Tag Archives: greed

How To Find Meaning Of Christmas In Our Politically Correct World

Once again it’s Christmas Eve and time for our perennial Christmas post which seems to gain more relevance and urgency with each year. Merry Christmas to you all!

It seems that every where you turn these days, it is becoming incorrect to celebrate the Christmas holidays in “the manner in which you have become accustomed”- at least in the manner in which I have become accustomed.

To truly celebrate the Christmas season, and that’s what it is, no matter what anyone says, I have become open-minded and willing to accept EVERYONE’S ideas for the holiday season. If you disagree, please refrain from attending any “holiday” parties or dinners, taking the day off on December 25th or 26th (should you work for a company that still acknowledges these days as holidays) and carry on as usual. Should you happen to work for the government you are safe (for now) as they would never legislate against their own days off, although when it comes to politicians, I don’t believe never is in their vocabulary (particularly when it comes to matters involving taxes).

merry fucking whateverThe true “spirit” of the holiday season (oops, I meant to say Christmas) is for people to pause and give thanks. According to the man-made calendar of months and years, we are getting ready to start a New Year.

We give thanks for the things we have received in the past (not to be confused with Thanksgiving, another man-made tradition) and offer gifts to the people that have blessed us over the past year.

Being the humble (not humbug, Mr. Scrooge) creatures that we are, we also accept gifts from others (although for most it is not OUR birthday), all the while muttering that we aren’t worthy. Once these gifts are exchanged, a significant amount of “Why would she buy me this?” and “I don’t NEED another scarf” or “Does he think I’m that big?” are voiced in private, to be repeated over the next month or so. In the days immediately following Christmas, our thankful spirit has usually been diminished significantly.

The greatest reason for pausing at the end of the year (and any time, for that matter) is to be grateful for what you have.

Being grateful does not mean that you have to thank every one in your life personally, and you DON’T have to buy them a gift. If you are expecting a gift from someone you are probably going to be disappointed, and if you don’t reciprocate in kind you are going to be REALLY disappointed. If you have chosen to be open-minded I want to thank you for getting this far. I hope that you will also be open to a spiritual suggestion that will make you feel happy inside even though you may have received nothing outside.

Whether it is Christmas, Rosh Hashanah, the Chinese New Year, Hanukkah or Guy Lombardo’s Rocking New Year’s Eve, let those people who enjoy these festivals enjoy them. When someone acknowledges you with a holiday greeting that you are unfamiliar with, don’t believe in or if it makes you blow a gasket, pause for a moment and reply with a hearty “That’s The Spirit!”. Unless they have an aversion to ghosts, that reply should be fairly safe no matter what the season.

Let others grumble and complain that Christmas is too commercialized, the spirit of giving has been lost (or is too expensive), kids are spoiled today, no one appreciates anything and the holidays are just too much of a hassle anymore. Bellowing “That’s The Spirit!” right back at them is a great stress reliever, and at the very least will allow them to walk away from you (quickly, perhaps) in much the same way Lucy was bowled over by Charlie Brown’s enthusiastic “That’s It!” in “A Charlie Brown Christmas”.

At the risk of revealing my upbringing, I wish everyone a “Merry Christmas”, “Happy New Year” and a “God bless us, everyone”. By the way, for me it truly IS a wonderful life… For the Silo, Rick Fess.

