Tag Archives: Guelph

Greens: Report from Environmental Commissioner of Ontario- Big Companies ‘ripping off’ Province under the Lib Gov’t

Commissioner Ellen Schwartzel
Commissioner Ellen Schwartzel

(Queen’s Park): Big companies are ripping off the province under the Liberal government, according to today’s report from the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario.

“It’s wrong for the Liberals to subsidize companies to bottle our water,” says GPO leader Mike Schreiner. “The Liberal government is giving away our water to companies that bottle it and sell it back to us. This is outrageous.”

Most industries pay nothing to take water. This means the province recovers only 1.2% of the $16.2 million it spends on water quality management programs. Those who are required to pay for water are only charged $3.71 per million litres according to acting Environmental Commissioner Ellen Schwartzel.

“It’s irresponsible that the Liberals give most industries a total free ride,” says Schreiner. “And charge such a paltry amount for those they do charge.”

The provincial government needs to implement full cost recovery for water taking in Ontario. Companies that profit off our water should pay for the full cost of taking that water. The GPO is also calling on the government to reform the water taking permit process. Ontario must strengthen water protection, which the ECO report also cited as a concern.

The Dolime quarry, which threatens 25% of Guelph’s drinking water, is only one example of the flawed water taking process,” says Schreiner. “Water taking permits need to include long term management and monitoring programs. Municipal water use and agriculture should be prioritized over industrial use of water.”

The GPO is on a mission to bring honesty, integrity and good public policy to Queen’s Park.

Earths Fresh Water Consumption

Ontario Greens – Average Commute In GTHA Is Eighty Minutes

According to a 2011 Swedish study couples in which one partner commutes a long way to work (more than 45 mins.) are 40% more likely to divorce than couples who don’t have to travel so far for their jobs. More: http://umu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:415050
According to a 2011 Swedish study couples in which one partner commutes a long way to work (more than 45 mins.) are 40% more likely to divorce than couples who don’t have to travel so far for their jobs. More: http://umu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:415050

Mike Schreiner, leader of the Green Party of Ontario and candidate in Guelph, wants to get you home faster and will be honest about how to do it.

“Our great grandparents invested in Niagara Falls to power our homes and businesses. Our grandparents invested in 400 series highways to move the goods we produce. Those investments have powered Ontario’s economy,” says Schreiner. “Our generation must invest in the transit infrastructure needed to move our economy forward in the 21st century.”

The average daily commute time in the GTHA is 80 minutes long. That’s the equivalent of eight 40-hour work weeks every year — or about seven years in a working lifetime. Gridlock costs us $6 billion a year and will cost more than double that by the end of the decade.

“We can fix gridlock for less than it costs,” says Tim Grant, Green Party Transportation Critic and candidate in Trinity-Spadina. “It mystifies me that the other parties promise the moon but can’t tell us where the money is coming from, as if we’re children who believe in the tooth fairy.”     The Green Party is willing to say how much it will cost and where the money is going to come from. We propose a combination of province-wide and urban-focused mechanisms (including a gas tax, congestion charges, commercial parking levies, and land value capture) to produce the revenue necessary — $3 billion a year — to build and operate the public transit and transportation infrastructure we need.

“For $250 a year for each person in Ontario, we can solve a lot of problems,” says Scheriner. “We can save people months stuck in traffic. We can lower costs for businesses trying to get goods to market. We can help employees take the jobs they want because they know they can get to work.”

The Green Party is committed to bringing better transit to Ontario, and honesty, integrity, and good public policy to Queen’s Park. For the Silo, Candice Lepage.

Supplemental- How commuting sucks the life out of you http://healthland.time.com/2011/06/07/qa-why-commuting-sucks-the-life-out-of-you/

Why are Ontario farmland values skyrocketing? Greens: due to development

Ottawa, ON – Green Party leader and Guelph candidate Mike Schreiner called for the complete protection of prime farmland in Ontario.
“We can’t eat subdivisions, quarries or pipelines,” said Schreiner while attending the Association Municipalities of Ontario Conference
in Ottawa.

“The Ontario government must stop destroying prime farmland before it’s too late.”  Only five percent of Ontario’s land mass is suitable for growing food. Less than 0.5% is prime farmland. Yet Ontario is losing approximately 126,000 acres of farmland each year to development.

“People are tired of the Liberal’s bait and switch government that says one thing and does another. The government’s local food act is meaningless if the Liberals fail to protect prime farmland,” added Schreiner. “There will be no local food if the province continues to lose farmland at a rate equal to the size of Toronto each year.”

Farmland under development threat

















The Green Party is pushing the government to protect prime farmland from development in the new Provincial Policy Statement, which is currently under review. Schreiner is the only political leader to sign the Food and Water First pledge to protect farmland and source water regions. He has challenged other political leaders to sign the pledge.

