Tag Archives: invention

Next Month MP3 Creators Debut Flexible Rendering Technology For New Immersive Audio Experience

Fraunhofer will be at CES 2025 from January 6-January 8, 2025 at the Fraunhofer suite in the Venetian Hotel.

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December 31, 2024, Erlangen, Germany — Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (Fraunhofer IIS), a leading developer of advanced audio technologies, including mp3 and AAC, will present at CES 2025 upHear Flexible Rendering, a ground-breaking audio technology that greatly simplifies high-quality immersive sound experiences on consumer audio reproduction devices, including loudspeakers, soundbars, and TVs. upHear Flexible Rendering enhances and distributes sound flexibly to all available speakers for a spectacular enveloping immersive audio effect at all times.

upHear Flexible Rendering for Effortless Flexibility: Expand Setups from Stereo to Immersive 

upHear Flexible Rendering belongs to Fraunhofer’s upHear range of audio processing technologies. They enhance the sound quality of content from voice signals to immersive audio masterpieces and provide pristine audio pickup as well as faithful reproduction from classic stereo setups to complex scenarios with multiple devices. The upHear Flexible Rendering technology automatically combines wireless speakers for the best possible experience, supporting new immersive audio formats as well as providing first-class upmixing for legacy content.

What Makes This Technology Impressively Different

With upHear Flexible Rendering, everything is adjustable: Adding or removing a speaker from the system is no trouble due to its automatic adaptation to the current playback situation. Its inherent flexibility provides the option for effortless system growth making it very budget-friendly. All systems upgraded with upHear Flexible Rendering achieve enhanced immersion for an extraordinary sound experience. “Currently, users can only connect to one smart speaker at a time or to a fixed setup per room.

With the upHear technology, you now have the flexibility to conveniently combine any number of speakers into an immersive speaker cluster wherever you want. Party music in the kitchen? Transform your living room into a movie theatre? Operas in the bathroom? It is all possible without a fuss,” said Sebastian Meyer, Product Manager upHear, Fraunhofer IIS.

Fraunhofer Demos will be available at CES 2025 –

  • Speaker Repositioning: Smart speakers will be distributed in the room playing immersive music. The upHear Flexible Rendering technology will make it possible to add/remove speakers and to reposition them. The upHear algorithm optimizes the sound image based on the current setup. Visitors will be able to try out repositioning for themselves. The wireless speaker setup also uses the Fraunhofer Communication Codec LC3plus for ultra-low-latency wireless audio transmission.
  • upHear Microphone Processing Technologies: Through live calls, Fraunhofer will show how they make life easier: An “office” in the suite will show advanced AI-based technologies such as Echo Control, Noise Reduction, and the latest feature: Voice Isolation, which is the highlight of the Microphone Processing area. Users can create a “fingerprint” of their voice in seconds, which makes it possible to remove all sounds but their voice from a call for a truly personalized live call experience for better conferencing. 
  • Demo Audio Samples: Check out upHear demos at: https://comm-demos.iis.fraunhofer.de/upHear_20240808/index.html
  • upHear Mobile Audio: Fraunhofer’s virtualization platform opens the door to true spatial playback experiences on headphones. It works from a multitude of sources, from legacy stereo to current immersive formats. Thanks to the minimum resource requirements of the low-complexity rendering, it can run on DSPs for any audio device class, be it headphones, mobile devices, home audio systems, or even a low-power XR devices.

upHear is available immediately. For more information, see: www.uphear.com, and https://www.audioblog.iis.fraunhofer.com/tag/uphear.

