Tag Archives: family events

Groundhog Day Could Be An Amazing Holiday

It’s that time of the year again…time for a perennial favorite read. Why favorite? Because we all want to know how much longer Winter will last. At this point on the calendar, at the second day of February, it feels like warm days are lost forever. But there is always hope. Hope in a critter and a shadow. Let’s begin. Again.

Maybe Groundhog Day can become a National or Provincial Stat Holiday because February 2nd isn’t officially known as Groundhog Day. Technically it isn’t a National Holiday. It isn’t a Provincial Holiday. [Is Quebec the only province with a Provincial Holiday? CP]

But maybe it should be.

Groundhog Day isn’t an exclusive celebration that targets a specific demographic such as Family Day. It isn’t religiously or  politically motivated. It doesn’t specify Muslim, Buddhist, Marxist, agnostic or atheist beliefs. It is inclusive, quirky, wacky and fun. There is no need to worry about political incorrectness.

Maybe Groundhog Day can become a rallying point for Ontarians because in many ways they are like us:  Groundhogs are robust creatures. They handle a long winter with style. Groundhogs might be cute but they are also tough!

Maybe the Groundhog can become Canada’s national animal.

Does anyone remember  the politician who wanted to make the polar bear our national animal? Most of us aren’t likely to run into polar bears. It’s that old adage: “Out of sight, out of mind” and since we’re more likely to see a groundhog and associate with a groundhog it is an ideal choice. Incidentally Canada’s national animal is the beaver. Another obscure animal that most of us have never seen.

Maybe Groundhog Day is spiritual after all.

If a Holiday needed ever to be justified on a basis of spirituality or community consider the following short list:

  • Mysticism  (Shadow casting or lack their off = Long range weather forecast)
  • Fatalism     (Let everyone believe that an animal can come out of the ground on a specific day and tell us how the next six weeks will turn out)
  • Anthropomorphism (Groundhogs can really see? Can they talk? How do we know if they have seen their shadow?)
  • Human/Animal Communication or Telepathy  (Groundhog interpreters/ Groundhog whisperers? Are they specific to Wiarton, Punxsutawney?)  Feature image- Punxsutawney Phil.  For the Silo, Rick Fess. 

Supplemental- “Pothole Pete” is a growing legend in New York City. Canada’s groundhog is an albino.

Visit Our Friends to the South in Buffalo & Take In July 4 Celebrations

The Obelisk- MacKinley Monument near Buffalo City Hall

If you’re looking for a spur-of-the-moment day trip from Niagara, Canada side, I have the answer for you.

A visit to downtown Buffalo can be your answer. It’s about an hour away nestled on the American side of the Peace Bridge and it’s a place still oozing with charm. The older downtown area offers a step-back-in-time experience. Forget the Chicken wings; the historic buildings here make a statement about style and sophistication.

July Fourth Fireworks Galore!

There are many places to catch amazing fireworks displays in and around the city core.

Canalside Fireworks, Fourth of July, Fireworks in Buffalo NY
Canalside Fireworks, Fourth of July, Fireworks in Buffalo NY

Cool Architecture and Art Deco Stylings

Fantastic architecture abounds in Buffalo- here is Buffalo City Hall, a fine example of Art Deco styling

Old City Hall
Start your day of exploring with a visit to Buffalo’s Art Deco City Hall. It dominates everything in the downtown area. Built during the early 1930’s (at the height of the great depression) this is a must see. The building is open free of charge Monday to Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. Take the elevator to the 22tnd floor, and then walk the stairway to the observation area. You’ll feel like you’re on top of the Empire State building in New York City. You’re rewarded with an awe inspiring view of the city, Niagara River and nearby Fort Erie. Free tours of City Hall are offered Monday to Friday at noon. Just meet in the lobby and a volunteer will put you through your paces as he or she walks and talks about the history of this Buffalo charmer. I was convinced, I was in a time warp. Docent (an American term which usually refers to a historic tour guide),

The term docent is an “Americanistic term” but has roots in the Germanic language

Rick Smyth, a retired teacher explained the meaning behind the many murals and statues that adorn the inside of the building. He said, “They tell about the friendship between Canada and the United States that has extended since the end of the War of 1812″.
Niagara Square
Outside City Hall is Niagara Square .Dominating the square is a monument built to honour the memory of William McKinley, the 25th president of the United States (1897-1901) who was assassinated in Buffalo at the Pan American Exposition in 1901. If you love old architectural buildings and their history you’ve hit the jackpot. Take your pick, the perimeter of the square beckons you. All of these century old buildings have stories to tell. Escorted walking tours can be arranged at www.buffalotours.org or 716-852-3300.
Lafayette Square
Lafayette Square is three blocks to the east of City Hall. It’s a park in the centre of the downtown. The block, which was once square, is lined by many of the city’s tallest buildings including the Liberty Building, and Rand Building. The Buffalo and Erie County Public Library (www.buffalolib.org) is an interesting place to explore. You can a get a first hand glimpse of the manuscripts of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. by Samuel L. Clemens, better know by his non de plume, Mark Twain lived in Buffalo between 1869 and 1871. The library is open daily at 8:30 am, except Sunday, free of charge. This block is surrounded by the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority’s Metro Rail light rail rapid transit, which runs about 12 blocks above-ground along Main Street in what is called the Free Fare Zone. Try it you’ll love it. The ride really is free.
Live Theatre
You’d be hard-pressed to leave this area without visiting one of the many historical theatres that offers touring Broadway shows, concerts, opera, dance and classic film series. Shea’s Performing Arts Center (www.sheas.org) on Main Street, built in the style of 1926 European Opera House, has an outstanding line-up of live entertainment. Greats like George Burns and Frank Sinatra have performed here in the past.

Find a tall building downtown (like the City Hall building) for a great panoramic look of the skyline.

Where to Eat
When the hunger pains start to come on I recommend the Spot Coffee Restaurant (www.spotcoffee.com) at the corner of Delaware Avenue and Chippewa Streets. This independently owned coffee shop is more authentic than places like Starbucks. They have good reasonably priced food and plenty of it. Uneven floors, wood tables and exposed brick make this the perfect neighbourhood eatery. They open at 7 am and close at 11 pm. It’s where I like to hang out during the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The parade takes place this year on Sunday, March 18 and begins at 2pm.
Downtown Parking
Street parking is reasonable here. Be sure to carry lots of American 25 cent coins to feed the $1 an hour meters. Lot parking is about $8.00 for the day.
For More Information TELL ’em The Silo sent ya ;>
www.visitbuffaloniagara.com or 1-800-283-3256.

For the Silo, George Bailey.

Defoy At Heart Of Official Quebec Antique Dealer Route

“It’s the tiny town of Defoy. Only a gravel road from the main highway, but about a half a mile down there is the wonderful “antiques dump” of Rene Boudin and his freres.” photos: P. Ross

By the winter of 1982, we had been going to the Harbourfront Antique market every Sunday for about a year, and were making a pretty good living selling things we had bought at local auctions and garage sales. Then one day, I read in the excellent and entertaining “bible” of Antique dealing The Furniture Doctor” by George Grotz ,  that the village of Defoy, Quebec was mecca for the antique picker.

To quote “there’s a wonderful secret wholesale place up in the province of Quebec. It’s the tiny town of Defoy. Only a gravel road from the main highway, but about a half a mile down there is the wonderful “antiques dump” of Rene Boudin and his freres. And here under enormous sheds you will find literally acres of antique furniture, chests, and tables piled three to five pieces high”.

“…it wasn’t hard to find because it was near town, and his name was painted boldly on the barn.”


The book had been out quite awhile so there was no telling if this situation still existed, so I asked the old guys at the market if they knew of such a place. I got several reports of it’s glory days, followed by “of course that was years ago and nobody goes anymore. That being said they also all encouraged me to give it a go, and gave me “leads” as to who may still be active. We gathered up our courage, our baby, and what cash we had, and set off.

That first twelve hour drive felt like an eternity. It was a tired crew who pulled in late afternoon to a tiny motel in Victoriaville, Quebec.

