Tag Archives: Canadians

Why Canada Capital Gains Tax Increase Is Bad Idea

January , 2025 – One of the most consequential policy changes in this year’s federal budget – an increase in the capital gains inclusion rate – would have far-reaching consequences for Canadians, many of which are underestimated by the government, according to a new study from the C.D. Howe Institute. Leading economist and former President and CEO of the C.D. Howe Institute, Jack Mintz, examines the extensive economic repercussions of this proposed change in his latest report available in full at the end of this article.

Fiscal and Tax Policy

With Parliament prorogued on January 6, the future of the proposed capital gains tax increase remains uncertain. Canadians face the possibility of the measure being passed, amended, or withdrawn entirely under a new government.

Meanwhile, tax planners and the affected individuals and corporations must await the outcome, even though the Canada Revenue Agency began administering the tax on June 25, 2024, after it was announced in the spring budget. At this time, taxpayers could be assessed interest and penalties if they do not comply with the proposed law. If the law is never passed, taxpayers will have to claim refunds. The provincial budgets reliant on the new revenues will be affected if the planned measure is ultimately withdrawn, adding to the confusion and disruption.

“The planned measure to increase the capital gains inclusion rate should never see the light of day when Parliament resumes after March 24, nor be revived thereafter by a new government,” says Mintz. “The hike would create a triple threat: harming Canadian businesses, discouraging investment, and penalizing middle-income Canadians.”

While the government estimated this change would only impact 40,000 individual tax filers and 307,000 corporations, Mintz’s analysis, using longitudinal data, reveals the true impact would be significantly broader. Over 1.26 million Canadians would be affected over their lifetimes – representing 4.3 percent of taxpayers or some 22,000 Canadians per year – with many middle-income earners among those hardest hit.

The report projects significant economic harm caused by the proposed increase – Canada’s capital stock would decline by $127 billion, GDP would fall by nearly $90 billion, and real per-capita GDP would drop by 3 percent. Further, employment would decline by 414,000 jobs, which would raise unemployment from 1.5 million to 1.9 million workers. Importantly, half of the affected individuals would be earning otherwise less than $117,000 annually, with 10 percent earning as little as $18,000, excluding capital gains income.

“This would not just be a tax on the wealthy,” says Mintz. “Many middle-income Canadians would bear the brunt of this increase, and the economic costs would ripple across the entire economy.”

Mintz also highlights the broader implications for Canadian businesses. The planned measure would likely deter equity financing, discourage investment, and exacerbate inefficiencies in financial and corporate structures. Contrary to government claims of “neutrality,” he argues the tax would disproportionately harm domestic companies. These companies will pay corporate capital gains taxes that will increase investment costs. Moreover, they are dependent on Canadian investors due to “home bias” in equity markets. The changes would risk weakening Canada’s productivity and competitiveness at a critical time.

The report further critiques the lack of mechanisms to mitigate the effects of “lumpy” capital gains. Significant asset disposals, such as selling real estate, farmland, business assets, secondary homes or during events like death or emigration, may occur only once or twice in a person’s lifetime. Without provisions to average or defer taxes, individuals would face disproportionately higher burdens. Additionally, the planned tax hike would exacerbate the “lock-in effect,” which discourages the efficient reallocation of capital.

“If the proposed law does not proceed, it would be worthwhile for a government to review capital gains taxation as part of a general tax review that would improve opportunities for economic growth rather than hurt it,” says Mintz.

Read the full report here.

Canadians to Pre-Submit Biometrics, Digital Photo, Driver’s License for USA Border Crossings 2026

Canadians driving into the United States will be asked to pre-submit photos and licence plate numbers to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) starting in 2026, according to a federal report.

The upcoming requirements will fall under the agency’s ongoing Traveller Modernization initiative, a program aimed at expediting border processing through the use of digital tools.

As part of the program, Canadians will need to “provide their biographic, biometric declaration, and other border-related information prior to arriving at the port of entry,” says the government report, which was first covered by Blacklock’s Reporter.

“Travelers will use a redesigned advance declaration mobile application to submit their digital photo, advance declaration, and license plate information in advance of arrival.”

Border officers will be provided with smartphones to access and process digital referrals, the report said.

A comparable electronic filing system will be rolled out to marine passengers in 2027 and to air passengers in 2028, the report said. 

The Traveller Modernization plan is not associated with the agency’s now-optional $59.5 million ArriveCan program, a mobile app launched by the government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which required travelers entering Canada to electronically submit travel documents, health assessments, and customs declarations. The app was later used for travelers to submit proof of COVID-19 vaccination, sparking concerns from some over privacy rights.

ArriveCan was also criticized over its high costs to develop and failure to follow standard procurement procedures. A report from Auditor General Karen Hogan found that federal agencies involved in the contracting, development and implementation of the app showed a “glaring disregard for basic management and contracting practices” and that Canadians “paid too much” for ArriveCan.

The Traveller Modernization report did not say how much the new plan would cost.

The report also didn’t indicate if the program will be mandatory or optional for travelers, but the CBSA has described it as a way to deal with security threats and economic and migratory trends as well as the ever-increasing numbers of travelers.

