Tag Archives: Canada

Prime Minister Trudeau On Barcelona Terrorist Attack

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, issued the following statement on the terrorist attack in Barcelona:

“I am deeply saddened by today’s terrorist attack in Barcelona that has killed and injured so many innocent people.

“Sophie and I join all Canadians in offering our sincere condolences to the families and friends who have lost loved ones, and our best wishes for a fast and full recovery to those injured [yesterday].

“While we cannot ignore the outrage we feel, together we must renew our commitment to protect the freedom found in societies that promote unity, openness and inclusion.

“Spain, we grieve with you and denounce hate and violence in all of its forms. Canada will continue working with the international community to fight terrorism and build a world where we can all feel safe and secure.”

Canada Space Museum Partners On Search For Historic Avro Arrow Test Models

 The Canada Aviation and Space Museum is proud to support OEX Recovery Group Incorporated (“OEX”), in a project involving the search-and-recovery of nine free-flight Avro Arrow models from Lake Ontario. The project was created by OEX as a Canada 150 initiative.

As one of the three museums under the new Ingenium banner, the Canada Aviation and Space Museum – in collaboration with the Canadian Conservation Institute – will provide historical information to support the conservation, treatment, and collection of any recovered models or materials.

The Avro Arrow was the first and last supersonic interceptor designed and built in Canada. Developed between 1953 and 1959, it was produced to counter jet-powered Soviet bombers that had the potential to attack North America over the Arctic.

The nine Avro Arrow free-flight models that OEX hopes to locate and recover were test models used to evaluate aerodynamic qualities and stability of the storied aircraft’s design. They were flown over Lake Ontario between 1954 and 1957.

Through a national partnership involving the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, OEX, the Royal Canadian Air Force and the Canadian Conservation Institute, the Museum will keep the public apprised of any milestones in the search-and-recovery mission. It will also provide periodic updates on plans for conservation, preparation and public exhibition of the artifacts.

OEX holds survey and recovery permits from the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. It is financially supported by a group of Canadian mining companies and financial institutions, and is funding survey and recovery work, as well as committing to conservation work and display costs.

Follow this exciting story as it unfolds, using the hashtag #raisethearrow or via IngeniumCanada.org.


“Our museum is thrilled to be partnering on this historically significant search-and-recovery project. The Canada Aviation and Space Museum’s collection comprises the largest surviving pieces of the Avro Arrow: a nose section and two wingtips. A free-flight model would be a wonderful addition to our collection, and to the Arrow story we share with Canadians.”

– Fern Proulx, interim President and CEO of Ingenium

 “As professional explorers in the mining business, we initiated this program about a year ago with the idea of bringing back a piece of lost Canadian history to the Canadian public.  As individuals, as a company, as a group and with our partners and our project participants in this search effort, we all have the same goal in mind:  to find and return these beautiful pieces of Canadian technology to the public eye during this anniversary year of our incredible country.  Like Avro, our own corporate group was built on dreams, and this project is a proud reminder of what we as Canadians have done, what we do, and what we can do.”

– John Burzynski, President and CEO of Osisko Mining Inc. and head of OEX Recovery Group Incorporated

For the Silo, Zoë Lomer.

About the  Canada Aviation and Space Museum
Located on a former military air base just 5 kilometres from the Prime Minister’s residence at 24 Sussex Drive in Ottawa, the Museum focuses on aviation in Canada within an international context, from its beginnings in 1909 to the present day. As Canada’s contribution to aviation expanded to include aerospace technology, the Museum’s collection and mandate grew to include space flight. The Collection itself consists of more than 130 aircraft and artifacts (propellers, engines) from both civil and military service. It gives particular, but not exclusive, reference to Canadian achievements. The most extensive aviation collection in Canada, it is also considered one of the finest aviation museums in the world.

Museum Highlights: Largest surviving pieces of the famous Avro Arrow (its nose section and two wing tips); the original Canadarm used on the Endeavour space shuttle; Lancaster WWII bomber; Life in Orbit: The International Space Station exhibition.

About Ingenium – Canada’s Museums of Science and Innovation
Launched in June 2017, Ingenium is a new national brand established to preserve and share Canada’s story of scientific and technological heritage. This corporate brand, which celebrates ingenuity, encompasses three national institutions – the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum, the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, and the Canada Science and Technology Museum. Under the Ingenium brand, these three museums are places where the past meets the future, with spaces where visitors can learn and explore, play and discover. Ingenium also has an eye to the future with a state-of-the-art Collections Conservation Centre, set to open in 2018, digital and social media platforms, and travelling national and international exhibitions to educate, entertain and engage audiences across Canada and around the world. For more, visit us: IngeniumCanada.org.


Association entre le Musée de l’aviation et de l’espace du Canada et des partenaires nationaux pour la recherche et la récupération d’appareils Arrow de Avro à vol libre dans le lac Ontario

OTTAWA, le 14 juillet 2017 – Le Musée de l’aviation et de l’espace du Canada est fier de soutenir le OEX Recovery Group Incorporated (« OEX ») pour un projet de recherche et de récupération de neuf appareils Arrow de Avro à vol libre dans le lac Ontario. OEX a mis sur pied ce projet dans le cadre d’une initiative Canada 150.

