Millennials are saying no to credit cards: via @blakeellis3
What some tweeters are saying:
@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 They’re smart to avoid debt.
@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 Only use charge card when you can pay entire debt completely before you are charged interest.
@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 Great info… Thanks for sharing..
Equality=Peace @angrigarisangri 13h
@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 Yes to #bitcoin!
@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 Smarter than my generation then.
@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 We know not to be caught in the credit card trap. Only use it as a cash replacement card, not for debt.
@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 like a smart wallet just pass the wallet and charge from your credit or debit just pick with your phone….
BrokenHearted @patientfailure 12h
@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 Stupid. You’re spending decisions should never change based on your form of payment.
Patrick B @sportbikeguy00 12h
@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 Credit & debts of any kind should be avoided,my motto is if you can’t pay cash for it,save up or forget it.
@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 Never used a credit card in my life. Only used credit for commercial purposes.
@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 I’m a baby boomer and cut all mine 19 years ago and never missed them
CynicalPolitico @IndyinTX31 11h
“@CNNMoney: Millennials are saying no to credit cards: via @blakeellis3”()
FatNoMore™ Fitness @FNM_Fitness 10h
@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 Either buy cast or use paypal. Credit cards are just a disaster waiting to happen #ParentWillAgree
@DaveRamsey thoughts? “@CNNMoney: Millennials are saying no to credit cards: via @blakeellis3”
@CNNMoney That’s great!! You never know what’s left or how big your debt is and will never get out once you start. Real paper money #future
Declan Martens @DeclanMartens 9h
@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 hey that’s us! @Malicious_Tea
They use mom/dad?! “@CNNMoney: Millennials are saying no to credit cards: via @blakeellis3”
HogsAteMySister @hogsatemysister 9h
@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 Which is easy to do when you still live at home…
@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 It’s true. No card for me. Living within my means
The Epitomy Of An️ @ErnieBlanco63 8h
@CNNMoney With the job market being so rocky it’s a smart move.
@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 they don’t know how to use a CC to maximize the rewards and cash back. Learn how to use credit.
@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 One of the smartest things of the new millennium that they can do.
@CNNMoney I’d like to not have a credit card. But it’s pretty much required for building credit.
Liesel Rickert @le_rickert3 6h
Ive been wanting 1, but can’t decided bc of 2 factors here RT “@CNNMoney: Millennials are saying no to credit cards: ”