Fraunhofer Audio Codecs to be presented at CES 2025 –

  • xHE-AAC: The stereo codec for broadcast and streaming provides DASH/HLS streaming at 12-320+ kbit/s, a new anchor loudness feature, mandatory loudness and dynamic range control, improved speech quality, and stereo imaging. The technology is already used by Netflix, Facebook stories, and Instagram Reels. xHE-AAC is natively supported on the latest Amazon, Android, Microsoft, and Apple products and operating systems.
  • LC3plus Lossless: Video calls, music, and gaming are best enjoyed with wireless headphones and microphones that deliver perfect audio quality and long battery life. With LC3plus, sound reaches users in perfect quality and the new LC3plus Lossless switches seamlessly between lossless and lossy modes of operation. It works with all features of LC3plus, including low-delay and superior robustness thanks to Advanced Packet Loss Concealment. LC3plus is on the Japan Audio Society’s list of codecs whose implementation opens the door for device manufacturers to use the prestigious High-Res Audio Wireless logo. Fraunhofer IIS will demonstrate integrations into the AKG N5 Hybrid Earbuds, a HyperX gaming headset, a Sony streaming microphone, and a headphone prototype by BEStechnic.
    • MPEG-H Audio: Next Generation Audio system for streaming and broadcast applications with advanced personalization and accessibility options. Fraunhofer will showcase devices by globally leading CE manufacturers with MPEG-H Audio support, which is required for Brazil’s upcoming broadcast standard DTV+. Here, the technology helps Globo, TV Cultura, and other major providers to deliver customizable immersive sound experiences with a high degree of accessibility. Viewers can choose between different languages and commentators or select a version with enhanced dialogue.

For the Silo, Karen Thomas/ Eva Yutani.

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About Fraunhofer IIS Audio & Media Technologies
Fraunhofer IIS is part of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Europe’s leading applied research organization. The global leader in advanced technologies for audio coding and moving picture production. Almost all computers, mobile phones, and consumer electronic devices available today are equipped with technologies from Erlangen and are used by billions of people around the world every day. The creation of mp3, co-development of AAC as well as HE-AAC prove how Fraunhofer IIS has been innovating the audio sector for over 30 years. The current generation of compelling audio technologies includes Fraunhofer Symphoria for automotive 3D audio, EVS for phone calls with crystal-clear audio quality, xHE-AAC, which is used by major streaming services such as Netflix, by Facebook stories, and by Instagram Reels. MPEG-H Audio delivers personalized immersive sound for broadcast and streaming, which lets viewers adjust dialogue volume to suit their personal preferences.

Top Ten Emerging Technologies Set To Change World

Dalian, People’s Republic of China, June 2024 – The World Economic Forum announces today the publication of its annual Top 10 Emerging Technologies Report featuring technologies with the greatest potential to make a positive impact in the world in the next three to five years.

“Organizations make better choices when they understand the factors shaping the future. The report identifies technologies poised to significantly influence societies and economies,” said Jeremy Jurgens, Managing Director, World Economic Forum and Head of the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. “It also spotlights technologies with immense potential for revolutionizing connectivity, addressing the urgent challenges of climate change and driving innovation across various fields.”

“Drawing on the expertise of Frontiers’ Chief Field Editors worldwide brings our shared commitment to transformative science into clear focus, bringing insight and clarity to breakthrough technology that has the ability to change societies, economies, and lives for the better,” said Frederick Fenter, Chief Executive Editor, Frontiers. “This is open science in action and we are delighted to partner with the World Economic Forum in bringing these technologies to the attention of business, science and political leaders across the globe.”

The Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2024 are:

  1. AI for scientific discovery: While artificial intelligence (AI) has been used in research for many years, advances in deep learning, generative AI and foundation models are revolutionizing the scientific discovery process. AI will enable researchers to make unprecedented connections and advancements in understanding diseases, proposing new materials, and enhancing knowledge of the human body and mind​​.
  2. Privacy-enhancing technologies: Protecting personal privacy while providing new opportunities for global data sharing and collaboration, “synthetic data” is set to transform how information is handled with powerful applications in health-related research.
  3. Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces: These innovative surfaces turn ordinary walls and surfaces into intelligent components for wireless communication while enhancing energy efficiency in wireless networks. They hold promise for numerous applications, from smart factories to vehicular networks​​.
  4. High-altitude platform stations: Using aircraft, blimps and balloons, these systems can extend mobile network access to remote regions, helping bridge the digital divide for over 2.6 billion people worldwide​​. 
  5. Integrated sensing and communication: The advent of 6G networks facilitates simultaneous data collection (sensing) and transmission (communication). This enables environmental monitoring systems that help in smart agriculture, environmental conservation and urban planning. Integrated sensing and communication devices also promise to reduce energy and silicon consumption.
  6. Immersive technology for the built world: Combining computing power with virtual and augmented reality, these technologies promise rapid improvements in infrastructure and daily systems​. This technology allows designers and construction professionals to check for correspondence between physical and digital models, ensuring accuracy and safety and advancing sustainability.
  7. Elastocalorics: As global temperatures rise, the need for cooling solutions is set to soar. Offering higher efficiency and lower energy use, elastocalorics release and absorb heat under mechanical stress, presenting a sustainable alternative to current technologies.
  8. Carbon-capturing microbes: Engineered organisms convert emissions into valuable products like biofuels, providing a promising approach to mitigating climate change.
  9. Alternative livestock feeds: protein feeds for livestock sourced from single-cell proteins, algae and food waste could offer a sustainable solution for the agricultural industry.
  10. Genomics for transplants: The successful implantation of genetically engineered organs into a human marks a significant advancement in healthcare, offering hope to millions awaiting transplants.