The border service facelift is touted as a way to cut processing times for travelers and make the process less cumbersome overall.

The CBSA said it has taken “careful steps to research and plan our actions” to alleviate travelers’ privacy and security concerns.

“When you provide your information as you enter Canada, we make sure to protect and secure it,” the agency said. “We do not keep it for any longer than we need to.”

Collection of travelers’ information isn’t new. The government in 2019 approved a legislative framework to allow the CBSA to systematically collect exit information on all travelers leaving Canada.

The Exit Information Regulations enabled the CBSA to compile complete travel history records on all travelers leaving Canada by air and land.

“By collecting the information from reliable partners, rather than requiring travelers to report to the CBSA when leaving Canada, the process will be seamless for travelers,” the government said.

CBSA- border services officers were not armed until their union fought for the right and won in 2006.

At land borders, the CBSA receives information from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP) shortly after a traveler enters the United States. The U.S. entry record serves as a record of exit from Canada.

The CBSA has also proposed other programs to it says will speed up the travel process, including advance declaration forms that can be filled out ahead of time and digital kiosks and eGates for travelers to verify their identity.  For the Silo, Jennifer Cowan.

Basic Living Standard Arithmetic For Ottawa And All Governments

September , 2024

To: Canadians concerned about prosperity 
From: Don Wright 
Date: September 4, 2024
Re: Some Basic Living Standard Arithmetic for Governments

Governments often talk about “creating jobs,” but what they really do is choose some jobs at the expense of others. With their myriad spending, taxing and regulatory decisions, all governments try to direct job growth to different sectors – public or private, services or goods, resources or non-resources, and so on.

We all hope governments choose wisely.

It would help if they started paying more explicit attention to one factor: The impact of their decisions on Canadians’ standard of living.

A country’s standard of living is largely determined by the wages and net government revenue its tradeable goods and services sector can pay while remaining competitive against international competitors. If a company or sector is uncompetitive, it will have to either lower its wages, pay less tax or go out of business. These pressures on companies are never-ending. They determine both the wages a sector can afford to pay, and, through the interconnectedness of labour markets, average wages across the economy.

Some industries are so productive they can pay relatively high wages and significant taxes and yet remain competitive.

Industries that aren’t as productive can only pay lower wages and less tax.

Governments whose policies have the effect of moving labour from one sector to another had better pay attention to such facts.

Canadians may not like it but many of the country’s best-paying and most tax-rich jobs are found in natural resources. I was head of British Columbia’s public service. For most of B.C.’s history the province’s economic base has been dominated by natural resource industries – forestry, mining, oil and gas, agriculture and fishing. For a variety of reasons, these industries face strong political headwinds. Many groups press to constrain them and diversify away from them. The alternatives proposed include technology, film and tourism.

A few years ago, I asked officials in the province’s finance ministry to assess the relative performance of these different industries along the two key dimensions of average wages and net government revenue. In 2019-20 B.C. spent approximately $11,700 per citizen. Half the population was employed that year. So, to “break even” (i.e., have a balanced budget), the province had to collect $23,400 per employed person. If you look at things this way, each industry’s “profit” or “loss” is simply its revenue per employee less $23,400.

No such calculation will be exact, of course.

Several assumptions have to be made to get to an average “profit” or “loss” per employee. But, with that caveat, the numbers the officials brought back were telling. The industry with the biggest return to the province was oil and gas, at $35,500 per employee. Forestry was next, at $32,900. Then mining, at $14,900, and technology, though only at $900.

By this measure of profit and loss, however, film was a money loser, at -$13,400, and so was tourism, at -$6,900.

The negative numbers for the film industry reflect the very significant subsidies that B.C. (like many other provinces) provides to this sector. The negative number for the tourism sector primarily reflects low average wages per employee, which translate into relatively low personal income tax, sales tax and other taxes paid by employees.

These “profit or loss” numbers are not in any way a judgment about workers in these sectors. People find the best employment available to them in the labour market. Relative demands in that market are determined by many factors, none of which workers control. That said, if governments consciously move resources from the “profit” industries to the “loss” industries, they had better be aware of the consequences for wages, taxes and the overall standard of living.

The numbers I’ve cited were for a single year in British Columbia. The same analysis for other provinces or for Canada as a whole would likely produce different numbers – though I’d be surprised if the overall pattern were much different. Voters will draw their own conclusions about the impact on British Columbians’ standard of living from constraining the resource industries and promoting other industries instead.

Unfortunately, this type of analysis is rarely done when Canadian governments make decisions about what types of jobs they want to give preference to through their taxation, spending and regulatory decisions. They should do more of it. Ultimately, if [they] care about Canadians’ standard of living, governments need to start paying attention to the basic arithmetic of that standard of living.

Don Wright, senior fellow at the C.D. Howe Institute and senior counsel at Global Public Affairs, previously served as deputy minister to B.C.’s premier, cabinet secretary and head of the public service.

Why Canadians Must Get More Sunlight

TORONTO – Following restrictive sun exposure advice in countries with low solar intensity like Canada might in fact be harmful to your health, says the co-author of a new study on sunlight and vitamin D.