Our first move was to look up Marcel Gosselin in the phone book because he was one of our most promising leads. To our delight he was listed, and he answered and told us where and how to come the next morning. It wasn’t hard to find because it was near town, and his name was painted boldly on the barn. Marcel greeted us warmly and proceeded to lead us to his main barn. There, behind the red and white cross doors was the biggest pile of dining chairs I had ever seen. About thirty feet across it reached to the top of the barn.

Through the hatch work of legs I could see tantalizing glimpses of a cupboard and some chests. Then he took us upstairs where in a loft he had sorted hundreds of chairs in sets of four, six, or more. Some were painted and some varnished. It was $45cdn each for simple painted chairs, $65cdn each for nicer pressbacks and/or varnished ones. We got a couple of sets knowing we would get about $150cdn-$250cdn each for these when refinished., Next I asked him about that cupboard I had seen in the giant pile downstairs. He told me all about it including the age, condition and reasonable price of $250cdn and told me he would extricate it and have it ready for my next trip if I wanted it.

I said I did, and then he didn’t even want a deposit.

“That’s not the way we do it down here. Your word is good enough, until it isn’t” Marcel (R) Phil (L)

“That’s not the way we do it down here. Your word is good enough, until it isn’t. I liked him immediately and knew he was a man I would enjoy doing business with.

Next he took us to the garage attached to his 100 year old frame house. The downstairs was filled with every kind of “smalls” including small boxes, glassware, pottery, antique clothing, folk art, etc, etc; and the tiny, about to collapse, upstairs loft was filled with hundreds of pottery washsets. There were some beauties, and this was a hot item at the time in Toronto. Prices ranged from $45cdn-$75cdn per set. We bought 8 of the nicest sets knowing we would get between $145cdn to $375cdn back home.

This was getting truly exciting.

We spent a terrific four hours or so with Marcel that first day and pulled away from his place, with half our money spent, and half our truck full of interesting, excellent quality, and reasonably priced stuff, not to mention the overwhelming sense of warmth, excitement and wonderment of that first glimpse into a Quebec picker’s life. We were hooked, and we knew it was the first of many more trips to see Marcel.  For the Silo, Phil Ross.

Featured image courtesy of tourismecentreduquebec.com     

Largest Moth In North America

Emerging soon- the Cecropia caterpillar takes two months to develop before forming their cocoon which has to last an entire winter.

The Cecropia Moth is North America’s largest native moth and is a member of the giant silk moth family. It can be found in all Canadian provinces except BC and Newfoundland. The wings are reddish brown, and crossed in the middle with a white band. In the middle of each wing there is a crescent-shaped white spot bordered with red. The moths can have a wingspan up to 160 mm (6 inches!)

Females have a large abdomen for egg production, and males have hugely feathered antennae to detect the pheromones that the female emits. The male is capable of smelling the female from over a kilometer away.

Once mated, the female will lay her eggs near host trees. Typically they choose maple trees for their host, but they can also be found on other trees like Birch, Alder, Apples and Willow. The eggs will hatch in about 2 weeks and the newly born caterpillar will eat its eggshell.

Young Cecropia larva are shedding their ‘skin’. image: courtesy www.wormspit.com

The Cecropia larva (caterpillar) has two rows of blue tubercles along each side, two rows of yellow tubercles down its back, and two pairs of large red tubercles on the thorax. It takes the caterpillar approximately 2 months to reach full size at which time they will find a dark secluded place to attach themselves to a branch or stick and form their cocoon. This cocoon will overwinter and the adults will emerge the following spring.

Adult Cecropia moths do not have mouth parts and thus are unable to eat. As a result, the lifespan for an adult is generally only about 7-10 days.  For the Silo, Dixie Greenwood.

Supplemental– http://www.wormspit.com/cecropia.htm


Some Monitors Are Actually Designed For Specific Video Games

IRVINE, Calif. – Waaaay back in Summer 2011, BenQ America Corp. announced that as the official gaming monitor sponsor of Major League Gaming (MLG), the world’s largest competitive video game league, it would be supplying monitors for the then upcoming 2012 MLG Pro Circuit Summer Championship that were held in Raleigh, North Carolina. At the tournament, hundreds of the top gamers from around the world competed using BenQ’s RL2450HT and GL2450HM monitors, designed specifically for professional gaming and engineered to meet the specific needs of eSports athletes. The GL2450HM was also featured in the Virtua Fighter(TM) 5 and Skullgirls(TM) Exhibition Tournaments, alongside the Pro Circuit competition.

At the 2012 MLG Pro Circuit Summer Championship, gamers — including BenQ-sponsored Team Dynamic and Manuel “Grubby” Schenkhuizen — competed for their share of nearly $215,000 in prizes playing the real-time strategy (RTS) games StarCraft(R) II: Wings of Liberty and League of Legends(R) on PC, and fighting games Mortal Kombat(TM) and SoulCalibur(R) V on the PlayStation(R)3 (PS3(TM)).

[Then] 26 year old Dutch professional videogamer Manuel “Grubby” Schenkhuizen and friend Cassandra. How good is he? Check out- http://www.sk-gaming.com/player/90-Grubby image:courtesy MechWarrior online
Thousands of spectators watched the tournament at the Raleigh Convention Center, and hundreds of thousands of fans watched the action online at www.majorleaguegaming.com/live.

For those retro system fans, there was even a Summer Championship that let fans get in on the action with Virtua Fighter 5 and Skullgirls Exhibition Tournaments, played on the good old PS3.

Anyone with a Raleigh Spectator or Competitor Pass could participate in these tournaments, which were sponsored by PlayStation. Winners of the best-of-three matches held the station until defeated and could re-enter as many times as they wished. The two players for each game with the longest winning streaks battled it out for $2,000 per tournament in the Finals on the
Fighting Games Main Stage.

Crowd shot from the MLG #gamerompfest

“The Summer Championship in Raleigh [was] sure to provide an exciting culmination to an amazing summer season, and we [were] honored to have our RL2450HT and GL2450HM in the middle of the action,” said Bob Wudeck, Director of Retail and e-Commerce at BenQ America Corp. “The fast response times of BenQ’s monitors result in high-action competition, while features such as the RL2450HT’s Black eQualizer help eSports athletes not just play the game, but conquer it. In addition, the incredibly low lag of the GL2450HM provides perfect timing in fighting and shooting games.”

Delivering a supreme RTS gaming experience, the RL2450HT was used for StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty and League of Legends PC games tournaments at the Summer Championship. The RL2450HT was engineered with input from the world-class StarCraft II professional gaming team, STARTALE, which is sponsored by BenQ. For top-level RTS gamers, the monitor features a 60-Hz refresh rate for smooth movement, an LED light engine for great color and low power consumption, and a 2-ms GtG response time with 12 million to 1 contrast ratio.

The RL Series RTS Mode maximizes StarCraft II visibility and optimizes color, while its Black eQualizer enables total visibility by allowing gamers to adjust the screen brightness without over-exposing white levels — revealing critical combat details with improved visibility in darkened areas. The RL Series Display Mode allows gamers to interchange between monitor screen sizes, while the Smart Scaling feature gives them the freedom to scale the screen manually to any custom size — from 17 to 24 inches — depending on their preferences. In addition, the unit’s adjustable height stand allows for optimal screen positioning.

The 24-inch-wide GL2450HM monitor is an ideal choice for console gaming platforms, featuring brilliant LED backlighting, a dynamic contrast ratio of 12 million to 1, and a 2-ms GtG response time that yields high dynamic videos without ghosting or other artifacts.

At a later MLG Summer Championship, console games Mortal Kombat and SoulCalibur V were played on the GL2450HM, in addition to Virtua Fighter 5 and Skullgirls in the Exhibition Tournaments sponsored by PlayStation.

Supporting competitive and competitive retro gaming, BenQ offered the monitors used in the tournament at special discount pricing available to all MLG tournament fans.

Make A Prairie Say No To Land Without Life

image: www.ojibway.ca

So make a prairie

It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a decade since I did some work recording for Statistics Canada. The job required door-to-door visits to all the homes in a designated area, interesting because I had a chance to see what people do in their yards. One residence in particular left a strong impression on me and it continues to resonate now in 2021 all these years later.

It was a beautiful home, probably 40 years old, on a fairly large estate.

