Tag Archives: CDC

Why National Radon Action?

The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has designated January as National Radon Action Month to draw attention to what it describes as “an invisible, silent home invader.” The CDC initiative seeks to unmask the dangers of radon, a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is responsible for an estimated 21,000 lung cancer deaths in the US each year.

“Radon can build up in the air in any home or building, whether or not it has a basement, is sealed or drafty, or is new or old,” the CDC warns. It also explains that there is “no known safe level of radon,” encouraging every homeowner to test for radon and, when detected, implement effective mitigation systems.

The last week of January 2025 is the CDC’s Radon Awareness Week, which encourages people to explore their personal “Radon Story.” The following facts about radon can help anyone understand how they might come into contact with it, its potential health impacts, and how radon levels in a home or other building can be reduced.

Any home can be vulnerable to radon

Radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive element that is released when radium in rocks, plants, and soil breaks down. It makes its way into buildings through cracks and other openings in foundations.

Outdoors, radon dissipates in the atmosphere to levels that are not harmful to humans. If trapped indoors, however, it can accumulate to dangerous levels. In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 1 in 15 homes contains dangerous radon levels. The 2024 Cross-Canada Survey of Radon Exposure in Residential Buildings of Urban and Rural Communities found that 18 percent of Canadian homes contain unsafe levels of radon.

Certain people face higher risks of radon-related health issues

When radon accumulates indoors, it can be breathed in by humans to be trapped in lung tissues, where its radioactivity then can lead to cancer. It is estimated that radon exposure causes an estimated 84,000 lung cancer deaths globally each year, which makes it second only to smoking for lung cancer deaths.

While radon can cause health impacts for anyone, certain people have been identified as being more vulnerable to its effects. According to the EPA, cigarette smokers face a higher risk of radon-induced lung cancer due to the synergistic effects of radon and smoking. Those with a faster breathing rate, including pregnant women and children, also face more of a risk of health impacts from radon.

Modern technology can provide real-time radon readings

Traditional tests determine radon levels by using charcoal canisters to capture a sample of indoor air that is then analyzed in a lab. The effectiveness of those tests is limited by the fact that they capture only a single snapshot of radon levels, which can fluctuate significantly between seasons and even throughout the day.  In addition, obtaining test results from the lab requires waiting several days.

Modern radon monitors provide ongoing readings of radon levels, with initial readings available within minutes and reliable results determined within an hour. These monitors ensure that fluctuations in radon levels are identified, and they can also be easily moved around within a home or building to identify radon hot spots. Continuous readings from the monitors can also be accessed wirelessly through a mobile app for in-depth analysis, capable of alerting the residents to potential radon issues even when they are not at home.

High levels of accumulation require radon mitigation

Mitigation is  essential for homes where high levels of radon accumulation are detected. The EPA has set the radon action level at 4 pCi/L. Canadian authorities have set a level of 200 Bq/m3, which is approximately 5.4 pCi/L.

Radon mitigation systems utilize fans and suction pipes to carry out a process known as active soil depressurization. The process removes radon from beneath foundations before it can make its way into structures. The systems typically require little maintenance and can be run for as little as $10 per month in operating costs. They also prevent other soil gases from entering the home.

While radon poses serious health risks, these risks can be easily prevented. Homeowners can stay safe from the dangerous effects of the gas by taking the steps to: 1)continuously monitoring for radon accumulation by using a modern radon monitor that provides ongoing readings of radon levels, and 2) when necessary, leveraging the mitigation tools available for reducing radon levels or seeking the help of radon professionals to eliminate the threat of toxic gas from the inside of their homes. For the Silo, Insoo Park, Founder and CEO of Ecosense.

Whole City COVID Testing Will Begin In Liverpool UK

Pasadena, Calif. (November, 2020) – Innova Medical Group, Inc. (IMG) has partnered with the UK Government in its roll out of whole city screening and testing, beginning in Liverpool, with its INNOVA SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test Kits. 

