal fees over several years and the possibility of paying large damage awards in the end. Even if the lawsuits have no merit, they often result in a “chill” on free speech in general because SLAPPs are also meant to intimidate the general public who are watching it all play out in the media.

John Gerretsen Attorney General Kingston and the Islands.
John Gerretsen Attorney General Kingston and the Islands.

Attorney General John Gerretsen has introduced Bill 83 ( In its 2nd reading at the time of this original posting, now referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy CP) to address this dubious use of Ontario’s publicly funded court system. The proposed legislation would force the courts to identify within 60 days whether a suit was in the public interest or an intimidation tactic to limit debate on an important local issue.

In communities facing fast paced economic development, this legislation is sure to play an important role in protecting the ordinary courage of citizens to tell their story, to share local knowledge and research findings and to insist on an authentic community vision for a healthy and sustainable future. For the Silo, Leslie Cochran. Originally published in print March 21, 2014.

Barrett: Ontario Invasive Species Act Still Needs More Work

When sea lamprey became entrenched in the Great Lakes, the impact on native fish was tremendous. Decades later, we are still battling lamprey, but Asian carp are waiting at the door with ramifications that will make lamprey look tame.

Fallout on ecosystems and native species is often severe, and sometimes irreversible. The damage Asian carp could do to our Great Lakes is unimaginable and the phragmites invasion is choking out wetlands across the province. Damage from invasive species is not just ecological, but also financial with estimates of $7.5 billion annually on forestry and farming.

When passed, the province’s new Invasive Species Act will make Ontario the first province to have such a law. Basically, the bill lays out how to help prevent invasive species, how to detect and respond rapidly to the presence of new invaders, and effectively manage those already established. The concept is admirable, but I do have a few concerns.

The bill has wide-ranging support from various stakeholders, but it is reactionary when in many cases a more proactive approach would be appropriate.

To start, the identification of invasive species will be done through a so-called black list. It requires harm from a species before it will be regulated. However this is reactive rather than preventative. To explain further, the approach to sea lamprey is reactive, whereas the present approach to Asian carp is preventative. It’s easier and less costly to deal with an invasive species before it’s established.

An approach that is frequently recommended, but not used in this bill, is the pathways approach. Using this approach, the regulation of invasive species is based on the risk of invasion via certain pathways so it can be regulated and the risks mitigated. One example is requiring the gutting of all Asian carp imported into Canada for food to make sure they are dead.

The bill does not outline a science-based approach to risk assessment and decision making. My concern is red tape to identify invasive species will hamper prevention efforts.

The act downloads the responsibility of implementation to landowners, but leaves little incentive for landowners to act. As a property owner, I have concerns the bill will be punitive and unfair.

The bill creates two classes of invasives – significant threat and moderate threat. Although there are tools to deal with moderate-threat invasives in provincial parks, there are no tools or authority for private landowners. I have seen this in my own battle against phragmites on our farm and the limited tool kit permissable.

Another concern is the act would create a heavy-handed regulatory scheme that will punish innocent persons who have the misfortune of having an invasive species on their land and download costs of dealing with it to the owner. I am also opposed to the warrantless entry provision for authorities to search property and buildings.

The penalties set out in the act are higher for corporations than individuals. While this concept seems sound, the government failed to take into account the fact many businesses and family farms are incorporated.

I have faith in the science personnel within the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry who provided the basis for the act. But I also believe there is a wealth of knowledge amongst anglers, hunters, naturalists, farmers and commercial fishermen and their associations that can be incorporated with more public consultation. Toby Barrett, MPP

SupplementalGreat Lakes Commerical Fisheries Michigan Fish Producers Conference

Bill 167 Ontario’s Invasive Species Act 2014

Ontario Planning Legislation- Mandatory Menu Labeling For Fast-Food Restaurants and others



It appears North American society has been desensitized to what childhood obesity 'looks like'- what a difference a single generation can make. Here we see child obesity stricken Augustus Gloop characters from Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory- (Left) 1971 (Right) 2005. Clearly, what was considered obese 42 years ago would not be considered obese today. As Society as a whole becomes more overweight and as media desensitizes our perspectives due to film and video characterizations, our opinions have been influenced. CP image: weknowmemes.com
It appears North American society has been desensitized to what childhood obesity ‘looks like’- what a difference a single generation can make. Here we see child obesity stricken Augustus Gloop characters from Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory- (Left) 1971 (Right) 2005. Clearly, what was considered obese 42 years ago would not be considered obese today. As Society as a whole becomes more overweight and as media desensitizes our perspectives due to film and video characterizations, our opinions have been influenced. CP image: weknowmemes.com


October, 2013     Ontario will help parents and their children make healthier choices by putting calories on menus, following consultations with the fast-food industry and health care sector.

Legislation that would require large chain restaurants to include calories and other potential nutritional information on their menus will be introduced this winter. The government will also seek advice on how to reduce the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages aimed at kids.