About the Top 10 Emerging Technologies Report
The Top 10 Emerging Technologies Report, now in its 12th edition, serves as a vital source of strategic intelligence for professionals. Drawing on insights from scientists, researchers and futurists, the report identifies 10 technologies poised to significantly influence societies and economies.
In addition to promising major benefits to societies and economies, these emerging technologies must also be disruptive, attractive to investors and researchers, and expected to achieve considerable scale within five years.

This year’s edition introduced an innovative trend analysis methodology, incorporating academic literature, funding trends and patent filings, to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the selected technologies. The technologies featured in the report, produced in collaboration with Frontiers, were identified through a rigorous selection process involving over 300 world-leading academics and experts from the Forum’s Global Future Councils, the University and Research Network, the Frontiers network comprising over 2,000 chief editors worldwide from top institutions, and Mariette di Christina and Bernard Meyerson, Co-Chairs of the Emerging Technologies Steering Group.

Opinion: Young Jamaican’s Invention Could Help End Spread Of Viruses Like COVID-19

Five years ago more than 40 babies born in Jamaican hospitals became infected with lethal bacteria – half of them died. The bacteria Klebsiella, like the coronavirus, is spread from person-to-person or via contaminated surfaces. It can be killed by hand-washing with warm soapy water.The situation caught the attention of technology student Rayvon Stewart based in Jamaica who set about finding a way to curb the spread of harmful germs. “I made a determined decision that I was going to find a solution to limit the transfer of pathogens to multiple surfaces, thereby saving lives,” says Rayvon.
Patricia Scotland
Young innovators in health
I met Rayvon at the Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting (CHMM) in Geneva last year. He was among the finalists shortlisted for last year’s Commonwealth Health Innovation Awards. He took part in an exhibition on the theme ‘Universal Health Coverage: Reaching the unreached, ensuring that no-one is left behind’ which highlighted how young people are tackling age-old challenges with modern technology and disruptive thinking.

The event underlined Commonwealth commitment to empowering young people as outlined in our charter and also our contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. I spoke to five extraordinary innovators who made it as finalists of the Commonwealth Health Innovation Awards which recognize outstanding young people whose groundbreaking projects have made a real impact in helping their countries achieve Sustainable Development Goal 3, which is to ‘ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages’.

William Wasswa was working on a digital pathology platform for automated diagnosis and classification of cervical cancer from pap-smear images. Then there was Midia Hassan using 3D printing technology to provide prosthetics to amputees living in refugee camps and poverty zones. Another timely invention is that of Nitash Jangir who was one of 15 finalists at our SDG innovation awards. Nitash invented a neonatal breathing support device for low resource settings, with multiple powering options. It maintains respiration and oxygenation in premature neonates with Respiratory Distress Syndrome by providing constant airflow and pressure to keep the lungs open during transport to a tertiary care setting.

I was struck by the ability of young minds to find solutions to real problems in their communities, and their persistence in finding support to scale-up their projects.In Rayvon’s case, he focused on the most common places where bacteria and viruses could easily be left by one person and picked up directly by another. He came up with what he calls ‘Xermosol’- a simple-to-install device that automatically disinfects door knobs and handles after each use.

The innovation uses ultraviolet light to target and specifically kill harmful microorganisms, while being harmless to human beings.