Le Musée de l’aviation et de l’espace du Canada, l’un des trois musées de la bannière Ingenium, en collaboration avec l’Institut canadien de conservation, fournira des renseignements historiques pour soutenir la conservation, le traitement et la collecte de tout appareil ou matériel récupéré.

L’appareil Arrow de Avro a été le premier et le dernier intercepteur supersonique de conception et de fabrication canadienne. Créé entre 1953 et 1959, il a été produit pour résister aux bombardiers à turboréacteurs soviétiques qui avaient la capacité d’attaquer l’Amérique du Nord en passant par l’Arctique.

Les neuf appareils Arrow de Avro à vol libre que OEX espère repérer et récupérer étaient des maquettes utilisées pour évaluer les caractéristiques aérodynamiques et la stabilité de la conception légendaire de l’aéronef. Ils ont survolé le lac Ontario entre 1954 et 1957.

Dans le cadre d’un partenariat national entre le Musée de l’aviation et de l’espace du Canada, OEX, l’Aviation royale canadienne et l’Institut canadien de conservation, le Musée tiendra le public informé sur les étapes de la mission de recherche et de récupération. Il fournira également des mises à jour périodiques sur les plans de conservation, de préparation et d’expositions publiques des artefacts.

OEX détient des permis de reconnaissance et de récupération du ministère du Tourisme, de la Culture et du Sport de l’Ontario, et est soutenu financièrement par un groupe de sociétés minières et d’institutions financières. L’organisme finance le travail de reconnaissance et de récupération, et s’engage à soutenir les coûts de conservation et d’exposition.

Suivez le déroulement de cette passionnante histoire à l’aide du mot-clic #rechercherArrow ou en cliquant sur IngeniumCanada.org.

– 30 –


« Notre Musée est ravi de son partenariat pour ce projet de recherche et de récupération d’importance historique. La collection du Musée de l’aviation et de l’espace du Canada compte les plus grandes pièces restantes de l’Arrow d’Avro : une partie avant et deux extrémités d’ailes. Un appareil à vol libre serait un merveilleux ajout à notre collection ainsi qu’à l’histoire du Arrow que nous partageons avec les Canadiens. »

– Fern Proulx, président-directeur général par intérim d’Ingenium

« En tant qu’explorateurs professionnels du secteur minier, nous avons lancé ce programme il y a environ un an dans le but de présenter un morceau perdu de l’histoire canadienne aux citoyens. En tant qu’individus, qu’entreprise, que groupe et avec nos partenaires et les personnes participant à ce projet de recherche, nous avons un seul objectif : retrouver et retourner ces magnifiques pièces de technologie canadienne au public pendant l’année anniversaire de notre superbe pays. Tout comme Avro, notre propre groupe de sociétés s’est bâti sur des rêves, et ce projet rappelle fièrement ce que nous avons fait, ce que nous faisons et ce que nous pouvons faire en tant que Canadiens. »

– John Burzynski, président-directeur général de la minière Osisko et chef du OEX Recovery Group Incorporated

Le Musée de l’aviation et de l’espace du Canada
Le Musée : Situé sur une ancienne base militaire à seulement cinq kilomètres du 24, prom. Sussex à Ottawa, résidence du premier ministre, le Musée concentre ses activités sur l’aviation au Canada dans un contexte international, des débuts de l’aviation au Canada en 1909 jusqu’à nos jours. Comme la contribution à l’aviation du Canada a évolué pour inclure les technologies aérospatiales, la collection et le mandat du Musée se sont aussi élargis pour inclure les vols spatiaux. La collection comprend plus de 130 aéronefs et artéfacts (hélices, moteurs) militaires et civils. L’accent est mis, mais n’est pas exclusif, sur les réalisations canadiennes. Il s’agit de la collection d’aéronefs la plus importante au Canada, et l’un des plus beaux musées mondiaux de l’aviation.

Pièces de résistance: Le plus gros élément du fameux Avro Arrow encore disponible (le nez de l’appareil); le Canadarm d’origine de la navette spatiale Endeavour; le bombardier Lancaster WWII; l’exposition Vivre en orbite : la station spatiale internationale.

À propos d’Ingenium : Musées des sciences et de l’innovation du Canada
Dévoilée en juin 2017, Ingenium est une nouvelle identité qui a été adoptée pour préserver et raconter l’histoire du patrimoine scientifique et technologique du Canada. S’inspirant de la racine latine du mot « ingéniosité », cette identité corporative englobe trois institutions nationales, soit le Musée de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation du Canada, le Musée de l’aviation et de l’espace du Canada et le Musée des sciences et de la technologie du Canada. Sous l’identité Ingenium, ces trois musées deviennent des lieux où le passé rejoint le futur, et où les visiteurs peuvent apprendre et explorer, s’amuser et faire des découvertes. Ingenium se tourne aussi vers l’avenir grâce à son Centre de conservation des collections à la fine pointe de la technologie, dont l’ouverture est prévue en 2018, à ses plateformes numériques et sociales, ainsi qu’à ses expositions itinérantes d’envergure nationale et internationale qui sauront éduquer, divertir et captiver des publics de tous âges partout au Canada et dans le monde entier. Pour en savoir davantage, visitez-nous à IngeniumCanada.org/fr.