The lawns were nicely manicured and the architectural evergreens were tastefully placed. It looked like a photo in a 1970’s Better Homes and Gardens.

This architectural sketch of a late 1970’s “Dream Green Home” at least shows a bit of “greenery” and a tree. image:public domain

But as I walked to the front door, I realized that there was no movement.

Nothing swayed in the afternoon breeze. There were no herbaceous plants, no flowers, and worse, no bees, no butterflies, no birds. This place had as little movement as my imaginary magazine photo. It struck me as being uninteresting and unnatural. Land without life.

In my experience we show ourselves at our best when we interact and connect with nature and even find a kind of fulfillment in it. This completion has been lost for many of us, but paradise can be regained at any time.

There are all kinds of small ways to re-connect and to bring restoration, not just to the land, but to ourselves as well. I encourage everyone to put in a garden of some kind. A vegetable garden is of course the most practical and immediately useful. Start small and easy if you have never had a garden before.

If the practicality of a vegetable garden isn’t appealing, then plant something in to nourish your soul.

‘Miss Ruby’ Butterfly Bush-Buddleia image: www.green-living-made-easy.com
Rick’s home butterfly garden photo:M. Larmand

A couple of years ago I put in a no-maintenance garden specifically to attract hummingbirds. The thank-you’s come at dusk when increasing numbers of my little buddies do their end-of-day rounds. Scarlet runner beans, red monarda, salvia, tithonia, and crocosmia – they did the trick.

And copying the garden of a friend , I have also put in a small butterfly garden.

Milkweed, Echinacea, and butterfly bush (Buddleia) are good starter plants. I’m doing my small part to help save the monarch butterfly population. The nice thing about both these gardens is that they require almost no attention, just observation and enjoyment.

I’ve often thought about theme gardens. “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance…” Ophelia’s mad scene in Hamlet is a great starting point for a Shakespearean garden and a study of plant symbolism in literature. A biblical garden would also be an interesting exercise, though the plants themselves would be local approximations of Mediterranean species but the life lessons would be endless. Consider the lilies of the field. What about a cutting garden, a scented garden, a night garden?

Poets and painters have found inspiration in gardens. Like them, let nature take your breath away. Start small. To quote the American poet, Emily Dickinson:

To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee.
One clover, and a bee.
And reverie.
The reverie alone will do,
If bees are few.

It doesn’t take much to make a prairie – or your own personal sanctuary. For the Silo, Rick Posavad.

Supplemental: http://www.carolinian.org   tallgrassfactsheet

River Water Levels Are Favorite Discussion Among Ontario Paddlers

SUP- Stand up paddling is a popular sport along the Grand River system. image: grandriverrafting.ca

Is the water level in the river going to be okay for canoeing or kayaking on any given weekend?

This is a common question that people call the GRCA to ask. It is also an important question. Usually what  they mean is ” will there  be enough water?”, but occasionally, there is actually way too much water for most people to canoe or paddle safely.

Fly fishermen too need to check river levels so they are safe and don’t get swept off their feet by a strong current.

An angler will likely move to a different area rather than take a chance. As an organization, the GRCA does not make recommendations as to appropriate water flows for recreational activities along the Grand River and its tributaries because there are many variables to consider. Some people have the expertise and training to enjoy high flows that could be fatal to inexperienced and ill equipped paddlers.

Very low flows make for slow going as there may not be enough water for the canoe to float and it may need to be pulled to deeper water at certain times. A skilled paddler will be able to read the water to find the deepest water and will have fewer problems. Some people have a bad day if they have to step out of their boat even once, while others are more tolerant of low flows. That is why there is no definitive answer to this question.

Appropriate water levels are a favorite discussion among paddlers. Those who paddle regularly have their own personal chart, whether it is in their head or on a spreadsheet.

Checking flow information

Many avid river recreation enthusiasts in Southern Ontario bookmark the River Data section of the GRCA’s website and check it when trip planning. This is one of the most visited sections on the GRCA’s website and provides hourly updates on river flows from 39 gauges on the Grand and eight tributaries. Some gauge information is also posted on an Environment Canada website that includes rivers in other parts of Canada, but the GRCA site has data for more gauges from this

The main chart here is called the Flow Summary.

Recreational users should pay attention to the column headed “flow.” This one is measured in cubic metres per second or cms. If the rate is 10 cms, that means that 10,000 litres of water is moving past the flow gauge each second at this part of the river. The cms gets bigger as the river moves towards Lake Erie. There are huge changes in river flow due to seasons, weather, ice jams and dam operation.

Compare this to the “summer lowflow” which is the average flow during the dry summer months and you will see in relative terms how much water is flowing down the river. Following this Flow Summary is a list of sections of the rivers and tributaries with graphs. For example, one of the most popular sections of the river for a day trip, Cambridge to Paris, a paddler would check the Galt gauge on the “Middle Grand River“section. The graph will tell you if the level is going up, down, or holding steady. Occasionally a flow gauge does not operate and the information can be inaccurate, so the information is provisional. There is also a River Flow Information line that is updated regularly and can be reached at 519-621-2763, ext. 2511.

Photo by Judi Thompson

Outfitter information

There are several local outfitters in the area and they have cut off levels, when they stop canoe rentals. Canoeing the Grand in Kitchener has a safety section on their website with a five step rating chart for paddling. This scale  goes from “Excellent” to “No Go” with five levels, depending on the paddler’s age, skill, expertise and river conditions.

Grand River flow rates chart

When river flows skyrocket

As the graph above shows, the Grand River may not give much warning of a sudden increase in river flows, which is why the GRCA must sometimes issue high water safety warnings to the public. This is the flow information from the week of May 2 to 9 from a few years ago. Note that it shows heavy rain on Thursday night May 3 in the northern part of the watershed meant flows ballooned from 8 cms to 120 cms within a couple of hours, as the data from Marsville shows. The GRCA issued a warning after the storm. The rainwater gushed down the river and by the afternoon of Friday May 4, flows were dropping at Marsville but skyrocketing at West Montrose. By Saturday May 5, the river flows in Brantford were extreme and then they peaked at York on the southern Grand on Sunday.
A final important note, Dams can make the impact of a rainstorm less severe but they don’t eliminate flooding or high flows.

For the Silo ,Janet Baine, GRCA Communications Specialist

How Apple Parallels My Life

When I think back to the 1980’s I have mostly fond memories. It was time of great fun and discovery for me personally. I had both Commodore and Apple computers and a hairstyle that is happy to remain in my past. I listened to cool groups like “Twisted Sister” and wouldn’t publicly admit that I enjoyed “Culture Club”. Being in high school, I was painfully shy and didn’t have a lot of success with girls.

Apple had a pretty similar experience if you think about it. They were a little shy and reserved, but very much loved by those who understood them. They didn’t go out much – choosing to stay in schools and in a very few select homes. They had their share of identity crisis’ in the early 80’s and tried to break free with a whole new persona called “Macintosh” in 1984.

They walked around confused between educational, business, and recreational use and staggered out of the fog towards the end of the decade.

The 1990’s brought about a new confidence and independence. I had started a business just at the end of the 80’s and took my experience to heart as I tried to find the right niche for me. I knew that computers was where I was meant to be and grew a business from nothing to exceptional sales in a short time.

Steve Jobs and Apple’s Macintosh Computer.

I also saw the market hinge and my sales erode and I wasn’t quite able to move fast enough to recover my previous glory.

Apple saw their market share grow and decline in the 90’s as well. They knew that computers were where they were meant to be, but they couldn’t decide if they were the company to make them. They tried licensing out their operating system to others in a move that ultimately
muddied the market and left their loyal customers wondering just exactly where they were going next. Following graph courtesy of www.saypeople.com

The 2000’s became a year of maturity for me. More confident in the path I was following, I followed my dreams to open a computer museum and finally saw it through in 2005. I refocused my energies with my passion for video games to acquire the largest collection in Canada while at the same time educating others along the way.

I worked my way towards a global following for those that have shared my vision. Apple made the move from niche computer to dedicated
music device, to a more advanced smart phone in the 2000’s. They grew their loyal following in the computer market by making some radical
changes to their core operating system and integrating their new consumer devices flawlessly. They became the company they had always
dreamed they could be.