The potential to save lives
The potential impact of Rayvon’s invention could now be even more important than when he first conceived it, as the world battles the frightening COVID-19 pandemic. The coronavirus lives up to two or three days on stainless steel and metal, and several hours on fabric depending on factors such as temperature and humidity. Field and laboratory testing has validated Xermosol’s efficiency in killing more than 99.9% of deadly pathogens. In addition to health facilities, Rayvon hopes it could help reduce transmission of germs in other public spaces such as schools and businesses.

Tests carried out in conjunction with University of Technology, Jamaica and University of the West Indies show Xermosol destroys organisms such as MRSA and E-coli and destroys viral cells such as influenza virus H1N1.This is a huge step in the fight against microorganisms and offers new ways of thinking around combatting viral cells such as Coronavirus.

Supporting young people to innovate
Rayvon says the recognition he received from the Commonwealth Health Innovation Awards was a key moment in Xermosol’s progress, generating immense interest in the project. But now the production of Xermosol faces a number of considerable challenges – from development funding to finding a manufacturer to mass produce. Financing options are mostly focused on large-scale innovation, but the Commonwealth is exploring and proposing that all 54 member-countries go into partnership with the Global Innovation Fund to help young innovators like Rayvon.

Over the past two years, the Commonwealth Youth Health Network has worked closely with the Commonwealth Secretariat and member states to leverage the unique capabilities of young people and drive forward progress toward SDG3 (which includes a bold commitment to end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other communicable diseases) and health-related development goals. Citizens aged under 30 comprise 60 per cent of the Commonwealth’s population – a proportion that is 10 per cent higher than the global average.

In the course of my interaction in and with our member countries I am continually impressed by the drive of these 1.4 billion young people. They have the ideas, energy and talent to make a huge difference in their communities – and they are doing so. For the Silo, Patricia Scotland, Commonwealth Secretary-General. Featured image: mock up of one type of door handle with integrated UV light.


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Auto Clean Your Grill With Advanced Bluetooth BBQ Robot Available Now

Keep grime at bay with the perfect, must-have holiday gift for every busy person who loves gadgets and useful technology. Grillbot is the world’s first automatic grill cleaning robot.

Grillbot makes life much easier for BBQ chefs. It saves them time and lots of dirty work cleaning grills and letting them get back to spending more quality time entertaining family and friends. The award-winning Grillbot takes the time and effort out of cleaning even the dirtiest grills.

Designed for use on any style grill, simply place the Grillbot on the grill’s surface, press a button, and the robot does all the cleaning. The device is driven by a powerful CPU that controls movement, speed and direction of brushes. It comes with an LCD alarm and timer that can be set for a light scrub, deep clean or something in between, and notifies when cleaning is done. 

 The innovative Grillbot comes in four colors and includes the following features:

  • Three high-power electric motors
  • Smart Brain that controls movement, speed and direction of the brushes
  • Brushes pop right off to put in dishwashers for easy cleaning
  • Rechargeable lithium ion battery

The Grillbot comes as a standalone grill cleaner, or an optional bundle with a carrying 3 brass brushes installed and a carrying case. Grillbot has already sold over 100,000 units globally, including in new markets such as Russia, Australia, Canada and Brazil. The Grillbot is $99.95USD and comes with a one-year warranty. 

At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada, in January 2017, Grillbot  demonstrated its advanced technology with the Bluetooth-enabled Grillbot Pro. It comes with the same, great features as the original plus the addition of Bluetooth technology, giving BBQ chefs even more freedom and leisure time to watch games, relax with family or cater to guests. 

Grillbot is now available at over 500 Home Depot stores nationwide. It’s also available at a wide variety of other retailers such as ACE Hardware, True Value, Sur La Table, Lowe’s, and at websites Amazon.comBedbathandbeyond.comWalmart.com and more or contact marketingdirector@thesilo.ca.  For the Silo, Jennifer A. Marca.

About Grillbot
As with most inventions, Grillbot began with an idea. One day, founder Ethan Woods was getting ready to use his grill and did not have a brush available to clean it. While trying to clean a stubborn grill with a wire brush, he wondered if a robot could be created to do the job. He took a power drill, attached a brush and cleaned the grill. He put together a design team and that makeshift drill became the sophisticated computer-driven Grillbot! Since then, Grillbot has sold over 100,000 units and has received many awards and accolades for its innovative design. Grillbot continues to expand its line and is developing two new home robotic solutions designed to simplifying your life one robot at a time in 2017. 


netTALK DUO Go-Anywhere telephone device now available for Canada

Tiny, powerful digital telecommunication device. NetTalk Duo WiFi.
Tiny, powerful digital telecommunication device. NetTalk Duo WiFi.





