Tag Archives: HTC One

Most Exciting Sci-Tech Electronics Of 2013

Alex Hillsberg SciTech Writer

2013 will be remembered for many things, but in the world of consumer electronics it will be remembered as a year when techpreneurs proved that innovation lives and the spirit of enterprise still burns strong.

The technologies propping up the gadgets on display in this infographic are a product of incremental development, iterations of ideas that have been gestating for many years and are slowly being integrated into products that we use daily.

Take fingerprint authentication, for instance, on the new iPhone 5s. For close to ten years, the technology has been commercially viable but Apple made the bold move of finally putting an end to the forgotten password woes of its customers.

HTC finally incorporated the technology Full HD displays on a smartphone with amazing results. The images on HTC one remain unmatched for clarity and color accuracy.

Leap Motion made a leap of faith by investing in technology that changes the way users interact with their devices. Instead of the keyboard, mouse, or screen, we can now use gestures to make devices do our bidding. All for less than a hundred dollars with technology packed into a device no bigger than a bubble gum pack.

Google Glass is setting imaginations on fire with its unique first-person perspective for recording visual images. Is it ethical to photos and videos
of people without their permission and without them noticing that you’re actually doing it? Will the technology be abused? Will it change the way users live their lives?

For many, the questions won’t be as complex or thought-provoking. It might simply be, “Will I get an Xbox One for Christmas?”

Silo sci-tech writer Alex Hillsberg.

Top Sci Tech Gear of 2013WEB