Tag: box office

  • Most & Least Successful Movie Remakes

    Most & Least Successful Movie Remakes

    Movie remakes have been a staple of Hollywood for decades. They can reintroduce classic stories to new generations and update them with the latest technology, much like how online casino and online slots platforms reimagine traditional casino games for the digital age. On the other hand, more cynical viewers might view movie remakes as easy “cash grab” attempts. Whatever…

  • Movies With The Most Claustrophobia

    Movies With The Most Claustrophobia

    Claustrophobia. Few feelings create anxiety more than being trapped in a small confined space.  Many films take advantage of this discomfort, often being filmed in one location or room for the entire movie. We look here at some of the best, ranked in order of their claustrophobic factor. Did we miss one? Do you disagree…

  • Your Favorite Movie Heist Is On This List

    Your Favorite Movie Heist Is On This List

    The crime genre has always been a favorite of Hollywood filmmakers and cinema-goers. The juxtaposition of a glitzy, glamorous lifestyle with the ill-gotten gains that fund it makes for compelling heist stories. Within this niche there are few things more thrilling than a well-executed heist. Regardless of whether you’re backing law enforcement or a charming…