Tag Archives: blood pressure

Have You Heard About “Shinrin Yoku” Forest Bathing?

Stress is ever present in current society, both personal stress and workplace stress contribute to the well documented link, between stress and chronic conditions.   Data available from Statistic Canada’s – National Population Health Survey, demonstrates that personal stress is predictive of the development of a chronic health condition over the next four years (Statistics Canada, 2003).  The long term impact of these chronic health conditions can result in significant activity limitation from heart attack, diabetes, migraine, or arthritis or back problems.  Even more daunting is the higher predictive value of death for individuals suffering from cancer, bronchitis/emphysema, heart disease or diabetes.

Issaquah Forest Bathing (Shinrin Yoku) – What is it? – Issaquah Adventures

The practice of forest bathing itself is not a new concept.

Prior to the industrial revolution being “in nature” was part of everyday life.   The Japanese term Shinrin-yoku  meaning “taking in the forest atmosphere or forest bathing” was officially coined by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries in 1982. (Park et al. 2010)

This novel practice of bathing in nature, demonstrates a wide variety of health benefits from which individuals in modern society can stand to gain.  With the increasing amount of individuals living in urban settings the exposure to nature is diminishing.

Field studies performed in Japan measured salivary cortisol levels (more commonly known as “stress hormone”) in university individuals.

How to Try Forest Bathing at Home: 9 Tree-Inspired Soaps, Bath Salts ...

The students were divided into two groups, one to spend a day in a forest setting, the other in a city setting.   Lower levels of stress hormone, as well as lower blood pressure and pulse rate was found in individuals in forest location. (Park et al. 2010)

Not feeling ready to take the plunge into full force bathing? Forest sitting and contemplation of bathing can calm you.

Further evidence has been documented  to the demonstrate  the reduction of stress resulting from forest bathing, through the improvement immune function with exposure to the natural environment.  Given that immune function is key in the prevention of chronic diseases this evidence is exciting.   Natural killer cells as they are ingeniously named are cells within the immune system which kill tumors or virus infected cells, through the release of enzymes which break down the cells.   In research studies natural killer cells have been found to be elevated for seven days after the forest bathing trip (Qing, 2010).  This seven day window of improved immune function is great news for the weekend warrior in all of us.

Many of us who live in North America are blessed with exposure to forest just outside our doorsteps.  This being said it doesn’t mean we always take advantage of it: between commuting to work, family and social commitments,  going from the house to the car may be the norm.  For the Silo, Ashley Beeton. 


Park, B.J., Tsunetsugu, Y., Kasetani, T., Kagawa, T., & Miyazaki, Y. (2010) The physiological effects of Shinrin-yoku (taking in the forest atmosphere or forest bathing): evidence from field experiments in 24 forests across Japan.  Environ Health Prev Med,  15,18–26.

Statistics Canada. (2003) Stress and Well-being (No 82-003). Retrieved from http://www5.statcan.gc.ca/access_acces/alternative_alternatif.action?l=eng&loc=http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/82-003-x/2000003/article/5626-eng.pdf&t=Stress%20and%20well-being

Qing, Li. (2010) Effect of forest bathing trips on human immune function.  Environ Health Prev Med, 15,9–17.

4 Aspects Of Your Life You Can Improve By Listening To Jazz

Music is known to have a strong effect on most people. It can compel its listeners to move along its rhythm and dance. It can also provide stimulation to the brain, which can improve a person’s bodily performance.

This positive impact can double for the person performing the music. Can you image the impact that the more varied and dynamic genres of music, such as jazz, can have on you? 

Jazz is not only a pleasure to listen to, but consuming it can bring about numerous improvements to your health and lifestyle. Whether you listen to this type of music in the background while working to attending dedicated worldwide jazz festivals, jazz can help improve your well being. Continue reading to learn more about how jazz can improve many aspects of your life.  

Energy and Creativity

Completing daily tasks can sometimes get difficult. It can be easy for you to become bored and lose motivation or have your energy depleted due to repetition and tedium. Jazz can help you regain that focus and energy, making activities such as daily work and exercise feel easier than they are.

The unique, diverse rhythm provided by the music causes your brain to produce and release the appropriate chemicals. This is the brain attempting to match the music’s beats, and due to jazz’s improvisational nature, it keeps the brain’s stimulation high, making it easier to keep up with rigorous activities. Additionally, active, but ambient, noise increases processing difficulty, which encourages abstract thinking and creativity. More creative thinking can help you find work solutions and keep you engaged in the task at hand. 

Blood Pressure 

Is high blood pressure a recurring problem with you? Then music rich with rhythm, especially jazz, can help you out. Music has a dynamic relationship with people’s cardiovascular system that several researchers have investigated before. Jazz can help you decrease your blood pressure by impacting your blood vessels. Rhythmic, lively music like jazz can open your blood vessels to around 30% more than normal, reducing your pressure.

Further studies conducted by the Osaka University in Japan show that people who listen to music after three months have their blood pressure reduced by 6 mmHg. You can equate this decrease to people who have taken their blood pressure medication, lost 10 pounds, or adopted a low-sodium diet. This change can ultimately improve your overall health, as it decreases your chances of suffering from heart disease or a stroke. 

