Dear Silo, i don’t know what your position on him is, but let me tell you rob ford is trending at the very top of the internet right at this moment, his most recent, startling comments to the press about eating pussy are on the you tube homepage on the very top. [See below to view video CP]
jon stewart on the daily show spent about five minutes on those comments in his opening monologue and pleaded with him to step down, and that’s just the U.S. this is global, and i guess as someone who lived there for so long i have a strong opinion that he should step aside at this point.
the entire city council, including his own inner circle, voted to restrict his power as mayor. they are doing everything but throwing him out, which they cannot do. they are even testifying to the police about him. his own people.
Junior Gibs
Supplemental– Why do so many people want to think Hitler was mad? http://ww2history.com/blog/ww2-controversies/why-do-so-many-people-want-to-think-hitler-was-mad-2/