Reader Letter To The Silo Regarding Motion 103 And Hamilton Protest Rally

Dear Silo, there was a protest rally held at City Hall in Hamilton this past weekend. The purpose was to discuss or protest “Motion-103 “the motion put forth by one Ms. Iqra Khalid to stop as she sees it “Islamophobia.” For many the idea of “M-103” seems almost redundant as hate speech and any sort of hate crime based on religion is already under the “Criminal Code, The Charter of Human Rights & The Constitution.” Some have opined that Ms. Khalid is grandstanding & perhaps they may be correct.

The protest was as it went peaceful & low key. The police presence was minimal and well placed. Directly on site there were six uniforms, but a bit further back there were two mounted units, and further back out of sight behind city hall were three more mounted units.

The speaker at this event was a Muslim woman who was well spoken and exhorted the crowd with slogans, chants & political sayings, touting the Liberal regime and downplaying the Conservative aspect.It was my understanding that there would be both aspects of this motion represented at the protest, but for the near 3 hours I was present I only heard one side of the story [but] perhaps another side spoke later. I saw on the 6:00 pm news, things turned a bit ugly, and the police stepped in to quell any further incident, so who knows.

For many, it seemed a “ family event,” and I saw a few children there, [but] in my humble opinion [this] is no place for kids. In the “ Vietnam” years when the protest was clearly in many cases, a daily event, there never were any children present, mostly due to the fact protests can at any given time turn from something sedate to an angry, ugly mess, ergo no kids. I for one seriously have to ponder the parental abilities of such an action.

There was a few tables set up, all proffering their political views, the Communist Party, ( the mainstay at any protest), a painting table where you could add your hand to a large almost like paint-by-numbers setup where you could if so inclined could add your hand to it. There was a Muslim table set up and two young men who would engage you in conversation about their faith and handed out books & pamphlets, one of them at the time I stopped by, was engaged in a somewhat intense conversation with a Christian young man. Several people were working the crowd by handing out flyers, pamphlets and flash cards with their message on it. The “ Socialist group”, ever present at any event, was handing out small flyers promoting  worker solidarity,” the Marxist group was there too, handing out flyers to combat racism, the “ No Borders Manifesto,” an 18 point small booklet promoting a “ grassroots movement “ to promote the movement to the “ new world.” There were “ Stop the War Coalition,” the “ Know your Rights,” group & “ Hamilton Against Fascism,” and regarding [this]protest it seemed a well-rounded outpouring that way.

As I said, as protests go it was for the 3 hours I was there a peaceful, almost fun event. Later after things went south and everyone had done their barking and bitching sessions, they packed up their wares, printed material and children, and went home to read the tea leaves of the event and to generally pat themselves on the back for a job well done.

Protests are an integral part of the Canadian fabric and should be allowed at all times. The message I received from this one was that the potential for “ free speech,“ could be quashed possibly if this motion is put into a bill and becomes law. Do we have concern?? Perhaps as many feel we do, and it becomes the responsibility of all of us, to be open-minded, observant of what our government says and does. It falls to us to yes question what they tell us so that democracy as we live it will be ongoing and ever present so that we may all move forward with a proper sense of things for all who live and come to this great country we know it.


James R. Charlton

Canada’s Original Black Friday- ‘Cancelled Arrow’ Was Cutting Edge 1950s Jet Interceptor

The first Arrow RL-201
The first Arrow RL-201

I began writing this post after an annual viewing pilgrimage of sorts. Each year on the eve of shopping’s busiest day, I crack open the well worn plastic jewel case and fire up the DVD player. It’s a fictional account but based in fact and is very entertaining and I can’t help but wonder what “might have been” after watching CBC’s 1996 mini-series “the Arrow” again. [You can watch this right here at the end of this post CP]

Over the decades fact and fiction have become tangled but the basic truths remain intact. In the late 1950’s a highly advanced jet interceptor designed to seek (and if necessary destroy) Russian nuclear bombers was conceived, designed, built and flown in Canada by a predominantly Canadian team. Here’s where things get fuzzy. The Arrow was developed when the federal Liberal party were in power but was finished and flown when the Conservatives were in power. It represented not only the technological capability of Canada’s aviation industry- but also the econo-political agenda of the mid-twentieth Century. So what happened at that time to help spell the doom of the Arrow?

-The ICBM- intercontinental ballistic missile was viewed as the future of warfare not the nuclear bomber. This meant that a jet interceptor was obsolete because it would be unable to intercept approaching missiles.

-Bad timing: on the day of the rollout of the very first completed Arrow, the Russians launched Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite. In the public eye jets seemed unimportant.

-The American Bomarc missile system was designed to intercept incoming nuclear bombers and ballistic nuclear missiles. The Bomarc had a small nuclear warhead which would detonate in the pathway of approaching missiles (or bombers) and create a nuclear ‘shield’. The Bomarc was highly controversial at the time because our Prime Minister did not want nuclear missiles on Canadian territory. However, our Defence Minister did not agree and eventually resigned over the matter. This defence ‘split’ exacerbated the Arrow program and any chance for an Arrow squadron legacy.

-The Canadian designed Iroquois engines were not  readied in time and were not fitted into the Arrow. These engines were innovative and theoretically could have propelled the Arrow to speeds of Mach 2.5 or possibly Mach 3.0- far beyond every fighter of the time with the exception of secret black technology projects like the American Blackbird SR-71. Had the Canadian engines been readied and proven, there seems little doubt that international orders would have offset some of the Arrow’s mounting costs.