Today, I ’m following my dreams and am no longer the shy, awkward guy I was in high school. I ’m successful and I ’ve moved on from “Culture Club”. My life is very interesting because I like to keep one foot in the past to enjoy the good times, while putting another foot forward into the exciting future.

The best is yet to come, and I think the same is true for Apple. For the Silo, Syd Bolton. Check out www.pcmuseum.ca in Brantford,Ontario.

Holiday Hints For Moms To Reduce Stress

Busy moms share a common stress during the holiday season. There is too much to do, and not enough time to do it. The best way to reduce stress levels is to reduce expectations. The only woman obligated to entertain like Martha Stewart is Martha Stewart. By lowering personal expectations and opting for timesaving options, moms can reduce the pressure they put on themselves. The following are a few of Kleven’s holiday tips and tricks for busy moms:

Purchase holiday baking at fundraising bake sales or from community-based charities. Moms can stock up on a supply of festive treats while supporting worthwhile organizations. Get together with girlfriends for an afternoon of baking. Each woman bakes enough batches for herself and the others. Once cooled, everyone has a selection of festive baking that can be combined on disposable platters ready for gifts giving or holiday get-togethers. Offer to watch a friend’s children while she does her gift shopping. Get her to do the same for you. Shopping without children is faster and less stressful. Moms can also do their gift shopping online, in the comfort of their own homes.

Arrange to have the items shipped to a nearby neighbour or friend, where they can be stored away from prying eyes until just before the big day.

Money doesn’t have to be an issue. Re-gifted items make perfectly acceptable presents. So do homemade treats like cookies, flavoured popcorn, or peanut brittle. Check the internet for quick and easy recipes. Another gift that is sure to please the other moms on the list is an I.O.U. for a free afternoon of babysitting. The only cost to the giver is a few hours of her time, while her friend enjoys a quiet afternoon all to herself.
Simplify entertaining wherever possible. Meet friends for coffee and dessert at a local restaurant instead of at home. The holidays are about spending time with loved ones. Holding the festivities somewhere else ensures that everyone, even the hostess, gets to sit down and enjoy the visit.

If you do decide to invite friends and family to your home, have them drop by in the afternoon. Daylight get-togethers are far less formal. Ask guests to bring finger foods or purchase them ready-made. The selection and quality of hors d’oeuvres, vegetable and fruit platters available at grocery stores has come a long way in the past few years.

Author -Colleen Kleven

Rather than creating a pile of dirty dishes for afterward, pick up plastic cutlery, disposable plates, paper tablecloths, and napkins in festive patterns. For best selection, shop early. This holiday season, prepare for a house full of guests in advance. Borrow sleeping bags and air mattresses from family and friends and tell children they are all “camping out” in one bedroom. This creates extra sleeping areas for grandparents, aunts and uncles.
Over the next several weeks, make double batches of dinners like spaghetti sauce, chili, soups and casseroles. Freeze leftovers to thaw and serve during the holidays.
When planning for meals, go for the easiest alternative. Pick up a mixture of lunch meats and buns for self-serve lunches, and order pizza for dinner one night. By taking a more relaxed approach to the holiday season, busy moms stand a better chance of actually enjoying themselves instead of starting the New Year exhausted and disappointed. For the Silo, Colleen Kleven.

Roadside Memorials Of Loss Are On The Rise

One of Toronto based photographer Erin Riley’s series of photographs depicting roadside memorials in and around the GTA

Indeed, the prevalence of roadside memorials has increased significantly over the past several decades and there is little doubt that each of us has encountered them at some point. Roadside memorials are essentially visual manifestations of profound suffering and loss. They mark the site where a motor vehicle accident has occurred and the death that resulted from it (however , many memorials, especially in major cities, have little to do with motor vehicle accidents and more to do with cycling accidents, innocent bystanders or anything else that faithfully marks the site of passing).

In areas where large gravestones or plaques cannot be placed, for a variety of reasons, makeshift memorials take their place. These sites grow with each flower, ribbon or object and deplete with the wind, rain or snow; they are in a continuous state of flux. The organic quality of roadside memorials may directly reference the very epehemerality of life itself. Moreover, in their various forms and inclinations, they challenge Western society’s visual seperation of the living from the dead; therefore, as they subsist, roadside memorials carry the spectre of mortality into the public sphere, a space where even speaking of death remains taboo.

Post-mortem/momento mori photography during the Victorian age is a fascinating though dark and unsettling movement.

Roadside markers are a rural and urban feature- this marker is located on Front Road, near St. Williams, Ontario, Canada image: www.thesilo.ca

Encountering the idea of death may be one of the reasons why people take issue with the appearance of roadside memorials. For them, they represent a veritable “distraction” while driving, are considered “unsightly” or a “vandalism of public property”. For the families of the deceased, roadside memorials allow the opportunity to mourn their loved one(s) at the very place of their passing. The level of emotion generated by being near the actual site where a loved one has died is different from standing beside their final resting place in segregated communities of loss that are the modern cemetery.

Not only are roadside memorials, as markers of loss, important to the families and groups that maintained a relationship to the deceased, but they powerfully address the living by acting as memento mori (reminders of death). It is through them that one may better appreciate the present.

Toronto-based photographer Erin Riley’s series of photographs depicting roadside memorials in and around the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) specifically engages the publicization of loss and its visual manifestation. Riley’s images are strikingly beautiful and skillfully composed, yet they raise ethical questions precisely because they aestheticize markers of death sites by transforming them into visual objects to behold.  This theme was explored  in Jarrod Barker’s April 2010’s  Umwelt at the Norfolk Arts Center with a central piece depicting a virtual gallery memorial in conjunction with projected audio/video loop of a recently deceased Deer- struck down by a motorist, the piece becoming essentially a rural memento mori.

Happening upon a recently struck deer- Artist Jarrod Barker aestheticized the site by placing a white linen ‘shroud’ over the victim. This would later become a central piece in the installation of Umwelt April 2010 photo: J. Barker

Another question concerns the identification of deceased individuals and whether or not their names should be made public through the vehicle of art. That being said, Riley’s photographs do provide an eloquent record of roadside memorials within the GTA and speak to their social and cultural value. Ask yourself: where do you stand on this issue?

It would seem that, for the families of the deceased, roadside memorials serve the purpose of exactly that: the memorializatin of a life. [ “even” an animal life CP ] They also serve a function for the living, reminding us that life is fleeting and that the dangers of the road are real. Ultimately, rather than causing drivers to collide, roadside memorials may force drivers to more aware of the consequences of speed, negligence and drunk driving. May roadside memorials continue to stand where lives have fallen. For the Silo, Matthew Ryan Smith. 




Picasso Exhibit At AGO Was Invigorating

Time flies. Seven years ago, The Silo visited the AGO’s Picasso exhibition. We were not disappointed. Approximately ¼ of the entire second floor was dedicated for displaying works from Picasso’s private collection. That’s right- these are the pieces that Pablo himself deemed specially significant for archiving and for his personal reflection. We were not disappointed.

Blowup and detail from Portait de Dora Maar (Portrait of Dora Maar), 1937. Oil on canvas, 92x65cm

Organized by the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) and the Musee National Picasso , Paris- the exhibition is chronologically organized with each period having its own dedicated gallery space and covers the following phases of Picasso’s VASTLY productive lifetime: From Spain to Paris 1900-1905 Ancient, African and Oceanic Inspirations 1906-1909 Cubism, Collage and Constructions 1909-1915 Classicism, Marriage and Family 1914-1924 Surreal Anxiety and Desire 1924-1934 War Paintings 1936-1951 and lastly The Joy of Life and Last Years 1950-1972

According to the Picasso’s Picassos (Picasso’s Early Life and Art) on pg 2 of the AGO’s exhibition catalog, Pablo Picasso was recognized as “an artistic prodigy and began…formal artistic training when he was only seven years old” with his father, who was a painter and an art teacher. For the next 85 (!) years Picasso would go on to not only change the art world, but would leave behind a vast legacy that is as fresh and relevant today as it ever was. Strolling around this fine exhibition and noticing how the other visitors were dressed is proof enough for this writer that Picasso’s influence on society is far from over. For the Silo, Jarrod Barker. 

