Imagine looking in your glasses to see updates from your friends on social media. The future is coming sooner than you think and yes, you will be wearing your next computer- check out this future ready infographic from our friends at Frames Direct.
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The first published concept of Virtual Reality: Pygmalion’s Spectales (short story) by Stanley G. Weinbaum ‘You drink,’ said the elfin, bearded face, ‘to make real a dream. Is it not so? Either to dream that what you seek is yours, or else to dream that what you hate is conquered. You drink to escape reality, and the irony is that even reality is a dream.’ Published June 1935 ~ Wonder Stories
It’s an old story- at least in terms of internet “best before” dates. In 2010 sites began reporting on new Streetview Advertising patent applications submitted by Google. The complete details of the patents were not readily made available to the press but essentially it all boiled down to a new way for Google to generate advertising revenue by superimposing digital advertisements and billboards over top of existing “real world” advertising and structures. This was justified by Google by explaining that there is a need to update Streetview images that contained existing advertisements that are no longer current.
Fast forward to today and what we are seeing is this: not only are “real world” ads being updated but new digital ads are being superimposed over Streetview structures that do not contain advertisements in the “real world”. This is interesting. It is a form of AR (augmented reality). It is ethically questionable and here’s why……
See that fence? See those ads? Do they exist in the “real world”? It doesn’t matter to Google.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely-
As virtual realty becomes claimed for advertising space there will more incentive to place AR ads on spaces that are in the “real world” off limits to billboards and marquee signage. What will prevent Google from selling AR ads that will appear on the side of the Eiffel Tower? Since they own the imagery presented on Streetview existing municipal bylaws are non-applicable.
As head worn AR devices such as Google Glass and Sony SmartGlass begin to enter the consumer kingdom this year- the future of AR advertising is clear.