Tag Archives: gas

Why National Radon Action?

The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has designated January as National Radon Action Month to draw attention to what it describes as “an invisible, silent home invader.” The CDC initiative seeks to unmask the dangers of radon, a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is responsible for an estimated 21,000 lung cancer deaths in the US each year.

“Radon can build up in the air in any home or building, whether or not it has a basement, is sealed or drafty, or is new or old,” the CDC warns. It also explains that there is “no known safe level of radon,” encouraging every homeowner to test for radon and, when detected, implement effective mitigation systems.

The last week of January 2025 is the CDC’s Radon Awareness Week, which encourages people to explore their personal “Radon Story.” The following facts about radon can help anyone understand how they might come into contact with it, its potential health impacts, and how radon levels in a home or other building can be reduced.

Any home can be vulnerable to radon

Radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive element that is released when radium in rocks, plants, and soil breaks down. It makes its way into buildings through cracks and other openings in foundations.

Outdoors, radon dissipates in the atmosphere to levels that are not harmful to humans. If trapped indoors, however, it can accumulate to dangerous levels. In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 1 in 15 homes contains dangerous radon levels. The 2024 Cross-Canada Survey of Radon Exposure in Residential Buildings of Urban and Rural Communities found that 18 percent of Canadian homes contain unsafe levels of radon.

Certain people face higher risks of radon-related health issues

When radon accumulates indoors, it can be breathed in by humans to be trapped in lung tissues, where its radioactivity then can lead to cancer. It is estimated that radon exposure causes an estimated 84,000 lung cancer deaths globally each year, which makes it second only to smoking for lung cancer deaths.

While radon can cause health impacts for anyone, certain people have been identified as being more vulnerable to its effects. According to the EPA, cigarette smokers face a higher risk of radon-induced lung cancer due to the synergistic effects of radon and smoking. Those with a faster breathing rate, including pregnant women and children, also face more of a risk of health impacts from radon.

Modern technology can provide real-time radon readings

Traditional tests determine radon levels by using charcoal canisters to capture a sample of indoor air that is then analyzed in a lab. The effectiveness of those tests is limited by the fact that they capture only a single snapshot of radon levels, which can fluctuate significantly between seasons and even throughout the day.  In addition, obtaining test results from the lab requires waiting several days.

Modern radon monitors provide ongoing readings of radon levels, with initial readings available within minutes and reliable results determined within an hour. These monitors ensure that fluctuations in radon levels are identified, and they can also be easily moved around within a home or building to identify radon hot spots. Continuous readings from the monitors can also be accessed wirelessly through a mobile app for in-depth analysis, capable of alerting the residents to potential radon issues even when they are not at home.

High levels of accumulation require radon mitigation

Mitigation is  essential for homes where high levels of radon accumulation are detected. The EPA has set the radon action level at 4 pCi/L. Canadian authorities have set a level of 200 Bq/m3, which is approximately 5.4 pCi/L.

Radon mitigation systems utilize fans and suction pipes to carry out a process known as active soil depressurization. The process removes radon from beneath foundations before it can make its way into structures. The systems typically require little maintenance and can be run for as little as $10 per month in operating costs. They also prevent other soil gases from entering the home.

While radon poses serious health risks, these risks can be easily prevented. Homeowners can stay safe from the dangerous effects of the gas by taking the steps to: 1)continuously monitoring for radon accumulation by using a modern radon monitor that provides ongoing readings of radon levels, and 2) when necessary, leveraging the mitigation tools available for reducing radon levels or seeking the help of radon professionals to eliminate the threat of toxic gas from the inside of their homes. For the Silo, Insoo Park, Founder and CEO of Ecosense.

Purifiers Combat the Dangers of Methane and Additives found in Natural Gas

Natural gas is an important fuel used for heating and cooling in more than half of all North American homes. But methane, the key component in natural gas, is highly explosive and can become deadly when uncontrolled. Back in 2014, a natural gas explosion in two apartment buildings in New York killed eight people and injured 70 others.

LA Gas LeakIn addition to the risk of explosion, the smell of natural gas can make many people ill. Hundreds of residents of Porter Ranch, near Los Angeles, were recently sickened by a natural gas leak from a nearby underground storage facility a mile away. The cause of their headaches, nausea and nosebleeds was mercaptan, the chemical added to natural gas that smells like rotten eggs.

What is natural gas?

Natural gas is composed primarily (95% or more) of methane, a colorless, odorless, non-toxic flammable gas. Methane is emitted from natural sources such as wetlands and also from industrial and agricultural processes.

Because methane is odorless, an additive known as mercaptan, or methanethiol, is added to natural gas to make the presence of methane detectable. Mercaptan additives contain sulfur, which is the reason natural gas smells like rotten eggs. Exposure to mercaptan can result in a variety of adverse health effects, including irritation of the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. Natural gas can also contain small amounts of potentially harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as ethane, propane, butane and even toxic compounds such as benzene and toluene.

