Tag Archives: heart disease

Have You Heard About “Shinrin Yoku” Forest Bathing?

Stress is ever present in current society, both personal stress and workplace stress contribute to the well documented link, between stress and chronic conditions.   Data available from Statistic Canada’s – National Population Health Survey, demonstrates that personal stress is predictive of the development of a chronic health condition over the next four years (Statistics Canada, 2003).  The long term impact of these chronic health conditions can result in significant activity limitation from heart attack, diabetes, migraine, or arthritis or back problems.  Even more daunting is the higher predictive value of death for individuals suffering from cancer, bronchitis/emphysema, heart disease or diabetes.

Issaquah Forest Bathing (Shinrin Yoku) – What is it? – Issaquah Adventures

The practice of forest bathing itself is not a new concept.

Prior to the industrial revolution being “in nature” was part of everyday life.   The Japanese term Shinrin-yoku  meaning “taking in the forest atmosphere or forest bathing” was officially coined by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries in 1982. (Park et al. 2010)

This novel practice of bathing in nature, demonstrates a wide variety of health benefits from which individuals in modern society can stand to gain.  With the increasing amount of individuals living in urban settings the exposure to nature is diminishing.

Field studies performed in Japan measured salivary cortisol levels (more commonly known as “stress hormone”) in university individuals.

How to Try Forest Bathing at Home: 9 Tree-Inspired Soaps, Bath Salts ...

The students were divided into two groups, one to spend a day in a forest setting, the other in a city setting.   Lower levels of stress hormone, as well as lower blood pressure and pulse rate was found in individuals in forest location. (Park et al. 2010)

Not feeling ready to take the plunge into full force bathing? Forest sitting and contemplation of bathing can calm you.

Further evidence has been documented  to the demonstrate  the reduction of stress resulting from forest bathing, through the improvement immune function with exposure to the natural environment.  Given that immune function is key in the prevention of chronic diseases this evidence is exciting.   Natural killer cells as they are ingeniously named are cells within the immune system which kill tumors or virus infected cells, through the release of enzymes which break down the cells.   In research studies natural killer cells have been found to be elevated for seven days after the forest bathing trip (Qing, 2010).  This seven day window of improved immune function is great news for the weekend warrior in all of us.

Many of us who live in North America are blessed with exposure to forest just outside our doorsteps.  This being said it doesn’t mean we always take advantage of it: between commuting to work, family and social commitments,  going from the house to the car may be the norm.  For the Silo, Ashley Beeton. 


Park, B.J., Tsunetsugu, Y., Kasetani, T., Kagawa, T., & Miyazaki, Y. (2010) The physiological effects of Shinrin-yoku (taking in the forest atmosphere or forest bathing): evidence from field experiments in 24 forests across Japan.  Environ Health Prev Med,  15,18–26.

Statistics Canada. (2003) Stress and Well-being (No 82-003). Retrieved from http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/access_acces/alternative_alternatif.action?l=eng&loc=http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/82-003-x/2000003/article/5626-eng.pdf&t=Stress%20and%20well-being

Qing, Li. (2010) Effect of forest bathing trips on human immune function.  Environ Health Prev Med, 15,9–17.

Why Canadians Must Get More Sunlight

TORONTO – Following restrictive sun exposure advice in countries with low solar intensity like Canada might in fact be harmful to your health, says the co-author of a new study on sunlight and vitamin D.

VitaminD from Sun Exposure

The published study Sunlight and Vitamin D: Necessary for Public Health by Carole Baggerly and several academic researchers, examines how organizations such as World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer and the U.S. Surgeon General call for sun avoidance, but ignore the fact that cutting out sunshine will reduce vitamin D, an essential vitamin for bone health, and create probable harm for the general population.

Canada sunshine map - Map of Canada sunshine (Northern America - Americas)

“Humans have adapted to sun exposure over many thousands of years and derive numerous physiological benefits from UV exposure, in addition to vitamin D,” said Baggerly, executive director of Grassroots Health and breast cancer survivor.