Innova Medical’s lateral flow antigen test uses nasal and throat swab samples to screen for infection, with highly accurate results in as little as 15-minutes. This test can be easily and safely administered anywhere, on both asymptomatic and symptomatic people, without costly delays and the need for a full-scale laboratory. With its low cost per test, about the same as a coffee and biscuit in London, at-risk populations and many with inequitable access to healthcare, can achieve peace-of-mind with a negative result. U.K. Government data showed the IMG rapid SARS-CoV-2 antigen test screened asymptomatic individuals with 98.98 percent accuracy.


Dr. Susan Hopkins, Incident Director at Public Health England, said, “The tests we are using in Liverpool are accurate, especially in finding people who are infectious at that moment in time and so are more likely to pass it on to others. Part of the purpose of working with Liverpool to roll out whole city testing is to better understand how these tests work in the field, improve understanding of why people get tested, and the impact of this approach on reducing the transmission rate.”

Using the National Health Service (NHS COVID-19) app, people can book a test and later input their test results.

Individuals taking part in the roll out of Operation Moonshot will be notified of positive or negative results by text or email. With this important test-and-trace system in place, public health authorities can diagnose cases, isolate infected patients, trace their contacts, and implement stringent infection control policies to reduce outbreaks.

With colder months and the holiday season ahead, the risk of virus transmission accelerates with more indoor gatherings and travel. If people do not know they have COVID-19, it is unlikely they will take precautions to prevent virus spread. Research studies show that to achieve disease control both asymptomatic, people who are infected but never develop symptoms, and pre-symptomatic, infected people who develop symptoms later, must be isolated.

Under Operation Moonshot, the UK Government hopes to flatten the curve by employing proactive, rather than reactive, measures in its COVID-19 response. Up to 1-in-5 United Kingdom coronavirus infections present with no symptoms, but they are still contagious. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says up to 40 percent of infected people are asymptomatic and should be tested if they have been exposed. Typically, a person develops symptoms 5 days after being infected; however, infectivity was found to be highest a day before symptom onset. After symptoms, such as a cough, fever, and shortness of breath, first appear, a person can remain contagious for at least ten days.

The Innova Rapid Antigen Test quickly identifies infectiousness. The lateral flow test can identify people with a high viral load who are the most likely to spread the virus. Daniel Elliott, President of Innova Medical Group, Inc., said, “Our lateral flow device incorporates a German nitrocellulose membrane partially composed of nanoparticles of colloidal gold. [ Colloidal gold is nanoparticles of gold in a liquid solution. These gold nanoparticles are coated in such a way that they detect Covid antibodies. CP ] This advanced, proprietary technology combined with our room temperature reagent, allows testing at point-of-care settings such as workplaces, universities, and airports.”


Innova Medical Group Inc. offers a global supply chain including the innovative and respected firms, GE Healthcare (USA) and Sartorius (Germany). IMG secured exclusive manufacturing and distribution agreements for its best-in-class portfolio of screening and diagnostic tests. By the end of November 2020, IMG will produce millions of kits per day in its Brea, California plant, combined with activity from plants in other global locations. After being selected over a large number of submissions to take part in Operation Moonshot, IMG is also exploring options for production in the United Kingdom.

The Innova test carries a CE Marking indicating that this IVD device complies with the European In-Vitro Diagnostic Devices Directive (98/79/EC). This device may be legally commercialized in the European Union (EU). For the Silo, Julie R. Manley.

About Innova Medical Group

Innova Medical Group, Inc. (IMG), is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pasaca Capital (Pasadena, Calif.). IMG strategically pivoted and leveraged its expertise in Healthcare and Medical Devices to create an ecosystem to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Innova Medical Ecosystem is delivering millions of tests every day to satisfy the diverse, point-of-care requirements of the world’s governments, large corporations, and institutions. IMG offers a global supply chain including the innovative and respected firms, GE Healthcare (USA), and Sartorius (Germany). IMG secured exclusive manufacturing and distribution agreements for its best-in-class portfolio of screening and diagnostic tests. For more information, visit www.innovamedgroup.com.