Picasso at 73years of age in 1954. “When I paint I feel that all artists of the past are behind me.”

Protest at Marineland, Niagara Falls Gains Momentum

On Saturday August 18th- hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the main entrance gates of Marineland in Niagara Falls, Ontario. At stake was the ethical treatment of animals used for performances and entertainment. Over the past three years there have been increased reports by the media regarding the attacking of trainers by killer whales and other performing animals.

Messages on protest signs were simple, bold and clear. photos:The Silo/Mith Media

Many researchers believe that this sort of behavior is inevitable because killer whales are adversely affected by forcible confinement and pavlovian conditioning and that in turn has many questioning whether theme parks such as Marineland and Seaworld are capitalizing on animal cruelty. It’s not a new topic- zoo’s and circuses are not strangers to demonstration and protest and the relationship between humans and animals is a theme often employed by conscientious artists.

[Warning- the following video contains disturbing images. Viewer discretion is advised CP]

Segment from Umwelt (2010) exhibition catalogue- Jarrod Barker’s installation at the Norfolk Arts Centre explored the connectedness or non-connectedness (ie: the umwelt) of humans and animals. image:courtesy of the artist

Marineland denied our request (along with the Toronto Star’s request) for an interview and requested that the media respect “private [their] property”. That sort of reaction makes it difficult to investigate a story of this magnitude- and many questions remain unanswered. For example, earlier this year an infant beluga whale was attacked repeatedly by two adult belugas until it was killed. Media leaks reveal that the baby whale may have been ill and that the other animals acted out of fear since they may have detected signs of a contagious disease.

image: The Silo

Although no date has been set, The Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is planning on bringing independent Sea Mammal experts and Marine Biologists into Marineland for an inspection according to an online report at www.thestar.com CP

image: The Silo

Five Summer Road Trips

Ahhh, the Summer road trip. Time for cooler packing, map folding (or GPS charging) and a car tune up. Does anyone drive a station wagon anymore?

Within the past 12 years I have traveled to and written about over two hundred travel destinations, many within a few hours drive of Niagara. That said, I ‘m often asked what are my favorites. Well, I’ve finally taken the time to think back and jot them down. Before I begin, I should say that I have learned to love the journey just as much as the destination. My primary route to get to a place, when possible, is usually the back way, not the highway, preferably with lots of twists and spectacular scenery. I don’t sweat about getting lost; I’ve found some of my most interesting adventures that way. Another thing that makes for a pleasant journey is to travel on the arm of someone you love. The following are the Coles Notes version of some of my favorite trips.

A yummy car. Memories of old old spice (you know the white bottle?), adidas shorts, sweatbands, the Cars on 8-track and road trips….lots of road trips. #thepastwasablast

Port Rowan, Ontario (138 kilometers)
When you discover this lovely community that hugs the northern shoreline of Lake Erie you’ll be charmed. Nothing shouts. When we walked their tiny main street, which consisted of restored century old stores, we could feel the past. At one end was one of the prettiest habors in Ontario. The whole world slows down when we walked the mature tree-lined side streets where we found historic turn-of-the-century homes that called out to be photographed. If you decide to stay over there are plenty of cozy Bed and Breakfast places to choose from.
Stratford, Ontario (159 kilometers from Thorold- the center of Niagara)
This is a jewel of a city located on the Avon River surrounded by a plethora of affordable eateries, restored Victorian homes on streets lined with majestic mature trees. We fell in love with their walkable downtown filled with plenty of unique shops and a majestic 12–sided red brick building with Queen Anne features built in 1898-99 that serves as their City Hall. The place was buzzing with life. Stratford Tourism offers two free escorted walking tours, a Downtown Historic Tour and a River Walk Heritage Tour.
And of course, there’s the Stratford Festival which serves up top-notch live theater. This season’s calendar opened in mid-April with the musical 42nd St.
This is the home of teen idol Justin Beiber and your teenagers can get a free map from the tourist folks outlining his favorrite places.
www.visitstratford.ca or 1-800-561-7926

The author George Bailey: “I’m often asked what are my favourite [travel destinations] withina few hours drive of Niagara. Well, I’ve finally taken the time to think back and jot them down.”
Elora, Ontario (126 kilometers)
This lovely 177 year-old village is a place that will grow on you the minute you arrive. It’s located on the Grand River where the Elora Gorge begins. Check out the magnificent waterfall and the high rock known as The Tooth of Time, behind the Elora Mill Inn.
We continued to explore the shops, boutiques and restaurant found on Mill and Metcalfe Streets. One unique shop is The Village Olive Grove. It’s one of the few stores in Canada that sells (and allows you to sample) exceptional olive oils and vinegars. One site not to miss is the reflection in the Grand River of the back of the downtown stores.
www.elorafergus.travel or 519-846-0971.

[If you are planning a long road trip with a dash of night driving- remember to fully rest up and stop driving when you are feeling tired CP]

We have to agree with luckysod04 on this…but check out TOSH.0 parallel parking a Mini Cooper LOL

Lindsay, Ontario (229 kilometers)Lindsay is the gateway to the Kawartha Lakes tourist region. It’s pretty as a picture. One of the main features is Kent Street, the town’s wide main street. It looks like a Norman Rockwell painting. The first to fall under the lens of my camera was the renovated 1893 Academy Theatre at one end of town. Lindsay’s renovated City Hall and Firehall also weren’t too shabby to photograph.
Their Saturday morning Farmer’s Market proved to be a real farmer’s market. It was filled with real farmers who sold produce they have grown on family owned farms for centuries. www.explorekawarthalakes.com or 1-866-397-6673

Aylmer, Ontario (187 kilometers)
Like many of my trips, you have to look beyond what’s found in the tourism publications to experience a community. It’s more than the location of the Ontario Police College. It has a large farming community. Take a ride along the back roads where you will share the road with an industrious Amish community who travel by horse and buggy and operate farms without most modern-day luxuries. Aylmer’s indoor/outdoor Farmer’s Market held on a Tuesday is top-notch. Check out the nearby quaint village of Sparta where you’ll come upon examples of restored period homes dating back to 1825.Don’t miss visiting the Winter Wheat attraction set in a five-acre forest of towering pines.
http://www.aylmer.ca/. or 1-519-773-3164.

for the Silo by George Bailey  wonderful.life@sympatico.ca

Click to view on I-tunes
Click to view on I-tunes

Unlike Quebec and United States, Ontario has no transportation budget $ for cycling infrastructure

Still from the classic Queen song- Bicycle Race

Toronto – GPO leader Mike Schreiner is calling on the McGuinty
governmentto dedicate1% of the transportation infrastructure budget
to cycling and another 1% for pedestrians. Sustainable infrastructure
is a sound investment that will help people choose healthy
transportation options.

[The song  featured is by Mercury and was supposedly inspired by his observing a leg of Tour de France. It starts with a chorus unaccompanied by instruments. The chorus is followed by two verses connected with a bridge, both followed by a chorus. Around the middle of the song there is a solo played with numerous bicycle bells. During the live performances, it was often played by the audience who specially brought the bells for this purpose. The song has a very unusual chord progression with numerous modulations, a change of meter (from 4/4 to 3/4) in the bridge, and the multitracked vocal and guitar harmonies.

The video for the song became scandalously famous for featuring 65 naked women, all professional models, racing at Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium. It was filmed by Dennis de Vallance. The group rented the stadium and several dozen bikes for one day for filming the scene; however, when the renting company became aware of the way their bikes were used, they requested the group to purchase all the bicycle seats. The original video uses special effects to hide the nudity.

“Bicycle Race “é um single da banda de rock inglesa QUEEN. Foi lançado em 1978, no álbum JAZZ e escrito pelo vocalista da Queen FREDDIE MERCURY. Ela foi lançada como um duplo lado-A única juntamente com a canção” Fat Bottomed Girls “. A canção é notável por seu vídeo com uma corrida de bicicleta com mulheres nuas em Wimbledon Stadium, que foi editado ou mesmo proibido em vários países. A canção tem uma progressão de acordes muito incomum com modulações diversas, uma mudança de metro (de 4 / 4-6 / 8) na ponte, e os vocais multipista e harmonias de guitarra.