“These benefits are in addition to those derived from vitamin D alone and cannot be replaced by vitamin D supplements and therefore sun avoidance being recommended by the US Surgeon General, the Canadian Cancer Society, the Canadian Dermatology Association and others, is unnecessarily putting Canadians at risk.”

From mercola.com -studies suggest we need more sunlight than currently recommended dosages
From mercola.com -studies suggest we need more sunlight than currently recommended dosages

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that enables calcium absorption and is critical for good bone health. Low levels are linked to bone conditions such as rickets in children and osteomalacia and osteoporosis in adults.

In Canada, vitamin D from sunlight can only be synthesized in the skin during the spring, summer and fall months, around midday, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., when the UV index is above three and your shadow is shorter than your height.

Statistics Canada reports that 12 million Canadians, or 35% of the population, have insufficient vitamin D levels, including 10% who are severely deficient, which sets them up for higher disease risk.

Dr. Vieth University Of TorontoAccording to Dr. Reinhold Vieth, Scientific Advisor for the Canadian Vitamin D Consensus and professor at the University of Toronto in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, “If organizations warn people to stay out of the sun, then they should also let people know that they will not be producing vitamin D. Both the risks and benefits of UV exposure need to be addressed in the best interest of health. Unfortunately, the message Canadians keep hearing lately is that there is no benefit to being in the sun. The paper by Baggerly et al presents a clear case that good overall health does correlate with spending time in the sun.”

VitaminD and MS

A group comprised of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Vitamin D Society and Pure North S’Energy Foundation, have endorsed a draft Canadian Vitamin D Consensus which recommends that Canadians enjoying the sun safely, while taking care not to burn, can acquire the benefits of vitamin D without unduly raising the risk of skin cancer.

Vitamin D deficiency is an indication of sunlight deficiency.

“People today work less outdoors and spend less time outdoors than at any previous time in history, which is why vitamin D deficiency is rising globally. In addition, when people are outside, many use sunscreens, which can significantly prevent the production of vitamin D in the skin,” said Dr. Vieth. “With increasing amounts of evidence suggesting that vitamin D may protect against cancer, heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and other chronic diseases, it’s more important than ever to examine this issue more closely.”

Learn more at sciencedaily.com
Learn more at sciencedaily.com

“We urge public health entities to re-evaluate their current sun exposure policies and recommend UV exposure levels that promote a balanced, moderate approach that are both beneficial and safe,” said Baggerly.

About the Vitamin D Society:

The Vitamin D Society is a Canadian non-profit group organized to increase awareness of the many health conditions strongly linked to vitamin D deficiency; encourage people to be proactive in protecting their health and have their vitamin D levels tested annually; and help fund valuable vitamin D research. The Vitamin D Society recommends people achieve and maintain optimal 25(OH)D blood levels between 100 – 150 nmol/L (Can) or 40-60 ng/ml (USA).

WHY Meditation Is Science Approved Medicine

Ohm! There have been countless anecdotal claims about the benefits of practicing meditation since the Eastern tradition has become more popular in the West.

 Now, there’s plenty of Western-based scientific evidence to support them, says Dr. Matt Mumber, a radiation oncologist and co-director of a non-profit integrative oncology program. 

“Meditation is to the brain what physical activity is to the body. We’ve found meditation to be an important facet of health care, both for prevention and maintenance as well as in the treatment of disease, including cancer,” says Dr. Mumber, co-author with colleague and Yoga instructor Heather Reed of “Sustainable Wellness: An Integrative Approach to Transform Your Mind, Body, and Spirit,” (www.sustainablewellnessonline.com).

Mumber and Reed, who are co-facilitators of non-profit residential retreats for cancer patients, say one can experience sustainable wellness by developing a life practice grounded in the cultivation of awareness. This awareness is paying attention without attachment. The ability to be aware can be increased by a meditation tool called mindfulness.

“Life is a constant series of adjustments, matching your inner being with your outer doing,” Reed says. “One way to heighten your awareness is through practicing meditation.”