Museum Celebrates Banksy- An Artist Who Hates Museums

(NEW YORK) – The presence of The Banksy Museum in New York City has been confirmed. SoHo is now the home to the world’s largest collection of Banksy’s life-sized murals and artwork. Located at 227 Canal Street (at Broadway), NYC The Banksy Museum is now open, in preview, to the public. The official press opening is Wednesday, May 15. Tickets are now available online at MuseumBanksy.com and on site at the museum. Advance reservations are strongly encouraged.
Displaying over 160 works by the world’s most famous-yet-anonymous street artist, The Banksy Museum recreates the revolutionary and often ephemeral art that Banksy has painted on surfaces in London, Bristol, Paris, Venice, Bethlehem, New York, Los Angeles, and beyond. Visitors to the museum will immerse themselves in an environmental experience, giving viewers access to Banksy creations, much of which has long since been whitewashed or dismantled. Beyond the iconic street art, the exhibition also features some of the artist’s studio work, as well as animated visual and video elements.
The New York Banksy Museum experience, an American premiere, follows successful exhibitions in ParisBarcelona, Kraków and Brussels. The new exhibition, a New York premiere, is expanded to over 160 recreations, making it the largest display of Banksy work ever seen in a single setting.
Is it even possible to create a museum that celebrates the work of an artist who once said “the only thing worth looking at in most museums of art is all the schoolgirls on day trips with the art departments”?  Banksy Museum founder Hazis Vardar initially had his doubts. “Street art belongs in the raw setting of the streets,” said Vardar. “But if people can’t see it, is it even art? Little of Banksy’s works are visible to the public at large. Most have been stolen for resale, inadvertently destroyed, or erased by overzealous city cleaning teams. Most of this transient art could only be viewed on tiny smartphone screens, which is no way to experience the scale or emotion of Banksy’s work. So we knew that we needed to create an exhibition that would bring Banksy’s art back before the public.”
Creators of The Banksy Museum faced the challenge of mounting an exhibition that was as unconventional and transgressive as the art within. “If we only trapped Banksy’s work in guilt frames on a wall, this would antithesize all that Banksy’s art represents,” says Vardar. “So we set out recreate the artworks in a life-size, re-imagined space that reflects the street experience. We employed a team of anonymous street artists, like Banksy, to recreate the work. The outcome was, truly, a magnificent reflection of Banksy’s energy, defiance, and raw talent.”  
Banksy is undoubtedly, the world’s most celebrated and elusive guerrilla street artist. Armed with little more than spray paint and stencils, the man behind the pseudonym Banksy has fostered an alluring identity that doesn’t embrace tradition, but shreds it. There’s still much we don’t know about the mysterious artist since he first made his mark in the ’90s, but what we do know is that Banksy’s striking, satirical work always delves into political and socio-critical discourse. Banksy’s artwork is characterized by striking images, often combined with slogans.  His work often engages political themes, satirically critiquing war, capitalism, hypocrisy, and greed. Common subjects include rats, apes, policemen, members of the royal family, and children. In addition to his two-dimensional work, Banksy is known for his installation artwork. A hero to some, a vandal to others, Banksy’s artwork has been known to sell for record-breaking sums, with landowners rushing to profit from – or whitewash – buildings chosen as his latest canvas.  Banksy maintains an oxymoronic relationship with the art world, demonstrating hostility to capitalism while being one of the most sought-after and collected contemporary artists. Celebrities who’ve collected Banksy art include Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Christina Aguilera, and Lance Armstrong to name a few. 
Banksy was nominated for an Academy Award for his 2010 documentary feature Exit Through the Gift Shop, an examination of the relationship between commercial and street art. 
In Wall and Piece, one of his four books containing photographs of his work complemented with his own thoughts, Banksy says “copyright is for losers” and encourages non-commercial use of his work for activism and the public’s personal enjoyment.
Banksy’s art has been further amplified by worldwide media coverage of his rebellious pranks. Between 2003 – 2005, Banksy made headlines by covertly placing his artwork beside masterpieces at The Tate and The British Museums in London; The Louvre in París; and The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Brooklyn Museum and The American Museum of Natural History in New York. In 2018, Banksy shook the art establishment when he orchestrated the self-destruction of his canvas, “Girl with Balloon,“ having it drop through a shredder built into the bottom of its gilt frame just moments after it sold for $1.4 million usd / $1.92 million cad at Sotheby’s. The first artwork in history to have been created live during an auction, the work was renamed “Love Is In The Bin” and resold for $25.4 million usd/ $34.9 million cad just three years later.
The art world has coined the phrase “the Banksy effect” to illustrate the increased interest in other street artists, largely due to Banksy’s overwhelming international success.

Where / When: The Banksy Museum, 277 Canal Street, NYC 10013 (at Broadway) is open daily, 10AM – 8PM.
How to get there by subway: N, R, Q, W, A, C, E and 6 trains to Canal Street.
Family friendly: All ages are welcome to The Banksy Museum. This is an experience that all family members can enjoy.
About the venue: The Banksy Museum is an indoor, air-conditioned venue. The museum is located on the 2nd & 3rd floors.
Accessibility: Located on the second floor, the venue is accessible, with an elevator. Guests requiring assistance throughout this experience are entitled to apply for one free pass for their personal assistant/support worker.
How long does the experience last?: Visitors are welcome to enjoy the exhibition at their own pace. The exhibition, on average, takes an hour to experience.Parking: There is no parking at this venue, but parking is available in the neighborhood.

