Of course we are seen as primitive compared to alien life. If we could use 20-30% of our brain, then perhaps we may impress them a bit, and break out of our selfish habits.
Hopefully, aliens will try to ignore our downfalls and instead focus on our positive aspects like love, passion, kindness towards others and so on. Humanity has potential.
The New Zealand Harold states: “Actor Dan Aykroyd is convinced alien life forms refuse to make contact with the human race because we are seen as a “violent, depraved, disgusting species”. The Ghostbusters star is a keen student of extraterrestrial sightings and is adamant he has encountered UFOs on several occasions in the US.
He even insists he saw two suspicious objects in the sky as the horrors of the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center in New York were unfolding, and believes that sighting gives a clue as to why aliens have not made contact with humans.”
Aykroyd tells The Sunday Times Magazine, “(It’s) because we are a violent species. They don’t want anything to do with us. They watch us. There were two white orbs over (New) Jersey when the second tower went down on 9/11. They were on CNN for about two minutes… They never showed it again.”
“Can you imagine what was going through their advanced minds when they saw what happened on 9/11? These humans crashing our highest evolution in aviation into our highest evolution in architecture and metallurgy like kids wrecking toys in the sandbox. They are disgusted with us, and rightly so. Because we are a depraved, disgusting species.” The New Zealand Harold . UFO Sighting News.
For the Silo, George Flier via Flier’s Files #46-2014- George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director MUFON Eastern Region Director
George A. Filer, III. I was a major in the U.S. Air Force and a navigator in various aircraft and tanker transport aircraft. He was an intelligence officer most of his career, and in that period, frequently briefed generals and congressmen on our capabilities and threats to our forces.
Some years ago, in 2015, I spoke with Paul Hellyer the former Canadian minister of defense, who stated he believes UFOs are from another planet and that the U.S. Government has kept it covered up.
As Canadian Minister of National Defense in 1963, Hellyer was responsible for integrating and unifying the Royal Canadian army, navy and air force into a single organization, the Canadian Armed Forces.
He is outspoken about UFOs visiting Earth and the US Banking System that he feels is greatly responsible for the present economic hard times. He feels we are naive and fail to understand we are being visited by alien life forms.
He told me he had spoken with key US government officials who confirmed aliens are visiting us and providing advanced technology.
His book, “Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species” reveals that humans are hell bent for extinction unless we change our attitudes and actions with an urgency appropriate to an impending disaster. Paul Hellyer suggests that we have about ten years to wean ourselves from the oil economy and profoundly regrets that the Copenhagen Conference reflected little progress in that direction.
The whole atmosphere was one that reminded him of Emperor Nero fiddling while Rome burned. World leaders simply have to do better! The book outlines the three monumental changes required to accommodate the miracle. First, the book claims that exotic energy sources already exist. They have been developed by the U.S. “shadow government” at the massive underground “black operation” installations in Nevada and Arizona using technology borrowed from visitors from other planets. Yet they remain secret for the alleged benefit of the privileged few. Second, the money has to be found to subsidize poor nations and facilitate major changes. This can be accomplished by a fundamental re-working of the monetary and banking system. Bank leverages must be dramatically reduced and the percentage of virtual money they create as debt strictly limited so that governments can gain the financial flexibility to finance the transition to sustainability. Finally, it will be necessary for all countries, races, faiths and colors to drop their antagonisms and work together in common purpose to save the heritage they have in common.
When Hellyer was Canada’s Minister of National Defense he stated, “I got periodic reports on sightings and I looked at them very casually, and it was decided that about 80 percent of them were natural phenomena of one sort or another, and the other 20 percent roughly were unexplained, and therefore unidentified. While spending one Thanksgiving holiday north of Toronto, Hellyer and his wife spotted an UFO. “The two of us stood there transfixed for 20 minutes, looking up at this thing moving first in one direction, and then another. By process of elimination, we determined it wasn’t a star or satellite and it wasn’t the space station, so there was really no explanation for it other than it was, in fact, a UFO.”
“It looked like a star, but it maneuvered in a way that stars do not. I must admit that when I saw this one, I wondered whether it was extraterrestrial or American. And I guess the thought that occurred to me was that if it is American, then they have learned some pretty big secrets about acceleration, because it accelerated at a pace that nothing I’ve ever known about that was built here is capable of.” For the Silo, George Filer. Join MUFON.
A few years ago, Dimitry Anatolyevich Medvedev was the tenth Prime Minister of Russia- the incumbent since 2012.
Before that, he previously served as the third President of Russia, from 2008 to 2012. The Russian Prime Minister has the second highest position in the government, after President Vladimir Putin. Medvedev, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation comment confirms aliens are here.
After the recording of a 2015 television program, in off-air comments, he was less guarded.