Mumber and Reed say there’s plenty of new evidence that the resulting sense of balance and peace is not just a psychological effect:

• Mindfulness meditation leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density: Recently published in Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, shows that measurable  changes in gray-matter density in parts of the brain associated with memory, sense of self, empathy, and stress occurred with study participants who meditated for 30 minutes a day for eight weeks.

• Meditation practitioners have longer attention spans: Published by the journal PloS Biology, a study analyzed people with three months of rigorous training and found that they gained a drastically improved attention span – not only longer, but less susceptible to internal or external distraction. They also showed improved memory and enhanced performance in several tasks, from driving a car to playing piano.

• Reduces stress and blood pressure: Presented to the American Heart Association by researchers at the at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and the Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention, a study including 200 high-risk patients for heart attack found that meditation reduced their chances for heart attack by 50 percent.

Oncologist Matt Mumber co-author of Sustainable Wellness
Oncologist Matt Mumber co-author of Sustainable Wellness

“Studies involving people seeking to reduce stress and other problems in their lives via meditation will continue, as well as for those who want to enhance performance of various duties,” Mumber says.

“For those skeptical of the medical benefits of this Eastern practice, there’s now plenty of Western proof.” Matt Mumber, MD

Matt Mumber, MD, is a practicing board-certified radiation oncologist with the Harbin Clinic in Rome, Ga. He completed his radiation oncology residency at Wake Forest University Bowman Gray School of Medicine and graduated from the Associate Fellowship Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. Dr. Mumber is past president of the Georgia Society of Clinical Oncology. He founded Cancer Navigators Inc, a non-profit organization offering cancer patients access to nurse navigation, social services and educational programs to support and augment the clinical care they receive. Dr. Mumber received the Hamilton Jordan Founders Award for involvement in statewide oncology activities and in 2008 he was named a Health Care Hero by Georgia Trend magazine. He serves on the editorial board for the journals Current Oncology and Journal of Oncology Practice and is on the board for the Society of Integrative Oncology. 


Yoga instructor Heather Reed of “Sustainable Wellness: An Integrative Approach to Transform Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
Yoga instructor Heather Reed of “Sustainable Wellness: An Integrative Approach to Transform Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Heather Reed has been teaching Yoga since 1996. She expresses an integrative, adaptive approach and specializes in using Yoga and meditation techniques for people living with cancer, post-polio syndrome and other chronic illnesses. Heather received an Experienced Teacher Certification from Esther Myers Yoga Teacher Training Program and has had extensive training with senior staff of the Commonweal Cancer Help program and Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease. She developed Yoga classes for cancer patients at The Wellness Community, Atlanta. Since 2008, she has been Yoga teacher and co-facilitator for the Residential Retreat Program for Cancer Navigators of Rome, Ga. For the Silo, Ginny Grimsley

Supplemental-  http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/28/how-meditation-may-change-the-brain/

How Cardiovascular Disease Connects To Inflammation

 I bet we all have someone near and dear to our heart, who has been touched by cardiovascular disease. 


Public health and agencies such as Heart and Stroke Society have done an excellent job highlighting some of the key factors that are risk factors to cardiovascular disease.  These risk factors can include hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, alcohol, smoking, and stress. 

An overarching factor that exists within all of these risk factors is; inflammation. 

Inflammation can be defined as “the body’s attempt at self-protection; the aim being to remove harmful stimuli, including damaged cells, irritants, or pathogens – and begin the healing process.” The symptoms of inflammation are represented as heat, redness, swelling and pain.

There have been links made between chronic inflammation and some cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, periodontitis and hay fever. 

One of the key modifiable factors affecting inflammation that has been researched is diet.  Meals that are contain excess calories and inflammatory fats have been linked to causing spikes in c-reactive protein, a measureable maker of inflammation.  The Standard American Diet has been linked to higher inflammation rates due to the higher intake of omega 6 fatty acids compared to omega 3.  In contrast the Mediterranean Diet has been linked to lower inflammation levels due to higher content of omega 3 fatty acids, low glycemic foods, higher amounts of carotenoids and flavonoids found abundantly in fruits and vegetables. 


Excess body fat is also a component of inflammation as it a factory for inflammatory cytokines within the body, resulting in higher levels of inflammation. A study of postmenopausal women who where overweight or obese who lost 5% or more of their body weight had measurable decreases to their inflammation levels. 