Black Friday…….almost 15,000 workers lose their job.

Canadas Black Friday

There is no official record of just who ordered the destruction of the remaining Arrows. Other than a few recovered test models, an incomplete cockpit and a few seconds of in flight film, nothing remains of this wonderful airplane . For the Silo, Jarrod Barker.


The completed Arrows being cut up and readied for a Hamilton,ON scrap dealer.
The completed Arrows being cut up and readied for a Hamilton,ON scrap dealer.



University of Saskatchewan The Nuclear Question in Canada http://www.usask.ca/diefenbaker/galleries/virtual_exhibit/nuclear_question_in_canada/

Post Featured Image- http://plunkettgw.deviantart.com/art/AVRO-ARROW-17-139364086

Boeing’s  Bomarc Missile http://www.boeing.com/boeing/history/boeing/bomarc.page

Finally, A Toronto Beer Festival On May Two Four Long Weekend

It’s time to plan your May Two Four Long Weekend – by staying in the city! Building on the success of its perennial sell-out summer event, Toronto’s Festival of Beer is announcing the 3rd Annual Spring Sessions of Toronto’s Festival of Beer. On May 21st and May 22nd beer fans will break out their coziest cottage gear at Sherbourne Common outdoor space, at the foot of Lower Sherbourne Street. Spring Sessions will bring together more than 20 breweries, food vendors, along with all the amenities of a cottage in the city! Plus the first 500 people who purchase tickets for each day will receive a limited edition Spring Sessions snapback hat.

“We are thrilled to bring this incredible beer experience to the people of Toronto on the May Two Four long weekend.” says Les Murray from Toronto’s Festival of Beer. “Everything you’d expect at a cottage will be here in the city, topped off with an amazing array of brews!”
Several breweries will be sampling their beer at Spring Sessions, including: All or Nothing Brewhouse, Creemore Springs Brewery, Henderson Brewing Co., Steam Whistle Brewing, Granville Island Brewing, Beau’s All Natural Brewing Company, Big Rig Brewery, Great Lakes Brewery, Brickworks Ciderhouse, Mill Street Brewery, and more.  
With some of Toronto’s hottest restaurants preparing food on site, you will be able to pair your favourite brew with offers from: Tiny Tom Donuts, Ontario Corn Roasters, Ted’s World Famous BBQ, Chimney Stax Baking Co., The Pie Commission, Smokes Poutinerie,  Oyster Boy and more.  For the Silo, John Sinden.
Tickets for Spring Sessions of Toronto’s Festival of Beer are on sale now for $30cdn, which includes five sampling tokens and a Commemorative Festival Mug and a limited edition Spring Sessions snapback hat to the first 500 people who purchase tickets for each day. This is a 19+ event. Tickets for the festival can be purchased online at www.beerfestival.ca/spring
Saturday, May 21st: 12:00PM-7:00PM
Sunday, May 22nd: 1200PM-7:00PM


Sherbourne Common. At the foot of Lower Sherbourne Street, next to Corus Quay at George Brown College. 
About Toronto’s Festival of Beer:
The TFOB Mission is all about beer; showcasing local and international beer at Spring Sessions on the May Two Four Weekend, as well as, Canada’s largest summer beer celebration, Toronto’s Festival of Beer on July 22nd – 24th at Bandshell Park inside Exhibition Place.  This summer, beer fans from across the country will come to celebrate their favourite golden beverage while enjoying culinary delights from some of Canada’s top chefs, beer education sessions, live grilling demos and so much more!  Last year, over 35,000 attendees enjoyed live music from great acts like Naughty By Nature, 54-40, and Lowest of The Low.  This year, fans will enjoy House Of Pain on Friday night and Big Sugar on Saturday afternoon.

Canada Needs To Adopt WHO Labeling Says MP Justin Trudeau

photo courtesy of the author
photo courtesy of the author

Article from March , 2013 –  In 1981, the World Health Organization introduced Code of Marketing for Breast-milk Substitutes. To date, 84 countries have enacted legislation making the labeling Code law in their countries. While Canada agreed and signed onto The Code and the amendments, to date it has not created any law, which would uphold this International document.

The WHO Code says, among many other items, that breast milk substitutes (including formula and infant foods) should not be directly advertised to consumers because they are sub-optimal foods to feed to babies and infants. Advertising includes newspapers, ads on Google or other websites, texting, and free samples through the mail.

Formula companies in Canada say they abide by the WHO Code by including a preamble in every commercial: “while breast milk is best…” Ask your average consumer today what they think about breast milk and formula and specifically if there is any difference. I have posed this question while working at numerous health fairs in the past 5 years. It is staggering the number of people who view breast milk and formula as having the same nutritional value. In case you do not know already, this has scientifically been proven false.

Over the past 5 years, I have written MPs and MPPs about why Canada does not uphold the WHO Code. What I heard from Health Canada directly is:

The Food Directorate of Health Canada is responsible for the development of policies, regulations and standards for all foods. The Food Directorate is also responsible for the premarket notification process for infant formulas…Manufacturers are responsible for the accuracy of information on the labels and advertisements for food and for compliance…”

This is akin to letting prisoners run the jail.