VitaminD from Sun Exposure

The published study Sunlight and Vitamin D: Necessary for Public Health by Carole Baggerly and several academic researchers, examines how organizations such as World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer and the U.S. Surgeon General call for sun avoidance, but ignore the fact that cutting out sunshine will reduce vitamin D, an essential vitamin for bone health, and create probable harm for the general population.

Canada sunshine map - Map of Canada sunshine (Northern America - Americas)

“Humans have adapted to sun exposure over many thousands of years and derive numerous physiological benefits from UV exposure, in addition to vitamin D,” said Baggerly, executive director of Grassroots Health and breast cancer survivor.

“These benefits are in addition to those derived from vitamin D alone and cannot be replaced by vitamin D supplements and therefore sun avoidance being recommended by the US Surgeon General, the Canadian Cancer Society, the Canadian Dermatology Association and others, is unnecessarily putting Canadians at risk.”

From mercola.com -studies suggest we need more sunlight than currently recommended dosages
From mercola.com -studies suggest we need more sunlight than currently recommended dosages

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that enables calcium absorption and is critical for good bone health. Low levels are linked to bone conditions such as rickets in children and osteomalacia and osteoporosis in adults.

In Canada, vitamin D from sunlight can only be synthesized in the skin during the spring, summer and fall months, around midday, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., when the UV index is above three and your shadow is shorter than your height.

Statistics Canada reports that 12 million Canadians, or 35% of the population, have insufficient vitamin D levels, including 10% who are severely deficient, which sets them up for higher disease risk.

Dr. Vieth University Of TorontoAccording to Dr. Reinhold Vieth, Scientific Advisor for the Canadian Vitamin D Consensus and professor at the University of Toronto in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, “If organizations warn people to stay out of the sun, then they should also let people know that they will not be producing vitamin D. Both the risks and benefits of UV exposure need to be addressed in the best interest of health. Unfortunately, the message Canadians keep hearing lately is that there is no benefit to being in the sun. The paper by Baggerly et al presents a clear case that good overall health does correlate with spending time in the sun.”

VitaminD and MS

A group comprised of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Vitamin D Society and Pure North S’Energy Foundation, have endorsed a draft Canadian Vitamin D Consensus which recommends that Canadians enjoying the sun safely, while taking care not to burn, can acquire the benefits of vitamin D without unduly raising the risk of skin cancer.

Vitamin D deficiency is an indication of sunlight deficiency.

“People today work less outdoors and spend less time outdoors than at any previous time in history, which is why vitamin D deficiency is rising globally. In addition, when people are outside, many use sunscreens, which can significantly prevent the production of vitamin D in the skin,” said Dr. Vieth. “With increasing amounts of evidence suggesting that vitamin D may protect against cancer, heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and other chronic diseases, it’s more important than ever to examine this issue more closely.”

Learn more at sciencedaily.com
Learn more at sciencedaily.com

“We urge public health entities to re-evaluate their current sun exposure policies and recommend UV exposure levels that promote a balanced, moderate approach that are both beneficial and safe,” said Baggerly.

About the Vitamin D Society:

The Vitamin D Society is a Canadian non-profit group organized to increase awareness of the many health conditions strongly linked to vitamin D deficiency; encourage people to be proactive in protecting their health and have their vitamin D levels tested annually; and help fund valuable vitamin D research. The Vitamin D Society recommends people achieve and maintain optimal 25(OH)D blood levels between 100 – 150 nmol/L (Can) or 40-60 ng/ml (USA).

Why Are More Canadians Moving Abroad?

An increasing number of Canadians can’t afford a house or find a decent-paying job. Some can’t find a date or are fed up with the bitter politics, while others are in search of adventure, are sick of the cold winters, or simply miss the feeling of ‘being home’.

The solution they seek? Leave Canada.

The rising cost of living, record-high immigration, a stagnating economy, and political tensions are prompting rising numbers of Canadians—both native and naturalized—to leave the country.

Canada is increasingly becoming a country of emigrants, as well as a country of immigrants, experts say.

“We’re definitely seeing a lot more interest from people wanting to leave Canada,” Michael Rosmer, founder of Offshore Citizen, a Dubai-based company that offers relocation services to people around the globe. “This is disproportionate to their numbers overall.”

He said many of his clients are motivated by the increasing ability to work from anywhere, plus political tensions within Canada accompanied by a feeling of lost freedoms. Also a factor is the rising standard of living of many countries that were once far below Canada in terms of health care, education, and other services.

While Canada was once considered among the best places in the world to live, “it’s like the world has flipped,” Mr. Rosmer said. “The alternatives have gotten meaningfully better. Today if you go to Kuala Lumpur you’re going to find that it is arguably better than any Canadian city.”

Canada’s Immigration Conundrum: Economic Boon or Bust?

Immigration Minister Tells US Public Broadcaster Canada an ‘Open Country’

Some 94,576 people emigrated from Canada from mid-2022 to mid-2023, an increase of 1.8 percent from 92,876 in the year-earlier period, and up sharply from 66,627 in the period from mid-2020 to mid-2021, which fell during the pandemic lockdowns, according to data from Statistics Canada.