“Good soil is priceless and must be protected. It is a shame no Liberal, NDP or PC MPP has taken a simple pledge to put food and water first in Ontario,” said GPO deputy leader Kevin O’Donnell. “The Greens will always put food and water first before developers, quarries and pipelines.”    CP

Big rise in per acre value in only 12months. We're not sure why but Norfolk County and Haldimand County farmland values are missing from this chart and we were unable to find those stats anywhere on the RE/MAX farm realty site.
Big rise in per acre value in only 12months. We’re not sure why but Norfolk County and Haldimand County farmland values are missing from this chart and we were unable to find those stats anywhere on the RE/MAX farm realty site.


Supplemental- Ontario farmland values are skyrocketing http://www.fcc-fac.ca/en/aboutus/media/flv_spring2013_on_e.asp

RE/MAX Agricultural Real Estate is bonafide- Farm Market Trends- http://www.slideshare.net/SandraDales/remax-market-trends-report-farm-edition-2011



Green Party Leader Schreiner:Our Plan To Create 20,000 Jobs


Schreiner announces Green Building Program to create 20,000 good local jobs and reduce energy bills

Guelph, Ontario – Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner announced the Green Party’s plan for a Green Building Program today. A Green Building program will reduce energy bills and create thousands of jobs in the construction and trades sector in communities across the province.

“Only the Green Party will deliver sensible, long-term solutions that create jobs and save us money by saving energy,” said Schreiner. “We will not borrow money, like the old parties, to offer short term subsidies that mostly benefit the biggest energy users.”

The Green Building plan would provide $1.6 B in refundable tax credits for homeowners, tenants and businesses over 4 years to invest in energy efficiency and building retrofits.

“When we decrease our consumption we provide real relief to rising energy costs for all Ontarians,” added energy entrepreneur and Guelph Green Party candidate Steve Dyck who’s own retrofits have helped him invest in his local economy and save money. “Eliminating waste and increasing efficiency will make our province more competitive.”

The Green Building Program would create an estimated 20,000 jobs across the province, according to estimates by Robert Pollin Professor of Economics and Co-Director, Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) University of Massachusetts-Amherst and Heidi Garrett-Peltier PERI Research Fellow entitled Building the Green Economy: Employment Effects of Green Energy Investments for Ontario.

“These investments will create green jobs in communities across Ontario,” added Schreiner, “This is something that cannot be achieved with the short term energy subsidies offered by the other parties.”

Ontario is home to numerous businesses that focus on energy efficiency and conservation products and retrofits.

“The kind of Green Building Program that the Ontario Green Party is proposing will create more jobs, have a positive impact on the environment and take Ontario’s economy into the 21st century,” says Stephen Carpenter President of Enermodal Engineering of Kitchener.

The Green Building Program will:

* Provide $800 million in refundable tax credits for home owners and tenants over four years for investments in energy efficiency and building retrofits. This will include an Electric Hot Water Conservation Program for conversion of electric hot water heaters to solar thermal.

* Provide $800 million in refundable business tax credits over four years for businesses to invest in energy efficiency and building retrofits, making our businesses more efficient and competitive.

* Strengthen energy efficiency standards to ensure new buildings use less energy for heating and cooling by revising the Ontario Building Code.

* Set a minimum EnerGuide Rating of 86 for all new buildings by 2013 and ensure all new homes and buildings are solar-ready so owners have the option of easy and affordable installation of future solar investments.

* Develop a long-term strategic plan to move our homes and buildings towards Zero Net Energy, with a time table to raise Ontario’s minimum legally-binding energy efficiency standards for new homes, buildings, appliances and equipment to help reduce our energy bills.

* Make it easier for Ontarians to obtain information and advice on energy efficiency, conservation and building retrofits.

* Require home energy efficiency audits and make the results available to potential home buyers and renters so people can make informed choices regarding the operating costs of their homes and apartments.

* Work with the banking sector to design a provincial program that facilitates “energy saver” mortgages and loans at preferential rates for homeowners investing in energy efficient retrofits.

* Develop an Ontario wide framework for a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing program, as an innovative local government solution to help property owners finance energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements – such as energy efficient boilers, upgraded insulation, new windows, solar installations, etc. – to their homes and businesses.

Press Conference Information:

9:30am Press Conference – Guelph

Mike Schreiner will join Guelph candidate Steve Dyck in making an important announcement about energy savings.
Location: 39 Hearn Ave. Guelph, ON

12:00pm Press Conference – Kitchener

Mike Schreiner announces Green Building Program in Kitchener. Steve Carpenter from Enermodal will attend.
Location: Enermodal, 582 Lancaster St. West, Kitchener, ON


Media Contact:
Rebecca Harrison
Director of Communications
Green Party of Ontario
(c) 905-999-5479
(e) rebeccaharrison@gpo.ca Sent from Green Party of Ontario

PO Box 1132
Toronto, ON M4Y 2T8