While writing my monthly (and at times weekly) concerns to government officials, I found an MP who said that, “If we were signatories to it, we should live up to it.” This was Justin Trudeau.

I am saying be politically involved. I have a stack of letters and many emails from all parties in their response to the WHO Code. It has been 30 years since Canada signed The Code. Why is it taking so long to actually do something to enforce it? Enforcing the Code would not result in taking formula off the market at all. The Code’s aim is to make healthier babies and our babies are entitled to the highest degree of health. For the Silo, Stephanie MacDonald. 




Canada Migrant Worker Program Not Perfect But Seen As World Model

Migrant WorkerTORONTO, CANADA – The world’s most successful program connecting seasonal workers with agricultural employers has kicked into high gear.

Administered by Foreign Agricultural Resource Management Services (F.A.R.M.S.), the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP) links approximately 14,000 requests for seasonal workers with jobs at Ontario farms this growing season.

Not only does the 52-year-old program provide a long list of benefits to the workers and the farmers, but also it creates two Canadian jobs in the agrifood industry for every worker employed through SAWP at Ontario agricultural operations, says Ken Forth, president of F.A.R.M.S.

“Governments and agricultural organizations around the world are looking at this program as a model,” Forth says.  “For decades, this program has provided Ontario farmers a steady source of reliable labour as a supplement to local labour. At the same time it gives the seasonal workers well-paying employment, benefits and educational opportunities not available at home.”

Not without critics- the Seasonal Agri-worker program has been linked to the continued decline of the "family farm" and the continued trend of "farm industrialization"- See supplemental section link below CP
Not without critics- the Seasonal Agri-worker program has been linked to the continued decline of the “family farm” and the continued trend of “farm industrialization”- See supplemental section link below CP

Seasonal workers employed at Ontario farm operations through SAWP:

  • Sign contracts that guarantee them all the protections and benefits that Canadian workers receive, including WSIB, certain EI benefits and provincial health care coverage.
  • Receive an hourly wage rate set by Human Resources & Skills Development Canada.The hourly rate is not less than the provincial minimum wage rate or the local prevailing rate paid to Canadians doing the same job, whichever is greatest.
  • Earn up to five times more than they could in their own countries, which enables them to support their families, educate their children and buy and operate businesses and farms in their own countries.

Farmers have also realized great benefits from the program for more than 40 years, enabling them to hire staff that would otherwise be extremely challenging to find because of the ongoing shortage of suitable and available local Canadian workers.

Social justice groups point to concerns over health and safety
Social justice groups point to concerns over health and safety

“Ontario farmers pay the highest farm worker wages in North America and face intense competition from low-wage competitors,” Forth says. “Without this program, many Ontario farmers simply couldn’t continue to grow fruits and vegetables. They’d stop growing altogether or move into less labour-intensive crops.

About the Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program:

More information about Canada’s Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP) can be found at www.farmsontario.ca

Supplemental- NSI study highlighting concerns related to the program’ http://www.nsi-ins.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/2006-Migrant-Workers-in-Canada-A-review-of-the-Canadian-Seasonal-Agricultural-Workers-Program.pdf

Afraid to speak out? Some workers report that they are reluctant to address concerns out of fear of job loss
Afraid to speak out? Some workers report that they are reluctant to address concerns out of fear of job loss

Canada To Allow Passenger Use Of VR Headsets During All Flight Phases

The Harper government to allow passengers to use portable electronic devices during all phases of flight. With Virtual Reality headsets poised to enter the mainstream consumer market- we wonder if Occulus Rifters will be able to 'wear' their kit. CP
The Harper government to allow passengers to use portable electronic devices during all phases of flight.

Last month, The Honorable Lisa Raitt, Minister of Transport, announced an important change that will benefit travelers flying with Canadian air operators, as well as the aviation industry. Passengers will soon be able to use portable electronic devices such as cameras, electronic games, tablets and computers during all phases of flight. This includes while an aircraft takes off, climbs, descends and lands, provided the device is in non-transmitting, or flight mode, and that their airline has met certain safety conditions outlined by Transport Canada.

Previously, passengers could not use their devices at their leisure during take off and landing. This change, which is made possible through an exemption to the Canadian Aviation Regulations, means that passengers will soon be able to work or play whenever they please on flights in Canada. It strikes the appropriate balance between safety and passenger comfort that Transport Canada and airlines always strive to achieve. The use of electronic devices on any flight will be at the discretion of the air operators, who must demonstrate that their aircraft are not affected by the use of the devices and that during critical phases of flight and during emergencies, all passengers are aware of and able to follow crew instructions.


Quick Facts

  • Canada has an aviation safety record that remains one of the best in the world.
  • Passengers will soon be in a position to use portable electronic devices such as cameras, electronic games, tablets and computers during all phases of flights, provided their airline has met certain safety conditions.
  • As always, passengers who use transmitting portable electronic devices such as tablets, smartphones or e-readers, will need to ensure they are in a non-transmitting or flight mode before using them on an aircraft.“This is great news for air passengers, and an exciting day for the Canadian aviation industry. By collaborating with our aviation partners, we are able to offer airlines the tools they need to safely enable passengers to use portable electronic devices on airplanes, while still maintaining the highest standards of aviation safety.”Associated Links
  • The Honourable Lisa Raitt, Minister of Transport
  • Quote

Government of Canada Invites Canucks to “Have our Say” On Canada’s 150th Celebrations

Its the big Kahuna- the big 1-five-oh ....Canada
Its the big Kahuna- the big 1-five-oh ….Canada






TORONTO, December  2013 – The Honourable Shelly Glover, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, recently launched pan-Canadian consultations to seek Canadians’ views on how they would like to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Confederation.