A canção foi escrita por MERCURY e foi supostamente inspirado por sua observação de uma perna do Tour de France. Ela começa com um coro acompanhados por instrumentos. O coro é seguido por dois versos conectado com uma ponte, ambos seguido por um coro. Ao meio da música há um solo com sinos de bicicleta numerosos. Durante as apresentações ao vivo, muitas vezes era tocado pelo público, que levavam os sinos especialmente para esta finalidade.

O vídeo para a canção tornou-se famoso por escandalosamente com 65 mulheres nuas, todas as modelos profissionais, competindo em Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium. Foi filmado por Dennis de Vallance. O grupo alugou o estádio e várias dezenas de bicicletas durante um dia para filmar a cena,. Porém, quando a empresa que alugou tomou conhecimento da forma como as suas bicicletas foram usados​​, eles pediram ao grupo para adquirir todos os assentos das bicicletas, o vídeo original usa efeitos especiais para esconder a nudez.  Courtesy of http://www.youtube.com/user/lcsRamone CP ]


“If Premier McGuinty can find $1 billion dollars to build his
‘people’s highway,’ why can’t he find a few million dollars to make
streets safe for people?” asks Schreiner.

Today marks the launch of Bike Month in the City of Toronto. Cycling
plays an important role in the health of our citizens, strengthening
our local economies and our general quality of life.

Quebec spends $200 million on cycling infrastructure and earns $135
million each year from bicycle tourism alone. The US dedicates 1.6% of
its transportation budget for states to invest in cycling
infrastructure. Ontario has no dedicated funding to support cycling or
pedestrian infrastructure.

“Ontario needs infrastructure if we are serious about making our
streets and roads safe,” says Schreiner. “A small investment to
support cycling will reap big rewards — combating gridlock, reducing
health care costs and supporting local businesses.”

Two Danish studies showed that when 1% of car drivers switched to
riding bicycles, health care costs were reduced by 1%. Copenhagen
saves $300 per person per year on health costs because almost 80
percent of its population bikes regularly. Cycling and walking
projects create 11-14 jobs per $1 million spent, compared to just
seven jobs created per $1 million spent on highway projects. These and
other studies show that Ontario cannot afford not to invest in cycling

The GPO’s 1% percent solution would create two funds for
municipalities to access the dollars they need for cycling and
pedestrian infrastructure. By doing so, Ontario would finally
recognize that cycling and walking are important forms of
transportation for growing numbers of Ontarians.

“We need a Complete Streets Act in Ontario to ensure that our streets
are safe for all users: cars, trucks, bikes, pedestrians, wheeled
mobility devices, and transit users” says Trinity-Spadina candidate
and GPO critic for transportation Tim Grant.

Jaymini Bhikha
(O) 416-977-7476
(C) 416-275-8573 [1]

For the Silo by Green Party of Ontario
PO Box 1132
Toronto, ON M4Y 2T8

Ontario Girls Camp Stands Apart Via Social Action And Self Esteem

Our future- values and esteem guide young girls development at Camp Stella Puella

Camp Stella Puella (“star girl” in Latin) is a summer camp “with a higher purpose,” says co-founder Mina Kazemi. Since she began in Dunnville,Ontario in 2008, along with cousin and co-director Julia Salco, the goal has been to provide young girls with a fun environment in which to explore issues of self-esteem, as well as introduce them to social action on a global scale, in hopes of instilling a passion to make positive change in the world.

It wasn’t long before Mina’s older sister Yasmin joined the team, two young women uniquely qualified to bring the world to Dunnville’s children. Mina is studying global health at the University of Toronto, has taken a world literacy trip to Ek Balam Mexico, and travelled to Kenya in 2009 with the Me to We program who, along with their charitable partner Free the Children, seeks to empower youth through activism at home and across the planet.

Yasmin also studies science and global health, has spent time in Ecuador volunteering at a childcare centre, and has been active since 2009 with Community Living. Last year she was president of the Best Buddies program, which matches a university student with a developmentally disabled adult to provide mentoring and friendship. All three young women are lifeguards with National Life Saving and first aid certification.

An emphasis on self-esteem and social action is what “sets us apart from other summer camps,” Yasmin says. Here’s how it works: at the beginning of the week, counselors introduce their campers to three issues of global significance—could be child labour, global warming, and how to find slave and sweatshop-free merchandise for more conscientious consumption. Or, perhaps, why girls can’t go to school in India. Through the process of building consensus with the children, a theme for the week is chosen, and the kids begin learning through age appropriate activities. Always they are taught that thinking globally begins with how we act locally, right here at home. Every week, as well, the children help plan a fundraiser based on their chosen theme. As an example, last year, after a week of learning about environmental issues, they organized an eco-spa with proceeds going to the World Wildlife Fund to help save endangered species.

After 5 summers, things are going well. This year a sister camp is active in Hamilton, and the Dunnville contingent is adding some overnight trips to their agenda. When I asked Mina what her motivation for all this work was, she told me that when she was a little girl, she loved going to camp. “It’s a place where long lasting friendships can be forged. And it can be character building too.” It sounds like these three ambitious young women have come up with a formula for a summer camp experience that can be both fun and formative. Every day there is some self-esteem building activity. Building on that foundation of self-love, a bunch of young girls are discovering there is a whole world out there waiting for people of conscience, just like them. For the Silo, Chris Dowber.

UPDATE March1, 2017– Camp Stella Puella does not currently have an active camping program but they continue to engage and offer services. There are plans in place to renew the camp program to learn more, visit www.stellapuella.ca or call 905-774-8601. Please mention The Silo when contacting.  

Ontario Green Party still championing merging of public and Catholic school boards

Green Party of Ontario leader Mike Schreiner is calling on the Liberal government to establish public input on the possibility of a public school and seperate school board merger. Several other provinces including Quebec have already ended the two-tier system of publicly funded schools based on religion.

May 15th Queen’s Park GPO leader Mike Schreiner is calling on the Liberal government to establish a public commission to explore merging the public and Catholic school boards. “The Liberals have a clear choice,” says Schreiner. “Prioritize high-quality education for all kids or protect the entrenched interests that want special funding for one religion at the exclusion of all others.”

With schools facing financial and social pressures, the GPO believes now is the time to engage public discussion on modernizing Ontario’s education system.

The GPO believes inaction is failing our kids. At a time when parents across the province are rallying to prevent school closures, the Toronto District School Board is considering cuts to cafeterias, educators, mental health professionals, and support staff. Further, Catholic Trustees are opposing student efforts to stop bullying with Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) clubs. Ontario can no longer turn a blind eye to wasteful duplication that compromises quality education and fails to protect at-risk youth.

“The Green Party has the courage to confront social and financial realities,” says education critic and Parry Sound-Muskoka candidate Matt Richter. “Greens want to end expensive duplication and promote an equitable education system where every religion is respected, and no religion is privileged.”

Both Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador modernized their outdated denominational school systems in the 1990’s. The days of needing to publicly fund Catholic schools to protect a minority religion from discrimination or assimilation are long past.

The GPO believes there is no longer justification for maintaining a separate school system when we face cuts to essential services. The government has never studied the costs of a separate system. However, the Federation of Urban Neighbourhoods of Ontario estimates savings of $1.3 billion to $1.6 billion.

The GPO encourages Premier McGuinty to follow his own advice: “If we’re going to bring about more improvement in publicly-funded schools, it is regressive to contemplate segregating our children according to their faith,” McGuinty said. “I want our kids to continue coming together.”

The GPO supports a unified public education system with French and English school boards that prioritize helping all our diverse students meet their full potential.

For The Silo by  Jaymini Bhikha (O) 416-977-7476 (C) 416-275-8573  jbhikha@gpo.ca
Green Party of Ontario  PO Box 1132 Toronto, ON M4Y 2T8 Canada

Now playing- Complete Game 4 NHL playoffs -Preds vs Wings


Bringing you a little hockey 'something-something'

Who doesn’t love playoff hockey? Especially a game like this one with great goaltending and lots of energy. We sure aren’t complaining… enjoy CP

Boyko Source for all your sporting needs downtown Simcoe, Ontario

Iowa Farm Robots Prospero And Aquarius

In a future where all flora is extinct on Earth, an astronaut (Bruce Dern) is given orders to destroy the last of Earth’s plant life being kept in a greenhouse on board a spacecraft. His robotic farmer friends Huey, Dewey, and Louie factor heavily into the storyline.