Miami, FL – – netTALK.com, Inc. (“netTALK”; OTCBB: NTLK), a telecommunications, consumer electronics and cloud technology company, announces that the  netTALK DUO WiFi, the world’s first wireless VoIP telephone device, is available at leading national Canadian retailers.

The netTALK DUO WiFi works absolutely where you can access a WiFi connection.  Unlike other voip devices, it does not rely on a computer or a router to function taking it to new heights of convenience and portability.

 “Never before have Canadians had access to a portable wireless VoIP device such as this.” commented Anastasios ‘Takis’ Kyriakides, President and CEO. Since it works anywhere there is a WiFi connection, netTALK DUO WiFi is light years ahead of the competition, which is why throwing the switch and turning off high phone bills, forever, should be an obvious choice across Canada.”

 “netTALK has demonstrated its commitment to the Canadian market over the last few years with helping Canadians save money on their phone bills with the original netTALK Duo” continued Kyriakides.  “Now with the netTALk DUO WiFi, not only can they continue to save lot’s of money without having monthly phone bills or contracts, they can truly cut their phone cord as well.”

Aside from working anywhere with a WiFi connection, the netTALK DUO WiFi includes all the features Canadian netTALK customers have come to know and love including:

    ·        Free Canadian Phone number

    ·        Fire Your Phone Company, No Contracts or Monthly Bills!

   ·         Free Call Waiting/Caller ID/ Call Forwarding

   ·         Free Voice Mail to Email    ·        

             Free True Canadian E911

The lowest cost, flat-rate international call plans in the industry. Fax-friendly service. Live customer service and technical support.

Anastasios 'Takis' Kyriakides, President and CEO of netTALK Canada. Mr. Kyriakides is no stranger to innovative technology- he is the inventor of the world's first language translator and also invented  the first hand held optical scanner and PC VGA card. #solid!
Anastasios ‘Takis’ Kyriakides, President and CEO of netTALK Canada. Mr. Kyriakides is no stranger to innovative technology- he is the inventor of the world’s first language translator and also invented the first hand held optical scanner and PC VGA card. #solid!

Mr. Kyriakides concluded, “The DUO WiFi takes ‘cord-cutting’ to new heights, eliminating even the need to tether the device to a computer. It can go anywhere, with the same phone number and the same great service. Reaching new heights in technological innovation, the netTALK DUO WiFi offers unbeatable value, call quality, features and customer service. Now that’s something to TALK about!”

 The netTALK DUO WiFi carries a suggested retail price of only CA$74.95, which includes a full year of service. Setup of the netTALK DUO WiFi takes just a few minutes and works anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

 The netTALK DUO (the original device from netTALK) and the new netTALK DUO WiFi are winners of PCMag.com and Laptop Editors’ Choice awards, and officially designated “Business-Ready” by PCWorld. The netTALK DUO is a revolutionary VoIP telephone device and digital phone service.

 Bottom Line? The tiny netTALK DUO enables free nationwide calls to any phone in Canada and the U.S. from anywhere in the world, as well as low-cost, flat-rate international calling plans and a variety of other features, detailed at www.netTALK.com. No computer is necessary to make calls using the netTALK DUO, as it simply plugs directly into a modem (or computer).  The netTALK DUO WiFi is the next step in the evolution of the netTALK DUO, by operating from any WiFi connection.

 netTALK offers the following calling plans for the netTALK DUO and netTALK DUO WiFi (prices do not include tax):

Basic Call Plan: Free calling throughout Canada and U.S.; one full year included FREE with netTALK DUO and as low as CA$39.95 plus taxes for each additional year.

 North America Add-On: Unlimited calling to the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico as low as CA$5.85 plus taxes per month.

International Add-On: Calling to 60+ countries, including China,India, Brazil, UK, France, and more for as low as $10 per month (plus taxes).

The netTALK DUO WiFi is now available at leading national Canadian retailers; contact marketingdirector@thesilo.ca for the location nearest to you. Visit www.netTALK.ca CP