“Canada’s 150th celebrations will give us the opportunity to reflect on all the things that make Canada the united, prosperous and free country it is today,” said Minister Glover. “I invite all Canadians across our great country to tell us how they would like to celebrate in 2017.”

The Government of Canada will undertake extensive consultations, with meetings being planned throughout Canada.  The consultations kicked off today with a roundtable in Toronto, where Minister Glover met with community leaders to discuss their perspective on Canada’s approaching milestone anniversary. Additional roundtables in other communities will be announced at a later date.


At the same time, Canadians are invited to participate in the consultations through an online questionnaire at Canada.ca/150 or Canada150.gc.ca.

Over the next four years, on the Road to 2017, celebrations will mark key historic milestones that have defined our country.  In 2014, commemorations will include the centennial of the start of the First World War, the 75th anniversary of the start of the Second World War, the bicentennial of Sir George-Étienne Cartier’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the Charlottetown and Québec Conferences.  For the Silo, Eva Salter


Comic Auction Featured Jack Kirby Drawings Connected To Argo Film

Dynamic Duo: Finest Batman #1 Known, Frank Miller’s Dark Knight #2 Cover Art May Each Hit $500,000+ In Heritage Comics & Comic Art Event

Frank Miller Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #2 Iconic Cover Original Art (DC, 1986)A Dynamic Duo of Dark Knight treasures, led by the highest-graded copy of Batman #1, ever certified in 9.2 grade, and Frank Miller’s original cover art for The Dark Knight Returns #2, 1986, are expected to bring $500,000+ each in Heritage Auctions’ Comic and Comic Art Auction Aug. 1-3.

“Whenever you offer the highest-graded copy of one of the top comics in the hobby you can bank on fierce bidding,” said Barry Sandoval, Director of Comics Operations for Heritage Auctions. “This auction is an ideal hunting ground for elite collectors and the 9.2 grade example of Batman #1 represents the quality offered throughout the entire event.”

A landmark edition in the halls of American pop culture, Batman #1 features the first appearances of both the Joker and Catwoman, among the very few comic book villains to have attained true “household name” status. It is expected to reach $500,000+.

A worthy follow up to such an iconic comic book is Frank Miller’s iconic original cover art to The Dark Knight Returns #2, which also is expected to bring $500,000+. The instantly recognizable image of Batman, crippled with rage, is one of several pieces of original art from the groundbreaking Dark Knight series offered by Heritage in the last year.

Batman #1 (DC, 1940) CGC NM- 9.2 Off-white pages“For fans of Modern comics, this drawing is where everything really begins,” said Todd Hignite, Vice President at Heritage Auctions. “This moment defines Miller’s Dark Knight, and the modern day perception of Batman, like no other drawing. The only one that comes close, perhaps, is the iconic Splash page from Dark Knight #3, featuring both Batman and Carrie Kelley (Robin), which we sold two years ago for $448,125.”

Among the high-grade examples of the most coveted comic books ever produced comes a near pristine copy of an increasingly popular comic book, Avengers #1 — in stunning 9.4 grade — is expected to realize $175,000+; a 9.4 grade copy of Tales of Suspense #39, the first appearance of Iron Man, which is expected to bring $100,000+; a rare, 9.0 grade copy of Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories #1 may fetch $30,000+ as the finest copy in a remarkable run that also includes a 9.4 grade of issue #2 and a 9.2 grade of issue #3 from the series, both of which are the highest-graded copies.

A collector’s pick of high-grade examples continues as the only 9.8 grade copy of Marvel Spotlight #5, the first appearance of Ghost Rider, is expected to realize $25,000+.

Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella The Flash #117 Cover Original Art (DC, 1960)In addition to the dramatic cover from Dark Knight #2, the auction’s offering of original art includes a remarkable movie poster painted by Frank Frazetta for The Night They Raided Minsky’s. Frazetta usually worked in much smaller sizes, making this 38-inch by 28-1/2-inch poster from 1968 an extreme rarity expected to bring $150,000+.

Robert Crumb’s complete 1968 original art for a five-page story titled “City of the Future,” initially stolen from Crumb and slated for Zap Comix #1, is expected to reach $100,000+. Fresh-to-market original cover art from titans Carmine Infantino and Joe Giella from The Flash #117, from 1960, is expected to realize $50,000+ in its first appearance at auction.

Perhaps two of the most anticipated lots link to The King of Comics himself, Jack Kirby, to a covert Iranian rescue operation as depicted in the Academy Award-wining film Argo [ See a nod to Canada’s connection in Ben Affleck’s acceptance speech below CP].