A study released last year by the immigration advocacy group Institute for Canadian Citizenship (ICC) showed  immigrants are also increasingly reluctant to stay, with the proportion who stick around to obtain full citizenship within 10 years of receiving permanent resident status plunging to 45.7 percent in 2021 from 60 percent in 2016 and 75.1 percent in 2001.

Cameron MacDonald, a 29-year-old from the Niagara Falls region of Ontario who left Canada in March for Japan, cited the high cost of living as the main reason for his move, which uprooted him from friends, family, and a job as an anti-fraud analyst with a major Canadian bank. He is now studying Japanese and looking for a job with a foreign firm, while living in Tokyo, which has a population density of 6,363 people per square kilometre compared to Toronto’s 4,427.8 per square kilometre.

“Here in Tokyo, the world’s biggest city, I pay $650 a month for a room that I would have had to pay $2,000 for in Toronto.” I had a routine and a cushy bank job and I was even living with my dad after a while but I still couldn’t get ahead financially.”

He said the high cost of housing in Toronto means that all of his friends of a similar age in Canada are still living with their parents and, as many of them consider starting families, they are watching his move with the thought of moving abroad themselves.

“My five-year goal includes a wife, a house, and kids and there’s no way I could afford that in Canada,” Mr. MacDonald said. “You can’t really date and find a wife when you’re living with your dad.”

“In Japan, I wake up with a smile on my face every day,” he said. “It’s like I have found a new passion—I can start a family here.

High Immigration

Like many people, Mr. MacDonald blames Canada’s rapid pace of immigration for driving up the cost of living and forcing him to move abroad.

As of Oct. 1, 2023, Canada’s population was estimated at 40,528,396, a record increase of 430,635 people in the previous three months alone, according to Statistics Canada. That growth rate, at 1.1 percent in a quarter, was the highest since 1957, amid Canada’s baby boom plus an immigration surge fueled by a refugee crisis in Hungary at the time.

In just the first nine months of last year, Canada’s population grew by 1,030,378 people, more than any other year dating back to confederation in 1867, the statistics show. And 96 percent of that growth came from immigration. Overall, the population grew 30 percent since it reached the 30 million figure in 1997.

Canada’s Plan to Welcome 500000 Immigrants by 2025. ascenda.com

Indeed, rapid population growth has outstripped economic growth in recent years, lowering the standard of living in Canada as more people compete for less housing space and place greater strains on health care, education, and other services, according to a study published in May by the Fraser Institute. The study shows Canada’s real gross domestic product per person dropped 3 percent between April 2019 and the end of last year, from $59,905 to $58,111. The only steeper drops in the 40 years covered by the study were from 1989 to 1994, with a decline of 5.3 percent, and the financial crisis of 2008 to 2009, when it dropped 5.2 percent.

Another factor propelling emigration may be the aging of the baby boomer generation. As more Canadians reach retirement age, emigration to the United States, particularly to sunny states such as Florida, is accelerating.

A study by Statistics Canada also shows that high immigration tends to push up emigration because some immigrants move back to their home country. The study showed that 15 percent of the people who immigrated to Canada between 1982 and 2017 returned within 20 years of admission.

Whatever the root cause, the interest in leaving Canada has caught the attention of the global industry of specialists offering services to wealthier emigrants around the world.

Videos created by people seeking to offer second-passport services and other relocation help are growing in popularity. “Nine Steps to Escape Canada,” a YouTube video watched 362,000 times, “5 Reasons to Leave Canada in 2024,“ watched by 261,000 and ”Canada is Dying!,” with 531,000 viewers are some of the most popular.

Jay Suresh, the founder of Goodlife Investor, which offers emigration services to people around the world looking to obtain second passports, foreign tax advantages, and other benefits, says the number of Canadians looking for dual citizenship jumped after the Canadian government banned unvaccinated people from flying or travelling by train in late 2021 until the summer of 2022.

“This was an eye-opener for a lot of people. They got frustrated with just that one citizenship and they wanted multiple citizenships,” he said in a video promoting his company. Now, he says, Canadians are nearly tied with U.S. citizens in searches for second passports, even though the United States has 10 times Canada’s population. For the Silo, Adam Brown.

Featured image: People line up to go through security screening at Pearson International Airport in Toronto on Aug. 5, 2022. (The Canadian Press/Nathan Denette)

This is Where Canadians Want to Travel to This Summer

The trending destinations Canadians want to go on vacation this summer based on Google searches.

Where do Canadians want to go on their summer vacation in 2024?

With soaring inflation prices and the cost of essential shopping skyrocketing, millions of Canadians will plan to cut back on vacation spending. According to data from Ipsos*42% of Canadians say they plan to minimize their spending on vacations in 2024 as a way of dealing with the increased cost of living. Now, as the season changes into spring, more people are wondering what this summer has in store for them from a vacation perspective.

Are Canadians really looking to cut costs when it comes to their annual trip? Or has the economy got us looking outside of our usual go-to destinations?

