Tag Archives: carcinogen

Why National Radon Action?

The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has designated January as National Radon Action Month to draw attention to what it describes as “an invisible, silent home invader.” The CDC initiative seeks to unmask the dangers of radon, a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is responsible for an estimated 21,000 lung cancer deaths in the US each year.

“Radon can build up in the air in any home or building, whether or not it has a basement, is sealed or drafty, or is new or old,” the CDC warns. It also explains that there is “no known safe level of radon,” encouraging every homeowner to test for radon and, when detected, implement effective mitigation systems.

The last week of January 2025 is the CDC’s Radon Awareness Week, which encourages people to explore their personal “Radon Story.” The following facts about radon can help anyone understand how they might come into contact with it, its potential health impacts, and how radon levels in a home or other building can be reduced.

Any home can be vulnerable to radon

Radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive element that is released when radium in rocks, plants, and soil breaks down. It makes its way into buildings through cracks and other openings in foundations.

Outdoors, radon dissipates in the atmosphere to levels that are not harmful to humans. If trapped indoors, however, it can accumulate to dangerous levels. In the US, the Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 1 in 15 homes contains dangerous radon levels. The 2024 Cross-Canada Survey of Radon Exposure in Residential Buildings of Urban and Rural Communities found that 18 percent of Canadian homes contain unsafe levels of radon.

Certain people face higher risks of radon-related health issues

When radon accumulates indoors, it can be breathed in by humans to be trapped in lung tissues, where its radioactivity then can lead to cancer. It is estimated that radon exposure causes an estimated 84,000 lung cancer deaths globally each year, which makes it second only to smoking for lung cancer deaths.

While radon can cause health impacts for anyone, certain people have been identified as being more vulnerable to its effects. According to the EPA, cigarette smokers face a higher risk of radon-induced lung cancer due to the synergistic effects of radon and smoking. Those with a faster breathing rate, including pregnant women and children, also face more of a risk of health impacts from radon.

Modern technology can provide real-time radon readings

Traditional tests determine radon levels by using charcoal canisters to capture a sample of indoor air that is then analyzed in a lab. The effectiveness of those tests is limited by the fact that they capture only a single snapshot of radon levels, which can fluctuate significantly between seasons and even throughout the day.  In addition, obtaining test results from the lab requires waiting several days.

Modern radon monitors provide ongoing readings of radon levels, with initial readings available within minutes and reliable results determined within an hour. These monitors ensure that fluctuations in radon levels are identified, and they can also be easily moved around within a home or building to identify radon hot spots. Continuous readings from the monitors can also be accessed wirelessly through a mobile app for in-depth analysis, capable of alerting the residents to potential radon issues even when they are not at home.

High levels of accumulation require radon mitigation

Mitigation is  essential for homes where high levels of radon accumulation are detected. The EPA has set the radon action level at 4 pCi/L. Canadian authorities have set a level of 200 Bq/m3, which is approximately 5.4 pCi/L.

Radon mitigation systems utilize fans and suction pipes to carry out a process known as active soil depressurization. The process removes radon from beneath foundations before it can make its way into structures. The systems typically require little maintenance and can be run for as little as $10 per month in operating costs. They also prevent other soil gases from entering the home.

While radon poses serious health risks, these risks can be easily prevented. Homeowners can stay safe from the dangerous effects of the gas by taking the steps to: 1)continuously monitoring for radon accumulation by using a modern radon monitor that provides ongoing readings of radon levels, and 2) when necessary, leveraging the mitigation tools available for reducing radon levels or seeking the help of radon professionals to eliminate the threat of toxic gas from the inside of their homes. For the Silo, Insoo Park, Founder and CEO of Ecosense.

Surprising Truth Behind Toxic And Non Toxic Spring Cleaning Products

While spring brings warmer weather, sunnier days, and beautiful flowers, it also brings the reminder that it’s time to air out, declutter our homes, and do some spring cleaning. At the same time, it might be tempting to spray our homes with disinfectants, a lot of common household cleaning products are actually pretty toxic to our health. This is why we’ve provided you with some tips on how to get your home sparkling, but not at the cost of your health.

When it comes to cleaning products, we Canadians buy a lot of them.

In 2014 alone, we spent more than $641 million on products like window sprays and floor cleaners. When you break that down, we’re spending $200-$300 per household annually on products that we think help us maintain healthy homes, when in fact they could be doing the opposite.

The Guide to Toxic and Non-Toxic Cleaning Products — Pro Housekeepers

Some of Canada’s most popular cleaning products contain harsh chemicals and fragrance ingredients that can harm you and your family’s health. (Tell the Canadian government that we need better protections from toxics in our personal care and cleaning products.)

We tested the homes of 14 volunteers and found that indoor air quality quickly deteriorates when some conventional cleaning products are applied.

The good news is that safer options are widely available. Even better, DIY alternatives for many spring cleaning items are not only easy to make, they can provide significant cost savings over store brands.

How concerned should we be about the impacts of cleaning products on indoor air?

We put some of Canada’s most popular cleaning products as well as certified green products and products that had non-verifiable green claims to the test! We sampled the air in volunteers’ homes while they cleaned their kitchens for half an hour to test for VOCs.

Your Cleaning Products are KILLING YOU!
Things are pretty much the same in the United States.