Consultations on menu labeling will include parents and representatives from food and beverage manufacturing, agriculture, restaurant, food service, food retail and health sectors. Consultations on limiting the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to children will also include the media and telecommunications industry.

Making it easier for Ontario families to choose healthy food is a key component of the Healthy Kids Panel report and helps deliver on our Action Plan for Health Care.

This is part of the Ontario government’s economic plan to invest in people, invest in infrastructure and support a dynamic and innovative business climate.


*   The consultations build on steps the government has already taken to implement recommendations from the Healthy Kids Panel, including a 24-hour support line for breastfeeding moms and expanding Ontario’s Student Nutrition Program.

*   In 2009, the economic cost associated with physical inactivity and obesity in Ontario was $4.5 billion.

*   More than 80 per cent of food ads in Canada are for food high in calories and low in nutritional value.

*   A vast majority of Ontarians (95 per cent) support requiring fast food restaurants list nutritional information on their menus (Ipsos Reid, 2011).


Australia’s controversial “Break the Habit”- childhood obesity commercial




*     Ontario Consulting On Healthy Eating Initiatives

*     Support for Ontario’s Healthy Eating Initiatives

*     Ontario’s Action Plan for Health Care

*     The Health Kids Panel Report


“Parents have told us they want our support in keeping their kids healthy. We are

committed to giving parents and their kids the information they need to make healthy

choices. I want to thank our health care and industry partners for working

collaboratively with us on this important initiative to improve kids’ health.”

— Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care


McDonald's VP Ontario- Sharon Ramalho began working at McDonald's part-time in 1983. image courtesy of womenworthwatching.com
McDonald’s VP Ontario- Sharon Ramalho began working at McDonald’s part-time in 1983. image courtesy of womenworthwatching.com


“McDonald’s Canada supports the Ontario government’s action to provide Ontarians

with more access to nutrition information in restaurants. McDonald’s is a long-time

leader in providing comprehensive in-restaurant nutrition information based on the

13 core nutrients including calories, so its customers can make informed eating

choices to suit their dietary needs and preferences.”

—  Sharon Ramalho, Vice President – Ontario Region, McDonald’s Canada





“Ontario’s doctors wholeheartedly support the government’s plan to introduce menu

labelling in large chain restaurants, and also believe in the need for restrictions

on the marketing of unhealthy food to kids. Obesity is strongly associated with an

increase in chronic disease – and over half of all adults and one-third of children

are overweight or obese. The government’s Healthy Kids Strategy will go a long way

towards addressing this growing epidemic.”

Dr. Scott Wooder, President, Ontario Medical Association


“The Heart and Stroke Foundation applauds the Government of Ontario’s decision to

introduce mandatory menu labeling. With today’s busy lives and vast array of food

choices, it’s crucial to provide everyone with the ability to make well informed

decisions about the food we eat and feed our children. This important initiative

will go a long way in empowering Ontarians to make healthy choices when dining out

or purchasing prepared food. Eating well is absolutely one of the best investments

Ontarians can make to decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke.”

Mark Holland, Director of Health Promotion and Children & Youth, Heart and Stroke



Helping Families Make Healthier Food Choices

Supplemental- How close is planned Ontario legislation to the USA Obama administration’s new calorie limitations for school lunches? http://eagnews.org/appalled-school-cafeteria-employee-seconds-banned-extra-food-thrown-away/

The impact of food advertising on childhood obesity by the American Psychological Association http://www.apa.org/topics/kids-media/food.aspx

"“We have to keep an enormous amount of paperwork, about serving sizes, food temperatures, labels, on and on,” our source says. “The new forms are more complex, ask for more information that’s just being duplicated on other forms. (Food service workers) are all collecting the same data for reports that sit in a file drawer and never get looked at.” Our source believes the new government-required paperwork consumes so much of the employees’ time that it is driving up labor costs for the school district, which serves a low-income community." source/image: eagnews.org
““We have to keep an enormous amount of paperwork, about serving sizes, food temperatures, labels, on and on,” our source says. “The new forms are more complex, ask for more information that’s just being duplicated on other forms. (Food service workers) are all collecting the same data for reports that sit in a file drawer and never get looked at.”
Our source believes the new government-required paperwork consumes so much of the employees’ time that it is driving up labor costs for the school district, which serves a low-income community.” source/image: eagnews.org

Ontario Greens: “Other provinces and countries are way ahead of us”

""Greens will fight to protect the places we love. Let's leave our children the rich natural heritage we have enjoyed."  image: redd-monitor.org
“”Greens will fight to protect the places we love. Let’s leave our children the rich natural heritage we have enjoyed.” image: redd-monitor.org


ONTARIO CAN’T AFFORD TO DELETE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS    (Queen’s Park): Trashing Ontario’s Endangered Species Act is unacceptable, says Green Party of Ontario leader Mike Schreiner.

“We can’t let the Wynne government bulldoze environmental protections,” says Schreiner.