Our friends at Top10casinos.ca, have used Google search data looking at terms around ‘summer vacations’ to find out which destinations around the world are most in-demand by Canadians looking to book their summer vacation in 2024. So, whether you need some inspiration for your next big trip, or just love a good list, here are the trending destinations Canadians want to go on vacation this summer based on Google searches.canada's favorite summer vacation

Revealed: Canada’s Top 10 Most in Demand Summer Vacation Hotspots in 2024

Research Reveals New York Will Be Canada’s Favorite Summer Vacation in 2024 – Getting 1.9 Million Searches Every Month

With 1.9 million monthly searches and a 6% increase in searches in the last 30 days, the metropolis of New York is officially Canada’s most desired destination for a summer vacation this year. Analyzing individual attractions that Canadians are most interested in visiting, searches for ‘new york broadway shows 2024’ are up 9,900% and people searching for ‘new york yankees schedule 2024’ are up 5,800%. For Canadians looking for an early Spring vacation, searches for ‘new york weather in April’ are up 750% in the last 30 days.

City Break Destinations Incredibly Popular for Canadian Summer Vacations in 2024

Half of the top 10 most-searched for summer vacation spots by Canadians are city break destinations with San Francisco, Las Vegas and Honolulu topping the list. The data shows that Vancouver residents are getting heart eyes for San Francisco. In the last month, there were 16,550 searches for summer vacations in the Golden Gate City and searches for ‘Vancouver San Francisco cruises’ are up 29% since the same time last year.

  • The Cold European Country of IcelandThe Cold European Country of Iceland Has the MOST Search Increases – Ranking Above Beach Favorite, Mexico Beaches, relaxing by the pool and all you can drink cocktails are usually synonymous with summer, but according to our study, Canadians want to escape the heat in favor of colder climes. With an average of over 689,980 monthly searches and a huge 122% increase in 30 days, Iceland surprisingly ranks in front of Mexico as a go-to vacation destination this summer. Looking at why Canadians might be interested in visiting the land of ice and fire, searches for ‘northern lights’ are up 10,900% and people looking at ‘portugal v iceland’ have increased 1,043% on Google. According to the regional data, Niagara Falls residents in particular are looking for a totally unique experience this summer, with searches for ‘Iceland summer vacation’ up 200% since the same time last year.
  • Cuba Revealed as Canada's Most Desired Beach DestinationCuba Revealed as Canada’s Most Desired Beach Destination This Summer – Ranking Above Mexico and Costa RicaWith more than 712,000 monthly searches and an increase of 36% in 30 days, Cuba is revealed as Canada’s most desired beach vacation destination for summer 2024. According to the data, Canadians are researching long distance swimming in the country, with searches for ‘swim from cuba to florida’ up 3,500% and ‘vacations to cuba’ up 333%.
  • The Dominican Republic Ranks in Top 10The Dominican Republic Ranks in Top 10 With over 97,000 monthly searches for ‘The Dominican Republic summer vacation’ and a 35% increase in the past month – it’s evident the Caribbean Island will be one of the most coveted destinations by Canadians this summer, which is why it features in the top 10. When analyzing search trends on a city level, Montréal has seen a 25% increase in residents’ searching for the beautiful beach spot, and Ottawa shows a 20% surge.

trending destinations canadians want to go on vacation

Mapped: Most Desired Vacation Destinations Across Canada, Revealed

  • Las VegasLas Vegas Named the Most Desired Destination The gambling capital of the world is the most searched for city across the 10 cities of Alberta with searches spiking by nearly half (48%) since the same time last year. With 1.7 million monthly searches and a 12% increase in Canadian’s searching for the desert oasis summer vacation, Las Vegas has seen a 6% increase in search increases than topspot New York, the city also ranks above favorites Cuba and Mexico.
  • GreeceGreece Ranks Second as Research Reveals European Summer Vacations Most Popular with Ontario ResidentsThe data shows there’s a rapid number of Canadians looking to experience a European summer vacation this year, with both Greece and Italy coming up top in Ontario. Looking at the most searched for destinations, searches for Greece’s picturesque Santorini have increased by 67% since the same period last year across Canada, and Italy’s Rome have spiked 25%.
  • Costa RicaCosta Rica is the Most Desired Destination by Two ProvincesFilled with rugged rainforests, pristine lagoons and beautiful beaches, it’s little wonder the Central American country of Costa Rica is the most desired by two parts of Canada. Provinces of Quebec and Manitoba both had Costa Rica as their favorite destination, with searches for the tropical country up by an average of 81% across 10 cities in Quebec since the same time last year. Looking at locations on a city level, searches for ‘all inclusive Costa Rica vacations’ are up 300% in Quebec City, highlighting a need to escape busy metropolitan life.
  • Toronto's 3 Favorite Summer Vacation SpotsToronto’s 3 Favorite Summer Vacation Spots are all City DestinationsResidents hailing from Ontario’s capital, Toronto, are interested in keeping the summer city spirit alive, with 3 favorite destinations also being city spots. According to the data, Toronto’s favorite destination is Dubai with a 49% increase in searches since the same time last year. Closely followed by Rome (22%), and Miami (20%).


