The importance of communication cannot be overemphasized since it is the cornerstone of civilization. From the very origin of the human race, communication was the means of conveying feelings, emotions and desires. It is this necessity to communicate that led to the invention of languages that are ever evolving even to this day.
Importance of communication skills
David Hume, the 19th Century philosopher, was not wrong in stating that the art of communication is the language of leadership. This is why great orators proved effective leaders. Paul J Meyer, the founder of Success Motivation School, was also of the view that communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.
Business schools are seized of the fact that effective communication skills are a must-have for success in the business world. According to QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report of 2018, there is an increasing demand for MBAs trained in communication skills for effective interpersonal relationships and leadership.
This has prompted business schools to give priority to improving the communication skills of its students, particularly those undergoing MBA programs.

Need for teaching communication skills in B-schools
#1 In delegating
B-school grads require leadership skills in their future positions. And to be effective leaders, they need to hone their communication skills to explain what their expectations are from the team. The more clearly these responsibilities are defined, less will be the chances of miscommunication and mistakes. By effectively communicating, leaders can explain the role of each team member to get things accomplished faster.
#2 In inspiring and motivating
Good communication skills help leaders interact more personally with their team members. This personal touch acts as a morale booster and a great motivator, thereby lifting the spirits of team members. The result is increased productivity and cohesiveness as a team. This is in contrast to ordering people around, which may get the work done, but may cause resentment too and undermine the motivation of the team. Inspiring words from leaders are much more effective than words of command. The B-school students should be taught how to ask about employees’ feelings and what appropriate responses should they provide.

#3 In improving listening skills
Communication is not only conveying, but also receiving. It is a two-way process. So, leaders should learn to be good listeners too. This will not only encourage the team members to open up to their leaders, but also encourage them to convey their ideas and opinions. This two-way interaction creates a kind of bonhomie between the leader and the led.
#4 In making sales
What is commonly known as ‘shop talk’ is persuasive communication that helps the marketing personnel convince their customers into buying marketed products. Such communication skills require clarity in explaining the product or service to the customers that the marketer is selling. This is what converts it into sales, builds relationship with customers and widens the network.

#5 In handling crises
Businesses often suffer from crisis of one kind or the other. In most cases, timely action helps in overcoming such crises. However, timely action happens with good communication skills, which helps explain the crisis to all concerned in the quickest possible way. Communication skills also help in conveying the news of the crisis to the public and the media in the most favorable way, as also in steering clear of any controversies that may crop up due to such crises.
#6 In spreading charisma
Great speakers and orators are a charismatic lot and become the cynosure of the public. This is due to their art of communication that charms and motivates people to act at their behest. For business leaders, such charisma works like a charm for networking with key people and potential customers, as also to push their employees and team to do better in a constructive manner.
Effective communication is one of the most vital tools in business today. It not only enhances teamwork but also facilitates high performance and improves workplace culture. This is the reason why such skills have become indispensable for success in business and have made B-schools sit up and take notice. For the Silo, Merin Mathew.