Methane cannot be filtered. Mercaptan and VOCs can. Unfortunately, methane is not just dangerous – it’s also unfilterable. Adsorption and chemisorption, the two processes by which gas and odor air filters remove chemicals from the air, are ineffective against methane, which has an extremely low molecular weight. As a result, the only effective strategies for reducing indoor methane levels are source control/reduction and increased ventilation.

Mercaptan and VOCs, however, can be efficiently filtered with a high-performance air filtration system with a combination of high quality activated carbon and potassium permanganate – such as the IQAir HealthPro Plus or GC MultiGas (at right) room air purifier. The activated carbon provides adsorption of VOCs, and the potassium permanganate provides excellent chemisorption of mercaptan and many other VOCs, such as formaldehyde. The combination of these two filtration media is ideal.

The IQAir HealthPro Plus Air Purifier- made in Switzerland
The IQAir HealthPro Plus Air Purifier- made in Switzerland

Importance of monitoring methane levels.

Because methane is so highly explosive, high-performance air filtration to remove the odors associated with natural gas (mercaptan) is not recommended unless sufficient monitoring with a methane detector has determined that levels are safe. Methane detectors, also known as explosive gas detectors, can be purchased at hardware and home-supply stores.

This article is brought to you by The IQAir Group, friends of the Silo who develop innovative air quality solutions for indoor environments around the globe. IQAir is the exclusive educational partner of the American Lung Association for the air purifier industry.

Almost 200,000 Canadian homes have Dangerous levels of Radon

November is Lung Month and also Radon Action Month, and health officials are urging Canadians to test their homes for radon.

It is estimated that 3,000 Canadians die each year from lung cancer caused by exposure to radon. Yet only about 4% of Canadian homes have been tested for radon, the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. As a result, most Canadians are unaware of the deadly gas that may be present in their homes.

How Radon Enters A House

What is radon?
Radon is a naturally forming, radioactive, colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. It is found in almost all soil, and is produced by a natural process as uranium breaks down into radium and then into radon gas. Radon in turn breaks down into solid radioactive elements known as “radon progeny” (such as polonium – 218) that attach to airborne particles. Radon enters a home through cracks in the floor or walls of the basement or foundation.

Radon and your health
Because they are radioactive, radon and radon progeny emit alpha particles, a high-energy radiation that damages DNA in human cells and causes lung cancer. When radon is inhaled, particles become lodged in the lungs where they continue to emit alpha particles. Some studies have also suggested a link between radon and leukemia, though it can’t be definitely determined and more research is needed.

What you can do
Here are a few simple steps you can take to control radon levels in your home and help protect those you love:

1) Test for Radon. The first step in managing the risk of radon is to have your home tested. Every home is unique, and a home with dangerous radon levels can be next door to a home with virtually no radon. Any radon level higher than 200 becquerels per cubic metre (200 Bq/m³) is considered by health authorities to be unsafe. Testing should always be conducted by a qualified contractor, and should include both short-term and long-term testing. Look for a radon mitigation professional who is C-NRPP certified online.

2) Mitigate Radon. A qualified radon mitigation contractor will help you determine the most effective way to reduce radon in your home. These techniques include:

a) Sealing cracks. Since radon enters your home through cracks in the floor and the foundation, sealing cracks and leaks is an important first step. However, sealing cracks will limit but not completely stop the flow of radon into a home.

b) Suction. On effective method of eliminating radon includes inserted pipes into or below the foundation slab. These pipes are then connected to a vent fan that pulls radon from below the house and releases it out into the open air.

c) Depressurization. This generally involves drilling a hole in the basement floor and extending a pipe beneath the slab of the house. The pipe runs up through the home and then vents outward with the help of an inline fan.

d) Ventilation. Installing a heat recovery ventilator increases ventilation by drawing outside air into the house and expelling radon-contaminated air. Air is warmed or cooled as needed, and air filtration can be added to filter the outdoor air coming in.

e) Filtration. While filtration is not the only method by which radon can be reduced, research has shown that even standard HEPA filters can reduce radon by as much as 85%. And while air cleaning is not recommended to control radon because most filtration systems, even HEPA filters, are incapable of stopping the tiniest particles to which radon progeny adhere. IQAir’s HyperHEPA filtration, on the other hand, filters particles down to 0.003 microns – the smallest particles that exist.

IQAir Air Purification SystemsGiven that November is Lung Month and Radon Action Month in Canada, now is as good a time as any to test your home for radon. The sooner you have your home tested, the sooner you will be on your way to ensuring yours is a healthy home for you and your family.

This article is brought to you by our friends at IQAir North America, Inc., a member of the Swiss-based IQAir Group that develops, manufactures and markets innovative air purifiers and air quality products for indoor environments around the globe. IQAir is the exclusive educational partner of the American Lung Association for the air purifier industry. Jarrod Barker

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