Type 2 diabetes, the result of insulin resistance also has its roots deep in inflammation.   Again research has shown that more fat cells in the body result in a cascade of cellular signalling within the immune cells that results in inflammation. 

In the case of acute inflammation such a healing cut finger, physical symptoms would be typical; heat, swelling, redness and pain. Chronic inflammation does not display these same symptoms, instead havoc on the cardiovascular system can go undetected.  The process of atherosclerosis, the origin of cardiovascular disease is a result of the activation of the immune system during inflammation leading deposition and accumulation of cholesterol and tissue along the cardiovascular system.

From a preventative health standpoint it is important to combine the current treatment of cardiovascular health treatment with strategies to reduce inflammation.

Naturopathic Medicine as a preventative form of treatment has many options available to decrease overall inflammation within the body and can be used alongside conventional medical treatments.  For the Silo, Ashley Beeton.

4 Aspects Of Your Life You Can Improve By Listening To Jazz

Music is known to have a strong effect on most people. It can compel its listeners to move along its rhythm and dance. It can also provide stimulation to the brain, which can improve a person’s bodily performance.

This positive impact can double for the person performing the music. Can you image the impact that the more varied and dynamic genres of music, such as jazz, can have on you? 

Jazz is not only a pleasure to listen to, but consuming it can bring about numerous improvements to your health and lifestyle. Whether you listen to this type of music in the background while working to attending dedicated worldwide jazz festivals, jazz can help improve your well being. Continue reading to learn more about how jazz can improve many aspects of your life.  

Energy and Creativity

Completing daily tasks can sometimes get difficult. It can be easy for you to become bored and lose motivation or have your energy depleted due to repetition and tedium. Jazz can help you regain that focus and energy, making activities such as daily work and exercise feel easier than they are.

The unique, diverse rhythm provided by the music causes your brain to produce and release the appropriate chemicals. This is the brain attempting to match the music’s beats, and due to jazz’s improvisational nature, it keeps the brain’s stimulation high, making it easier to keep up with rigorous activities. Additionally, active, but ambient, noise increases processing difficulty, which encourages abstract thinking and creativity. More creative thinking can help you find work solutions and keep you engaged in the task at hand. 

Blood Pressure 

Is high blood pressure a recurring problem with you? Then music rich with rhythm, especially jazz, can help you out. Music has a dynamic relationship with people’s cardiovascular system that several researchers have investigated before. Jazz can help you decrease your blood pressure by impacting your blood vessels. Rhythmic, lively music like jazz can open your blood vessels to around 30% more than normal, reducing your pressure.

Further studies conducted by the Osaka University in Japan show that people who listen to music after three months have their blood pressure reduced by 6 mmHg. You can equate this decrease to people who have taken their blood pressure medication, lost 10 pounds, or adopted a low-sodium diet. This change can ultimately improve your overall health, as it decreases your chances of suffering from heart disease or a stroke. 

Immune System

One of the most important systems in your body is the immune system. It is mainly composed of organs and white blood cells and it is your body’s ultimate line of defense against germs, infections, and diseases. While there are many healthy habits you can embrace to boost your immunity, such as regular exercise and a healthy diet, you can also add listening to jazz to the list.

Psychologist Carl Charnetski discovered in a study that people who listened to jazz for at least 30 minutes produced a higher level of immunoglobulin A (IgA) than other subjects. This chemical is one of the many antibodies created by the immune systems that manifests alongside the mucous linings of the body. Arrange for jazz listening sessions to keep a strong level of IgA going. 

Stress Management 

While it can be a cliché to say that jazz’s primary audience is “cool” people, there is some truth to that statement. According to the University of Nevada, music that goes up to 60 beats per minute can cause your brain to release alpha brainwaves. These waves are related to sleep and relaxation, calming your nerves and ironically making you more alert. Certain types of noise, such as smoother jazz, stringed instruments, and even rainfall, are more effective than others in winding you down after a busy day at work. 

