Tag Archives: cash

Should You Take Out a Second Mortgage?

With housing prices cooling off a bit but still generally soaring in cities across Canada, many homeowners are asking themselves how they can cash in on the market without actually having to sell their property. For many, a second mortgage will be the ideal way to do so.  

Second mortgages are one of the perfect mortgage solutions for homeowners who want to tap into their home equity to get lump-sum cash payments at low rates of interest. If you want to know if a second mortgage is right for you, here are three questions you should ask yourself. 

1. How Much Home Equity Do I Have? 

Before you start approaching mortgage brokers about a second mortgage, it’s a good idea to do some calculations around home equity, as the amount of money available to you through a second mortgage is determined by how much home equity you have.  

Fortunately, home equity is easy to calculate: simply subtract your existing mortgage from the current market value of your property. The difference is your home equity — the amount of your home value that you own outright.  

If you don’t know how much your home is worth, you can use a free calculator like this one to get a general estimate based on the going rate for properties in your neighbourhood. 

2. Should I Get a Home Equity Loan or Refinance? 

Generally speaking, there are two ways a homeowner can cash out a percentage of their equity: through refinancing or through a second mortgage. Both can be good ways to unlock capital, but which option you go for will depend in part on your financial situation. 

  • Refinancing: When you refinance your home, you replace an existing mortgage loan with a new mortgage loan. This new loan can be negotiated to include a cash payout based on your home equity, and while cashing out will likely extend the time it takes to pay off your mortgage, you will still only be dealing with a single mortgage loan.  
  • Second Mortgage: A second mortgage is an additional mortgage loan taken on against your home equity. Because it is an additional loan, it will usually come at a higher interest rate. 

In Canada, most mortgages are refinanced every five years, but they can also be refinanced more frequently. But if you already have a low interest rate on your existing mortgage and rates are increasing, a second mortgage may be the cheapest way to turn equity into cash. 

3. Will this Loan Save Me Money? 

A second mortgage can be a powerful financial tool, but it isn’t free money: you will still need to pay it back with interest, so you should be careful about how you use it.  

Taking out a second mortgage to consolidate debt, or to build an addition on your house, are smart investments because they put your money to work by reducing your interest payments or enhancing the value of your property. This puts you in a better financial position than you would have been if you didn’t borrow the money.  

Doing a cost/benefit analysis and working out how much money borrowing against home equity will save you is the key to making a strategic decision. 

Given how much real estate values have gone up over the past few years, figuring out how you can use your newfound wealth to improve your financial situation is essential for good money management. If you want to know more about whether a second mortgage is right for you, get in touch with a local mortgage broker to explore interest rates and options.  

Feautured image: Precondo CA Via Unsplash/ Silo Content Production

Canadian Money And How Select Banks Create It

Poof!My book, Money: Whence It Came, Where It Went, tells us that “The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it.

 The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled.”

Graham Towers, the first Governor of the Bank of Canada, explained the process by which banks create money: “The manufacturing process consists of making a pen-and-ink or typewriter entry on a card in a book. That is all. Each and every time a bank makes a loan, new bank credit is created – new deposits – brand new money.

John Kenneth Galbraith- mystic or curmudgeon? image: poorwilliam.net
John Kenneth Galbraith- mystic or curmudgeon? image: poorwilliam.net

Broadly speaking, all new money comes out of a bank in the form of loans. As loans are debts, then under the present system all money is debt.”

Money created by banks and other financial institutions is interest-bearing debt. They create the principal and expect their money to be returned with interest. We can’t create interest the way they create the principal, so we must obtain it from some other money that was also created as interest-bearing debt. There is never enough of this money in existence at any time to pay off all of our collective debt. More interest-bearing money must continually be borrowed into existence.

In 2013, not so long ago, the ratio of household debt in Canada, including mortgages and consumer debt, was more than 160% of disposable income after mandatory deductions and income taxes and this statistic will keep growing with each year. The federal debt in Canada then was more than $600 billion, and interest payments on the debt in 2011-2012 cost $31 billion dollars or 11 cents of every tax dollar. Now in 2019, the federal debt has grown to $768 billion.

The five largest banks in Canada reported more than $27 billion in combined net income for the 2012 fiscal year.

Canada’s central bank, the Bank of Canada, claims to “regulate credit and currency in the best interests of the economic life of the nation”, and to mitigate “fluctuations in the general level of production, trade, prices and employment”, yet the purchasing power of the Canadian dollar has dropped steadily since the Bank of Canada was founded in 1934. As a store of value the dollar has not performed very well. It should also be noted that Canadian banknotes ceased to be redeemable for gold in 1929.

Bank of Canada notes are fiat money that the federal government declares to be legal tender, and the Bank has a monopoly on the issuance of bank notes. These notes are supplied to financial institutions to satisfy public demand. Chartered banks in Canada are no longer required to maintain statutory cash reserves for the loans they make. According to some estimates, Bank of Canada notes add up to less than 2% of the total amount of loans made by the banks and other financial institutions.

Once upon a time, Canada used real paper bills for one and two dollars. The move away from paper currency is interesting. Is there a concerted effort to 'do away' with physical money? (The recent withdrawal of the penny being an example.) The penny was costing more to manufacture and distribute than its actual physical value...that's partly because it wasn't made out of pure copper- hence it became "expensive". Will the nickel be the next coin to die? Is it even made out of nickel anymore? Check back in ten years. CP

Money created as interest-bearing debt is scarce from the moment it is created, which curtails its effectiveness as a medium of exchange. Every dollar comes into existence as interest-bearing debt, and the overall cost of interest is reflected in the price of everything we buy. This is not to suggest that interest should be banned or that interest rates need to be controlled by a central bank. Anyone should be free to lend his or her savings at a mutually agreeable rate. Equity financing, with shared risks and rewards, is another option.