He did not realize that his microphone was still open and stated: “I believe in Father Frost. But not too deeply.” he said in a jovial reply to a question about Russia’s equivalent of Santa Claus.
A journalist asked whether the president is handed secret files on aliens when receiving the briefcase needed to activate Russia’s nuclear arsenal.
Medvedev the former Russian President stated, “Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet,” Mr. Medvedev answered playfully.
“Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country … More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called ‘Men In Black’ … I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic,” he says.
None of the television stations that interviewed Mr. Medvedev broadcast the off-air comments, but they were delivered to Reuters as a pool signal and some were shown on YouTube.
Mr. Medvedev worked closely with Vladimir Putin in St Petersburg in the 1990s and it was Mr. Putin who ushered Mr. Medvedev, now 47, into power in 2008. In case of President’s Putin’s death, resignation or impeachment, the Prime Minister becomes the temporary president until new presidential elections are held. http://beforeitsnews.com/beyond-science/2012/12/breaking-russian-prime-minister-confirms-aliens-are-here-2440158.html For the Silo, via Major (ret.) George A. Filer -Filer’s Files 49-2015
Nancy Talbot writes, “On Saturday night, July 12th, 2014, Robbert and I were on Skype and Robbert said he felt that three formations were coming all in one night in different villages—one in corn (maize) and two in “grain.” He told me he “saw” (in his mind’s eye) that one would come in Roosendaal, one in Etten Leur and the other near Zevenbergen in the next few days, and he also “saw” that when their locations were plotted on a Google map they would make a “perfect” triangle”.
Around midnight on July 15-16, Roy happened to be with Robbert when Robbert’s familiar “restlessness” forced him to ask his friend to once again drive him out to find what he was certain would be the three new formations. As they prepared to leave the house Robbert had a clear “vision” of a circle in a corn (maize) field near Etten Leur, and got the street name of “Ettense baan.” As they neared this area Robbert suddenly knew they musts turn left onto a narrow sandy road; when they turned both men started to feel very dizzy and Roy noticed that his mobile phone began acting “weird.” Robbert felt a “UFO was directly over Roy’s car,” almost immediately after which they found a maize field.
As they parked the car Robbert became aware of a “massive” presence of what he felt was a “master-society race” and got the impression that these were the beings he has felt were involved with previous circles in his are)—and felt an additional presence he describes as being “loving and divine guardian angels.” As the men began walking through the 2.5m-tall corn they both became so dizzy they thought they might lose consciousness.
Because the maize circle was deep inside the field and the stalks were high above both men’s heads Robbert says he was guided as if he “were a robot…go here…turn here…stop here,” and they did eventually find the new circle, with all of the corn stalks gently bent over and swirled around, with none broken.
Since he had never been to this field before he began to feel real anxiety as he and Roy stood for awhile on the edge of the circle—fearing that the farmer might come and be angry with them. Robbert also experienced an “electric-like energy” so intensely that his whole body began to shake—and “knew” he was being “once again told” to stay calm…that everything was OK. While still in the maize field Robbert got another “vision” and knew they had to now drive to Roosendaal. For more photos of this Etten Leur circle (#12 Dutch circles of 2014), see Robbert’s website, “graancirkelarchief”: http://www.robbertvandenbroeke.nl/graancirkelarchief
The 2nd of the three new formations discovered the night of July 16th was in Roosendaal, not too far from where Roy & Robbert found the one in Rapeseed/Canola on March l7th, 2014.
As the men were leaving the maize circle at Etten-Leur Robbert again had a “vision” (he apparently literally sees, in his mind’s eye, not only what the new circle will look like, but the area—and often the exact field—where it will be), this time of a ring with 3 circles placed around it.
Once in the right area the men found a field of ripe barley and almost immediately found this 2nd formation, which indeed was made up of a ring with three circles placed around it—just as Robbert had “seen” in Etten Leur. Robbert also clearly saw an “aura” hanging over this circle as they approached it and felt a “welcome” sort of energy and an intense tingling on his arms, as if he had entered an electrostatic field of some sort, and got the impression that this formation was a “preparation” for something bigger.
He also “saw” an area near Roosendaal where there was a “rotating energy” over this grain field. He told Roy he felt that this circle had just formed only minutes before. As they approached this formation both men became very dizzy again; his phone was also again acting strangely, When they then came to a grain field Robbert saw an “energy UFO” in this case one of a “classic” UFO shape sitting directly over this field, and then told Roy to stop. This circle has an incredible feature—the very thin inner ring is only 10 cm. wide–so thin that no adult human foot could possibly have created it.
They could both feel the intense energy which Robbert described as being both “strong” and “gentle,” and he felt he must go and stand in the center (being very careful not to squash the center standing tuft) for a few minutes. His sense was that he was supposed to function as an “acupuncture point” in this circle also. When they returned home just before 3 am Roy did plot the location of the three new formations on a Google map, and it does look as if the connecting lines form an isosceles triangle….just as Robbert had “seen” they would. For the Silo, Nancy Talbot.