(Originally published in print and online April5, 2012) Will the new Robot Farmers being launched this July, at the 2nd annual Canada’s Fruit & Veg Tech X-Change, become the future of farming? That question may be answered during planned robotic demonstrations.

Iowa based engineer, David Dorhout believes the Robotic Farmers he invented can help the modern farmer more efficiently produce food.
Increasing labour costs, new stringent health and safety regulations plus the increase of average farm size, are all factors that will measure the practicality and economics for early adopter producers. Dorhout suggests, “Agriculture has been at the forefront of innovation and demand has led to better efficiencies. I think robotic support will become mainstream, starting in the high value horticulture sector”.

Dorhout R&D will be showing off their field and row crop concept Robotic Farmer – “Prospero”. This spider like robot is the working prototype of an Autonomous Micro Planter (AMP) that uses a combination of swarm and game theory. It is meant to be deployed as a group or “swarm”. Dorhout says, “Prospero will eventually have the ability to plant, tend and harvest – autonomously transitioning from one phase to another”. This might not be so far off when you consider that robots are now milking, feeding and cleaning dairy operations around the world. The first milking robot in North America was installed in Ontario in 1999 and just 12 years later they are mainstream with thousands in operation. Thus the question, “Can robotics work on-farm?” has been more than adequately answered if the economics support it.

In addition to Prospero, another highlight of this July’s horticulture trade show in Norfolk County will be Dorhout R&D’s global launch of the new “Aquarius” robot, designed to aid greenhouse operators with dispensing water and other nutrients to plants. Astonishingly enough, this robot will be ready for pre-order at our event.

Have Your Own Farm Invention, Or Know Someone That Does?
Canada’s Fruit & Veg Tech X-Change will be recognizing innovative equipment and tools directly related to on-farm applications.
Enter your custom fabricated tools and equipment for a chance to win one of three cash prizes!

–  FREE to enter
–  Max 3 items per producer
–  Items will be displayed in an outdoor setting
–  Cash Prizes for the top 3 entries:
1st – $500, 2nd – $250, 3rd – $100
–  Judged by attending producers – based on most creative and best implemented
–  Equipment is to be dropped off during the days of Saturday July 7th – Wednesday July 10th
–  All equipment must remain at the site for the 3-days of the event – July 12, 13, 14  2012
–  Equipment can be picked up during the days of Sunday July 15th – Wednesday July 18th
– Winners will be included in post show press release!


Additional Highlights…
Other event highlights included in the price of admission are:
–  “Meet the Buyers” Complimentary Brunch
–  “The Wealthy Barber” Celebrity Speaker, David Chilton
–  Irrigation Demos
–  Cover Crop and New Variety Plots
–  Organic XPO, Woodlot XPO
–  Educational Speaker Series
–  Various equipment demos and much more!

Supplemental- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silent_Running   http://www.dorhoutrd.com/about_us

Green Party of Ontario: “NDP prioritizes energy companies over low-income families”

"The NDP's proposal to subsidize home heating fuel rather than supporting our most vulnerable children through full funding of the Ontario Child Benefit reflects misguided priorities," says Green Party of Ontario (GPO) leader Mike Schreiner

On April 3rd, NDP leader Andrea Horwath introduced the first of their budget proposals, taking HST off of home heating costs. “The NDP’s proposal to subsidize home heating fuel rather than supporting our most vulnerable children through full funding of the Ontario Child Benefit reflects misguided priorities,” says Green Party of Ontario (GPO) leader Mike Schreiner. “Subsidizing energy consumption increases pollution and benefits big home owners the most –generally the wealthy consume the most energy.”

“This is bad economic, social and environmental policy, driven by political expediency,” adds Schreiner. “The NDP’s proposal is a job creation strategy for Alberta oil and natural gas companies, not Ontario businesses.”

The GPO prefers to support lower-income families, social assistance recipients, and energy conservation ahead of subsidizing energy waste.
With this in mind, the GPO advocates eliminating the misleadingly-named Clean Energy Benefit, which supports the wasteful consumption of electricity, clean or dirty. Canceling it would save $975 million.
Here’s how we’d advise investing those savings, while still balancing the budget:

* $220 million for an energy rebate program targeted to lower-income families and seniors.          * $600 million for an energy-efficiency building retrofit program to help homeowners, tenants and small business save money by saving energy.          * $90 million to fund a full increase in the Ontario Child Benefit.

* $65 million to avoid freezing social assistance rates.
It’s not too late to put our financial, social and environmental future ahead of cynical politics. Environmentally and socially-concerned, fiscally-responsible voters should demand that Horwath’s NDP rethink such short-sighted budget demands. Read the GPO open letter to Premier McGuinty with our proposals for budget amendments www.gpo.ca

Jaymini Bhikha (Office) 416-977-7476 (Cell) 416-275-8573  jbhikha@gpo.ca
Sent from Green Party of Ontario PO Box 1132 Toronto, ON M4Y 2T8 Canada

Green Party of Ontario offers ‘big ticket savings’ Budget eg: One School System

Though some provinces provide a variation of funding to independent, religious schools, Ontario is the only province to exclusively fund a Catholic school system for its students.

“Ontario’s financial future is at risk, and Premier McGuinty lacks the will to make the hard, long-term decisions we need,” says GPO Finance critic Kevin O’Donnell. “He’s already passed over obvious, big ticket savings. In contrast, our budget priorities don’t shy away from the realities facing Ontarians.”

The GPO believes eliminating the deficit requires challenging the status quo in the province’s biggest budget categories: education, energy, health care, and bringing our tax system into the 21st century.
ONE SCHOOL SYSTEM: The GPO believes there is a better solution than laying off thousands of critical classroom aids and blocking students who need a fifth year to get help. The Liberal government should do the obvious — eliminate massive and costly duplication by merging the best of the Catholic and public school systems into a one French/English public system. The result benefits everyone –a high quality, financially responsible, and equitable education system.

STOP BORROWING BILLIONS TO SUBSIDIZE WASTEFUL ENERGY CONSUMPTION: Ontario cannot afford to borrow $1.2 billion to subsidize pollution and electricity bills with the misleadingly named ‘Clean Energy Benefit’. Instead, we should help lower-income families with the rising cost of living by raising the Ontario Child Benefit as planned at a much lower cost of $90 million. It makes more sense to help businesses and households save money by increasing energy efficiency — a strategy that’s cheaper, stimulates job creation and ultimately boosts government revenue. The government must not cave in to the NDP/Conservative HST Coalition that would borrow more money to subsidize pollution.

INVEST IN ILLNESS PREVENTION: Ontario’s current “sick care” system focused predominantly on hospital treatment is unsustainable. We need to invest more in illness prevention within home and community care settings. This budget must commit at least .5% of healthcare spending to prevention, raise taxes on cigarettes and commit 2% of the transportation budget to infrastructure for human powered mobility — serving both our community health and environmental objectives.

EFFICIENT AND FAIR TAX REFORM: The GPO calls for the elimination of unsustainable corporate tax cuts and a commitment to forming a public commission on the reform and modernization of Ontario’s tax system. We support a tax system that generates the funds necessary for required public services while creating jobs that enrich our natural wealth and our communities.

“It’s time for politicians to stop punting problems to our kids,” says GPO leader Mike Schreiner. “Now is the time to put politics aside and tackle head on these big ticket items in order to balance the books efficiently and fairly.”

CONTACT: Jaymini Bhikha Cell: 416-275-8573 Office: 416-977-7476 jbhikha@gpo.ca
Green Party of Ontario PO Box 1132 Toronto, ON M4Y 2T8 Canada

Ontario Lottery & Gaming Report To Government Pushed For Modernization

The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) developed a powerful analytic tool to provide instant access to billions of lottery transactions dating back to 1999. Dubbed the Data Analytic and Retrieval Technology (DART), OLG developed the solution in six months for about CAN$1.1 million (U.S.$1.15 million) with Microsoft and HP supporting technologies—a sharp contrast to the three-to-five years and more than $10 million needed with other BI solutions evaluated by OLG. Searches that used to take weeks can now be done in seconds. With the DART tool, OLG can identify play patterns to confirm legitimate winners and identify potentially fraudulent behavior and claims. DART builds on other OLG antifraud and player protection initiatives, delivering on the organization's pledge to better inform and protect those who play its games and lotteries.