Immune System

One of the most important systems in your body is the immune system. It is mainly composed of organs and white blood cells and it is your body’s ultimate line of defense against germs, infections, and diseases. While there are many healthy habits you can embrace to boost your immunity, such as regular exercise and a healthy diet, you can also add listening to jazz to the list.

Psychologist Carl Charnetski discovered in a study that people who listened to jazz for at least 30 minutes produced a higher level of immunoglobulin A (IgA) than other subjects. This chemical is one of the many antibodies created by the immune systems that manifests alongside the mucous linings of the body. Arrange for jazz listening sessions to keep a strong level of IgA going. 

Stress Management 

While it can be a cliché to say that jazz’s primary audience is “cool” people, there is some truth to that statement. According to the University of Nevada, music that goes up to 60 beats per minute can cause your brain to release alpha brainwaves. These waves are related to sleep and relaxation, calming your nerves and ironically making you more alert. Certain types of noise, such as smoother jazz, stringed instruments, and even rainfall, are more effective than others in winding you down after a busy day at work. 

Jazz is not only one of the most dynamic music genres out there, but it can also make a positive impact on your health. From improving the body through the immune and cardiovascular systems to decreasing stress and encouraging energy, focus, and creativity, listening to jazz can bring noticeable changes to your well being. Consider these benefits the next time you choose the concerts to attend or the type of background music you will play while you work. 

Simple Lifestyle Changes Trigger Improvements At Cellular Level

Dr. James L. Hardeman - known for busting health and diet myths.
Dr. James L. Hardeman – known for busting health and diet myths.

Dr. James L. Hardeman has seen firsthand the consequences of unhealthy lifestyle habits during his 30 years as a practicing physician, and he says they’re just not worth it.

“There are very clear, biological reasons why we are compelled to eat sugary, fatty foods; but if there was ever a case of ‘too much of a good thing,’ it’s a sedentary lifestyle coupled with delicious, readily available food,” says Dr. Hardeman, author of “Appears Younger than Stated Age,” (www.jameslhardeman.com ), a pragmatic guide to looking younger.

As we evolved, sugar, salt and fat were rare yet necessary commodities, and that’s why we enjoy them so much, he says. But there are devastating consequences associated with too much rest, sugar and fat – including heart disease, obesity, diabetes and sleep apnea, he says.

“The ‘easy life’ isn’t so easy in the long term,” he says.

Multiple studies indicate the multidimensional nature of healthy habits, including one recently published by the Lund University Diabetes Centre in Sweden. The study tracked significant improvements in men who changed their lifestyle from inactive to active, and the results were impressive.

Waist circumference and blood pressure drastically improved after six months. But the study also showed that health also improved at the microscopic level, such as the functioning of genes and how they express proteins. Other studies indicate that gene improvement can occur after just one workout.


“Our bodies want to be healthy, and it’s just a matter of getting and staying motivated,” says Dr. Hardeman, who offers tips:

• Don’t fall into the “I don’t have time” trap. Time is arguably the most precious commodity any individual has – and that means life span. Don’t have time to chop veggies before dinner or work out after work? Then make time! You will almost certainly live longer by following a healthier lifestyle. Need more incentive than a vague sense of health? How about avoiding the lifestyle restrictions imposed by diabetes, or the medical interventions necessitated by a heart attack?

• Keep in mind the intake/output principle. Miracle diets don’t exist. While some people can burn calories more easily than others, it ultimately comes down to what you put  into your body and what you do with that energy. If you want to lose or maintain weight, think of a 360-calorie muffin as a loan you have to pay back with 35 to 40 minutes worth of jogging, or a 55-minute walk.

• Keep doing fun things! Remember what it was like to be a little kid? Back then, simply running around during a game of tag was a blast! It’s never too late to turn exercise into play. Try snowboarding, dancing at a club, hiking a beautiful landscape or taking a bicycle ride with the family.

• Find the motivator that works for you. Many people find a partner helps them stay motivated to exercise. If you’re not inclined to walk in the morning, but you don’t want to let down your walking partner, then you’re more likely to walk anyway. Same goes for a dog that needs to be walked.

However, the most dependable person to keep you motivated is you. If your routine is getting a dull, mix it up with an mp3 player. Whether it’s Metallica, Manilow or Mozart, you can program a personal adrenalin soundtrack to keep yourself fully amped.

About Dr. James L. Hardeman

Dr. James L. Hardeman has been a physician for 30 years. Triple board certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Diseases, and Critical Care Medicine, Dr. Hardeman works both in a hospital and at his own busy office practice. After graduating Summa Cum Laude from the University of California at Irvine, he attended Baylor College of Medicine where he graduated with honors.

Postgraduate training in Internal Medicine and Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine took place at USC and UCI.

Supplemental- Dr. Hardeman’s article: Everything you think about losing weight is wrong – New York Post http://nypost.com/2013/08/04/everything-you-think-about-losing-weight-is-wrong/

Winners And Losers Around The World In School Lunches

School has ‘been in’ for awhile now. Does your child’s school lunches sound healthy to you? How do you think it compares to school dinners from around the world? And how much do school meals affect energy levels for post-lunch learning and does that have an impact on PISA test results?

Check out this infographic to discover what the school meals of other countries look like and how each nation scores on the PISA test. For the Silo, Dinah Makani.

around the world in school lunchboxes infographic
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