  1. Using articles around the topic of “bucket list travel destinations”, “best vacations in 2024” we were able to collect a list of approx 100 dream global travel destinations. To allow for us to make sure we’re focusing on those who want to holiday in these locations we assigned the prefixes “summer vacations in” to all locations. These terms were then entered into keywordtool.io to collect the average monthly search volume and search trends (over the last 12 months) per state.
  2. Search volumes and trends were gathered using https://keywordtool.io/
  3. All data correct and accurate as of 11th April 2024



For the Silo, Amanda Evans

1 In 2 Canadians Always Accept Browser Cookies

Digital privacy expert explains why often accepting cookies poses cyber risks

According to new research commissioned by internet security company NordVPN, only 3.5% of Canadians never accept cookies. To make matters worse, a whopping 43% say they always accept cookies. While most HTTP cookies are safe, some can be used to track people without their consent. Even more, cookies can sometimes be spied upon or used to fake the identity of a user, to gain access to their account or use their identity to commit a crime.

 “HTTP cookies are vital to the internet, but they are also a vulnerability to people’s privacy. As a necessary part of web browsing, cookies help web developers to provide more personal, convenient website visits. Because of cookies, websites remember you, your logins, shopping carts, and even more. But they can also be a treasure trove of private information for criminals to spy on,” says Daniel Markuson, a digital privacy expert at NordVPN. 

What are cookies, and why are they a threat?

Also known as an HTTP cookie or browser cookie, a cookie is a piece of data that’s stored on your browser whenever you visit a website. When enabled, the website will remember your preferences and any small changes you made during your last visit.

Cookies are a normal and necessary part of the internet. Without them, you couldn’t log into a website or fill your online shopping cart. However, too many cookies can become a threat to both your security and privacy.  

“People need to be aware that cookies follow you online. Even if you hide your IP address with a VPN, cookies can track what you do online and form a partial ID of who you are. Moreover, third parties can sell your cookies. Some sites earn revenue by serving third-party cookies. These aren’t functional – their purpose is to turn a profit from your data. Also, cookies are a vulnerability. With the wrong browser settings or when visiting the wrong website, cookies can introduce security vulnerabilities to your browsing experience,” says Daniel Markuson, a digital privacy expert.

68.5% of Canadians feel that their online data is used for targeted ads

Research shows that Canadians feel the consequences of collected cookies:

  • 68.5% feel that their online data is used for targeted ads;
  • 66% feel that it’s being sold to other companies.
  • Moreover, 57% and 53% respectively believe that their ​​data is analyzed by websites for their internal use and that it’s used by social media platforms for people to find the most relevant information 

“Canadians must be pretty aware of the constant pop-up requesting them to ‘Accept all cookies?’ while visiting online websites. It happens in order to comply with data privacy laws, which were designed to protect users’ personal information and force companies to state what kind of data is being collected and how it is being used,” says Daniel Markuson.  

How to stop cookies from tracking you

There are plenty of tools and tips to make your online activity more private. 

“First, navigate to your browser’s settings and choose to delete all the cookies stored in your browser. Most browsers also offer features to block unnecessary cookies automatically.  Second, use incognito mode. While incognito mode does not equal privacy, this is exactly what it was made for — setting aside a single browsing session that won’t save cookies and your history.

On a related note concerning personal data- The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) tracked 33 million Canadians via their mobile devices to “monitor lockdowns” during to coronavirus pandemic. Privacy advocates said they were concerned about the data tracking.

Finally, use a VPN. One of a VPN’s core features is to hide your IP address, which is critical if you want your online searches to stay private. You can also look at installing various types of tracker blocker programs. That means that third-party cookies won’t be able to gather data about people’s browsing habits and create a detailed profile on you.

Methodology: The survey was commissioned by NordVPN and conducted by the external company Cint on October 4-12, 2021. The survey’s target group was residents of France, the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, and Poland aged 18+ (nationally representative), and the sample was taken from national internet users. Quotas were placed on age, gender, and place of residence. 7800 people were surveyed in total, made up of 800 people from Spain and 1000 people from each of the remaining countries.

Sixty Six Percent Of Canadians Take Smartphones Into Bathroom

Study: Lots of Canadians use smartphones while on the toilet

A digital privacy expert provides tips on protecting your phone on and off the john:

recent survey by the cybersecurity company NordVPN revealed that as much as 65.6% of Canadians bring their smartphones with them into the toilet. That’s a bit less than the average of all surveyed countries. While most Canadians (60%) scroll through social media during that time, barely anyone thinks of growing threats online and hackers’ attempts to compromise people’s phones.

“Canadians seem to need smartphones a lot.”

“Our previous survey already showed that Canadians spend a lot of time online- more than 22 years per lifetime which is a third of their lives,” says Daniel Markuson, a digital privacy expert at NordVPN. “Even though the majority (83%) name smartphones as the device that tracks their online behavior the most, Canadians still haven’t developed good cyber habits to protect their online lives,” he says.

Using social media and gaming — top activities for Canadians while on the toilet

The majority of Canadians admit that their time on the toilet is mostly spent scrolling through social media (60%), gaming (40%), and reading or listening to the news (35%). This shows that Canadians like entertaining themselves while in the bathroom.

Among other activities, Canadians also watch videos, movies, or television programs (33%) check work email and other tools, for example, Slack, Microsoft Teams (33%), and call or message other people (31.5%).