Jazz is not only one of the most dynamic music genres out there, but it can also make a positive impact on your health. From improving the body through the immune and cardiovascular systems to decreasing stress and encouraging energy, focus, and creativity, listening to jazz can bring noticeable changes to your well being. Consider these benefits the next time you choose the concerts to attend or the type of background music you will play while you work. 

The Role of Proper Dental Care In Your Well-being

The average person doesn’t take too much care of their oral health. Sure, they will brush their teeth twice a day. And, if they are really particular, they may even floss on a regular basis. Beyond this, however, few people really pay attention to what is going on with their teeth and gums.

While this may seem like a suitable way to live, rest assured, it isn’t. What most people fail to understand is just how important good dental care is for their well-being. If you, yourself, are cynical about its significance, take a look at the facts below:

It Can Prevent Irreversible Problems

If you don’t really think about your oral health often, you may not understand that the tissues in your mouth can be a little different. This is especially true in the case of your gums. Now, in many parts of your body, the tissue has the ability to grow back. So, if there is some loss, this typically isn’t too much of a big deal.

This isn’t the case with gum tissue, though. So, if you experience recession due to gum disease or a similar issue, this loss will be permanent. Fortunately, if you visit Barrie dentists near you once or twice a year, then you will be able to keep this issue at bay. In turn, you will be able to prevent gum loss from happening in the first place.

It Can Reduce the Risk of Recurring Issues

There are few things that are more annoying than tooth problems that just won’t go away. Of course, these conditions aren’t just painful, they can also be rather dangerous too. Recurring infections, for instance, can do permanent damage. This is especially true in the case of wisdom teeth that are unable to correct themselves.

If you see your dentist as needed, though, there is no need to worry about these problems. They will simply inform you when your wisdom teeth have to be removed. This can often be done before your teeth cause too many issues. Then, by undergoing the necessary procedures, you will be able to prevent these conditions from coming back.

Dental Health Impacts Your General Health

It is easy to imagine that your dental health can only affect your mouth and gums. The truth, however, is that it can actually have an effect on your general health as well. Understand, diseases and infections in your mouth can travel to other parts of your body, including your heart. They can then take up residence there and cause extensive damage, resulting in serious diseases.

The team at Barrie Smile Centre will help you stay on top of your oral health.

If you stay on top of your oral health, though, then you will be able to stop these infections from occurring in the first place. At the very least, you will be able to catch them in their earlier stages and ensure that they don’t spread any further.

As you can see, oral care needs to be taken more seriously. So, make sure that you visit a dentist as often as you should. You may never know when such a precaution could end up saving your life! For the Silo, Michael Adams.

Ontario Planning Legislation- Mandatory Menu Labeling For Fast-Food Restaurants and others



It appears North American society has been desensitized to what childhood obesity 'looks like'- what a difference a single generation can make. Here we see child obesity stricken Augustus Gloop characters from Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory- (Left) 1971 (Right) 2005. Clearly, what was considered obese 42 years ago would not be considered obese today. As Society as a whole becomes more overweight and as media desensitizes our perspectives due to film and video characterizations, our opinions have been influenced. CP image: weknowmemes.com
It appears North American society has been desensitized to what childhood obesity ‘looks like’- what a difference a single generation can make. Here we see child obesity stricken Augustus Gloop characters from Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory- (Left) 1971 (Right) 2005. Clearly, what was considered obese 42 years ago would not be considered obese today. As Society as a whole becomes more overweight and as media desensitizes our perspectives due to film and video characterizations, our opinions have been influenced. CP image: weknowmemes.com


October, 2013     Ontario will help parents and their children make healthier choices by putting calories on menus, following consultations with the fast-food industry and health care sector.

Legislation that would require large chain restaurants to include calories and other potential nutritional information on their menus will be introduced this winter. The government will also seek advice on how to reduce the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages aimed at kids.

Consultations on menu labeling will include parents and representatives from food and beverage manufacturing, agriculture, restaurant, food service, food retail and health sectors. Consultations on limiting the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to children will also include the media and telecommunications industry.

Making it easier for Ontario families to choose healthy food is a key component of the Healthy Kids Panel report and helps deliver on our Action Plan for Health Care.