For the Silo, Brett Oberman.

Tinder suing for 2 billion dollars over stock devaluation

With closing arguments expected to begin next week, the Tinder/Match trial has once again proven that when things go wrong in the world of online dating, they go very, very wrong.

With the Ashley Madison dumpster fire still in our collective memory, the founder of Tinder is suing for $2 billion usd, alleging that two companies – Barry Diller’s IAC/InterActiveGroup and Match Group – artificially devalued Tinder before the group could exercise stock options in the online dating platform. They claim the companies created and communicated false information to investment bankers and covered up sexual misconduct accusations against a former Match Group executive as part of the scheme.

Sean Rad (arguably the best name ever for the founder of a dating app) and the other Tinder co-founders, who at the time of sale owned 20% of the company, argue that Diller and his team undertook activities to deeply undervalue Tinder at $3 billion usd. Rad’s claim is that Diller repeatedly lied to the banks and this dramatically reduced the acquisition price. 

Tinder's $2 Billion Claim of Low-Ball Match Buyout Goes to Court - Bloomberg

IAC and Match hired high-profile lawyer Bill Carmody to represent them here. The same Bill Carmody that put $480 million usd in the pocket of WeWork’s comically villainous Adam Newman in a claim against SoftBank. And, yes, the same Bill Carmody that represented Uber against Waymo. 

The case, Rad v. IAC/InterActiveCorp, has taken several dramatic turns. While the trial was still in opening arguments on November 8th, IAC/Match called twice for a mistrial and failed both times. Character assasination has been the rule of the day throughout the trial, with a landscape of destroyed emails, personal vendettas, and  the requisite penis drawing

The case was expected to have wrapped up by Thanksgiving, but the Tinder founders are going to have to delay their feast a few days as the bad blood continues to boil in the courtroom. 

On Monday, Rad accused former Match Group CEO Greg Blatt of grabbing him during a break in the trial. Laughably – but showing how intense and polarized this case is – the incident between the two has been described as everything ranging from a failed attempt at a fist pump to an assault by Barry Diller’s henchman

So it’s understandable that it’s easy for people to see this case as perfect fodder for a Netflix series on American greed. The legal documents in the suit tell a story of a company looking to acquire another successful company in their particular vertical – here, the massive online dating space. Rather than pay fairly for the company, Diller and his companies created an elaborate fiction in the form of an unrealistic worst-case financial scenario for Tinder that valued the company at $3 billion usd, where a much more rosy yet still realistic valuation would have seen Tinder valued at up to $12 billion usd. 

Victory for Match/IAC here would be paying out significantly less than the $2 billion usd Rad claims that he and others in the suit are out of pocket given the facts of the claim. 

Tinder $2B Legal Battle is Finally Getting Its Day in Court - dot.LA

As Charlie Cartwright, a Florida lawyer points out:

“It’s possible that a case such as this, with so much at stake, could still settle before the judge puts the outcome in the hands of the jury.”

While both sides are resolved to win this heated case, settlement makes a lot of sense as Match simply doesn’t have $2 billion usd cash on hand, though they do surprisingly have access to well over $1 billion usd. A legal and regulatory analyst recently told the New York Post that a realistic settlement would be in the $300-$700 million usd range, yet a spokesperson for Match Group said that was entirely speculative. 

It’s probably not inaccurate speciation. Ultimately, it’s not like the Tinder founders and other executives haven’t done very well from running and selling Tinder anyway. So, for them, while the money is important, a moral victory wrapped in a healthy settlement figure might be the tasty and satisfying holiday feast they’re waiting for. 

This would also keep the case out of the hands of a jury. It’s important not to gloss over the fact that people are very polarized about not only apps that match people, but the characters who make these apps and run these businesses. The Ashley Madison scandal is recent enough for a jury to remember not only an app that ruined livesbut the nature of the people behind the business

Whether the case settles or is handed to a jury, the real issue here is that Tinder generated a massive amount of revenue over the years and grew into a very successful company. It’s just a question of how the ultimate pie that was actually created should have be equitably divided if the value of Tinder wasn’t manipulated. 