Fear & Illness: In Wake Of COVID-19, Faith And Support Matter

As the U.S. prepares do deal with the feared Corona Virus, this potential crisis presents a great opportunity to be a source of strength and support for one another. Patti Garibay, Cofounder of American Heritage Girls, is available to discuss her wonderful organization and how they could help deal with fear and anxiety caused by COVID-19, as well as ways their members can serve others in this time of crisis.

Patti Garibay, Founder & Executive Director of American Heritage Girls (AHG)


Amidst the rapid-spreading Coronavirus, and the anxiety that it is causing so many, how does the American Heritage Girls Program (AHG) help girls overcome feelings of fear and anxiety?

The American Heritage Girls Program enables a girl to grow in her FAITH – in every sense of the word – instead of increasing in panic, fear, and anxiety. The AHG Program helps girls fortify and strengthen their faith as it pertains to believing and serving Christ, and being confident and assured that God cares and protects them. During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, AHG is equipping girls to act from a place of both faith and preparation, by adhering to the safety precautions and suggestions for disease prevention laid out by the CDC. 

Girls today are experiencing heightened rates of diagnosed anxiety and depression disorders. How do you think information about the Coronavirus plays into their fears and disorders?

Information about the Coronavirus is accessible everywhere. It’s nearly impossible to step into your car without hearing the Coronavirus as the topic of the hour on every radio station or scroll through your social media newsfeed without seeing countless posts about it. Coronavirus conversations are in classrooms, the workplace, the grocery store. There is no escaping Coronavirus information. Because of the nature of how we consume information in today’s world, it’s easy to be overwhelmed and even bogged down with the information which can quickly lead to fear and terror. I believe the speed of information sharing about the Coronavirus is significantly contributing to the rise of anxiety we are seeing all around us.

How does AHG equip its adult volunteers to engage in informed and faith-filled conversations with Girl Members and families about safety precautions to protect against the Coronavirus?

AHG has an incredible team of staff members who work to support all of our ministry’s members. We are consistently monitoring how the Coronavirus could affect the everyday operations of Troops, and we have communicated to Troop leaders how to take the necessary preventative measures to stay safe while giving their Troops messages of faith and encouragement amidst this time of uncertainty. AHG leaders are calmly and carefully explaining any changes or adjustments to meetings and activities to girls and families. We are encouraging our leaders with scripture and diligently praying for them.

AHG’s mission is Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country. With the rapid-spreading Coronavirus, what are the ways AHG Members reach out to help and serve others?

Prayer is the first and foremost way we are serving others during this time. AHG Members are praying for those currently ill with the disease and praying that others continue to be protected. Troops are also encouraged to think of ways to help support community efforts. In the coming weeks, I know we will be receiving stories of how girls and Troops have stepped up to be a beacon of light during this time.

What is the number one message you want girls and families to know in light of having faith and letting go of fear surrounding the Coronavirus?

I want families to know and believe in 2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV, that “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Connect with your family by being fully present, limiting your media consumption, and maintaining as much routine as safely possible. We, as a community, will get through this in time. Join us in prayer for wisdom and the healing of all affected by COVID-19.

About Patti Garibay, Founder & Executive Director of American Heritage Girls (AHG)

Patti Garibay with her husband are co-founders of American Heritage Girls, a wholesome scouting alternative for girls. Patti is a featured speaker nationally on the topic raising Godly girls (RGG). Along with her blog posts, Patti is a popular guest on talk shows on relevant girl-centric topics ranging from body image to bullying.

In her upcoming autobiography, Patti gives readers a glimpse into her journey from the humble beginnings of American Heritage Girls around her kitchen table in Cincinnati, to where it is today, a formidable national organization offering a positive environment in a largely Godless culture.

Patti Garibay is a living tribute to traditional values of old, offering an alternative to a lonesome online world. In Patti’s word of American Heritage Girls, she delights in her mission to help raise Godly girls, helping girls make real friends, who really chat, who also happen to enjoy camping and other outdoor adventures in a real world.

CONTACT: Rachel Ford or Jerry McGlothlin. Visit our website to view a wide variety of interview guests and topics in the news at: https://SpecialGuests.com/guests-topics/