This is part of the Ontario government’s economic plan to invest in people, invest in infrastructure and support a dynamic and innovative business climate.


*   The consultations build on steps the government has already taken to implement recommendations from the Healthy Kids Panel, including a 24-hour support line for breastfeeding moms and expanding Ontario’s Student Nutrition Program.

*   In 2009, the economic cost associated with physical inactivity and obesity in Ontario was $4.5 billion.

*   More than 80 per cent of food ads in Canada are for food high in calories and low in nutritional value.

*   A vast majority of Ontarians (95 per cent) support requiring fast food restaurants list nutritional information on their menus (Ipsos Reid, 2011).


Australia’s controversial “Break the Habit”- childhood obesity commercial




*     Ontario Consulting On Healthy Eating Initiatives

*     Support for Ontario’s Healthy Eating Initiatives

*     Ontario’s Action Plan for Health Care

*     The Health Kids Panel Report


“Parents have told us they want our support in keeping their kids healthy. We are

committed to giving parents and their kids the information they need to make healthy

choices. I want to thank our health care and industry partners for working

collaboratively with us on this important initiative to improve kids’ health.”

— Deb Matthews, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care


McDonald's VP Ontario- Sharon Ramalho began working at McDonald's part-time in 1983. image courtesy of womenworthwatching.com
McDonald’s VP Ontario- Sharon Ramalho began working at McDonald’s part-time in 1983. image courtesy of womenworthwatching.com


“McDonald’s Canada supports the Ontario government’s action to provide Ontarians

with more access to nutrition information in restaurants. McDonald’s is a long-time

leader in providing comprehensive in-restaurant nutrition information based on the

13 core nutrients including calories, so its customers can make informed eating

choices to suit their dietary needs and preferences.”

—  Sharon Ramalho, Vice President – Ontario Region, McDonald’s Canada





“Ontario’s doctors wholeheartedly support the government’s plan to introduce menu

labelling in large chain restaurants, and also believe in the need for restrictions

on the marketing of unhealthy food to kids. Obesity is strongly associated with an

increase in chronic disease – and over half of all adults and one-third of children

are overweight or obese. The government’s Healthy Kids Strategy will go a long way

towards addressing this growing epidemic.”

Dr. Scott Wooder, President, Ontario Medical Association


“The Heart and Stroke Foundation applauds the Government of Ontario’s decision to

introduce mandatory menu labeling. With today’s busy lives and vast array of food

choices, it’s crucial to provide everyone with the ability to make well informed

decisions about the food we eat and feed our children. This important initiative

will go a long way in empowering Ontarians to make healthy choices when dining out

or purchasing prepared food. Eating well is absolutely one of the best investments

Ontarians can make to decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke.”

Mark Holland, Director of Health Promotion and Children & Youth, Heart and Stroke



Helping Families Make Healthier Food Choices

Supplemental- How close is planned Ontario legislation to the USA Obama administration’s new calorie limitations for school lunches? http://eagnews.org/appalled-school-cafeteria-employee-seconds-banned-extra-food-thrown-away/

The impact of food advertising on childhood obesity by the American Psychological Association http://www.apa.org/topics/kids-media/food.aspx

"“We have to keep an enormous amount of paperwork, about serving sizes, food temperatures, labels, on and on,” our source says. “The new forms are more complex, ask for more information that’s just being duplicated on other forms. (Food service workers) are all collecting the same data for reports that sit in a file drawer and never get looked at.” Our source believes the new government-required paperwork consumes so much of the employees’ time that it is driving up labor costs for the school district, which serves a low-income community." source/image: eagnews.org
““We have to keep an enormous amount of paperwork, about serving sizes, food temperatures, labels, on and on,” our source says. “The new forms are more complex, ask for more information that’s just being duplicated on other forms. (Food service workers) are all collecting the same data for reports that sit in a file drawer and never get looked at.”
Our source believes the new government-required paperwork consumes so much of the employees’ time that it is driving up labor costs for the school district, which serves a low-income community.” source/image: eagnews.org