“While most of Canadians’ time on the loo is spent on social media, people also feel concerned about Facebook (80%) and Instagram (40%) collecting the biggest amount of their users’ data. Social media networks, ISPs, third-party organizations, websites, and governmental institutions regularly collect users’ personal data and track browsing habits for marketing or other purposes,” says Daniel Markuson.

Cybersecurity refresher for Canadians

Smartphones are evolving at a rate that is beyond belief, making us stay connected even while on the loo. However, Canadians are encouraged to not forget about their online safety, even while immersed in social media, conversations, games, or the news.

Daniel Markuson, a digital privacy expert at NordVPN, shares key tips on protecting your phone on and off the john:

  • Keep apps and the phone’s operating system (OS) up to date. Don’t skip software updates.
  • Do your research. Never download unknown apps — read up on them first.
  • Avoid unofficial app stores. They’re more likely to contain malware-ridden apps.
  • Avoid using unknown Wi-Fi. And always use a VPN when you do.
  • Be vigilant. Don’t click on suspicious links, don’t give out your number to strangers, and be wary of unknown numbers.

Methodology: The survey was commissioned by NordVPN and conducted by the external company Cint on January  19-26, 2022. The survey’s target group was residents of France, USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Poland, Lithuania aged 18+ (nationally representative), except for Lithuania (18-74) and the sample was taken from national internet users. Quotas were placed on age, gender, and place of residence. 9800 people were surveyed in total, made up of 800 people from Spain and 1000 people from each of the remaining countries. 


Canadians aware country is #1 in extreme, unfair mobile rates

Canada's Cell Phone Rates: the Highest in the World | iPhone in Canada Blog

My name is Ann Murray (not that Ann Murray), and I’m a publicist for RingCredible, the next practical, affordable, secure and reliable solution in mobile VoIP calling.  I’m writing to explain  how consumers can spend as little as possible on mobile calling charges each month  – and quickly hack their household mobile calls spending.

This topic is especially timely, given how Canada’s mobile rate calling rates are one of the world’s worst – and also given the recent acquisition of Mobilicity by Telus. [see link below CP]

Why the hefty price? This is the fault of “The Pricey Three” – Bell, Rogers, and Telus – that lock customers into very expensive calling plans. If you’re in one of the Pricey Three’s plans, you are more likely to run out of call credits, you will have less minutes included, and the price of additional minutes will be more expensive than the rates of your friends and family around the world.

The solution is RingCredible’s “How to hack your mobile phone bill,” which include the following tips:

5. Use calling cards, which is a very cheap way to make calls (just not very convenient)

4. Try the smaller mobile calling alternatives owned by Bells, Rogers or Telus

3. Go with free peer-to-peer calls using Viber

2. Sign up for Wind and Mobilicity, which sell all-inclusive packages (Mobilicity was recently acquired by Telus)

1. Sign up for a VoIP provider such as Skype [Skype The Silo: thesiloteam CP], Fongo, or VoipGo

Our solution, RingCredible (App’s available at www.ringcredible.com) is a great, and nearly free calling choice, with the added benefit of offering the same user experience as when making a normal mobile call.

 Some other interesting results to consider  include:

* What the acquisition of Mobilicity by Telus means to the consumer http://mobilesyrup.com/2013/05/28/one-step-closer-ontario-superior-court-of-justice-approves-telus-acquisition-of-mobilicity/

* How to save when you’re out of the country and calling back home

* How other countries have hacked their own mobile calling rates 

mobilsyrup readers respond to "One step closer: Ontario Superior Court of Justice approves TELUS’ acquisition of Mobilicity"
mobilsyrup readers respond to “One step closer: Ontario Superior Court of Justice approves TELUS’ acquisition of Mobilicity”

For the Silo, Ann Murray.

netTALK DUO Go-Anywhere telephone device now available for Canada

Tiny, powerful digital telecommunication device. NetTalk Duo WiFi.
Tiny, powerful digital telecommunication device. NetTalk Duo WiFi.





Miami, FL – – netTALK.com, Inc. (“netTALK”; OTCBB: NTLK), a telecommunications, consumer electronics and cloud technology company, announces that the  netTALK DUO WiFi, the world’s first wireless VoIP telephone device, is available at leading national Canadian retailers.

The netTALK DUO WiFi works absolutely where you can access a WiFi connection.  Unlike other voip devices, it does not rely on a computer or a router to function taking it to new heights of convenience and portability.

 “Never before have Canadians had access to a portable wireless VoIP device such as this.” commented Anastasios ‘Takis’ Kyriakides, President and CEO. Since it works anywhere there is a WiFi connection, netTALK DUO WiFi is light years ahead of the competition, which is why throwing the switch and turning off high phone bills, forever, should be an obvious choice across Canada.”

 “netTALK has demonstrated its commitment to the Canadian market over the last few years with helping Canadians save money on their phone bills with the original netTALK Duo” continued Kyriakides.  “Now with the netTALk DUO WiFi, not only can they continue to save lot’s of money without having monthly phone bills or contracts, they can truly cut their phone cord as well.”

Aside from working anywhere with a WiFi connection, the netTALK DUO WiFi includes all the features Canadian netTALK customers have come to know and love including:

    ·        Free Canadian Phone number

    ·        Fire Your Phone Company, No Contracts or Monthly Bills!