The crime genre has always been a favorite of Hollywood filmmakers and cinema-goers. The juxtaposition of a glitzy, glamorous lifestyle with the ill-gotten gains that fund it makes for compelling heist stories.
Within this niche there are few things more thrilling than a well-executed heist. Regardless of whether you’re backing law enforcement or a charming crew of thieves, the excitement of the event itself is often worth building an entire film towards.
Following the twists and turns of a complicated robbery plot has proved popular enough with audiences to churn out countless variations on the theme with heists taking place everywhere from banks and jewellers to high roller casinos and sports stadiums.
Even if the attempt is ultimately unsuccessful, it’s great to be along for the ride. So, without further ado, here are five of some of the most criminally good heists in modern movies…can you think of any others? Leave us a video comment by clicking the record button or by using the comment section below. [vidrack align="center" ext_id="345" desc="some description"]
This is an entertaining article The United States spends millions of dollars every year covering up something they say doesn’t exist – Extraterrestrials. In fact, the U.S. military not only recognizes three alien species but for nearly 70 years has been working with the Greys, the Reptilians and the Tall Whites under signed treaties. America also has diplomatic relations with the Anunnaki.
But the cover-up goes even deeper.
The U.S. military has the capability of time travel using interstellar spacecraft capable of flying faster than the speed of light.
Based at Area 51, John Titor II began travelling through time on missions for a highly-secretive arm of the U.S. Air Force in 1979 and served as commander of the 177th Time Travel Division from the years 2030 to 2036.
His life story is told for the first time in “Disclosed:Chronicles of John Titor II” – a new book co-written by Canadian authors Bob Mitchell and Jason Quitt.
“In return for allowing the Greys, the Reptilians and the Tall Whites to have hidden bases on Earth with unlimited access to resources – and the U.S. never revealing to the public they exist – the ETs have provided black technology to the military beyond anybody’s wildest imagination,” Titor II said.
Titor II reveals the hidden truths behind humanity’s biggest cover-ups.
These include;
The existence of at least two different off-world colonies.
The U.S. military has a fighting force of thousands of genetically-engineered cloned super soldiers.
Who really killed President John F Kennedy?
Our timeline has been changed without us knowing it.
Humanity’s extinction and Earth’s inevitable environmental Armageddon.
Mitchell, Quitt and John Titor II will discuss their mind blowing book for the first time on Coast to Coast with George Noory on Sept. 1, the same day it goes on sale on Amazon. .
“Once you read this book you will never look at the world the same way again,” author Bob Mitchell said. “Parts of it scared the hell out of me, especially when John revealed what our future will be like.”
“Disclosed has the potential to shake up the entire conspiracy/UFO world,” author Jason Quitt said. “People all over the world are demanding disclosure. This bookwill push the boundaries.
Disclosed:Chronicles of John Titor II is a perfect follow the international sensation “Forbidden Knowledge–Revelations of a multi-dimensional time traveler,” which was co-written by Mitchell and Quitt and released in March 2016.
“It’s important to understand that John Titor II isn’t the John Titor, who suddenly popped up on the Internet in 2000 claiming to be a time traveler with so many outlandish predictions,” Mitchell said. “In our new book, John Titor II doesn’t make predictions. He has experienced what has and is about to happen.”.
“John Titor II is the real deal,” Quitt said..
Although no longer time traveling, John Titor II continues to consult with the Department of Defense. He lives in a heavily-secured compound with 24-hour security in southern California. For the Silo, Sigmund George Smith.
How do you take in and digest a weekend of UFO lectures when multiple talks happen simultaneously in multiple locations? That was the challenge I faced at the well attended Brant Cosmic UFO Expo. You see, the programming ran deep [click here to learn more] and I felt a certain allegiance to those speakers best representing an open-minded but scientific and factual approach to the UFO phenomena. For the record, UFO’s are becoming less and less a fringe new age topic. Recently, Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has made several interesting comments about her position on UFO’s (or using the modern term: UAP’s- unidentified aerial phenomena). Should she be elected she has stated that #disclosure will be forthcoming and if UAP’s are indeed real and do not hold a national security threat all information will be publicly revealed. Still think UFO’s are fringe? I didn’t think so. For the Silo, Jarrod Barker.
Outside the various lecture locations there were interesting vendors and organizations such as FIGU Landesgruppe Canada who displayed a sick compendium of Ancient Symbols from all over the world
The Calvine UFO photo! (Well not the actual photo- but a reconstruction that Nick helped create based on the original photo that used to be on his office wall)
Speaking with the lovely Elizabeth April about Past Life Exploration and her process of painting “inter-dimensional self-portraits