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Are Shared Vision Of Humanity

A few years ago, in September 2015, 193 countries signed up to support the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals for our planet and the people that live on it. The all-encompassing plan included promises to end poverty, feed everyone, create stability and peace, provide quality education and protect the future of our world. Every man, woman and child on the planet were invited to play their part to turn 17 goals into action and the promises into reality.

Goal 4 promised to achieve inclusive and equitable quality education for all. “OECD countries have generally been successful in guaranteeing adequate infrastructure and near-universal access to basic education,” says Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills at the OECD. But he notes that participation in education is not enough “to ensure the knowledge, competence, skills and attitudes that are necessary to increase individuals’ well-being and the prosperity of modern societies.” He adds that the OECD’s programs have a key role to play “in the achievement of – and measuring progress towards – SDG 4 and its targets, as well as other education-related SDG targets.”

Richard Branson Save Our Oceans

“Just because poverty or pollution or climate change happen in another country far away, that does not mean that we are not part of the cause of these problems and their necessary solution.” — Thomas Gass
Since September 2015, education leaders and other influencers around the world have encouraged schools to promote all the goals. We’ve talked to teachers that acknowledge there’s nothing like real world challenges and case studies which allow students to apply the knowledge skills and dispositions they will need to succeed in an interconnected world.

How are we all doing so far? What have leaders learned from the implementation journey, and as a new school year begins, how can we build on those lessons to improve our efforts to achieve our planet’s plan moving forward?

Thomas Gass was appointed by the UN Secretary-General as Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs in UN DESA and he took office on 3 September 2013. The Global Search for Education welcomes Thomas Gass.

Educators Have Sustainability Role

“Educators have an essential role in making sure the SDGs become a real social contract with the people.” — Thomas Gass

Thomas, please share one or two of the most important lessons you have personally learned spearheading the SDG’s implementation process thus far? It’s simple: The SDG’s are not a run-off-the-mill development strategy for big international organisations to fix the problems in the South… The SDGs are a shared vision of humanity – they are the missing (vision) piece of our globalization puzzle! This means that they can only be implemented if everyone is involved: Governments of course, but also municipalities, private companies, schools and universities, local organisations and individuals – everyone. Now, that can only happen if the people know about them… So mobilization and advocacy are crucial. The SDGs must become a new social contract between leaders and the people.

Leaders agreed that we must change the way we deal with the weakest among us, i.e. that we take the greatest care of those who are weak. What more would you ask of the leaders of rich and poor countries in terms of being good role models for this important part of the vision?

The promise to leave no one behind is the most difficult commitment of this new social contract. It requires that we all seek to understand who the most vulnerable people are and what risks they face, and then systematically empower these people and build their resilience. Political as well as economic leaders need to understand that sustainability has been redefined: If a significant economic or social group is left behind, our development is not sustainable. By the same token, we are fooling ourselves if we think that any single country or private company can be “sustainable” by itself. The SDGs demand that we are honest with ourselves about our ecological and social footprint! Just because poverty or pollution or climate change happen in another country far away, that does not mean that we are not part of the cause of these problems and their necessary solution.

United Nations Global Goals

“Know your #SDGs/#GlobalGoals and hold adults and leaders accountable for them, push back if they try to make you believe that your country, language, tribe or family is greater or more deserving than the others, and look for opportunities to make a difference yourselves.” — Thomas Gass

What more would you ask of educators in the work that lies ahead?

Educators have an essential role in making sure the SDGs become a real social contract with the people. I have the highest esteem for those committed educators who are bringing the SDGs into the classrooms, and educating younger generations to become global citizens. I firmly believe that this can be done as part of any teaching subject or class. I encourage all educators to join movements and co-create resources such as teachsdgs.org, GCEDclearinghouse.org, etc., and to encourage OECD/PISA to align their Global Competency criteria to the SDGs by 2018.

And finally, perhaps most important – what is your message to youth for the school year ahead on their part in the planet’s plan?

C.M. RubinHere is my message: This world is your world to share and enjoy. As Mahatma Gandhi said: “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed.” Know your #SDGs/#GlobalGoals and hold adults and leaders accountable for them, push back if they try to make you believe that your country, language, tribe or family is greater or more deserving than the others, and look for opportunities to make a difference yourselves. Thank you Thomas.  For the Silo, C. M. Rubin.

Supplemental- Is Canada following United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals?  

Global Search for Education