OLG to Modernize Gaming- New Strategic Direction Will Create Jobs, Support Schools and Hospitals The Ontario government has received a report from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) that proposes modernization of the system, an increase in its revenues by more than $1 billion a year, and the creation of 2,300 net new jobs in the gaming industry and nearly 4,000 additional jobs in the hospitality and retail sectors by 2017-18.

With internet-based gaming growing, a higher Canadian dollar and U.S. border communities building their own gaming sites, our gaming system has to change. These reforms will modernize gaming in Ontario by allowing safe, responsible access to gaming opportunities.

The government has directed the OLG to implement a number of the proposals:

 Reconfigure the number of gaming sites and tailor the types of gaming activities made available at each site
 Launch multi-lane sales of lottery tickets at major retail outlets, including grocery stores
 Increase operational efficiencies by expanding the role of the private sector
 Stop annual payments to the horse racing industry by ending the Slots at Racetracks program on March 31, 2013, and allowing slot facilities to be located more strategically
 Implement a new fee model for municipalities hosting gaming sites; and
 Allow one new casino in the GTA, subject to an OLG business case and municipal approval.

The government will also enhance its responsible gambling programming. http://knowyourlimit.ca/PDF/Policies_and_Programs_ENG.pdf

These initiatives will allow OLG to meet the demands of a changing gaming marketplace.


“We are focused, more than ever, on balancing the budget while continuing to provide the best education and health care in the world. Modernizing OLG’s operations and business model is an example of how we are ensuring our assets are delivering the greatest value to taxpayers.”
Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance


 OLG is the biggest non-tax revenue generating Crown agency in Ontario, and the largest gaming organization – and jurisdiction – in North America, with 27 gaming sites and 10,000 lottery points of sale.
 In July 2010, the government directed OLG to undertake a review of its land-based gaming operations and lottery distribution network, to see how revenue from these could be optimized. The government’s plan to transform how OLG does business is a result of this review.
 Eight million people in Ontario play lotteries at least once every year, and 2.7 million Ontarians went to an OLG gaming site at least once last year.
 OLG generated $2 billion in net revenue for the province in 2010-11.
 Since 1975, OLG lotteries, and OLG Slots and Casinos have generated more than $28 billion for Ontario.
 Since 1998, OLG has provided nearly $3.7 billion to horseracing in Ontario through the Slots-at-Racetracks program. This year’s payment is estimated to be $345 million. That’s more than is spent on road safety or water safety. It’s also enough money to pay for more than two million house calls from doctors, nine million hours of home care or 27,800 hip or knee replacement surgeries.
 Provincial proceeds from gaming activities help support key government services, including health care and education.
 Ontario spends nearly $50 million annually on problem gambling treatment, prevention and research – more than any other jurisdiction in North America.

Read about the changes OLG is making to lottery and gaming in Ontario http://www.olg.ca/assets/documents/media/backgrounder_gaming.pdf
Learn more about OLG’s customers http://www.olg.ca/assets/documents/media/backgrounder_customers.pdf
See how revenue generated by OLG goes to help all Ontarians http://www.olg.ca/assets/documents/media/backgrounder_why_gaming_is_important.pdf
See how the OLG promotes responsible gambling.http://www.knowyourlimit.ca/


www.ontario.ca/finance-news Disponible en français

SUPPLEMENTAL- retail lottery fraud-the ‘switching of lottery tickets’ was a problem in the past and the OLG has developed new innovations to combat fraud-

Paris (Ontario!) for the Holidays

That’s Paris, Ontario. This lovely town of about 12,000 is an easy hour and a half hour drive from Niagara. It was amalgamated in 1999 to the County of Brant but the locals don’t like to admit to it. It’s named for the nearby deposits of gypsum used to make plaster of Paris. It is referred to as, “the cobblestone capital of Canada” because of the towns large number of aged cobblestone homes.

An example of one of the historical cobblestone homes found in Paris.

When I arrived a few weeks ago to do Christmas shopping, I found a vibrant downtown tucked away in a wide valley. It was sheltered from big-box retailing and I soon learned chronic 21st century hurry-up ism wasn’t here either. The place reminded me of earlier times when I would walk the downtown of my own hometown. The pace was slow. It reinforced in my mind, how nice the world can be.
Parking is free along Grand River Street, the Main Street, and there’s lots of interesting stores to explore.

Always looking for a “sweet deal” I stumbled upon Chocolate Sensations Silo Direct Link to Chocoloate Sensations Website Like so many other shops in town, this delightful aromatic place is family owned by John and Sarah Chalmers. John said, “This business began as a humble home-based hobby in a family kitchen over 20 years ago. Today we do a thriving on site business and a large volume of catalogue sales”. Once inside chocolate enthusiasts will think they have died and went to chocolate heaven. I recommend before you leave take home some Christmas, Candy Cane Bark. Come on, you can afford to take out the belt a notch, after all it’s Christmas.

Sarah and John Chalmers inside their Chocolate Sensations shop.

Next door is a “cheesy place”. The Three Blind Mice Cheese Company Silo Direct Link to Three Blind Mice Cheese Company WebsiteOkay, I promise no more cheesy stuff. The owner, Lindsay Dawdy with an ear to ear smile said, “We only opened in June of this year and so far it’s been a runaway success. So much so, we’ve opened another store in Elora”. Believe it or not, this is a fun place. Step inside and see what I mean. Ask Lindsay to push the reset button on her 1951 Juke Box and you can hear one of your golden-oldies. Sticky Toffee and Wensleydale with Cranberry are the featured cheeses for the holidays.

Lindsay Dawdy, owner of Three Blind Mice Cheese Factory shows us one of her unusual cheeses
The Three Blind Mice Cheese Company storefront

Down the road is the John N Hall House of Quality Linens. This is an old-fashioned dry goods store. Their heavy front doors are the same ones customer’s have been pushing since the 1860’s. If you’re looking for a ladies embroided white cotton nightgown or fleece or flannelette blankets you’ve arrived.

The Brown Dog Coffee Shoppe Silo Direct Link to The Brown Dog Coffee Shoppe Website at 63 Grand River St. N. was so popular with the locals there must have been something to it. And there was.

For starters, everything is made from scratch and from what I observed servers worked at spoiling their customers. They roast their own coffee and they specialize in nostalgic hard to find sandwiches like the classic Monte Cristo. The Apple Waldorf Salad platter is a crowd pleaser. I loved their Deep Dish Corn Meal Crust Quiche and hand crafted Hot Apple Fritters. The apples were prepared in front of me using an 1800’s hand operated peeler. I washed the meal down with chocolate milk delivered to my table in an old-fashioned dairy bottle. In the warmer months you can eat on the second floor outdoor patio that overlooks the Grand River that flows through town.

I stopped in 'at the dog' for a meal washed down with chocolate milk delivered in a retro glass bottle

Before you leave Paris walk to the end of the town to the Williams Street Bridge and take a photograph of the back of these historic buildings that house these shops. It will be a keeper.

As I headed home I came across a group of people who were unloading Balsam Firs to be sold at their annual Christmas tree sale for St. James Anglican Church. It was a scene from a Norman Rockwell painting. One of the parishioners Steve Howes, who had lived in the town for 45 years told me, “This is a small town with a lot of heart. People still treat each other with respect. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else”. That sums this town up nicely.

Christmas tree sale in support of St. James Anglican Church

How to get There
From Niagara take the QEW to Highway 403 towards Brantford. Cut off onto Highway 2 to Paris. GPS users can punch in 89 Grand River Street. North, Paris.

Since 1850 Ontario Parisians have been warmly welcoming visitors

Written and Photographed by George Bailey. George is a writer who has a unique way of finding ‘hidden gems’ and sharing his experience in words and pictures.