   ·         Free Call Waiting/Caller ID/ Call Forwarding

   ·         Free Voice Mail to Email    ·        

             Free True Canadian E911

The lowest cost, flat-rate international call plans in the industry. Fax-friendly service. Live customer service and technical support.

Anastasios 'Takis' Kyriakides, President and CEO of netTALK Canada. Mr. Kyriakides is no stranger to innovative technology- he is the inventor of the world's first language translator and also invented  the first hand held optical scanner and PC VGA card. #solid!
Anastasios ‘Takis’ Kyriakides, President and CEO of netTALK Canada. Mr. Kyriakides is no stranger to innovative technology- he is the inventor of the world’s first language translator and also invented the first hand held optical scanner and PC VGA card. #solid!

Mr. Kyriakides concluded, “The DUO WiFi takes ‘cord-cutting’ to new heights, eliminating even the need to tether the device to a computer. It can go anywhere, with the same phone number and the same great service. Reaching new heights in technological innovation, the netTALK DUO WiFi offers unbeatable value, call quality, features and customer service. Now that’s something to TALK about!”

 The netTALK DUO WiFi carries a suggested retail price of only CA$74.95, which includes a full year of service. Setup of the netTALK DUO WiFi takes just a few minutes and works anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

 The netTALK DUO (the original device from netTALK) and the new netTALK DUO WiFi are winners of PCMag.com and Laptop Editors’ Choice awards, and officially designated “Business-Ready” by PCWorld. The netTALK DUO is a revolutionary VoIP telephone device and digital phone service.

 Bottom Line? The tiny netTALK DUO enables free nationwide calls to any phone in Canada and the U.S. from anywhere in the world, as well as low-cost, flat-rate international calling plans and a variety of other features, detailed at www.netTALK.com. No computer is necessary to make calls using the netTALK DUO, as it simply plugs directly into a modem (or computer).  The netTALK DUO WiFi is the next step in the evolution of the netTALK DUO, by operating from any WiFi connection.

 netTALK offers the following calling plans for the netTALK DUO and netTALK DUO WiFi (prices do not include tax):

Basic Call Plan: Free calling throughout Canada and U.S.; one full year included FREE with netTALK DUO and as low as CA$39.95 plus taxes for each additional year.

 North America Add-On: Unlimited calling to the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Puerto Rico as low as CA$5.85 plus taxes per month.

International Add-On: Calling to 60+ countries, including China,India, Brazil, UK, France, and more for as low as $10 per month (plus taxes).

The netTALK DUO WiFi is now available at leading national Canadian retailers; contact marketingdirector@thesilo.ca for the location nearest to you. Visit www.netTALK.ca CP

Canada’s New ePassport Contains Biometric Chip?

Canada states that new ePassports do not contain biometric data but the ICAO (see supplemental) set standards for passports internationally and do require biometric data. “..1.3 ICAO’s adoption of a blueprint for Biometric ID in MRTDs in May 2003, after extensive
work undertaken since 1997, represents an important step forward in machine- assisted identity
confirmation. This involved the selection of facial recognition as the globally interoperable biometric
FAL/12-WP/83 – 2 –
technology, in combination with contactless IC chips for data storage in a logical data structure (LDS),
using a modified public key infrastructure (PKI) scheme to prevent unauthorized alteration…” from http://www.icao.int/Meetings/FAL12/Documents/fal12wp083_en.pdf

Gatineau, Québec, October 26, 2012 – Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird today announced that Canada’s new ePassport will be full of iconic images that will make Canadian passports more attractive and more secure.

“The new ePassport will be more reflective and representative of who we are as Canadians,” said Baird during an event at the newly renamed Canadian Museum of History. “These images showcase Canada’s history and the building of our great nation while adding essential new security features for the 21st Century.”

The new images will also serve to keep the Canadian passport one of the world’s most secure travel documents. The complexity of the images is – first and foremost – a security feature that makes the passport more difficult to counterfeit.

“Our government is tremendously proud of Canada’s rich history. We urge all Canadians to learn more about the events and people that shaped Canada and the great sacrifices made to secure our freedom,” added Baird.

A look at the inside of the new Canadian ePassports image courtesy of ppt.gc.ca

Countries around the world review their passport designs and security features periodically to stay steps ahead of counterfeiters. The new-look ePassport will help facilitate legitimate trade and safe, secure travel which, in turn, helps create jobs, growth and long-term prosperity for Canadians.

The first 5-year ePassports will be issued in select locations during the first quarter of 2013. Production will ramp up through the spring resulting in the full availability of both a 5- and 10- year ePassport in early summer.

For a look at [ more of ] the images included in the new ePassport, please visit the new section on Passport Canada’s website, which features images and descriptions of the new passport design: www.pptc.gc.ca/eppt/photos.aspx?lang=eng.

Supplemental- International Civil Aviation Organization sets standards for ePassports. Standards require biometric data

Canada follows UK 2010 lead with new ePassport http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/media-centre/press-releases/new-uk-passport-unveiled

UK ePassports do contain biometric data: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4776562.stm

Toronto Star reports that the new Canadian ePassports will no longer be made in Canada but will be subcontracted to a Netherlands firm