The film tells the story of how the CIA used a fake movie production crew to conceal a daring rescue mission of six Americans held in Iran. The “movie within a movie” was at one time a genuine project titled “Lord of Light,” based on the novel by Roger Zelazny. Producer Barry Geller commissioned Jack Kirby to create a set of concept drawings for the film, but the project stalled and was mostly forgotten, until the CIA used it in their top-secret mission. Two of Kirby’s original oversized concept scene drawings for the project — “Pavilions of Joy” and “Planetary Control Room (Interior)” — remain testaments to his signature style and are expected to bring $10,000+ each.

Letters To Silo- Concern Over Canada-China Treaty Agreement

Hello Silo, I think this is a very, very important non-partisan political issue.
I believe it is imperative to get the word out to all Canadians.
I hope The Silo will give it some publicity.
It is about the Canada-China Treaty Agreement.
This is a letter I got from Elizabeth May after I sent an eletter to Mr Harper.

“Thank you for your interest in the Canada-China Investment Treaty. Although Stephen Harper prefers to keep Canadians in the dark about this Agreement’s grave implications for our sovereignty, security, and democracy, I am hopeful that we can force the issue into daylight. Your letter proves that you recognize the seriousness and urgency of what is about to take place behind our backs.
While the Canada-China Investment Treaty will likely be our most significant treaty since NAFTA, Stephen Harper plans to sign it into law as early as November 2nd, 2012, without any public consultation, any consultation with First Nations, any Parliamentary debate, or even a single vote in the House of Commons. I do not accept such blatant disrespect for either the will of Canadians or for our democratic institutions.
Sadly, in addition to the anti-democratic process to approve this Agreement, it is the actual content of this investment deal with which I am most concerned. For the first time in Canadian history, the Canada-China Investment Treaty will allow investors (including Chinese state-owned enterprises such as CNOOC or Sinopec), to claim damages against the Canadian government in secret, for decisions taken at the municipal, provincial, territorial or federal level that result in a reduction of their expectation of profits. Even decisions of Canadian courts can give rise to damages.

Realizing what the Conservatives were attempting to do, in secret and without debate, and realizing that we will be bound by this destructive Agreement for up to 31 years once it is ratified, on October 1st, 2012, I made a request in the House of Commons for an Emergency Debate to allow Canada’s democratically elected Members of Parliament to study the implications of the Canada-China Investment Treaty.
Although my request for an Emergency Debate was regrettably denied, we have not given up and are continuing to pursue all available options to stop the treaty’s approval. Given what is at stake, we hope that you will join us.

In addition to the tools found on our Canada-China Investment Treaty campaign site at http://www.greenparty.ca/stop-the-sellout, I urge you to push back against this sell-out of our sovereignty, security, and democracy, and help to educate Canadians by talking to your friends and neighbours, writing letters to the editor in local and national newspapers, calling in to talk radio shows, and filling up the comment boards of news website.

Crucially, this is not a partisan issue, and it is only by coming together to stand up for Canada that we will succeed in stopping this agreement.

Stand up against the sellout to China | Green Party of Canada
On September 9th, Prime Minister Stephen Harper signed an agreement with China, theCanada-ChinaInvestment Treaty. The agreement was kept from the Canadian public and Parliament until September 26th, 2012, when it was quietly made public, tabled in the House of Commons. No press release. No technical…. Jackie Davies

Follow-up Letter from Mrs. Davies

The Canada-China Investment Treaty is a threat to our national integrity, environmental values, and our autonomy.
And, it is now legal for it to happen without any debate in our nation’s Parliament.

It is the biggest trade deal since NAFTA (1994).

What it will allow is this: Chinese companies (including state-owned enterprises) will be able to sue Canada over decisions that can limit or reduce their expectation of profits. China could claim damages against Canada for decisions at the municipal, provincial, territorial or federal level. Even decisions of our courts can give rise to damages.

It contains the same damaging clauses as NAFTA which are right at this very moment eroding away our Canadian resources and autonomy.

In an email she sent out, Elizabeth May says:
“On November 15th, US-incorporated firm Lone Pine Resources announced its intentions of suing the Government of Canada under the North American Free-Trade Agreement’s infamous Chapter 11. Over what? Quebec’s decision to impose a moratorium on all oil and gas exploration activities in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence.
By announcing the moratorium, Quebec not only made the right decision (the GPC is the only federal party calling for a moratorium on any oil and gas exploration and/or development in the Gulf of St. Lawrence), but it set the standard for every other province. The decision was made by elected officials and with overwhelming support in the population. Every Quebecer still had the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion in mind. Lone Pine argues the decision was “arbitrary”. I say it was not.”

And so do I and thousands upon thousands of other Canadians.

This is not theoretical. This is happening right now with private US corporations. I shudder to think what would happen if Chinese Communist Party-controlled enterprises had this kind of power over our democratic processes.

For more information on what you can do about the Canada-China Investment Treaty
go to this link http://www.greenparty.ca/stop-the-sellout/action

By the way, Green Leader Elizabeth May won top honours at tonight’s 2012 Parliamentarian of the Year Awards, an annual event organised by Macleans’ and L’Actualité. The MPs themselves voted in eight categories to select the winners.

“I am so honoured to receive such an enormous award from my colleagues in the House.” She is the first woman and first Green Party member to win the award.