What is being suggested here is that we ask some fundamental questions about the monetary system and the function of money.

 Are you able to use your goods, services, labour, knowledge, skills and abilities to obtain enough money to purchase other goods and services?

Are you able to obtain credit when you need it and are also willing and able to pay it back? Are you able to negotiate an agreeable price for credit and loans? Are you on a treadmill of debt, no matter how hard you work, how many expenses you cut, or how hard you try to save?

Are your savings secure and retaining their value?

Money is basically credit, like an IOU. Our ability to exchange our goods and services should not be hampered by the price of credit or an inadequate supply of money. Anything physically possible is financially possible. We can extend credit to anyone who wants to purchase anything from us and who is willing and able to provide us with a mutually agreeable amount of his or her goods and services. In essence, goods and services pay for other goods and services.

A mutual credit clearing system is an alternative method that can be used to facilitate reciprocal exchange.

Members of a credit clearing association have a trading account where an ongoing record is kept of their sales and purchases, their credits and debits. Every transaction includes a credit entry for one member and a debit entry for another, but interest does not have to be paid when an account temporarily has more debits than credits. Credit is extended to members from the rest of the traders in the group, and the major benefit of this system is that members can obtain interest-free credit. In the long term every member is expected to provide as much as they obtain. It all balances out within the community of traders. It’s all a simple matter of bookkeeping.

Direct credit clearing systems can be operated on a fee-for-service basis to cover expenses and to compensate those who provide this service. Nobody is ever forced to join any trading group and members are also free to leave when their debts are clear. Anyone can start their own credit clearing service, which allows competition between associations based on quality and price of service. Associations can also cooperate with each other to increase the number of potential trading partners and broaden the range of goods and services that are available.

Credit does not have to be scarce or expensive. We can control our own credit and allocate it as we choose. Are your best interests being served by the money you use?   For The Silo, John Kenneth Galbraith.

CNNMoney- Millennials Saying No To Credit Cards

CNN Money No Credit Cards For Millenials


CNNMoney ‏@CNNMoney 13h

Millennials are saying no to credit cards: http://cnnmon.ie/1uFOSGl  via @blakeellis3 pic.twitter.com/T1U8i7OU2I

What some tweeters are saying:

CalBeach ‏@CalBeach 13h

@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 They’re smart to avoid debt.

YmeYnot ‏@YmeYnot2011 13h

@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 Only use charge card when you can pay entire debt completely before you are charged interest.

NETGAINS ‏@Netgains_ 13h

@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 Great info… Thanks for sharing..

Equality=Peace ‏@angrigarisangri 13h

@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 Yes to #bitcoin!

Glenn ‏@GlennMPR 13h

@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 Smarter than my generation then.

Pm3marston ‏@Pm3marston 13h

@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 We know not to be caught in the credit card trap. Only use it as a cash replacement card, not for debt.

Roger Bustos ‏@rogerbgom 13h

@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 like a smart wallet just pass the wallet and charge from your credit or debit just pick with your phone….

BrokenHearted ‏@patientfailure 12h

@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 Stupid. You’re spending decisions should never change based on your form of payment.

Patrick B ‏@sportbikeguy00 12h

@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 Credit & debts of any kind should be avoided,my motto is if you can’t pay cash for it,save up or forget it.

mizo ‏@bemelmesre 12h

@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 Never used a credit card in my life. Only used credit for commercial purposes.

victor ‏@victor_de64 11h

@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 I’m a baby boomer and cut all mine 19 years ago and never missed them

CynicalPolitico ‏@IndyinTX31 11h

@CNNMoney: Millennials are saying no to credit cards: http://cnnmon.ie/1uFOSGl  via @blakeellis3 pic.twitter.com/sAw87n1GDt”()

FatNoMore™ Fitness ‏@FNM_Fitness 10h

@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 Either buy cast or use paypal. Credit cards are just a disaster waiting to happen #ParentWillAgree

Andrew Smith ‏@iSmitty12 10h

@DaveRamsey thoughts? “@CNNMoney: Millennials are saying no to credit cards: http://cnnmon.ie/1uFOSGl  via @blakeellis3 pic.twitter.com/kcL0lgMyzP

Yvonne Moedt ‏@YvonneMoedt 9h

@CNNMoney That’s great!! You never know what’s left or how big your debt is and will never get out once you start. Real paper money #future

Declan Martens ‏@DeclanMartens 9h

@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 hey that’s us! @Malicious_Tea

Zbolts ‏@zbolts 9h

They use mom/dad?! “@CNNMoney: Millennials are saying no to credit cards: http://cnnmon.ie/1uFOSGl  via @blakeellis3 pic.twitter.com/f1jlE2zlAq

HogsAteMySister ‏@hogsatemysister 9h

@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 Which is easy to do when you still live at home…

Websterwall ‏@Websterwall 8h

@CNNMoney @blakeellis3 It’s true. No card for me. Living within my means

The Epitomy Of An♈ ‏@ErnieBlanco63 8h

@CNNMoney With the job market being so rocky it’s a smart move.

Stephen Cefalu ‏@Scef2308 7h

@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 they don’t know how to use a CC to maximize the rewards and cash back. Learn how to use credit.

Jay Brausch ‏@BigDogStar 7h

@CNNMoney @CNN @blakeellis3 One of the smartest things of the new millennium that they can do.

KC Simbeck ‏@kc_simbeck 6h

@CNNMoney I’d like to not have a credit card. But it’s pretty much required for building credit.

Liesel Rickert ‏@le_rickert3 6h

Ive been wanting 1, but can’t decided bc of 2 factors here RT “@CNNMoney: Millennials are saying no to credit cards: http://cnnmon.ie/1uFOSGl