Tag Archives: Eating Well

Great Tips On How To Vary Your Meals

Do you get tired of eating the same or similar food every day? No matter how creative you might be in the kitchen, you cannot avoid repeating some recipes over and over again.

Healthy eating is usually linked with habits, as only in that manner you can keep your health in balance and keep diseases away.

Still, what to do when you get bored eating great all the time? Should you go after that burger? Should you indulge in high-sugar food?

Or you should do something completely unexpected? The answer is very simple as all you should do is vary your meals.

If you eat broccoli on Monday and don’t place it on your plate before Friday again, you are spinning your meals and your body will love it.

Here is how to vary your meals, so you can still eat healthily.

Do Not Ignore Sweets

Healthy eating doesn’t mean that you should completely forget about eating sweets, ever again.

No, eating well is more about balance and finding ingredients packed with high-quality products and no sugar or with a more natural sugary option. This is why vegan frozen desserts are always a great idea when you want to continue eating great, but enjoying that taste that homemade treats offer.

Frozen desserts are always easy to store and great to have around when you have unplanned guests.

Add Greek Yogurt To Your Diet

Ok, this is a life hack. Greek yogurt is not only great to store, and easy to carry with you, but it is also very beneficial when it comes to your health.

Greek yogurt is famous for its creamy and thick texture, making it great for salads or a nice addition to fruit salad.

Greek yogurt can be used alone, as a snack on the go, and you can choose between plain and flavored options.

Increase Your Protein Intake

When you include protein-based food into your diet, you will immediately start eating healthier and more diverse.

Nuts are packed with protein and snacking them throughout the day sounds great, right?

Food that is naturally rich in protein is usually great to eat as a snack, to mix with other ingredients, and serves perfectly for weight loss.

Here are some sources of protein that should make your diet more diverse instantly:

  • dairy products
  • nuts
  • peanut butter
  • eggs
  • beans
  • lean meat

Last But Not Least… Drink Water

Did you know that people are often just thirsty when they need food? This is because when a dehydrated body sends signs that it needs to be filled, the brain doesn’t dissolve immediately if you need water or food.

This is why people tend to overeat and later on realize that they just need more glasses of water.

Plus, drinking water regularly is important for your overall health so stick to it.

Five Extra Tips On Keeping Your Meals Diverse

  • Choose baked potatoes
  • Eat your greens first
  • Cook at home more often
  • Eat fresh fruit instead of dried one
  • Choose popcorn instead of chips

One extra tip: Get enough night’s sleep.

Glyphosate From Roundup Pesticides Does Not Belong In Canadian Food

Let’s cut right to the chase: Do you know what’s in your lunch?  We were curious, so we decided to investigate further.

We tested popular foods such as Cheerios, a Tim Hortons bagel, Ritz crackers and Fontaine Santé hummus and the results were overwhelming: 80 per cent of the foods tested contained the harmful chemical glyphosate. Glyphosate, Canada’s top-selling weed killer and key ingredient in Monsanto’s product Roundup, is of particular concern because of its links to cancer.

The unchecked use of glyphosate and widespread contamination of the foods that you and your children eat every day is not acceptable.

Just last month, a California court ruled that Monsanto’s glyphosate–based pesticide, contributed to an American citizen’s cancer. The court case revealed documents showing Monsanto manipulated scientific research and downplayed the risk of its products for decades. This case is just one of several thousand lawsuits against Monsanto (now owned by Bayer).

In Canada, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (a department of Health Canada) recently reauthorized glyphosate for another 15 years. We are calling on the federal government to bring our outdated toxics and pesticide laws into the 21st century and remove harmful chemicals like glyphosate from our food. With your help, we can make this happen. For more information check out this report at whatsinyourlunch.ca   For the Silo, Muhannad Malas. 

Supplemental- Jurors give $289 Million USD to man they say got cancer from Roundup weed killer.