Jackie Davies


*The Silo is a non-partisan online and print publication. The opinions expressed in Letters to the Silo are not necessarily those of the Silo/Mith Media. We welcome all input and encourage informed debate

What Was Wrong With Canada Membership In Trans-Pacific Partnership?

“For the Canadian government, the TPP offers cover for major reforms to supply management, the combination of tariffs, quotas and price supports that increase costs for dairy, eggs, chicken, turkey and broiler hatching eggs. The system has been politically untouchable for decades, but using a backdoor approach of mandating change through trade agreement might provide the mechanism to garner the necessary popular support.” University of Ottawa researcher Michael Geist image:20thCenturyFox

Egg and dairy farmers take note…..If you haven’t heard about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (aka TPP) you’re not alone. This major, multinational trade agreement, conducted in private closed-door meetings had already voted on several key issues even before President Obama invited Canada to join this spring.

The TPP now includes the United States, Australia, Brunei, Chili, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore , Vietnam, Mexico and now Canada. Some economists have argued that since Canada already has free trade agreements with 4/10 of the TPP members we are not likely to see much ‘return on our buck’.

So the question then: Why has our Federal government shown so much interest? Is there a chance that by signing on to TPP, Canada could use the agreement conditions to make sweeping regulator changes in our country? And if the media reports circulating are to be believed (enter “Canada joins TPP” into your fave search engine) it seems inevitable that Stephen Harper’s government will soon announce Canada’s membership.

Law Professor Michael Geist image:cybera.ca

This from an online  feature by University of Ottawa researcher Michael Geist :
“With Canada already surrendering negotiation leverage and few important markets at stake, our participation is less about other TPP countries and much more about us. Business groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce applauded Canada’s entry into the TPP, (http://www.uschamber.com/press/releases/2012/june/us-chamber-applauds-canada%E2%80%99s-entry-trans-pacific-partnership-negotiations) expressing the hope that it would force further changes to Canadian intellectual property laws less than 24 hours after Bill C-11 passed in the House of Commons.

[From 2011, NDP MP Andrew Cash points out concerns regarding Bill C-11 CP]

For the Canadian government, the TPP offers cover for major reforms to supply management, the combination of tariffs, quotas and price supports that increase costs for dairy, eggs, chicken, turkey and broiler hatching eggs. The system has been politically untouchable for decades, but using a backdoor approach of mandating change through trade agreement might provide the mechanism to garner the necessary popular support.

While backers maintain that the TPP will open up new markets to Canadian companies, the reality is that the agreement’s biggest impact is likely to come from major domestic legislative reforms that would otherwise face considerable opposition and serious political risk.”
(http://www.thestar.com/business/article/1216011–what-s-behind-canada-s-entry-to-the-trans-pacific-partnership-talks )

So, is this a move towards governmental controls and legislative reform? Time will tell but will John and Jane Q Public even notice when it does?  CP

Supplementalhttps://www.eff.org/issues/tpp     http://www.michaelgeist.ca/

The Rocket Film Is Satisfying In Both Our Official Languages

The Rocket snows the camera

The Rocket is a story about a man, a husband, a machinist and a hockey player; a man juggling a day job, a marriage and a passion to play “the game.”

His journey is classical and it has all of the elements of a Greek comedy, with the effect, just like in the Aristotelian tradition, of purging our souls of fear and pity- it is a catharsis. The fact that this is the story of a hockey player trying to make it in the the big time is something many Canadians can relate to: the quest has become a modern day myth in itself with legions of hockey parents secretly living the dream vicariously through their children.

Imagine, then, the impact that Maurice Richard had on an entire generation of francophones. During his playing years, many French-Canadians suffered through an undisguised social prejudice; Richard perhaps more than most. But this was a man who never gave up for long. Despite the stigma of being French, and a labourer; despite being viewed as “too soft, too small for the game,” Maurice Richard rose above and became “The Rocket”.  For the Silo, Jarrod Barker.

Playing on Netflix at the time of this writing. Watch for Shawn Avery the pesky New York Ranger left-winger in a casting coup.

C’est une histoire au sujet d’un homme, d’un mari, d’un machiniste et d’un joueur d’hockey.  Un homme jonglant un travail de jour, un rapport et une passion de jouer « le jeu ». Son voyage est classique et il a tous les éléments d’une comédie grecque et a l’effet de, juste comme dans la tradition aristotélicienne, purgeant notre âme de la crainte et le plaint est une catharsis. Le fait que c’est une histoire d’un joueur d’hockey essayant de faire le de premier rang est quelque chose beaucoup de Canadiens et Norfolkers peut se rapporter à et cette recherche est devenu un mythe moderne de jour en soi avec des légions d’hockey parents secrètement la vie le rêve délégué par leurs propres enfants.

Imaginez alors l’impact que Maurice Richard a eu sur une génération entière de francophone. Pendant ses années de jeu, beaucoup de Canadiens français ont souffert par un préjudice et un Richard sociaux ouverts
peut-être davantage que les la plupart. Mais c’était un homme qui n’a jamais abandonné pour longtemps. Contre les confins d’être un canadien français, contre les confins d’être un travailleur, contre les confins de l’visionnement en tant que « trop doucement, trop petits pour le jeu.

Maurice Richard est devenu le Rocket.

Maintenez une surveillance pour un garde forestier embêtant Shawn Avery de New York de gauche dans un coup de bâti.