(Volatile organic compounds, or VOCs for short, are a common type of air pollutant. VOCs are a broad category of chemicals, some of which are linked to asthma and other health conditions, including cancer. A key concern with VOCs is that some of them can react with other pollutants present in the air, and form other contaminants that are even more toxic).

So, what did we find?

  • For the nine homes where conventional cleaners were used, total VOCs increased by an average of 120 per cent.
  • For the three homes cleaned with certified green products with full disclosure labels, the VOCs increased by an average of only 35 per cent.
  • For the two homes cleaned with products that made a green claim on the label but did not disclose ingredients, total VOCs averaged 100 per cent.

TOXIC-CHEMICALS-IN-CLEANING-PRODUCTS-Infographic-SQUARE.-300x300 -  Integrated Health Solution

Handy tips to keep your indoor air quality in good shape while getting the job done:

  • Choose green products that list their ingredients in full. Companies are not currently required to fully list their ingredients, but some forward thinking businesses offer this information to customers voluntarily.
  • Avoid cleaning products that list “fragrance” as an ingredient.
  • Keep rooms ventilated by opening windows or turning on fans during and after cleaning. This is especially important if you live in a condo or an apartment. Better air circulation will keep harmful VOC levels from building up.
  • Try some simple DIY recipes with two simple ingredients: water and vinegar.

Following these tips, and choosing green products, or making your own when possible, are great (and toxic-free) ways to get your spring cleaning done without dirtying the planet and your health!

For the Silo, Sarah Jamal Program Coordinator, Toxics environmentaldefence.ca

Glyphosate From Roundup Pesticides Does Not Belong In Canadian Food

Let’s cut right to the chase: Do you know what’s in your lunch?  We were curious, so we decided to investigate further.

We tested popular foods such as Cheerios, a Tim Hortons bagel, Ritz crackers and Fontaine Santé hummus and the results were overwhelming: 80 per cent of the foods tested contained the harmful chemical glyphosate. Glyphosate, Canada’s top-selling weed killer and key ingredient in Monsanto’s product Roundup, is of particular concern because of its links to cancer.

The unchecked use of glyphosate and widespread contamination of the foods that you and your children eat every day is not acceptable.

Just last month, a California court ruled that Monsanto’s glyphosate–based pesticide, contributed to an American citizen’s cancer. The court case revealed documents showing Monsanto manipulated scientific research and downplayed the risk of its products for decades. This case is just one of several thousand lawsuits against Monsanto (now owned by Bayer).

In Canada, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (a department of Health Canada) recently reauthorized glyphosate for another 15 years. We are calling on the federal government to bring our outdated toxics and pesticide laws into the 21st century and remove harmful chemicals like glyphosate from our food. With your help, we can make this happen. For more information check out this report at whatsinyourlunch.ca   For the Silo, Muhannad Malas. 

Supplemental- Jurors give $289 Million USD to man they say got cancer from Roundup weed killer.


Kraft Foods Canada Must Remove Yellow Dye From Kraft Dinner

LetterstotheSilo Dear Silo, you probably know Kraft Dinner — the easy-to-make, tasty, comfort food in the blue box. It’s one of the most popular grocery items in Canada — some actually call it Canada’s national dish.

But there’s a troubling reason why Kraft Dinner is bright orange when it’s ready to eat. Kraft uses chemical colouring that serves no purpose for flavoring or nutrition. This chemical — labelled as Tartrazine or Yellow 5 — has been linked by experts to serious health issues like asthma, skin rashes, and hyperactivity in children.

And while those chemicals are not used in other countries, Kraft Dinner sold in Canada and the United States still includes it just to make the food a brighter colour.

Keeping this chemical in KD is an unnecessary potential risk. That’s why we, Vani and Lisa, started a petition on Change.org demanding that Kraft remove Yellow 5, an unnecessary ingredient, from Kraft Dinner immediately. Click here to sign our petition.

We are two women who work to educate others about the benefits of eating real food and avoiding unnecessary chemicals. Although we stopped buying Kraft Dinner when we found about the risks of artificial colouring, we know that it’s a staple for millions of families around the world — many of whom can’t afford to buy other, more expensive products.

Okay so it might take an extra 10 secs, but it's a good idea to read the ingredients in all the food you pick up. Case in point- yellow5 or Tartrazine
Okay so it might take an extra 10 secs, but it’s a good idea to read the ingredients in all the food you pick up. Case in point- yellow5 or Tartrazine

We’re asking that Kraft remove this chemical from KD because it can eliminate a potential health hazard while not changing the taste of the food at all. Kraft doesn’t use these chemicals in the United Kingdom due to wide health concerns, so we know it’s possible to do the same in the Canada. And as one of the largest food companies in the world, Kraft could set a precedent for other companies to do the same.

Petitions on Change.org have forced companies to remove ingredients before — including huge companies like Gatorade, Starbucks, and Tide — and we think we can add Kraft to that list with our petition.

Click here to sign our petition asking Kraft to remove Yellow 5 from Kraft Dinner sold in the Canada. If they can do it for other countries, they can do it here.

Eat well,

Vani Hari and Lisa Leake

Supplemental-  Material Safety Data Sheet (United States) for Tartrazine / Yellow 5  from sciencelab.com  In Canada, WHMIS categorizes Tartrazine as Class D2B which is TOXIC