“Greens will fight to protect the places we love. Let’s leave our children the rich natural heritage we have enjoyed.”

Schreiner joined environmental groups in calling on the Premier to reverse a Cabinet decision to grant sweeping exemptions to species protection. Over a thousand GPO supporters have sent letters to the Premier asking her to protect endangered species.

“The Premier failed her first big environmental test,” says Schreiner. “It’s not surprising that the Liberals’ short-sighted attack on endangered species has led to a lawsuit. Breaking their own legislation threatens protections for water, farmland and healthy communities. And the silence from the NDP and PC opposition on these issues is deafening.”

There is a better way to move forward without sacrificing environmental protection. The Green Party agrees with the Drummond Report: user fees should pay for environmental protection. User fees are fair and economical, and they discourage wasteful use of precious natural resources.

The Green Party is also calling on the government to support paying farmers and landowners for environmental good and services that benefit everyone.

“Instead of destroying species or regulating farmers out of business, Ontario should recognize the economic value of environmental goods and services,” says Schreiner. “Once again, other provinces and countries are way ahead of us in protecting what we value most.”  For the Silo, Becky Smit

Ontario Wants To Intro Financial Accountability Officer

Liberals Financial Accountability OfficerThe Ontario government will introduce legislation to establish a Financial Accountability Officer, an independent officer of the Legislative Assembly. Ontario is the first province in Canada to introduce this oversight measure.

If the legislation is passed, the Financial Accountability Officer would provide independent analysis to all MPPs about the state of the province’s finances, including the Ontario Budget, as well as trends in the provincial and national economies. In addition, at the request of a legislative committee or an MPP, other types of research could be provided by the officer, including the financial cost or benefit to the province of any public bill. The Financial Accountability Officer could also be asked to review and estimate the financial cost or benefit to the province of any proposal that relates to a matter over which the Legislature has jurisdiction, such as the establishment of a new program.

Increasing financial openness is part of the government’s plan to work collaboratively, attract investment, create jobs and help people in their everyday lives.

“We are proposing the creation of a Financial Accountability Officer to further
enhance the openness and transparency of government.  This would also include the
financial assessment of any public bill brought forward to the Legislature by an
MPP.  The work undertaken by this independent officer will help better inform the
house on possible financial impacts of a proposed bill and increase information
available to Ontarians.”
– Charles Sousa, Minister of Finance

“We are fulfilling our commitments with the introduction of the Financial
Accountability Officer Act. I look forward to working with the opposition to pass
this Bill and other important legislation that we will be debating this fall.
Ontarians want to see minority government working, and I’m optimistic we’ll be able
to make progress in the Legislature.”

– John Milloy, Government House Leader


§  The Financial Accountability Officer would be selected by a panel consisting of
one member from each recognized party, chaired by the Speaker of the Assembly who is
a non-voting member.
§  The Financial Accountability Officer would produce an annual report on or before
July 31 of each year.
§  The establishment of a Financial Accountability Officer builds on previous
government actions to enhance accountability and transparency, such as the Fiscal
Transparency and Accountability Act, 2004.


Read the 2013 Ontario Budget http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/budget/ontariobudgets/2013/
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Ontario government wants to strengthen rules for Debt Settlement Services












Ontario is taking steps to provide vulnerable consumers with protection against unfair business practices of some companies that offer debt settlement services.

As part of the province’s continuing commitment to strengthen consumer protection, the Ontario government intends to introduce legislation that, if passed, would impose new rules for debt settlement services, including:

 Banning companies from charging upfront fees for debt settlement services.

 Limiting the total amount of fees consumers are charged.

 Requiring clear, easy to understand contracts.

 Establishing a 10-day cooling-off period, providing consumers more time to consider their agreements.

 Allowing the licenses of non-compliant companies to be revoked.

These proposed reforms would help protect the rights of consumers and are part of the new Ontario government’s commitment to building a strong economy and a fair, safe and informed marketplace.


“Ontario consumers need to have confidence that they’re getting what they pay for when purchasing debt settlement services. We’re going to introduce legislation that would protect some of our most vulnerable consumers from being taken advantage of, at a time when they need the most help.”

— Tracy MacCharles, Minister of Consumer Services MPP Pickering-Scarborough-East


“Ontarians work hard for their money. Why just give it away to a company that is going to take your up-front fee but not actually settle with your creditors? I’m pleased the Ontario government is strengthening protections for consumers looking for help from debt settlement companies”

— Gail Vaz-Oxlade, financial writer and host of “Til Debt Do Us Part”


 Ontario is joining other provinces like Alberta and Manitoba that regulated companies offering debt settlement services.

 There are currently 22 companies and 38 credit counselling providers offering debt settlement services in Ontario.

 The average consumer debt in Ontario is more than $25,000 per person.


Read more about how the Ontario government protects consumers who use companies that offer debt settlement services. www.sse.on.gov.ca

Protect yourself against scams and fraud.


ontario.ca/consumer services

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